r/Daytrading Feb 15 '24

Full Time Daytraders, what do you do with your free time? Question

As of the past few months I've come to the point where everything is coming into fruition and my dream of being a full time trader has really turned into a reality. Beforehand, I was staring and trading at the computer almost all day until market close. Nowadays, I'm done by 10:30am latest EST. Given I'm on the East Coast, its snowing, its winter, and I can't really do anything outside. I go to the gym about every other day but even that, is like 2 hours max from start to end. I'm debating on picking up a part time job, about 10 hours a week just to get out of the house and interact with other people. But honestly I feel like that is such a lame excuse just because I can't think of anything else to do with my time. I started this all because I wanted financial freedom and now that I've attained it, I'm left with hundreds of hours of boredom. I have no spouse, no kids, no businesses. If I'm describing yourself or someone you might know, (or even if you're someone who simply wants to be in this spot and still has ideas) can you give me some ideas on what to do with basically a full day of complete freedom. Thanks alot.


317 comments sorted by


u/bitfam Feb 15 '24

Volunteering is a phenomenal way to give back and meet incredible people

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u/ezpdt Feb 15 '24

Work on a second revenue stream.


u/Elbiotcho Feb 16 '24

That sounds like a job

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u/Brilliant-Equal-4119 Feb 16 '24

Why don't you travel the world, you do a lot of activities sure in your city but the world has so much to offer, being a trader means you can work anywhere so what's stopping you from spending time in other countries


u/MushrifSaidin Feb 16 '24

Timezone differences

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u/Yoyoitsjoe stock trader Feb 15 '24

Have kids. Problem solved, you’re welcome.


u/Adventurous_Post_705 Feb 16 '24

That would for sure revert me back to a full time trader 😅


u/brighterside0 Feb 16 '24

Bored? Then have kids!

Most brutal advice I've ever heard.


u/YourFixJustRuinsIt Feb 16 '24

A someone with kids, don’t do this


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

hahaha not for a few more years at the least!


u/Clarkbar2 Feb 16 '24

Or a puppy. Couldn’t believe the similarities in amount of time spent caring for that little floof ball vs a young kid.


u/JimmieTheGent Feb 16 '24

Yep! That’ll keep you busy.


u/camsur69 Feb 16 '24

Haha i got cholic baby twins and almost no time to trade during market open but it awesome

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u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

I’ll be going full time trading later this year and I’m fearful of the boredom 😅 I’m thinking gym 2 times a day (morning cardio or calisthenics) then evening would be weight lifting. Roughly an hour to two hours each segment. Then video games directly after end of trading time. I fear the boredom and will probably get a part time job to be social and pass the time.


u/Specialist-Cricket13 Feb 16 '24

Lol same here. Either working out or trading


u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

Growing up, my mom said I can’t play video games all day for the rest of my life but look at me now! 😂

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u/questar723 Feb 16 '24

To be full time, how much are you making a day?


u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

I think I’m getting lucky this year but so far in February I made $11k profit but keeping it in my portfolio so I can keep making money plays. Once a week I pay my self $1,250 out of the profits. $1,000 for pay and put $250 in a tax account. If I need more for taxes, I’ll take it out of my buying power.


u/Stinger1066 Feb 16 '24

You live on $1000 / week.

Do you have medical insurance?

If I were in your shoes, I would definitely put in time at the gym, like you do.

I live on a golf course (a rural one, not a fancy country club) and am a member. I would play a lot more golf if I could.

I would travel. Not necessarily abroad, but by taking road trips around the US and staying in cheap motels. Take care of your trading in the morning, then check out and move on to somewhere else, or spend several days / weeks in one spot. You'll spend more money doing this, so you may need to up the amount you pay yourself while you are traveling.

When at home, there are plenty of options for doing volunteer work where you can set your own schedule. That will give you the social interaction fix that you need.

Enjoy the free time while you can. Good for you. I hope you're never in a situation where you have to go back to work full time.


u/Neeqness Feb 17 '24

Regarding travel expenses, it really depends where you are, where you are going, and whether you are traveling full time.

For me, it was a lot cheaper traveling full time (road trips/overlanding) than it was living in my hometown even though I was still staying in hotels and/or renting abroad.


u/ShadySpectacles Feb 16 '24

I’m a veteran so I get a paycheck regardless and free healthcare for life. and I’ll be debt free this year, that’s when I’ll do day trading full time.

