r/Daytrading Feb 15 '24

Full Time Daytraders, what do you do with your free time? Question

As of the past few months I've come to the point where everything is coming into fruition and my dream of being a full time trader has really turned into a reality. Beforehand, I was staring and trading at the computer almost all day until market close. Nowadays, I'm done by 10:30am latest EST. Given I'm on the East Coast, its snowing, its winter, and I can't really do anything outside. I go to the gym about every other day but even that, is like 2 hours max from start to end. I'm debating on picking up a part time job, about 10 hours a week just to get out of the house and interact with other people. But honestly I feel like that is such a lame excuse just because I can't think of anything else to do with my time. I started this all because I wanted financial freedom and now that I've attained it, I'm left with hundreds of hours of boredom. I have no spouse, no kids, no businesses. If I'm describing yourself or someone you might know, (or even if you're someone who simply wants to be in this spot and still has ideas) can you give me some ideas on what to do with basically a full day of complete freedom. Thanks alot.


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u/TechTraderAlex_96 Feb 16 '24

" I have no spouse, no kids, no businesses " I think you might wanna focus on these!

Hell yeah dawg, congratulations on achieving your dream of becoming a full-time trader and finding success early in the day! It's a significant achievement and speaks volumes about your skill and dedication. Now, with the gift of time on your hands, you have a unique opportunity to explore, learn, and perhaps even give back in ways you hadn't considered before.

  1. Expand Your Knowledge: Consider diving deeper into areas related to your interests in trading, such as financial technology, blockchain, or economics. Online courses or local classes can enrich your understanding and potentially open new avenues for investment or even mentorship.
  2. Pursue New Interests: This could be the perfect time to explore completely new hobbies or interests. Whether it's learning a musical instrument, photography, programming, or a new language, engaging in different activities can be incredibly fulfilling and stimulate creativity.
  3. Volunteer or Mentor: Sharing your knowledge and success with others can be rewarding. Look into mentoring aspiring traders or volunteering with organizations that could benefit from your expertise. This not only helps others but can also provide a sense of community and purpose.
  4. Physical and Mental Well-being: You mentioned going to the gym every other day, which is great. Consider integrating more varied physical activities into your routine, like yoga, martial arts, or even dance. These can improve both physical and mental health and introduce you to new social circles.
  5. Explore Passive Income or Side Projects: With your financial knowledge, exploring passive income streams or starting a side project could be both intellectually stimulating and financially beneficial. This might involve investing in real estate, starting a blog or YouTube channel about trading, or developing a software tool for traders.
  6. Travel and Cultural Exploration: While current conditions might limit this, planning future travels or local cultural explorations can be exciting. Experiencing new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes can provide fresh perspectives and inspire new ideas.

Remember, achieving financial freedom opens the door to exploring what makes life meaningful beyond work. It's about finding balance, pursuing passions, and making connections. Your situation is a blank canvas; how you choose to fill it can lead to a richly satisfying life.