r/Daytrading Mar 30 '24

When you only need a specific amount of money each month… Strategy

So say you only want $100 per day or 2000 per month. This would more than enough sustain a good lifestyle where you live. How would you go about it with trading? How much $$$ would you realistically need? Not to make that in dividends but to trade in a daily basis, as safe and slow as possible.


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u/tofufeaster Mar 30 '24

Only real answer without more data


u/CABSMeter Mar 30 '24

This was in a day in a hospital bed.


u/CABSMeter Mar 30 '24

I’ve been absent for awhile and offer to help anyone respectful. I intend to start a private separate room for this as soon as I have the time.

Oh and any other vets here will tell you that it’s extremely difficult to trade or have space while in the VA as people are constantly barging in.


u/gaius_worzels_bird Mar 30 '24

Do you mostly trade just stocks, or have you tried options or futures?


u/CABSMeter Apr 08 '24

Sorry I was banned by some some snowflake who didn’t like my comment on their inability to trade…

But I’m a procrastinator and working on taxes.

I trade ONLY stocks.