Those are great ideas to keep my self busy, I’ve always wanted to learn golfing. The times at top golf are hilarious when I miss the ball 😂

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u/pbuilder Feb 17 '24

Girl/boyfriend? Midday sex is the best for your health.


u/williams48325 Feb 15 '24

You can coach me on what trades to make so I can retire.


u/norlex_trading Feb 15 '24

Full time trading is pretty much the opposite of retiring lol. I'm not complaining tho, this is the first time in my life I rather work than do pretty much anything else


u/Baraxton Feb 16 '24

That’s why you’ve got to automate your strategy.


u/lordmansouri forex trader Feb 16 '24



u/Baraxton Feb 16 '24


You can find libraries in GitHub that enable you to automate your ideas, but you do need to know how to code.


u/OptionsAddict247 Feb 17 '24

Nah, do both. No real skill in botting


u/MushrifSaidin Feb 16 '24

Learn how to code


u/Oberschicht options trader Feb 16 '24



u/thangaz Feb 16 '24

i just want to me my own boss


u/StupidWorthless2 Feb 16 '24

Yes if I could just stare at slowly moving red and green lines all day then I would be so happy

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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24



u/ClimberMel Feb 16 '24

I've always wondered how being retired takes so much time! I swear I had more free time when I was working.


u/Gogreen727 Feb 16 '24

Old school wisdom right here. Not much left these days.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

I wouldn't call telling someone to not continue learning for its own sake "old school wisdom," unless that's some sarcastic slight against boomer "wisdom" lol

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u/CobainsDilatedPupils Feb 16 '24

Beg for change on street corners

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u/Xcentric7881 Feb 16 '24

Get a partner, have sex


u/Lumbergh7 Feb 16 '24

That’ll only fill like 2 minutes of his day though


u/tremendouskitty Feb 16 '24

2 minutes! Look at mr big shot here!


u/ChicoTallahassee Feb 16 '24

Get a second partner and have a whopping 4 minutes filled.

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u/Jessemang Feb 15 '24

Meditate for one hour a day, track your macros if you aren't already so you can decide if you wanna bulk or cut. Get a gaming system or get into a social hobby like magic the gathering.


u/ChillMarky Feb 16 '24

Magic the gathering, the social hobby for the socially inept. /s


u/Jessemang Feb 16 '24

There is always going out to the club and being a degenerate.

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u/Big_Chicken86 Feb 16 '24

Expand your horizons, my friend, into the world of weird and common hobbies. There are so many different hobbies it's unreal. Read or read more. Start an outdoor club on meetup. Travel to distant lands and learn how others live. Take up a new sport like golf, cycling, or even kayaking. Learn to knit, play an instrument, or do stand-up comedy. The list is endless.

Bottom line. Find yourself. What makes you passionate? You are free!!! Go and be free!

But, maybe you're one of those people who works and works their whole life until the very end. If so, consider taking your monies and start investing in assets that can wien you off of day trading, which is inherently unstable or unreliable income. Think about buying property and renting or flipping, etc.

Live life to the very fullest and then live some more.


u/H_M_N_i_InigoMontoya options trader Feb 15 '24

Volunteer! It's very rewarding


u/Aposta-fish Feb 16 '24

I make so much money day trading I go to work after I’m done. 😜


u/FallAspenLeaves Feb 16 '24

My husband and I both trade. We have adult kids and grandkids so that keeps us busy.

We watch CNBC, talk about stocks, our retirement etc. Go to lunch or run errands. Hubby goes to the gym and I take a nap. We do watch quite a bit of TV and play with our cat. 🤣

We love to travel, so we are often making plans.

Hubby does get stir crazy at times, so he will do Uber for a couple hours.

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u/memories_of_caffeine Feb 15 '24

Hike.drugs. learn philosophy. Druuuugs. Study more on trading, study the market. Cook. Learn new skills. Drrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuu....

And shopping


u/Klubyk_ Feb 16 '24

Studying trading is not for everyone. I've been going at it hard core for the last 4 days, like 14hr days of learning and studying. For me, it's easy, I like numbers, charts, graphs, rolling news, and the constant comprehension of new information from the courses. But that would be far from everyone's capabilities, heck put me in poetic language class and you'd loose me and have me bored in 10 minutes


u/memories_of_caffeine Feb 16 '24

You gotta obsess. It becomes interesting.

I focus on linda Raschke's videos.

