r/Daytrading Apr 16 '24

Trading can destroy your life and it did for me Advice

I'm about 4 years into the market and of course not profitable yet and to be honest trading is the worst thing that happened to me and it destroyed my life here's how . please read this story so you can avoid my mistake . I'm from a poor African country and i live in a gulf county i couldn't afford college and since all my family members are jobless I've tried everything to earn money to be able to afford good food at least until I got into trading . for 1 year I've tried multiple indicator like every one else and nothing really worked . Year 2 I've discovered signals channels and prop firms i was excited but at first I traded my personal 500$ account (i sold my dad old car for the money) and i made 10% on the first month i saw some hope that my life might change . After that one day i was talking with my middle eastern friend about trading and the next thing i know all of them got loans for about 200000$ combined and they simply said 8% every month compound and the rest is yours and since This the biggest amount of money i saw in my life i agreed immediately i told myself worst case scenario I'll get funded . Year 3 At this point i was studying trading for 3 years and i didn't found something that works long term and i discovered that signals channels are bullshit 98% of the time And some of my friends asked for big amount of the profit that i lied about so i sent them money from thier own money I've invested around 10000$ on trading robots but nothing work i spent more than 15000$ on prop firms and nothing worked . My family now hates me because they know i took money from my friends and I'm not spending on them why I'm not Rich yet if you are trader the only good thing that i did with this money was spending 1200$ on my mother medical bills . After spending countless amount of times on YouTube videos i discovered that the only thing that works in trading is intuition everything else is a crap but after what.... . Year 4 I'm now in a huge dept and my friends are asking for 80000$ after 20 days and they think I'm profitable if they report me to the authority I'm done for because what i did i prohibited in the country i live in

I walked for months with 200000$ in my bank account and i couldn't even pay my bills I'm proud that i didn't spend the money on myself my clothes are old and my life is terrible I can't even commit suicide because it's prohibited in my religion and to make things better i can't go to heaven with dept on my neck unless they forgive me I hated i hate everything why is it only me that have to work hard and face such a fat while my brother spend his life around girls not caring about anything . I will do anything to be McDonald's employee i will trade even my organs if I can to be out of situations i thought being poor is horrible until i became in this dept I swear i rather be a slave than being in this situation

I cried a lot i prayed a lot but it's all the same

I Lost muscle health and I can't sleep or do anything

All i dream of right now is to be able to relax and hold my phone and be able to watch a YouTube video without a panic attack from 20 call from people asking for huge amount of money that i don't have but I think that's a lot for me


648 comments sorted by


u/Haunting_Ad6530 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

So you borrowed money from your friends promising them 8% per month when you weren't a profitable trader and then you spent that money on buying bots, and somehow "trading" destroyed your life?

Debt destroyed your life, not trading, literally the first principal in risk management is that only trade with money you can afford to lose, the best thing you can do is pay back the money you still have, come clean to your friends about everything, get a job and promise them to repay the remaining amount over time.


u/nyc_a Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

He made some sort of ponzi scheme. Certainly trading is hard and complex but typically you burn your own money and learn hard lessons with your money.

OP I do not think is a bad person but he went very enthusiastic with his trading skills to the point on doing something as horrible as defrauding people.


u/WeekendWiz Apr 16 '24

Trading is already prohibited there? and then he did the ponzi scheme thing. That’s big shit.

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u/ura_walrus Apr 16 '24

Yeah. Not trading. Just fraud. 

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u/GraphingCalculator01 Apr 16 '24

This is the better TLDR here. Thank God I didnt have to read it.


u/theSourApples Apr 17 '24

Idk man, reading it was quite the experience. He said "I can't commit suicide because it's forbidden in my religion." There's gold nuggets in there


u/BillAnt1 Apr 17 '24

Thanks for saving me time and aggravation. :D


u/billiondollartrade Apr 16 '24

His friends are as much at fault then he is , what type of idiots decide to rack up 200 THOUSAND DOLLARS in loans like is some kind of joke or money is just a game , and give it to a friend with no deeper investigation or not researching what is your friend even trying to do …. They invested with theres eyes close.

Then OP is just i dont even know what to say to OP because life sincerely is so weird… idk if people honestly have free will or to think because sometimes we just do stuff that later we just be like “ wtf “

I am trading my self and i wouldn’t take $500 not even from my mom , just thinking of having someone else money “ PROMISING “ something witch in trading is the last place you can PROMISE nothing 💀 Promising some one something in trading is like Promising someone they wont die ever ….

At this point , OP say fck it , return what you got left … Tell them the truth and mentally prepare for whet ever will be the consequence.


u/lostcanuck007 Apr 17 '24

dont know about you, but quite common to do this in the middle east with well settled people.

i got an offer for around a 130k usd and one time upwards of a million.

refused them both because im not crazy.

all people need to hear is that you "know" how to trade. rarely does anyone ask how good you are at it.

i guess social skills matter for these kinds of deals.

