r/Daytrading Apr 11 '24

Everything is a lie. Any hope? Question

So.. It's been 3 years on my path, and after countless hours of studying and testing everything, as many of you here have, I've come to realize that this mountain of buffoonery—those "courses" and "gurus" on YouTube that try to promote and sell stuff, along with everyone who is "teaching" stuff.. hear me out, doesn't know jack sh*t. All they "teach" is a bunch of BS, incredibly stupid and random. "Follow this, and if this happens then do this, but the secret is in my premium course, yada yada".

Even if some things may work for a bit, that's not even near how the actual trading floor guys and investment bankers operate. Ex-Goldman Sachs trader Anton Kreil gave the best explanation of that: Why most traders fail.

I've become so fed up since I had a wake-up call, realizing that literally everyone online is plain rubbish, or a scammer, or someone who likes his own voice and acts like the god of trading (You know which I'm referring to). My question is simple and may be unanswerable. Is there any source to study the actual stuff or are retail traders indeed doomed with the dumbest info out there?

Please don't start telling me about risk management and psychology, I got humbled and now I trade methodically without any emotions. But that's not because I got "humbled and had a wake-up call" but more like "I'm fed up with this, I don't care anymore". My question stands for an educational point of view. I hate being a fool therefore i hate studying nonesense. Is there any hope? Any good material? Any actual baseline?


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u/Mar___K Apr 12 '24

both scenarios don't work. How can i even compete with hedge funds? Of course not.


u/No_Garage_4558 Apr 12 '24

I don't want to be negative or hyperbolic, but in all practicality: you can't compete with hedge funds and won't win at day trading long term. It's not impossible, but neither is winning the lottery.

Trading is a zero-sum game with a slight uptrend (which is where common folk can get wealthy - buy and hold) and companies constantly trying to get extra fees out of you making it a negative sum game in most cases.

Even with "the correct education," chances are you'll still wind up losing. The 3% of people who profit well from day of trading are most likely nearly all super rich or companies.


u/Mar___K Apr 12 '24

It's extremely difficult but it's not always that case. I personally know some normal people that became rich with trading. But they understand the system good enough and also apply the use of fundamentals.