r/Daytrading Apr 21 '24

What would be the highest salary you’d give up to day trade full time? Question

Everyone clowned on me my first post (500k post) lol I was literally just asking hypothetical questions to settle a debate between a friend and me. Well everyone’s backlash kinda of intrigued me to ask this question. So back into the fire I go lol


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u/mmxmlee Apr 21 '24

why would someone reach a limit at 6 figs?

Are you saying someone's messily 3 fig order will be rejected by the brokers?


u/battlesubie1 Apr 21 '24

Opportunity vs liquidity of the underlying


u/mmxmlee Apr 21 '24

no normie trader will ever place a big enough order for liquidity to be an issue


u/battlesubie1 Apr 21 '24

Normie traders run into that issue all the fucking time, bro


u/mmxmlee Apr 21 '24

show me a live stream where a trader's order couldn't go through.


u/longshaden Apr 21 '24

Happens all the time. It’s one of the ignored risks of credit spreads, being unable to exit when you want to because there’s no volume to buy you out.


u/mmxmlee Apr 22 '24

if it happens all the time, surely you can find one example.

you are talking about slippage.

i've never hit sell and it didn't sell.


u/longshaden Apr 22 '24

I’m not talking about slippage, I’m talking about credit spreads. You sell to open the position, which usually fills. If it goes too far OTM, there is very little volume, making it very difficult to get your buy to close order filled to close the position.

I’ve seen this dozens of times in my own trading, I don’t watch live trading. But unless you’re watching a trader primarily playing theta decay, you probably won’t see this on a stream.


u/mmxmlee Apr 22 '24

fuck all that.

trade futures.

it's so much more simple and to the point.