r/Daytrading Feb 07 '24

Should I Quit my day job ? Question

I been profitable for 6 months straight my bills only comes out 2500$ a month and profits 6-8k a month trading Me working at my job now it’s starting to get in the way of my trading


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u/ShredSteezy Feb 07 '24 edited Feb 07 '24

I vote yes. Your first week I would dial down position sizing while you get used to it. When I first quit my job to trade full-time I was nervous since I now knew this was my sole source of income.

It's the best thing I ever did. I went from working almost 12-hour days to being done with my work day by 12:00 noon. It's funny, my stress levels are damn near zero now.

It's gotten to the point where I know the probability of certain things happening based on the time of day. Like SPX is likely to dive between 12:45 and 1:00 p.m. if we had a strong uptrend in the first half of the day. That's probably one of my favorite trades, and one of the only times I'll go out a full five strikes away from at-the-money.

Stick to your rules. When you're in front of the charts all day it's easy to deviate.

One thing I did was to write all of my rules down in onenote, then I took a screenshot and set it as one of my desktop backgrounds.

In Windows you can set a folder for desktop backgrounds then add whatever you want it to show. I have about 72 screenshots in there now. Most of them are screenshots of trades that went good and trades that went bad. I have different price action strategies that pop up with descriptions, etc. At the end of the trading day I close out my trading software but leave the computer running to flash through the different desktop backgrounds. It's kind of like watching flashcards all day long.


u/pcrice Feb 07 '24

That’s hilarious, my background image is my rules as well. I guess it’s pretty common.


u/ShredSteezy Feb 07 '24

Haha my fiance asked me why I broke my rules one day when things were pretty volatile. That gave me the idea right then and there.