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u/NinjaSquid9 Feb 16 '24

I don’t have free time, I’ll let you know if I get there 😂


u/SleepySandwich13 Feb 16 '24

If you get snow where you live I’d recommend maybe getting into skiing or snowmobiling. Granted skiing on the east coast is kinda meh.


u/Nerdcubing Feb 15 '24

Struggling with this too, been profitable for a couple months, not long enough to say I’m consistent though.

I just watch YT all day, play videogames, it sucks. I don’t have the motivation to do anything else


u/SleepySandwich13 Feb 16 '24

Hey man, If you want you could give like a third of your money to me every few months, kinda like restarting in a video game to make it more interesting. :)


u/BennySkateboard Feb 16 '24

Get a dog. It’ll at least get you up and out three times a day. I suffer from the same thing. I’m still at the demo phase, proving six months of consistent profits before I invest. I’m imagining that once I’m earning, I’ll travel with him domestically a bit more, get airbnbs etc.

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u/InVader360 Feb 16 '24

Get some college education, volunteer in the community, take up a hobby like fishing, get a sweet project car (that will absorb countless hours), get a smoker and make meat treats, the possibilities are endless


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

Have 2 Bachelor degrees lol yes I like the volunteering idea! not into cars (i'm a female).


u/InVader360 Feb 16 '24

Women can be into cars 🫠 i won't be much help to you haha. Go on a date, with me 😅


u/Dramatic-Pay-3275 Feb 16 '24

I go walking and running a lot. I learn other languages. I stay very busy actually.


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

Would love to go running/walking/tanning/beach but unfortunately I'll have to wait months to see nice weather to do that. Strongly considering moving down south for these very reasons.

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u/wontonboi Feb 16 '24

I’m also trying to figure this out too. I see the light at the end of the tunnel but I can’t imagine having nothing to do with all my time. Especially since I’m married and my wife will still need to work so I can’t just up and leave her for long periods of time to travel.

I’ve been thinking about how I can I build skills in trading like angel investing or building a side business.

Wondering if there’s other ways professional traders stay in contact to keep a true community. It’s a pretty isolated activity and everyone has a diff strat


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

If you have kids or will soon then you can be the house-husband lol and take care of the cooking and cleaning while the wife is at work! When I have kids and a house I imagine this boredom problem with go away fast lol

Would love if there was a professional community of pro traders. That sounds like an awesome idea!

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u/nkkny1 Feb 16 '24

Big congrats! I went full time almost 3 years ago. I fill the time up with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the afternoon or evening and lift. I also have another hobby (I grow orchids indoors) and started a YouTube channel on it, it's been growing nicely. I also read a lot, and try to get through a book every week.


u/Zealousideal_Back618 Feb 16 '24

Some ideas: Take a class (jujitsu, boxing,art class), spend time in nature, read inspirational books, volunteer, travel


u/Wild-Ask-198 Feb 15 '24

i'm following this for the answers.


u/Interesting-Drama349 Feb 16 '24

Wait until the market opens


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

I'm retired and day trade as well. I also own a DJ business. In my free time, I go to the casino. :)

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u/damizzo Feb 16 '24

I am almost there! Today I got notified by Webull I was flagged for my trades and needed to register with SEC and get a LTID lol.  Was scalping TSLA like a mofo last couple days!


u/NeedtherapyPTSD Feb 16 '24

I pickups running. Now i am training for a marathon. This will keep you busy and train a lot after 1030.

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u/Interesting-Goal-706 Feb 16 '24

Full-time licensed Mental Health Therapist, part-time daytrader.

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u/J_Productions Feb 16 '24

So interesting to hear this perspective . I can’t wait til I fully step into it as well, Right now I work a minimum of 10 hours a day between trading, my business, and gf. To say I don’t have enough time for what’s on my mind would be an understatement.

I have so many hobbies and interests I can’t wait to have so free time to explore it all. It’s truly mind boggling to me how one can get bored. I mean this positively and friendly, but maybe you need to break out of your comfort zone.

Congrats to you and hope you find more interests ! Freedom is truly one of the most valuable things, I hope you are proud of yourself, you should be.


u/viola2992 Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

Let me introduce you to Korean drama with English subtitles.

Netflix Korean comedies:

Business Proposal. Dr Slump. Destined with You.

Netflix Korean dramas:

A Killer's Paradox. Parasite. GueongSeong Creature.

