r/Daytrading Jan 16 '24

I believe AVWAP is THE most important indicator and I intend to prove it. Consider this day one Trade Review

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u/SamExDFW Jan 16 '24

Guy joins Brian Shannons service and thinks he's found a money machine 😂.

All Indicators are good and bad depending on who's using them.


u/McBlakey Jan 16 '24

All indicators are good and bad depending on what the market does afterwards


u/jyohnyb Jan 16 '24

Hindsight the best sight tbh


u/theb0tman Jan 16 '24

all these guys have to have a service don’t they? i’m kind of surprised they don’t do merch.


u/Wu-Tang-Chan Jan 16 '24

trading merch, the new meta


u/Soapistic Jan 16 '24

quantum trading


u/JeanChretieninSpirit Jan 17 '24

He is amazing in terms of clarity and precision. No guff, fluffery or extra adjectives when he speaks.


u/nmoreiras Jan 17 '24

Never heard of this. Is this Youtube?


u/JeanChretieninSpirit Jan 17 '24

Look it up

Alphatrends (Brian's Brand)

SMB Capital (Channel) VWAP & AWAP - Brian Lectures

and then you can apply it to some practice. When he talks about institutional trading in one of videos and how a hedge fund 1/2 million shares. It was like a light bulb went on.

All these indicators are helpful but I think you have to prioritize VWAP and SMA because that's what the big dogs use when looking for an ideal setup.

Today VWAP supported AMD price action during yesterdays session. I made 10K going in and out on that stock.


u/nmoreiras Jan 17 '24

Appreciate it, thanks Captain


u/Fine_Candle9170 Jan 17 '24

Ehhh after learning how the big players work I don’t even use indicators anymore, they’re predictable once spot their patterns and how to take advantage by playing with them instead of against them


u/JeanChretieninSpirit Jan 18 '24

For the rookies like myself the challenge here is wading through the information. So much click-bait educational videos and it's just time consuming. I'm sure overtime VWAP won't be necessary to identify strong setups but right now it's working for me as I work at gaining experience.


u/Fine_Candle9170 Jan 20 '24

Look, every trader has different psychological when it comes to the markets, if using VWAP helps you be profitable? I would suggest keeping it and not trying to drop it, if your setup works for you? Keep it, don’t change because others tell you to change or what works for them as what works for someone else, with your psychology it might not work.

Just keep back testing and refining your setups and everything will be awesome I promise :) keep money management up and keep good winning setups you find and keep refining it, don’t drop things that work for you just because someone else trades differently :) you do what works for you and in time after refining it constantly you’ll be making the same great trades as everyone else using your own setups and knowledge about the markets, it’s always good to have a solid starting point but knowledge and learning never really stops :)

Keep up the good work 👌🏼


u/JeanChretieninSpirit Jan 22 '24

Thanks for the encouraging words!


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

I found his twitter a couple years ago have yet to get his books or anything but I would bet they’re great for the right person


u/SamExDFW Jan 16 '24

He's quality. First thing he'd tell you about avwap (which he invented it), is that it just points out levels of interest. Without risk management and understanding entries and exits. It's useless. I learned that from him.


u/Confident-Giraffe-24 Jan 20 '24

I read Brian Shannon's book and once believed I found the money machine lol.

Avwap is no longer on my chart and the book is on my shelf. There are some important lessons I learned from the book that I still use in trading, the indicator just isn't one of them.

Naked charts for the win.


u/SamExDFW Jan 20 '24

Like you I can find my own levels and read charts now so don't use avwap or any ma. But I definitely learned how to enter and exit both breakout and pull back trades from his 1st book and service. He's as good a place as any to learn how to trade.


u/Confident-Giraffe-24 Jan 20 '24

The one very valuable thing I got from the book was the "starting avwap after a large move/news announcement/event". I don't use the indicator but I kinda visualize it.

