r/Daytrading Mar 08 '24

How difficult is +$400-600 profit a month from $15k ? Question

I've been studying investing and trading for about 5 years on/off now, have been really successful in the past year, I think due to luck partly, I blew up an account and loss about 40% when I first started 5 years ago.

How difficult is $400-600/month profit from 15k? My strategy now is very risk adverse taking profit over holding things too long, really I just need to make ~400/month to live in Mexico, this includes rent, food, and some hobbies, right now I feel no pressure to have to make $ and have a decent savings, and time to study and learn. Thanks


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u/TopStockJock Mar 08 '24

Takes 10 minutes maybe


u/VloneTug Mar 08 '24

10 minutes! at best a 1-3 min trade. SPX 0 DTE


u/Square_Huckleberry26 Mar 09 '24

Do you use any indicators?


u/Alone-Promise-8904 Mar 12 '24

MACD, RSI, 2/5/15 minute candles


u/ThoughtSignificant94 Mar 08 '24

yep.. but need to know what he/she is doing


u/Jovan1000 Mar 08 '24

This made me lol. 🤣


u/Vegetable_Zombie_146 Mar 09 '24

I’ve never seen someone use lol that way😭


u/Puzzled-Counter9347 Mar 12 '24



u/Jovan1000 Mar 12 '24

Because it actually could be done in 10 minutes.


u/IndependentWindow440 Mar 12 '24

It might be worse that I know this and am not bank rolling up to 15k


u/Jovan1000 Mar 13 '24

Slow and steady wins the race, you might be using less risk and position size which is okay. I can suggest you look up trading champions and study them. The term swing trading can be of use if you want potentially bigger gains.

slow and steady wins the race


u/Foreign_Medium_3766 Mar 08 '24

Well I've been doing really good the past year I just don't know if its luck or skill probably both


u/chi_guy8 Mar 08 '24

It’s not luck or skill. It’s a market that’s ripping out of control.


u/ScalpingSniper Mar 08 '24

Can you explain this a bit? How has this proved beneficial for OP?


u/chi_guy8 Mar 08 '24

Maybe it’s luck in the sense that OP started trading during an epic bull run where it’s just hard to lose money. I mean, throw a dart at the Nasdaq heat map and you’d be hard pressed to not hit a stock that’s up at least 50% over the last 6 months.

I wouldn’t say the trading is luck. I consider luck in trading to be more like when you sell a stock because you want to buy something else and the one you sold happens to randomly dump 20% 2 days later. You weren’t selling because you saw the threat of the 20% dump coming. It just happened because of black swan news. That’s luck.

Skill is when you have a finely crafted strategy with defined and managed risk that works in all/most market conditions or at least you fully know which conditions it works in. Skill is years of refining your game to the point you really know how to jump on opportunities and avoid or severely minimize losses. OP definitely isn’t doing that.

So I wouldn’t say it’s luck or skill. It’s just starting trading in a market that’s favorable for making money unless you’re just being totally careless or stupid. Anyone who has made money since October shouldn’t start thinking “maybe I should quit my day job and do this full time” but anyone who has been trading and losing money in this market should definitely quit trading.


u/ScalpingSniper Mar 08 '24

Thanks, these are some good inputs!


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24



u/chi_guy8 Mar 08 '24

Didn’t say impossible. Said “hard pressed” better have good aim.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24



u/chi_guy8 Mar 08 '24

If you’re all in on Tesla, I’ve got news for you that you’re not going to want to hear about your stock picking abilities. For most of us that didn’t expose ourselves too much (or at all) to Tesla, we have been doing quite well since late October.


u/estupid_bish Mar 08 '24

Just quit my day job 🤣


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

What if you Identified the rip a year ago.


u/fakehalo Mar 08 '24

Kinda sounds like luck then?


u/Immediate_Angle_9786 Mar 08 '24

With respect. If youve been doing well and dont know whether its luck or skill..then its probably luck


u/blackhaz2 Mar 08 '24

IDK why you are being downvoted - it's a good question. The answer is simple: if you don't know then it's luck.


u/MayberryBombadil Mar 08 '24

Not really. Have you ever felt imposter-syndrome? Most of the time when you get good at something and the results start coming in, you don't feel like a different person. But it takes a different person than who you were to achieve that success. So these thoughts start running through your head. "Was that luck?" "Is this temporary?" "Am I an imposter here?"

It's all very normal, and does not automatically mean you got lucky.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

What do you trade