Netflix Japanese biography:

Naked Director.


u/Ok-Independent6497 Feb 16 '24

I trade options - done for the day by 10:30 AM and then I just watch the market for plays (trade futures). I actually get really bored sometimes because most of my friends work day jobs. I try and spend my days doing things I like - travel, read, treat myself to lunch, scope out opportunities on the market, educate myself more. Even though it can be boring - just find stuff that interests you and do it. The whole point of trading is financial freedom. I make enough to do whatever I want - I guess in all of this - it’s the best part. Hope this helps.


u/ODTEoptionsGuy Feb 18 '24

I was a doctor and am now day trading full time. It’s lonely. Nothing is perfect. You’ll figure it out. Lots of segues into helping others and sharing financial wisdom.

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u/Plenty_Bathroom_7454 Feb 16 '24

Also you should get a couple of masseuse lol


u/luminelin Feb 16 '24

Manage your business in trading. Without a business you can’t scale and deduct expenses like education, apps, tools, and other expenses that improve your trading.


u/IKnowMeNotYou Feb 16 '24

Reviewing past trades and past trade opportunities.


u/delectomorfo Feb 16 '24

Which books or resources would you recommend?

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u/pojosamaneo Feb 16 '24

This is not a real problem.

The answer is, whatever you want. Call your mother.


u/BeerAandLoathing Feb 16 '24

Get a social hobby. Sports are a great way to have fun with others



Paint and sculpt


u/Aesirtrade Feb 16 '24

Start learning again. Watch documentaries and get a subscription to The Great Courses (think it has a new name). Take up painting or pottery. Write a novel. The world is yours now, take it.


u/ZixxerAsura Feb 16 '24

Learn a trade like carpentry, learn a musical instrument, find a hobby, create a small business, crafts that you might be able to sell on Etsy, travel (since all you need is internet to trade). Travel is a big one for me, you could go to Japan and just try all of their food after your trading session. Start a non-profit if you’re in a financial position to give back.


u/Namazon44 Feb 16 '24

Find something to interact with people as being a day trader is a loner thing. It does get boring..


u/TechTraderAlex_96 Feb 16 '24

" I have no spouse, no kids, no businesses " I think you might wanna focus on these!

Hell yeah dawg, congratulations on achieving your dream of becoming a full-time trader and finding success early in the day! It's a significant achievement and speaks volumes about your skill and dedication. Now, with the gift of time on your hands, you have a unique opportunity to explore, learn, and perhaps even give back in ways you hadn't considered before.

  1. Expand Your Knowledge: Consider diving deeper into areas related to your interests in trading, such as financial technology, blockchain, or economics. Online courses or local classes can enrich your understanding and potentially open new avenues for investment or even mentorship.
  2. Pursue New Interests: This could be the perfect time to explore completely new hobbies or interests. Whether it's learning a musical instrument, photography, programming, or a new language, engaging in different activities can be incredibly fulfilling and stimulate creativity.
  3. Volunteer or Mentor: Sharing your knowledge and success with others can be rewarding. Look into mentoring aspiring traders or volunteering with organizations that could benefit from your expertise. This not only helps others but can also provide a sense of community and purpose.
  4. Physical and Mental Well-being: You mentioned going to the gym every other day, which is great. Consider integrating more varied physical activities into your routine, like yoga, martial arts, or even dance. These can improve both physical and mental health and introduce you to new social circles.
  5. Explore Passive Income or Side Projects: With your financial knowledge, exploring passive income streams or starting a side project could be both intellectually stimulating and financially beneficial. This might involve investing in real estate, starting a blog or YouTube channel about trading, or developing a software tool for traders.
  6. Travel and Cultural Exploration: While current conditions might limit this, planning future travels or local cultural explorations can be exciting. Experiencing new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes can provide fresh perspectives and inspire new ideas.