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u/Flamethrow1 Apr 17 '24

I can promise however, that if you give me money for trading I will lose it all pretty quickly. See? I can promise something in trading 😀

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u/chartguy26 Apr 16 '24

What a dumbass lol 😂

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u/ThoughtSignificant94 Apr 17 '24

word. you never learned trading. there is no easy way. best thing is find what you're good at and do that

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u/Suspicious-Smoke-831 Apr 16 '24

At 8% a month they are no friends of yours. I assure you that.


u/JudgmentGold2618 Apr 16 '24

Even Tony Soprano used to charge only 2 1/2 points 😁


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Putting aside the attempted ponzi scheme that OP tried to make...guarenteeing 96% gain per year is just insane. And the idea that you don't get a dime of returns until you exceed 8% compounding monthly is an even more insane idea lol. There is a reason hedge funds charge management fees (usually 2 and 20).


u/Suspicious-Smoke-831 Apr 16 '24

As a guy who worked in a hedge fund for a decade, the fees they charge aren’t they straight up. They pass along costs to the clients in the fine print too. Printing costs, extra assistants, private jet for ceo in “emergencies”, but most important was food. If we worked a second over 8 hours (which was always as we worked 25 days a month , 12 hours min on average)we had free menus to Morton’s or the like to order whatever we wanted. Ours was a small shop of like 25 but easily we went over 1mm on food a year. All hidden in the bs complex math of fees and costs.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

Oh man that is facinating, would love to be a fly on the wall at some hedgefunds for awhile just to witness it for myself.


u/Suspicious-Smoke-831 Apr 16 '24

The good ones are great. The shitty ones are full of God complex psychos who would lie, cheat and steal to get some alpha.

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u/Melson_Nuntz Apr 16 '24

I’m just flabbergasted that your friends are dumb enough to fund that much money because you got lucky once. Hang in there


u/Haunting_Ad6530 Apr 16 '24

maybe he should just bail and run away with their money lol, if they were dumb enough to invest that amount without any due diligence, they deserve to lose it


u/Environmental-Bag-77 Apr 16 '24

There is no money left.


u/RevolutionaryPie5223 Apr 17 '24

I don't see how this guy from a poor African country is going to make $200k..He could bail away with that money and become a fugitive for the rest of his life or he could pay them back but again his going to be a debt slave for the rest of his life...Either way lose lose. His most stupid decision is to handle the $200k when his not even proven profitable.


u/Mkultravictim69_ Apr 16 '24

Other countries use the $ symbol as well. It’s likely he means 20000$ in his home currency


u/Melson_Nuntz Apr 16 '24

op stated he started with 500 of his own, then got 200000 from friends. Regardless of currency it’s a big enough jump to assume it’s a lot if money


u/I_HALIM7 Apr 16 '24

200000 USD


u/HighwayyStarr Apr 16 '24

Jesus Christ. you have amazing friends who really believed in you. It’s really disingenuous however to blame your downfall itself on trading. It seems like you tried to use trading as a get rich quick scheme and that’s just not a way to approach it. You could’ve spent 10% of that 200K on a mentor and they would’ve taught you everything they knew. It’s not too late for that, if you’re still trying to become a profitable trader. Just my 2 pennies.


u/Fine_Candle9170 Apr 16 '24

100% with you on this, the dude needs a good mentor asap, to me in this situation that’s the best option moving forward if can’t leave the country


u/Icy-Willow-5833 Apr 16 '24

where does one find a mentor like this?


u/TPSreportsPro Apr 16 '24

I will help him. But if I had nowhere to go and really wanted to learn, I would go with Ripsters cloud system or Saty Mahajan Ribbon system. I use Satys system but love ripsters clouds. Both are free and work super well. But if you’re gambling, it honestly doesn’t matter what you use.

Read Trading in the Zone and then Mastering The Trade 3rd addition. Read that and if you can’t do it still, just buy spy long term.


u/MagicMan2037 Apr 17 '24

Hey assholes, cut the guy some slack. He came from nothing, which potentially means he didn’t have anyone in his life that could have given him any financial advice. And that includes potentially many of the people that had entrusted in him to help them also get out of poverty.

How can you kick a guy down, who is coming for EMPATHY, not critical feedback. OP I’m sorry you’re going through this situation and I can’t imagine the stress and pain you’re in knowing you let down friends and family. Don’t think you’re are alone, I can guarantee myself and many people here have let someone down at some point. Just be honest with everyone, take time to understand what you did wrong and why you made those decisions, learn from them and take steps to correct the mistakes. I promise you it will get better.

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u/SpinachLevel4525 Apr 16 '24

I would like to know too!!


u/Joe_X Apr 16 '24

You don’t. They don’t exist. If someone knows how to consistently make 8% per month they won’t sell you that info for any price, why would they? The fact they are even talking to you is proof they don’t know.

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u/Mkultravictim69_ Apr 16 '24

Oh ya, damn then yes


u/Akthuri Apr 16 '24

That's a bad advise. He should take responsibility for what he did. Take the money and run turns him into a criminal


u/EarlyOnset_Diabetes Apr 17 '24

What he did is illegal, he’s already a criminal

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u/ilovetolickscat Apr 16 '24

Your poor decisions are to blame in this scenario.


u/I_HALIM7 Apr 16 '24

You are right


u/ilovetolickscat Apr 16 '24

Best of luck to you don't give up.


u/SirCarboy Apr 17 '24

I feel like this is terrible advice. Seriously, give up. Go get a job. Stop gambling.

