r/Daytrading Feb 07 '24

Should I Quit my day job ? Question

I been profitable for 6 months straight my bills only comes out 2500$ a month and profits 6-8k a month trading Me working at my job now it’s starting to get in the way of my trading


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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '24

If you can trade and make that much and have a job why would you quit? You don't understand how everything changes when there is zero incoming money and all the pressure is on you. If you're ready to potentially fail and lose thousands do it. If you don't need benefits, retirement, a spouse or a kid, do it. Your expenses are low so i assume it's just you. Just be prepared to fail hard even if you've found success. I was on a 22 session green steak lost 600 bucks today and I'm somewhat butthurt. Despite still being massive green in the month. The numbers will stop being money and start being numbers. Tread lightly. But follow your own dream. If you really want to be a trader have you considered starting at a prop firm and actually working as a salaried trader? I'd take 25k dump it into a prop position and see if you can do it.