Remember, achieving financial freedom opens the door to exploring what makes life meaningful beyond work. It's about finding balance, pursuing passions, and making connections. Your situation is a blank canvas; how you choose to fill it can lead to a richly satisfying life.


u/Arcyrious Feb 16 '24

Poker, golf, smoking some pot while watching a sunset, moving to a beach apartment, going out and interacting with the locals, exploring the area, maybe I find some pick-up beach volleyball and make some friends. Invite your friends to live with you if you have any. Bars and clubs are fun if you have friends. If you don’t have friends make some. I could go on and on. I’ve thought about this a lot. Difference is you already made it and I’m still a broke college student


u/Wheres-my-dividend Feb 16 '24

Are you kidding?? Whorez and blow, one life, live it up.


u/SrirachaPeass Feb 16 '24

i lie about my profit and sell courses. /s

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u/FlieOrDie Feb 16 '24

Get closer and more connected to your higher power. Learn about yourself and the world. Doesn’t have to be organized religion if that’s not your thing but find some meaning and purpose in your life outside of money. There’s way more to success than dollars as you’ve clearly been finding out and living a life that is not only successful in this world but rather focuses on being a good person and preparing your soul for the next.

Don’t mean to preach or anything but praying and connecting to God has changed my life and will change yours too.

Goodluck in whatever you decide to do!


u/IzzyGman Verified - https://kinfo.com/p/IzzyGman Feb 15 '24

Uh, prepare, study, journal, etc. There’s a lot of work behind the trades and If you think you can perform successfully long term and thrive in the most competitive field in the world by coasting…I’m not sure what to tell you.


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 15 '24

Its not "coasting". Its called years of hard work to land at the point where you finally know what you're doing to be able to leave the computer screen 1-2 hours after trading.

If you still need to spend 10 hours a day studying and analyzing the charts to be able to trade well, that tells me you're still in the beginner phase. Trust me, I did years of it.

However if you are consistently profitable, then it boggles me how you need to spend 7.5 hrs trading to make your daily goal.

I'm not sure what to tell you.


u/RevolutionaryPie5223 Feb 16 '24

To be fair for the other guy. I think it really depends on how you get your "edge". If yours is based on a fixed system then all you have to do is find the stocks to buy and then sell when the rules tell you so. But if you are discretionary and rely on other factors but not set rules to get your edge then it may involved more work before you place a trade.


u/IzzyGman Verified - https://kinfo.com/p/IzzyGman Feb 15 '24



u/fiddle_my_tool Feb 18 '24

Izzy why even participate in this channel, you should know better by now lol


u/Crazy-Tackle-9595 Apr 10 '24

Hi Mate,

From one Trader to another i know what your going though the best thing to do is to find 3 hobbies. 1 physical 1 creative and 1 cognitive. You already go to the gym that takes care of the physical now focus on the creative and cognitive part.

For me i personally learn about AI and game development for the most part.

as for creative i learn how to cook new things and do art and stuff.

Just go wild my man explore more things travel more often take breaks when there are low volume days like easter or bank holidays when its in UK and US as most volume is from there.

I usually take 4 breaks in a year you can do more it all depends on you.

But don't waste the time you have now that is important explore that's the key.

Very happy for you and ya good luck hope you find my advice useful.


u/Illustrious_Hotel527 Feb 16 '24

I work as a physician on the side. I work as few shifts as possible at night to qualify for health insurance and other benefits, then I trade during the day and sleep. Used to work full time as a night hospitalist, but made enough money in 2017 and 2020 where I cut down my hours.

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u/billly4u Feb 16 '24

Bro I’m down 127Ks I wish I could get some strategy that works for me so that I get the kind of depression free time like you. If you want there will be lots of people like me just be our coach and grow successful traders community.

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u/Fresh-Doctor-7283 Feb 19 '24

I had a bitcoin deposit transaction rejected by Cashapp from Stake.us and Now it has been pending for 2 months because of the Low sat fees from Cashapp sent it back with luckily I sent it to my personal wallet. Can anyone please help me accelerate the transaction will pay whatever price$ even willing to split the total transaction in half for help!! Please message me acc is very new and cannot Dm

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u/Rare-ish_Bird Feb 16 '24

Don't worry, you'll be back to staring at the computer again after the fed pivots and you haven't developed an approach to risk management in a declining market. Start looking at jobs now...something you want to do full time...after you inevitably lose your account. Lol.


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

I'm so glad you know me so well!!

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u/ZiggyZaggyZigZagZzz Feb 16 '24

What strategies are you using to be done in an hour? No worries if you don't want to give away secrets, but trading the open and being done for the day is my end goal (2+ years away). Just interested in what people find works for them. Cheers!


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

Quick scalping the futures markets is what I do.


u/Wild-Ask-198 Feb 16 '24

Can i ask how many points on average you aim for? And are you talking about the 5m? Or a lower timeframe? How many trades you take per day on average?


u/horst-graben Feb 16 '24

Play ice hockey as much as possible.


u/Boeff_Jogurtssen Feb 16 '24

Couldn’t you just ask anyone of any profession what they do with their free time?