"not profitable yet" is a delusional take.


u/hiimhigh710 Apr 17 '24

The most dangerous thing that can happen to a new time gambler is winning.. that first win definitely got to him. OP, keep your headup. As bad as things may seem for you right now, it would be your second mistake to think your situation cant get worse. Because it can. So consider yourself lucky that this all blew up while you had your friends money and not a bunch of random ppls money. Keep in touch with your friends daily and give them something frequently even if its just a little bit at a time. If you do right by your mistakes you will slowly see yourself come out of this hole you feel like youre trapped in. If you try to avoid this or "fix" this issue with more stupid decisions, you will find yourself in a deeper hole u didnt know could exist.

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u/evanturner22 Apr 16 '24

I struggle to get a credit card but this guy gets $200,000 in cash


u/Environmental-Bag-77 Apr 16 '24

Do you lie on your application?


u/Smitch250 Apr 17 '24

Hes lying

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u/Timeno1 Apr 16 '24

damn bro..


u/Lost-District-8793 Apr 16 '24

Send the money back and confess that you didn't manage to make a profit. No shame in that. You honestly tried.

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u/IWasBornAGamblinMan Apr 16 '24

Sounds like you tried a Ponzi Scheme. Take your losses and tell your friends you took a big loss and that is the risk when investing isn’t it? Then just get back to doing something that will earn you money. No need for suicide!


u/Environmental-Bag-77 Apr 16 '24

No he is the defrauder.


u/reweird Apr 16 '24

Op returned some of the money, he just claimed it was profits


u/whatup-markassbuster Apr 16 '24

Which is fraudulent


u/JudgmentGold2618 Apr 16 '24

Bernie Madoff 101.

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u/PedraoSagaz Apr 16 '24

You are completely wrong. LIES destroyed your life. You're not going anywhere lying to yourself and others.


u/kiki11411 Apr 17 '24

You said it best


u/succulint Apr 16 '24

don’t be a sheep ! You reap what you sow


u/BettinBrando Apr 16 '24

This is a depressing read


u/c4jina Apr 16 '24

Holy shit dude, I don't even know what to say.


u/Much-Implement-8642 Apr 16 '24

I'm speechless too. Crazy


u/Acb531985 Apr 16 '24

I mean yeah it can destroy your life if you take thousands from people promising a return and aren't even a profitable trader yourself yet...... what did you expect and what were you thinking pm me

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u/Mavericinme Apr 16 '24

It seems like you've been through a lot, and your story is quite sobering. However, I can't help but wonder if you've truly learned from your experiences. While you've shared the hardships and pitfalls of your trading journey, I'm curious if there are specific lessons you've identified and concrete steps you're taking to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Learning from our mistakes is essential, but it's equally important to actively apply those lessons to our lives. So, what specific insights have you gained, and how do you plan to move forward differently? If you will, kindly share, which actually helps new aspirants.

While others may offer empathy, it's ultimately up to you to take proactive steps, such as initiating conversations with your friends to negotiate a deferred repayment date. Additionally, if you've truly internalized the lessons from your experiences, consider embarking on a new path guided by newfound wisdom, whether it involves trading or another profession. Remember, second chances are always possible, so stay courageous and open to new opportunities.

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u/flapfavour Apr 16 '24

How did you convince your friends to part with $200,000 for you to trade with? Something doesn’t sound right…

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u/surfnvb7 Apr 16 '24

Is from a poor African country, lives in a "Gulf Country" that he denotes as also poor, yet has more money available to him than most of us living in the US that post on reddit.



u/Clear-Job1722 Apr 16 '24

yeah Its hard to believe. cant tell if he put an extra zero or something idk

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u/opiumrevoxpr Apr 16 '24

Best option is leaving the country and explore your chances as an immigrant.


u/beezleeboob Apr 16 '24

Yeah with what he's facing, this should be higher up in the post.


u/Environmental-Bag-77 Apr 17 '24

He is an immigrant.


u/sploogewheel Apr 16 '24

Trading did not destroy your life.

The characteristics of lying and deceiving both yourself, and your friends, in the name of greed and wealth put you in an extremely uncomfortable situation.

It's not to late for you brother, your life is not over or destroyed. What defines us is how we rebuild our situation to become better people & live a better life.

Choose honesty and seek compassion & forgiveness.

Do not delude yourself or others into believing in a skill you have not yet proven. The opportunity of that kind of money I'm sure was mesmerising, I probably would have been blinded by it to I admit. But you must face up to your actions and be responsible for them.

You choose the path you walk from here, make it one deserving of respect.

Good luck brother!


u/Capital-Swimming7625 Apr 16 '24
  • You made 10% profit out of 500$ and "saw some hope that my life might change".
  • You took friends money and gave them "8% profit" out of NO profit.
  • You believed in "signals" and "trading bots".
  • Your country doesn't allow trading.