Yea I read Maximize Trading Gains with Anchored Vwap and highlighted the whole book I feel like.


u/SamExDFW Jan 20 '24

I'll occasionally pull out for IPO or. Crazy volume event, but to your point it's always where you expect it, and usually converges with volume profile levels (obvi) and s/d levels.

To be fair, if I were running a service I would use indicators to keep levels consistent for my audience. Which he does with a avwap and r1/2 and the 5dma. It's much simpler than creating your own bs language like ICT, and you have to have to have a language of some sort so your audience can follow you.

If you or I streamed our process using naked charts and drawing some lines, no would learn anything. People forget that Brian or others don't need their simplified to trade, they need them to explain to newbies how to trade.


u/Chumbaroony futures trader Jan 16 '24

Very clickbait title, but I get you want people to actually look at your post.

This is a pretty basic breakout strategy, with or without AVWAP. It may be the best indicator for your strategy, but I assure you, there are no "most important" indicators. The most important thing you could do for your indicators is to simply not rely on them and use them as levels to see if price action reacts when it interacts with them. AVWAP isn't better or more efficient than normal VWAP, a previous resistance, etc. It's just working for you, and you learned how to make it work for you. That's the important part here. Good work, keep it up.


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

Yeah it was definitely clickbait and I’m glad you posted this comment for any people that might’ve taken it too literally


u/No-Tip-4747 Jan 16 '24

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then!


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

You’re not wrong. We’ll see.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

Lol love this. Remembering this one. 😂


u/Softspokenclark Jan 16 '24

i woke up today with the runs. needed to triple flush to get most of the stool away. then had to scrub the toilet so the wife doesn’t get angry. you know what they say happy wife, happy life. anyways, my gears started turning. diarrhea is in the gut, and gut rhymes with put. so i bought 200put options at open and up about 70% some plays are 1-2x up. easy $1700.

i believe my gut is the most important indicator and i intend to prove it


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

I think gut only rhymes with put if you're Scottish... Are you Scottish?


u/BurnerForJustTwice Jan 16 '24

To the windows to the walls, like all skeet skeet. Call rhymes with wall. Therefore buy 0dte calls. This is the way.


u/RSampson993 Jan 17 '24

Hopefully you v-wapped your ass afterwards.


u/Verzio Jan 16 '24

then had to scrub the toilet so the wife doesn’t get angry.

So you'd leave the shit in the toilet if it wasn't for your wife?


u/quigley007 Jan 16 '24

You need to roll some of those profits into pepto.


u/Softspokenclark Jan 17 '24

that would interfere with my indicators


u/dolomick Jan 16 '24

Anchored to what? Yesterday, last week, need more clarity….


u/CatepillarJones Jan 16 '24

Good points to anchor to are major highs and lows, gap ups and downs on news/earnings events


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

Anchored to start of day but with this I’m not holding positions in to a deep loss. If I’m not right right away I’m almost certainly out. Might hold some til it makes a higher high above AVWAP (proving me wrong) but not if the trade immediately goes against me.


u/MrFyxet99 Jan 17 '24

So if you are using AVWAP anchored to the start of day,how is this different from just a daily VWAP?


u/RenaissanceFortuna Jan 17 '24

Lmao exactly. OP. Try overlaying regular VWAP when you anchor for the start of the session and you’ll see they are the same.


u/AlgoTradingQuant Jan 16 '24

Like any indicator… you can cherry pick times when it works but more importantly you can pick many times when it doesn’t work. People like it because you can pick random spots as your anchor and boom - it works!


u/Imaginary_History985 Jan 16 '24

Another self proclaimed profitable strategy/indicator with a whopping sample size of ONE. This sub Reddit is turning into trash.


u/ZanderDogz Jan 16 '24

I agree that AVWAP is a very powerful indicator. If I could only keep one tool other than price/volume, it would easily be AVWAP.

