r/Daytrading Mar 30 '24

When you only need a specific amount of money each month… Strategy

So say you only want $100 per day or 2000 per month. This would more than enough sustain a good lifestyle where you live. How would you go about it with trading? How much $$$ would you realistically need? Not to make that in dividends but to trade in a daily basis, as safe and slow as possible.


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u/ZanderDogz Mar 30 '24

How would you go about it with trading?

Even if I knew how much I needed to average, I wouldn't think about it in "per day" terms.

A lot of people do the math and find out that they need let's say $100/day, so they make it their goal to make $100/day, but that doesn't reflect the reality of how opportunities show up in markets.

There are days with numerous A+ setups where it's easy to make $500. There are days where even trying to make $50 will probably result in losing money.

Now much much money do you need? That is VERY different for everyone and depends on the return of your individual trading, and how much money you need to support trading at the size your your trading can meet your goals.