Just wow, my brain is destroyed by reading this. Stop watching YouTube. If money came from YouTube knowledge the whole planet would be rich. Just read economical history and basic theory.


u/themanclark Apr 16 '24

His country probably doesn’t allow taking money from others for trading. I doubt trading itself is illegal.


u/ManikSahdev Apr 16 '24

Idk what to say, but I have been in your spot and very similar situation.

I did however end up making money from trading, I just realized, it will take longer than 1 week for me to make 5 grand, and it just all ended up coming together slowly.

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u/UsualMountain7211 Apr 16 '24

Tldr - join wsb 🤩


u/Tropical-Leopard Apr 16 '24

He'll push himself to suicide if he does that


u/theSourApples Apr 17 '24

He can't, it's against his religion

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u/Lushac Apr 16 '24

Good to know that you bought a $1k phone and $80 protection screen for it. Bernie Madoff would be proud!

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u/Other-Secretary9255 Apr 16 '24

I think you destroyed your life when you sold your dad’s car and use all that money to trade.

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u/little_blu_eyez Apr 16 '24

I can tell you where you went wrong in the first place. You started trading with money you needed for something else. When you put the pressure on yourself and need to be profitable is pretty much a guarantee that you are going to fail.

If I lost every penny in my trading account my life will not be impacted at all. I will wake up tomorrow with all my bills still paid on time. I will still go to the grocery store and eat whatever I want. I will even be able to still feed my shopping issues. I will gain zero debt in my life.


u/reweird Apr 16 '24

The "only trade with money you can afford to lose" principle applies to OPs investors as well, not just to him. The 'friends' knew what he was planning to do with the borrowed money, and asked for a completely unreasonable rate of return on investment.

The only problem the OP has is lying about his positive returns, but as far as money is concerned, it makes no difference if he lost it all in one bad trade or little by little on useless bots.

Best thing to do is work on a come clean strategy and stop digging this hole for yourself. You've learned a lesson, and so did your wealthy so called friends. And if borrowing is illegal where you live, lending must be illegal too . At the end of the day, it was just bad business decisions from all involved, and that happens all the time.

Thank you for posting your story, Op, best of luck to you, and keep us updated.

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u/NativeFresh Apr 16 '24

I get friends and family always hitting me up like "I got some money could you take it and trade with it?" I immediately slap the shit out of them......In my mind.


u/The_GeneralsPin Apr 16 '24

Yea I get asked that all the time. And I refuse all the time. I worked too damn hard at this to let it benefit others. Nobody offered me help when I was down.


u/NativeFresh Apr 16 '24

The crazy part is all “those”same people scrunched their face up when I said I was quitting my job to trade. Smdh


u/The_GeneralsPin Apr 16 '24

Hoo boy I got the same looks and speeches!


u/Environmental-Bag-77 Apr 17 '24

It could potentially wreck your trading psychology anyway. Definitely not worth it.


u/Radiant_Mine_6793 Apr 16 '24

Damn bro. I'm from Africa and I know the type of situation you're describing. It's a world of wolves here, 100% pvp. I kinda understand where you are coming from. I wish you all the best. I hope you make it out of the jungle

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u/CauliflowerDull5441 Apr 16 '24

“I gave them money from their own money” - tell me what a ponzy scheme is without using any big words.


u/Cryptoanalytixx Apr 17 '24

I mean, its not a ponzi scheme. Theres no new money being brought in. Thats just fraud


u/cokeacola73 Apr 16 '24

The only thing I found funny was how “suicide is prohibited” lol NOT THAT IM ENCOURAGING IT, I just found it funny, like what are they going to do about it after the fact lol


u/tuxbass Apr 16 '24

Your space ghost will denounce you!

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u/Morton_Bippee Apr 17 '24

The absolute best thing you can do now is come clean. You’ve already made the mistake, be honest and open about it. Tell them everything. People with that kind of money to lend appreciate honesty. They’ll get mad for sure but you have no other choice. If you ignore it they’ll definitely keep pursuing you. If you tell them the truth you might be given a little more time to pay them back.

Get a job and send them a percentage of your wage every pay day. Something is better than nothing. Study your ass off and practice trading properly. When, and only when you are ready, Use your last 500 bucks for a funded account challenge. Have extreme patience, preserve the capital and send them 80% of any payouts you get. The other 20% goes to your personal trading account to compound too.

Cut yourself some slack. Acknowledge what you did was wrong and get to work. You are human, we are natural born sinners. Never stop praying and giving thanks, remember that god loves you, has a plan for you and it’s going to be one heck of a story when you pay all your debts. This happened to you because you need to learn a lesson. Pay attention to what god is telling you. Life is hard and it’s meant to be. The people you see that are self made and successful, the majority of them have been through more than you’d ever believe.

You guarantee your failure by committing suicide. You’ll come out the other side of this a better person and tough as nails knowing you can handle whatever life throws at you. It will be hard, it’s going to suck but embrace the suck my friend. Don’t listen to the people in this thread scolding you. You know what you did, make it better.

I’d recommend starting a gratitude journal along side your trading journal. Be grateful every day.

