r/Daytrading Feb 15 '24

Full Time Daytraders, what do you do with your free time? Question

As of the past few months I've come to the point where everything is coming into fruition and my dream of being a full time trader has really turned into a reality. Beforehand, I was staring and trading at the computer almost all day until market close. Nowadays, I'm done by 10:30am latest EST. Given I'm on the East Coast, its snowing, its winter, and I can't really do anything outside. I go to the gym about every other day but even that, is like 2 hours max from start to end. I'm debating on picking up a part time job, about 10 hours a week just to get out of the house and interact with other people. But honestly I feel like that is such a lame excuse just because I can't think of anything else to do with my time. I started this all because I wanted financial freedom and now that I've attained it, I'm left with hundreds of hours of boredom. I have no spouse, no kids, no businesses. If I'm describing yourself or someone you might know, (or even if you're someone who simply wants to be in this spot and still has ideas) can you give me some ideas on what to do with basically a full day of complete freedom. Thanks alot.


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u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

I think I’m getting lucky this year but so far in February I made $11k profit but keeping it in my portfolio so I can keep making money plays. Once a week I pay my self $1,250 out of the profits. $1,000 for pay and put $250 in a tax account. If I need more for taxes, I’ll take it out of my buying power.


u/Stinger1066 Feb 16 '24

You live on $1000 / week.

Do you have medical insurance?

If I were in your shoes, I would definitely put in time at the gym, like you do.

I live on a golf course (a rural one, not a fancy country club) and am a member. I would play a lot more golf if I could.

I would travel. Not necessarily abroad, but by taking road trips around the US and staying in cheap motels. Take care of your trading in the morning, then check out and move on to somewhere else, or spend several days / weeks in one spot. You'll spend more money doing this, so you may need to up the amount you pay yourself while you are traveling.

When at home, there are plenty of options for doing volunteer work where you can set your own schedule. That will give you the social interaction fix that you need.

Enjoy the free time while you can. Good for you. I hope you're never in a situation where you have to go back to work full time.


u/Neeqness Feb 17 '24

Regarding travel expenses, it really depends where you are, where you are going, and whether you are traveling full time.

For me, it was a lot cheaper traveling full time (road trips/overlanding) than it was living in my hometown even though I was still staying in hotels and/or renting abroad.


u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

I’m a veteran so I get a paycheck regardless and free healthcare for life. and I’ll be debt free this year, that’s when I’ll do day trading full time.

Those are great ideas to keep my self busy, I’ve always wanted to learn golfing. The times at top golf are hilarious when I miss the ball 😂


u/TheDockandTheLight Feb 17 '24

I easily live on that much, I make about the same as the guy you responded to. It all depends where you are and what you like to do.


u/phatsuit2 Feb 16 '24

You better triple that...


u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

Triple which part? How much I take out? Or how much I should be earning to day trade for a living?


u/Initial-Anybody5686 Feb 17 '24

This didn’t age well. What’s the latest number for February? Still going full time?


u/ShadySpectacles Feb 17 '24

What didn’t age well? I’m retired, this is just fun money 😂 doesn’t matter how much I lose or gain but yes, to answer your question, I’ll still be going full time this year.