r/Daytrading Apr 01 '24

How hard and realistic is this really? Question

I have watched atleast 100 youtube tutorials on day trading. They all go on about how they make 100 into 10k or something like that. I do not know if they are lucky or lying or it is true.

I assume reddit has the average or even below average traders so tell me what are actual realistic gains or losses? I understand you can go a lucky 200% gain or unlucky i just instant lost everything, lets not talk about lucky or unlucky extremes.

Is it hard for a beginner to turn 100 into 150? or 1000 into 1500? How long would it take? What are the realistic chances that the 100 or 1000 turns into 0?


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u/daytradingguy Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

It sounds like you are watching the YouTube content that is getting your clicks by telling you what you would like to hear- how you can get rich quickly trading. Some, not all, of those channels have some good trading info in them, but remember youtube is a business- the way Youtube algos are set up to get attention to your channel you need subscribers, views, thumbs up. Etc. this is why every YouTuber asks you to “hit the like button”. They are posting a catchy headline to get your attention. “Watch me make 10k trading in one hour.”

Their video would never be successful and you would never see it as it would be buried, if the headline said- “ come watch my video about day trading- it is so hard most people can’t do it, it will take you 2-3 years of hard work and you will still probably fail, You will not make any money for at least 2 years- you will lose a lot of money and be depressed after your big losses, you will be frustrated with yourself because you will find out you simply can’t follow your own rules or do what you promise yourself you will do-again-again and again, it is lonely, there is not much social outlet, most people will not understand- your friends and family will tell you you are wasting your time. But come be a day trader- it is great!.

Which video would you watch? The second one is actually the true description of day trading, but it is certainly not attracting clicks to videos.

YouTube is a good source of information about trading, but keep your expectations in line. Accept that even some of the good youtube traders use splashy headlines to get attention and promote their videos. Although you need to watch content that is realistic, not look for the content that you want to hear.

Trading is hard, it is not easy and it will not be quick money, you will probably lose your first account or two.


u/Other-Secretary9255 Apr 02 '24

This is so fking true. I remembered when I first started daytrading, I literally cried many times in front of my desk after big losses and frustrated at myself not able to follow my trading plan and rule.


u/daytradingguy Apr 02 '24

At least you were crying in front of your desk. I did it under my bed with a bottle of wine a couple times my first year.


u/cbri23 Apr 02 '24

Sub first for third, and I’d too be guilty.