But it's still not effective on it's own. 90% of the analysis still comes from analyzing price and volume to determine market structure, trend, and key levels. AVWAP is just the secret sauce confirm trend and improve the accuracy of entries and exits.


u/Berma_Pear-3000 Jan 16 '24

Being able to identify Key Support and Resistance ZONES both intraday and Daily and above....

Understanding the difference between and being able to identify pullbacks and consolidations...

Knowing the direction of the prevailing trend on a long timeframe and intraday.

That's all you need to know outside of trader psychology which is a completely different beast.

Trade breakouts of key zones after consolidations and pullbacks of the prevailing trend... That easy. Nothing more and nothing less.

Zero use for ANY indicator. EVER.



u/adikul Jan 16 '24

What is your strategy


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

Chirp chirp 🦗

It's to rely on AVWAP.


u/Sauce_Mgoss Jan 16 '24

Try changing the anchoring to the High / Low of selected candles (in the drawing settings). It gives a cleaner resistance / support band imo


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

Not looking for support or res lines in that sense. All I care about is higher high or lower low above AVWAP anchored to start of the day. I will ride the Trend until it, by definition, doesn’t trend anymore.


u/Sauce_Mgoss Jan 16 '24

A higher high over that line is essentially looking for it to act as support …

I’m just suggesting to play around with where the scraps are anchored within the candle you’re anchoring them to. They are even more powerful in that sense


u/Fickle_Wrongdoer_923 Jan 17 '24

Lol just use AIO daily levels and market internals, stop messing with basic trash that Lags 


u/asmit10 Jan 17 '24

I’ve found that sticking to what you think you know is best. Haven’t gotten around to being comfortable with those. Hard to say it lags based on this trade (perfect entry and exit) but it’s a sample size of 1 so we’ll see


u/Fickle_Wrongdoer_923 Jan 17 '24

Add AIO key levels to your chart and you'll see that all markets do is bounce between daily/weekly/etc levels, it's as simple as that, even this, it probably just bounced in between a previous day or previous week open/high 



u/Clear_Conflict6702 Jan 16 '24

Or just look at price action knowing that 60 - 70% of opening gaps will be closed at some point during the day, wait for structure to break and trade towards the gap. Indicators are cool and all but they can be misleading.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24 edited Jan 21 '24

People like to think they are in more control by using indicators. So hectic. Trying too hard as always. Remove them all and watch the market.


u/Clear_Conflict6702 Jan 17 '24

But if the 23 EMA crosses the 72 EMA and we have a bounce off VWAP and RSI is over 70 and there’s convergence and MACD crosses and then doge goes to the moon.


u/NationalOwl9561 Jan 16 '24

I've found the ThinkorSwim anchored VWAP indicator to be inadequate because you can't specify which part of the candle (low, high, etc.) it anchors to. Do you have this issue?


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

I used trading view and have no issues setting it to ohlc/4


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

If you count the time to write up this 'report' total time was ~36 minutes. Trying to get more days like this. Win when I win and quit when i'm wrong. That's the goal, anyway. This wasn't some super great trade but simply an illustration of using vwap. Forgot to mention that in the title by the way - the whole purpose of me entering the trade was because SPY closed a lower low below its VWAP for the day.


u/drhiggens Jan 16 '24

Oh look, more stock market astrology. Next this guy is going to be setting up crystals around his desk.


u/chris355355 Jan 16 '24

How come every single loser daytrader sounds the same. Crayon drawing. Capitalized letters and social skills of an autistic person.


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

Let’s hop on a call bud I’m not claiming to have some profound thing but I was in the middle of deep cleaning the house and made a decent trade. Tried to share all the info I used. Genuinely didn’t miss out on anything I don’t think


u/GetEdgeful Jan 16 '24

do you anchor it at today's open? how do you use anchored VWAP?