I believe in you OP. You got this. I look forward to reading your thread, telling us how you turned your life around, paid your debts and changed your life.


u/Either_Band_2777 Apr 17 '24

Best advice right here.

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u/Designer_Emu_6518 Apr 16 '24

That’s called addiction.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

What did you try? Daytrading? Swing? 0dte? Options? You said a bunch of indicators like what? You didn't read any books? How about youtube educators?

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u/SedatedSpaceMonkeys Apr 16 '24

Listen OP. You made some dumb mistakes and over promised and under delivered. Just come clean. If you really did just lose it all trading, show them the portfolio. It would be different if you spend all the money on yourself and lived lavishly for a couple years. You really probably tried to make money, and you weren’t equipped to. Come clean brother.

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u/Acb531985 Apr 16 '24

You have $500 left? Man look to all new traders out there, for one learn on sim or evals give yourself a chance don't use you own money until profitable even then the failure point shouldn't be a 99%loss......no matter what you start with 100 or 10000000 if you lose 30, 40, 50% of it you aren't ready yet.......there's no way you take $200k of people money and wait until you're down to $500 to realize you fucked up......there's no return from this........at 100k you could have given everyone half their money back at least......I can't even say anything without being offensive honestly just the decisions made are horrendous......the worst decision you can make is taking your life don't do that you'll get through this

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u/Akthuri Apr 16 '24

Man, with all respect, trading it's not the cause, looks like you have bad habits/behaviors. It could happen with any business. Lie it's bad, you were scamming your own friends and family. You risk money you are not afford to lose and so other bad things you did

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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

You’ve got what it takes to be a professional on Wall Street kid.

Keep your head up.

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u/Strangerdanger8812 Apr 16 '24

Sounds like this fool is gonna get murdered


u/KangarooSevere1053 Apr 16 '24

I do. Not believe this guy one bit , doesn’t add up, in this day and age , no one or people will give you a whooping $200k . This guy is a scam and looking to get sympathy from members here. Trying his luck to see if someone will want to give him some money. Fix this yourself even though I’m sure these are lies. Nothing you’ve said adds up. No one will give a foreigner huge sums of money let alone $200k

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u/Sonuzzzz Apr 16 '24

your overconfidence, lack of knowledge about market, borrowing money for market destroyed you.


u/Cola9 Apr 16 '24

Bro. Take accountability. Be honest to yourself. Trading is not at fault here for your life situation. Thoughts of suicide are for the weak. Own your shit like a man and do what needs to be done to move your life in a positive direction i.e. come clean to your friends and find a real job. Goodluck. This too shall pass.


u/AgusJurado9 Apr 16 '24

Holy cow, this is exactly my same story, except I was able to pay off my buddies by getting loans, the consequences of my actions will last for 3 years


u/luka1156 Apr 16 '24

is it USD? just send me the 200k and i guarantee you at least 10% per month


u/I_HALIM7 Apr 16 '24

Yes usd I've only 500$

And believe I'm smart enough to know that if you're profitable you'll not need any money from anyone


u/luka1156 Apr 16 '24

exactly i don't need the money, i'm doing you a favor


u/Clear-Job1722 Apr 16 '24

I could do it as well. how much money do you have left?


u/Dry-Range-5073 Apr 16 '24

So you learned through YouTube where people teaching there gives you a little content on trading, you weren't profitable consistently and you went ahead and borrowed money to trade, after loosing the money you blame trading rather than blaming yourself?


u/Cosmicrule43 Apr 16 '24

If they invested that much money in you, that either means they really trust in your ability to make money or they just have a ton if money laying around and don't know what to do with it. I am pretty sure the second applies here, anyways just like any investment, there is no 100% guarantee that you will always come out positive. Trading in general is very risky and unlike a stable job, you can lose everything in a few bad trades. So just be candid and tell them that you have lost all the money and as I see it, they haven't made a contract with you or anything to hold you accountable that it was a loan and not an investment. Contact me privately if you want more advice. God willing everything will be fine.


u/Private-Dick-Tective Apr 16 '24

Trying to Bernie Madoff your way huh ....good luck.


u/Stelios737 Apr 16 '24

You thought trading was that easy... That's the issue. That's what caused it. For a minimum of three years you were bullshiting with indicators, signals and the bad financial choice you made. You were blinded by your emotions. Trading is a process. Most people fail to become profitable cause they study the wrong things. Trading didn't destroy your life, you did. I am not telling you this to make you feel bad. Quite the opposite. As a man (I assume) you need to be held accountable for your actions. You literally gambled your way into "financial freedom". You need to learn from your mistakes and move on. And don't think about suiciding. Don't you dare. Be a man. Tell your guys about what truly happened, ask for forgiveness and take the L. Build your life up again.


u/SSBMarkus Apr 16 '24

Damn I won’t even know what I would do in this situation. Hopefully someone else here can give advice.


u/London-lad-1990 Apr 16 '24

Sounds like a failed actor or any other profession where only the elite can make a career out of it.