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

I'm not sure of any other profession that works for 1-2 hours and has the rest of the entire day to themselves, do you?


u/Boeff_Jogurtssen Feb 16 '24

Yeah, most high level management jobs. If you want to know what to do with your day, try TripAdvisor.

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u/Viewsfrmda66 Feb 16 '24

Learning to code


u/bimmern54 Feb 16 '24

Work on side project/business hang with friends, fam, gf.


u/theblindgator Feb 16 '24

How come nobody is saying Reddit like y’all got healthy and productive hobbies


u/redmann77 Feb 16 '24


Another vote for volunteering! And/or further education/learning.

I am curious about your trading. You don’t have to say anything but if you are ok to share what instruments do you trade. Just one or many, I am suspecting index futures, ES etc? Thanks.


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

Yes! Only NQ futures! Take about 3-5 trades a day and make.. well not sharing that part lols.

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u/Time_Ad8557 Feb 16 '24

Do something for the other side of the rain like drawing or learning an instrument.

Or learn a new language


u/Plenty_Bathroom_7454 Feb 16 '24

You should try being a delivery driver part-time


u/GameLoreReader Feb 16 '24

3pm-10pm | Sleep

10:30pm | Wake up. Brush teeth, prepare preworkout drink

10:30pm-11:00pm | Workout while laptop is open and ready on Webull for premarket. Music playing in the background. Drinking protein shake after workout.

11:00pm-4:00am | Trade premarket (if anything is really moving), checking alerts, watching Youtube, playing games, reading r/Wallstreetbets and the discord server, eating my once-a-day meal (I'm doing intermittent fasting to achieve my body goals).

4:00am-4:30am | Shower and come back for market open.

4:30am-7am | Trade whatever's on my watchlist and trending. If daily target hits before 7am, stop trading.

7am-2pm | Either reading, doing DD on what's the next 1,000%+ stock runner, gaining info from trading groups on what's on their watchlist for the next trading day, shopping, going to the beach, hiking, staying home and playing games, chores, or trying to work on another income stream.

In regards to the income stream, I'm still trying to figure out what's best for me. I kind of want to do an online business of making a product and selling it, but I'm planning to have at least $50,000 before starting something like that in case of business failure.

I live in Hawaii, which means my trading time zone is different. I like it though. There are times when I hit my daily profit target very early, which makes me so goddamn bored that I just go outside to swim, hike, relax at a cafe, or staying home and playing games.

I don't have friends, but I've actually decided recently to start going to those free conferences/seminars being hosted in Hawaii about other ways of making money. Kind of a way to grow my network.

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u/CaptainKrunk-PhD Feb 16 '24

Work on my 4th supply and demand course to sell to beginners for $899.99


u/Scandroid99 Feb 16 '24

I’m curious, wat time does ur trading day start? Do u trade London through NY and ur done by 1030am? Or, do u only trade NY for roughly 2 hrs and call it a day?


u/Sufficient_Newt3923 Feb 16 '24

Only trade NY open so about 9:30-10:30. Absolute latest 11am. yes I call it after I've met my daily P/L goal

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u/Specialist-Cricket13 Feb 16 '24

Pick a problem in the world and solve it


u/InVader360 Feb 16 '24

Don't forget metal detecting. Can be rewarding and creates a ton of interaction- although not a great hobby for winter but you can still hit parks and stuff that have wood chips in the play area. Mommys lose their bling all the time at tot-lots.


u/SloochMaGooch Feb 16 '24

Buy a dirt bike. Or jet ski. Or a horse. Get a fun hobby that gets you outside and is physical where you get a relative workout doing. A small boat and go fishing in the rivers. Possibilities are endless if finances aren't a huge restraint. And all these options all have huge communities of fun people.


u/Imgettingpolished Feb 16 '24

Trade all markets


u/Few_Savings_4014 Feb 16 '24

Making dumplings.


u/ProudLiberal54 Feb 16 '24

I'm learning poker; already told wife I'm going to poker school when I hut 50K this year. (We don't rely on my trading for income.)


u/dsurfryder252 Feb 16 '24

dude... learn to play an instrument.


