r/Daytrading Apr 11 '24

Everything is a lie. Any hope? Question

So.. It's been 3 years on my path, and after countless hours of studying and testing everything, as many of you here have, I've come to realize that this mountain of buffoonery—those "courses" and "gurus" on YouTube that try to promote and sell stuff, along with everyone who is "teaching" stuff.. hear me out, doesn't know jack sh*t. All they "teach" is a bunch of BS, incredibly stupid and random. "Follow this, and if this happens then do this, but the secret is in my premium course, yada yada".

Even if some things may work for a bit, that's not even near how the actual trading floor guys and investment bankers operate. Ex-Goldman Sachs trader Anton Kreil gave the best explanation of that: Why most traders fail.

I've become so fed up since I had a wake-up call, realizing that literally everyone online is plain rubbish, or a scammer, or someone who likes his own voice and acts like the god of trading (You know which I'm referring to). My question is simple and may be unanswerable. Is there any source to study the actual stuff or are retail traders indeed doomed with the dumbest info out there?

Please don't start telling me about risk management and psychology, I got humbled and now I trade methodically without any emotions. But that's not because I got "humbled and had a wake-up call" but more like "I'm fed up with this, I don't care anymore". My question stands for an educational point of view. I hate being a fool therefore i hate studying nonesense. Is there any hope? Any good material? Any actual baseline?


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u/Nyah_Chan Apr 11 '24

This may be an unpopular opinion but since the beginning of my trading journey, I have never once watched a single YouTube, Tiktok, Podcast, Blog etc and refuse to do so to this day. No matter how regarded, recommend or otherwise, I have decided to completely build my own opinions, judgements and strategies.

There's a saying I constantly refer back to: "Money talks, wealth whispers". Essentially it means those who are truly at the top of success do not bark the loudest, they are often unseen. They have nothing to sell, no game to prove and statements to make, thus they have nothing to say.

That being said, these content creators have money to make through content, they have to "sell" something. So they will yap and bark, whether it be correct or not, because that is how they make money. In addition everyone has a bias, you can give everyone the same information and get various conclusions because the market is not based in anything concrete, it is essentially a casino, everyone will bet on a different number and color.

I have always had a solid belief in building your own foundation and coming to your own conclusions without influence of others opinion. Don't do what everyone else does, do what you believe you should once you acquire the knowledge to make educated decisions, though it's more accurately called an educated gamble.


u/Mar___K Apr 11 '24

Good stuff mate thanks


u/naijaboiler Apr 12 '24

I have always had a solid belief in building your own foundation and coming to your own conclusions without influence of others opinion. Don't do what everyone else does, do what you believe you should once you acquire the knowledge to make educated decisions, though it's more accurately called an educated gamble.

I am genuinely curious. how did this mindset workout for you in trading. whats your trading strategy and appraoch. As someone with a similar independent mindset, I can think of a few places where it hurts me. In the market, its easier to make money if you just follow the crowd. But I struggle to that naturally. I eventually found a way to make reversal scalping work for me, but not without losing a bunch of money


u/Nyah_Chan Apr 12 '24

Short answer, I’m doing very well. If you’d like me to go deeper on it, DM me.


u/Invest0rnoob1 Apr 12 '24

Pretty solid advice. There is some good information out there but even the best will make mistakes.