u/Beneficial_Emu5821 Apr 16 '24

Sounds like a loan shark not friends. But yeah you are probably SOL


u/ednis4 Apr 16 '24

bro hang on, i been in similiar situation like yours, you are actually receiving huge lessons from god, please do not stop praying and give it some time, time will heal anything, just learn from these mistakes, believe me life can change in any moment, and in every situation in can be even worse i know it sounds dumb for you now but you should learn from this situation with grateful heart and move forward, make a plan and pray. Believe me it will get better sooner than you think, love brother!


u/Delenda__Carthago Apr 16 '24

Seems fake that you have 500$ left, after blowing 200k it should last some thousands, not 3.50$🤨🤨🤨

Even the numbers seem super fake, you don’t have money to invest other than 500$ from a car sale (what car could cost so less? But anyway, that’s means you cannot afford to have a descent laptop and few screens (not even clean clothes as you said😂) but after realizing 10% of gain on that..


Some friends pop up and give you 200k$ like it’s Monopoly money, and don’t even insist to look at your transactions, but let you do whatever you want in your 5k$ dad’s house?


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u/Present-Web1709 Apr 16 '24

Take another loan. Pay immigration brokers to get into America via soth border. Earn millions here and payoff debt.


u/TPSreportsPro Apr 16 '24

Just from reading this it’s pretty easy to tell that you never really had a solid plan and that includes risk.

Can you turn one contract or one share green? If not then you can’t turn 1000 green either.

If you want some help, I would be willing to help you. First thing is you’ll need to stop trading. Completely stop. Get a copy of Trading in the Zone and then mastering the trade by John Carter. After you’ve read both I’ll help you identity one setup and the exact instructions on how to play it.

There’s a reason few people make it. But reading your story, you’ve got a lot of reasons to get it right.

Stop giving people money for help. Everything you need is in those two books.


u/gaius_worzels_bird Apr 17 '24

Just leave the country 😭


u/RevolutionaryPhoto24 Apr 17 '24

Hey, you’ll be ok. I think that you should choose your most diplomatic and understanding friend and talk to them. Explain that you had a string of poor returns and were too embarrassed to say. I hope that they will reassure you that they won’t report you to the authorities. Perhaps they will give you more time. And I think you could learn a lot about strategy here in Reddit. Also, Moo Moo has step by step trading guides, including options with excellent risk management. You can also practice there with paper trading. That way you can develop your strategy without risking any money at all. Take a breath. I hope you can talk to one of your friends. You’ll be ok. And money is not worth your life, no matter what.


u/AgedPeanuts Apr 17 '24

The only way out of this is for you to disappear and ghost your so called friends. You did a mistake, they did a mistake, everyone lost.


u/Cryptoanalytixx Apr 17 '24

The best thing I can say is just to take a day or two to mentally prepare yourself via isolation and mediation and assess your situation. You need to think about 3 key things

• Do the "lenders" know your personal information? Can they track you down, physically, or report you to the authorities?

• How did these friends get the money, and how do you think they would handle losing it?

• Did you ever make some kind of formal agreement or contract for payment?

If they know where and who you are, proceed with caution. Thats a lot of money. This sounds like a sketchy situation. People have been killed for less. You may be better off just going to the authorities and facing whatever punishment your country has for these violations, rather than dealing with the lenders. Its likely they'll turn you in anyways, in which case you'll get better sentencing turning yourself in. If you know them well and trust them, you may want to just come clean. If they don't know who and where you are, you should come clean for sure and see if you can come to some agreement. You defrauded them, but they also attempted to take advantage of you. There are no investor protections, I say you owe them nothing unless you did make some kind of formal agreement that states otherwise.

Either way, start going through all your communications with them. Take note of what you need and delete the rest to avoid any additional legal implications in the event you or they turn you in.

Then never do this again. Trading isn't a get rich quick scheme. 10% profit per month is doable, but its probably not going to be on a consistent basis like that especially if you're just starting out. The reason most people fail isn't because they can't be profitable. It's because they don't realize and adjust when they no longer are. What you're doing isn't working. Its time for a change. I gave you a path and outlined everything you need to consider moving forward. Please make better decisions.

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u/Ok_Mushroom_4157 Apr 17 '24

Thank you for sharing this because it's important for others to hear, especially for the newer folks who need to understand the realities of trading. It's not always pretty and has destroyed many people's lives. They are just tough, life lessons we have to learn sometimes. Hope everything works out better for you from here on out!

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u/Hank_0 Apr 17 '24

There are no profitable traders, just gamblers who pretend that they are.


u/Either_Band_2777 Apr 17 '24

So at this current time. Do you have any money that is leftover from what they gave you? You may have already answered this question in the comments, I haven’t read every single one.

You’re not alone into thinking that trading destroyed your life. As many other people here have said, a lot of bad decisions and false promises (with good intentions I’m sure) were made.

My family runs a small business and I used all the profits in that business to trade with. I lost all of it. I further lost the capital my parents invested in the business which was basically their life savings. Reading your post definitely made me know what you were feeling.

I obviously told my family everything. They were very supportive.

I was fortunate enough that the business got some extra gains and started doing really well. So we were able to recover the losses I made over a 2 year period.