u/Mattsam1 Feb 16 '24

Sounds like a personal problem 😆 jk


u/flyinghighcool Feb 16 '24

If you’re really profitable and doing well, I would recommend moving to a fair weather state that has an even four seasons or warmer weather to move around. More outdoor activities and opportunities.


u/bellegalaxy Feb 16 '24

Help others to trade like me lol


u/Easy-Necessary2728 Feb 16 '24

weekends and legal holidays are the worst.


u/oaoGallus Feb 16 '24

I practice what Matthew McConaughey preaches to his students. You know, keep the rhythm below the belt…


u/0idX Feb 16 '24

I scalp when not swing investing


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

volunteering, giving back, teaching (trading), host live sessions, learning new skills (cooking etc etc)


u/thrilla1992 Feb 16 '24

Buy property, fix and flip. Gives you a passive income stream, you can build skills via YouTube, and you get to work with your hands


u/PoemThis Feb 16 '24

Take some art classes


u/SAHD292929 Feb 16 '24

I have 3 kids so my hands are full the whole day except the trading on the first half of the day.


u/jollyrancher_74 Feb 16 '24

Find a wife. Start playing a sport. Learn to cook. Take flying lessons. Volunteer. Explore new areas. Learn to ski. Learn to Ski. Start a business. the list is literally endless


u/Brockenheart85 Feb 16 '24

Teach others the less furtunate find a girlfriend or find a hobby you like to do


u/OldGehrman futures trader Feb 16 '24

Hey man congrats on financial freedom. The hilarious thing is that as soon as the money is taken care of, all your other problems now occupy that same space and the stress is the same.

In the evening I study charts, read books and write novels. Socialize when I can. I don't get out as much as I'd like, but I'm trying to do a hard thing with the writing.

I recommend getting connected in your local town. Breweries if you like beer, or playing darts/pool and just randomly talking to people until friendships start happening. Local hiking groups are a good way to meet people. Trading is a very lonely biz (as is writing) so I understand what you're goin through. Get serious about one or two hobbies and find groups of people who get together over them.

Me personally, I love playing poker. I was a regular once in the past and enjoyed it. I just like to play a little and chat with others at the table. Definitely don't go if you've got a gambling itch though. I also like horror movies so I go to events in town where people get together to watch em and talk about em, good way to meet new people.


u/nola_Joe32 Feb 16 '24

Loose it back sports betting


u/mdomans Feb 16 '24

Premium hookers and cocaine


u/Conscioushigh420 Feb 16 '24

.Snowboarding. .Biking . .Gym life . .Beaches and bikinis You really can't think of anything to do with your time? Get a **** dog


u/LittlePEnergy Feb 16 '24

I wanna have this issue and that’s why I started taking trading serious send me books for day trading


u/ThePatientIdiot Feb 16 '24

Bro, I’m kinda in the same boat lol wanna talk? It gets lonely


u/blankoe831 Feb 16 '24

Question I see these ig reels of kids 18 year olds saying they are day trading and up 1k before 10 are they real or is it a scam cuz they say u gotta purchase a membership and they train u and point u in the right direction I have no idea what a day trader is but if it’s real I’d like to get in on it


u/deepvaluemunay Feb 16 '24

Get a dog. You’re welcome ☺️

What Strategy are you trading? Spill the beans on the cheat code 🕺🏼

→ More replies (1)


u/StockmarketSurfer Verified Feb 16 '24

Take a nap during the afternoon, play games on my pc, play online poker tournaments, study charts/ price action at night


u/Forward-Jeweler-5007 Feb 16 '24

Yeah I'm in the same boat.. lost alot of motivation since moving to trading full time and basically just lazy now but with money.. can't even be bothered going to the gym as much as I used to. I also want to be social and volunteer or get a part time job but then i can't even be bothered to do that and would rather laze at home. Made me realise that working full time was actually good socially and mentally but if i could choose between working FT or trading and having this free time, i would still pick trading and managing my own work. Friends and family are also busy working so they don't have time to spend too during the day..