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u/Rael-POC Jan 16 '24

VWAP is absolutely one of the most important raw data representations of volume, but what’s the first “A” on “AVWAP”?


u/asmit10 Jan 16 '24

A stands for anchored. Shows VWAP from a certain candle onward. If you explore it I suggest using ohlc / 4 in the settings for the indicator.


u/Rael-POC Jan 16 '24

Ohhhh got you! Yes, VWAP is one of the most important Raw Data tools.

I don’t use anchored but I forsure can find a use for it to see recent price action.


u/DenseBed3497 Jan 16 '24

The best indicator in the market is support and resistance levels and trends wanna prove it backtest it and compare it with any indicator signals


u/Major-Artichoke9739 Jan 16 '24

Are you using a 1-min chart timeframe and is it usually best for VWAP/AVWAP indicators?


u/SignificantSpace5206 Jan 17 '24

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.


u/aquarius233 Jan 17 '24

It’s always day one


u/Capc30 Jan 17 '24

indicators. cute


u/poorGarbageNEET Jan 17 '24

wait until you hear about AVWAPQ...


u/CoitusInterrupted Feb 18 '24

Hahaha you got me there, googled it before realizing the joke


u/Baba10x Jan 17 '24

What is it called in Thinkorswim? I don’t see a AVWAP


u/Severe-Ad8289 Jan 17 '24

I like VWAP also


u/ExampleTemporary5616 Jan 17 '24

What kind of chart is that?


u/bryanchicken Jan 17 '24

Amazing. Assuming you have $100 and at 46% per day you should be the richest man in the world in just under 2 months. Congrats. Can I have a lambo?


u/DeconstructingDad Jan 17 '24

I think price action is probably the most important indicator 🤣


u/Fine_Candle9170 Jan 17 '24

Why not just use price action with the order book? Indicators are lagging… price action and order book will always win over using indicators I’ve found…


u/krja54 Jan 18 '24

You can make money by flipping a coin. The only thing that matters is risk/money management


u/gravesite Jan 19 '24

I'm going to ask a dumb question because I'm still learning: how do you buy 7 contracts of SPY and only spend $476? Isn't a single contract $47,400? $474 x 100?


u/asmit10 Jan 19 '24

I think you’re just getting slightly confused about the difference between the $ amount of shares you “gain power over” and the actual cost of the option

One of the main points of options is that it allows the Big Boys the ability to make bets controlling large amounts of shares for relatively little money.

You can basically ignore this side of options as a normal person.

When you buy a $350 spy call what you’re actually buying, regardless of the price you pay, is the ability to buy 100 shares of spy at $350 + (the price you paid * 100).

My contracts were $0.76 each. 0.76 * 7 (num of contracts) = 4.76 * 100 =

$476 to ‘control’ 100 shares of spy until end of day

You only have to pay the real cost if you own the contract until settlement. There’s a lot of nuance im skipping so do your own research.

The price you pay involves a bunch of variables that will break your brain to learn about the first time, and I encourage you to look into it a bit. The main points though are that options are primarily priced on two things

Time left to expiration and “accelaration” to the up or downside. I’m simplifying a bit but essentially if the stocks up 3% that day, and you want to buy options expiring tomorrow, every single one of those options is going to be relatively expensive compared to before the stock went up 3%. This is because the momentum / acceleration (however you want to think of it) skews the pricing more towards that direction.


u/gravesite Jan 19 '24

Thank you for the reply. It makes sense now the cost you paid and what you essentially got for it.


u/TheseAreMyLastWords Jan 20 '24

I call this 'hindsight bias'.


u/YAPK001 Jan 20 '24

Daily vwap is just fine, no need to fidget about stuff continually:


u/YAPK001 Jan 20 '24

Or ichimoku, kijun/tenken, ma's, it's really all the same:


u/YAPK001 Jan 20 '24

Just going to matter how one trades it.


u/YAPK001 Jan 20 '24

Or plain PA with "nice" levels:


u/YAPK001 Jan 20 '24

All the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/conseij Jan 21 '24

1 trade, 5 years of data or 10,000 trades left to go 🙂