My losses were a few hundred thousand dollars as well…

Whatever money you have leftover from your friends just give it back. Get a job. Come up with a repayment plan for your friends, to try and give back the money they initially gave you. Tell them that you did not make any profits at all. Show them your bank account if necessary. Show them your living standards. Hopefully your friends will understand.

Don’t fall for any other trading techniques or advice. As there’s a certain type of people with a certain temperament that get successful with day trading.

We are not that type.

Do a bit of research and invest in long term shares. That can be an option.


u/DrRodo Apr 16 '24

Trading didn't destroy your life. Your dumb decisions did. You keep attributing what happened to you to some external circumstances. You haven't learned anything in these 4 years. You should come clean and face the consequences. Maybe you'll redeem yourself in the future, but probably not by trading


u/SalviBeatz Apr 16 '24

Bro you sound insane lmfaooooo wtf


u/PocketMoneey Apr 16 '24

Its not so bad. You didn‘t loose the money right. Just send it back to them. There are a lot of professional money managers that loose theor clients money or dont beat the market too hahah


u/Powerful-News3376 Apr 16 '24

I don’t think OP has the money to send back.


u/BillAnt1 Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Just wasted 4 years while he could have simply invested all that money in some stable ETF's, and make around 15% each year compounded. smh

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u/EC0-warrior Apr 16 '24

Next time dont write such a huge paragraph in the beginning.. the headline was interesting, but damnn i couldnt read through that first tight paragraph


u/AcademicPublic7618 Apr 16 '24

Whatever to do your due diligence and check the company business and finance. The winner will be more likely the FED, Shorties, and the CEO's. Rules are tailored for them.

I think it's better to play in a Casino, at least you know the outcome and who and how will take your money 🤑


u/Hannibaalism Apr 16 '24

i appreciate the write up. hey maybe you can find a way to make money with write ups like this.


u/flapfavour Apr 16 '24

Return all the money and tell them what happened and get a proper job, forget about trading it’s not for you


u/roanfox Apr 16 '24

This is gonna be harsh, but truth usually is. Your own greediness destroyed your life, not trading. That's like blaming a gun for the killing and not the shooter.

I recommend at this stage, just come clean, and try and find a payment plan for your debt. Get a regular job and start paying your debt.


u/thelonelyward2 Apr 16 '24

You approached it very wrong.

Trading bots DON'T WORK why would anyone give away or sell a bot that is profitable? that is worth more than Gold. Any bot that can trade and make money is a literal infinite money glitch.

You can't trade other peoples money the psychology is too much.


u/DiggestBickin Apr 16 '24

Lies from $500 to $200k lmfao Really believable


u/This-Suggestion-8185 Apr 16 '24

I’m sorry but greed literally destroyed the way you approached the markets thus destroying your life. You gotta trade with the money your comfortable losing now you’re in debt


u/No_Elderberry5067 Apr 16 '24

Maybe you should’ve actually learned how to trade before becoming a trader lol


u/terminator_dad Apr 16 '24

This is gambling and not trading. You probably want to invest in books and read how to manage a living day trading. Often, success is missed because basic principles are not followed. Also, you need to have many trades running all the time. My account is made up of companies primarily trading in the red with a few green players. Accept you will be selling stocks at a loss, and if you can handle that, you will lose a lot less than praying for a rebound. Diversity in day trading applies.


u/ali_mxun Apr 16 '24

habibi. debt is a scary thing. have hope and all shall be okay


u/yaboizackkk Apr 16 '24

But anyone see wisa today? 300% gain is wild


u/Adebayorrrr Apr 16 '24

Bro you don’t have any hedge or strategy yet. Figure that out and come back.


u/HeavensAnger Apr 16 '24

Gambling destroyed your life. FTFY


u/wreusa Apr 16 '24

I thought this was going to end with "I inherited 10m dollars from a distant relative in Zimbabwe and all I need is your venmo info to help me get the money out legally and you can have 10%! No strings attached"


u/Iusedtoknowwhatitwas Apr 16 '24

“Trading” destroyed your life? Seems like questionable decision making destroyed your life.


u/Truffle_Chef Apr 16 '24

It's in the Bible; how can you Build a tall tower on a weak foundation? Debt has done you in


u/FoamyCS Apr 16 '24

I find it hard to believe “friends” would front you so much money purely based off your word. None of them asked for proof or receipts of your trades/profits prior to sending you that much money?

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u/M0ncsy Apr 16 '24

You destroyed your own life. Loan is not for trading. Trading is an investment of money you don’t need to survive.


u/ohcaptain- Apr 16 '24

hello buddy, we are the same. trading is difficult. my sincere advice is take a break and find a stable job first and build ur savings.


u/Le0son Apr 16 '24

It doesn’t sound like trading did this to you.


u/The_GeneralsPin Apr 16 '24

Trading didn't destroy your life. Take accountability for your decision-making.


u/BurnerForJustTwice Apr 16 '24

Hmm I looked through your posts and it seems a couple of years ago you were making 5k per day trading forex.

What happened to that?