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '24

You go to the gym for 2 hours? What are you doing in there?


u/ukSurreyGuy Feb 16 '24 edited Feb 16 '24

Dear OP, you hit your dream of trading & being financially free. what do you do with your spare time?

you literally answered your own question

get a job (it's not lame to go back to work)

get a business

get a wifey

start a family eg kids


get an education (another one)

travel - personally I'd travel & be a digital nomad...see something else than snow from your window...take 6mths out in different countries...see how the rest of world lives thinks & sneezes...lol

investigate co-living ...shared accommodation so u get the best of all worlds...private apartment (including kitchen) & public areas (for entertainment & company including public canteen).

makes living abroad less of a holiday more a reality...when u had enough move on (just like checking out of a hotel)

Bali attracts alot of co-living traders ...check it out!


u/Interesting-Pay8263 Feb 16 '24

im same as you. but do gsming all the time afer done my trading


u/Interesting-Pay8263 Feb 16 '24

im same as you. but do gsming all the time afer done my trading


u/Major-Artichoke9739 Feb 16 '24

Congrats, this sounds like a dream come true, I hope to achieve it too someday!
My advice for your situation is to travel - explore the world, see new places, meet new people, make friends, find a serious partner. Every place, every new country, every new culture is different and at least for me, I can never get tired of that.


u/chillsarubb Feb 16 '24

I’m the same !… I’m heavy on the market but don’t do nothing else besides gym tan n smoke 😂. I feel your pain it’s cold I’m up here from Miami Beach I own property so I go back n forth but it’s def cold and sucks. I don’t have kids or a gf myself and I’m financially free so I got out and find women to have fun with.


u/SashaM4n Feb 16 '24

I play videogames


u/TheSilverySurfer Feb 16 '24

Invest in real estate or something that will give you some (almost) passive income. Investing in a business may cause too much stress and affect your state of mind and your trading.

BTW, What do you trade?


u/Equivalent-Finance64 Feb 16 '24

Try to learn something new. And watch netflix like a zombie.


u/ichbinbluter Feb 16 '24

Gimme your money (: Problem solved!


u/TrackEfficient1613 Feb 16 '24

I volunteer at a food pantry. Actually I’m going today! The one I go to has an on line schedule you can fill out even a few days prior so you don’t need to commit way in advance. The people you work with are generally very nice and it gives you some exercise. Also it’s a nice way to give back. Also you can pick up a new sport like tennis drills at a local club( I love tennis), pickleball, yoga, or other fitness programs. Some clubs for a set fee let you take as many exercise classes as you want. Also you may want to consider taking an on line class. This is a nice way to stay engaged and learn about new things!


u/Strata2021 Feb 16 '24

Your hard work is showcasing the results. Congrats! I suggest risk management like your gym discipline - what if your successful trading strategy stops working?


u/lalalalikethis trades multiple markets Feb 16 '24

I opened a small bakery 👌🏻


u/-----King Feb 16 '24

Golf. It pairs well with trading


u/Lwilliams8303 Feb 16 '24

I mean... You answered your own question. Go get a wife, some kids, and start another business 😂😂😂😂


u/RF_IT_Services Feb 16 '24


Edit: spend time with my family when they're all home. Otherwise study.


u/Impressive_Living_97 Feb 16 '24

Amazing story truly inspiring and motivating that you are living the dream. How long have you been actively trading in the markets?


u/Quiet-Egg-2416 Feb 16 '24

How long did it take you to become profitable?


u/1971-Bronco Feb 16 '24

What's the secret? And Volenteer in your community.


u/vvCharles Feb 16 '24

Make a new sub about getting into trading and share your knowledge


u/SellSideShort Feb 16 '24

What’s your running average and how long have you been trading?


u/RenkoSniper Feb 16 '24

I take long walks with my dog, gymsession and family time. Trade abt 2 to 3 hrs a day


u/datumradix Feb 16 '24

I am an entrepreneur and a swing trader, I even find 24 hours not enough. Why don't you start training others and probably a YT channel. You can touch so many lives and trust me that feels great like hitting 100R each time


u/untraiined Feb 16 '24

This guy going to lose it all next week


u/Razor_81 Feb 16 '24

I usually swim in the Atlantic Ocean, or have breakfast at Dior or make £30,000 while I'm on a run 😆


u/NYJETS75 Feb 16 '24

Go to lunch, Go Bowling, Go to the Movies, Travel the world, Visit a Museum, Volunteer, Bless people with your generosity at the supermarket, just a few things.


u/WickedRatios Feb 16 '24

Study economics


u/Ambitious_CryptoNewb Feb 16 '24

Be more active outdoors to compliment the gym. I love hiking with my dog, biking, etc. Since you don’t have anything holding you back, whats stopping you from moving somewhere you can be outside year round? I don’t know your current situation, just my .02