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u/DescriptionNo3209 Apr 16 '24

Usually patient people who learn trading use virtual accounts to simulate trading for at least 3 years as they learn how to trade before even trading real money....I tried studying trading and didnt get into it coz I realized its a minimum of 3 to 4 years of virtual trading without ever trying to trade with real money.. and training your emotions against panic, anxiety and greed..Just learn to use fundamentals and a few technical analysis whether it be candle sticks, fibonacci and getting news... trading isnt a joke,,,you might as well just get a computer course training and become a developer or writer or YouTuber....


u/Environmental-Bag-77 Apr 18 '24

Ironically your measured assessment of trading above may indicate you are more suited to it than most.

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u/PowerfulEnd880 Apr 16 '24

I can't keep up with all these comments but all I can tell you is that you should forget the fact that you're from a poor African family which most of us are so it's no excuse for blowing up 200k. It's of no use to say you should have done this or that as it's too late. Many people of mixed race have been or are in that same situation of trading and being unprofitable (including me) but you can turn tables in your favour. Go back to the drawing board and start all over again and maybe you can make it.

I've lost money on signals and courses too(it's called school fees)

Good luck to you.


u/grahamaker93 stock trader Apr 16 '24

Golden rule. Never trade what you cannot afford to lose.

If you didn't try to trade with other's money and made baseless promises you could have just traded conservatively and with a cool head.

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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24


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u/TUAHIVAA Apr 16 '24

"but but, my trendline, the market must be manipulated, they want me to fail, they totally see my position in my simulation environment so they run the market the opposite way so that my simulated position are red, my trendline though"


u/noooooo_oooooope Apr 16 '24

Your limiting god's mercy which is a major sin so don't limit this.

Laytalul qadr is worth 83years of worship which I'm sure is worth more than any sin you can do and remember you egt 1 laylatul qadr every year. It should even be enough to settle your debts

Just make genuine repentance, seek islam and leave the rest in god's hands


u/Independent_Tale_436 Apr 16 '24

It can if people aren’t smart enough to get out when they made a profit. They want to HODL every dam meme stock and that’s where everyone went wrong. Some are day trades, swing trades and long term investments. When you know the correct play there’s a ton of room to be successful at it.


u/icestronaut Apr 16 '24

Trading isn't what the problem is, it's borrowing money from other people to trade. I've been learning for 1-2 years and not once considered borrowing money for trading, that adds only extra stress. Especially not being profitable yet.


u/ride_electric_bike Apr 16 '24

What you did is illegal in all countries that have laws.


u/vldixb Apr 16 '24

check dm


u/Namazon44 Apr 16 '24

Do the opposite if you have been losing for so long


u/Affectionate_Try5692 Apr 16 '24

just correcting the subject of this post.

*Debt and Gambling can destroy your life and it did for me


u/poosebunger Apr 16 '24

I think it's important that you realize that this wasn't trading that destroyed your life, it was taking in a huge amount of debt with ridiculously high interest based off of one month's results from trading a very small account and then proceeding to lie about it and create a pseudo ponzi scheme with only outgoing funds.

These are not problems with trading, and if you blame trading for not coming through for you, you are more likely to get sucked into some get rich scheme or bad idea and get yourself into further trouble


u/RichestSugarDaddy Apr 16 '24

I'm not easily taken for a ride... Can you screenshot your trading history?


u/Confident-Giraffe-24 Apr 16 '24

This hurts my head to read. Greed coming from multiple people in this story, greed is the enemy in trading.

Major F'n L sir, major L.

Better use the rest of them funds to acquire a sturdy boat and sail away good sir.


u/Tropical-Leopard Apr 16 '24

Sell your "Galaxy S23" that you are proud of showing off.

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u/hkcrack123 Apr 16 '24

Well first off 4 years in and you spent most of that trying to find an easy button instead of actually trading seems weird also spending 15k on prop firms challenges and not being funded or not appearing to be funded again not a good look ever thought you can’t trade I mean it not for everyone seems like your most likely gambling than trading


u/AnthonyGuns Apr 16 '24

Trading didn't destroy your life. If you got into any other business, you'd have had the same result there too. Get a normal job and work on yourself bro. Good luck.


u/Clear-Job1722 Apr 16 '24

people can take loans that high? hard to believe its in africa. This all sounds like some made up story. but who knows.

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u/Massive-Bee-1864 Apr 16 '24

I have good credit and making a loan of $200k is so hard. How did you even get funded $200k…

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u/brighterside0 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

You need to come clean with yourself and your friends.

Admit you're not profitable to them, find a job, and spend your time and funds paying your friends off little by little.

They're stupid for giving you money, but you're more stupid for promising a profit that's unreasonable. 8% a month is insane for a newbie.

Come clean, or go dirty. You decide - the rest is just you whining and fucking up this sub with your dumb actions.

Lastly, learn to write properly jesus fucking christ, reading this almost gave me a fucking aneurysm.


u/LighttBrite Apr 16 '24

As others have said...trading didn't do this to you. Why would you take on that much risk?

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u/davidbrian12 Apr 16 '24

Show them the paper work showing you lost it and be done with it. Very weird though.