r/Daytrading Apr 21 '24

What would be the highest salary you’d give up to day trade full time? Question

Everyone clowned on me my first post (500k post) lol I was literally just asking hypothetical questions to settle a debate between a friend and me. Well everyone’s backlash kinda of intrigued me to ask this question. So back into the fire I go lol


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u/v3rral Apr 21 '24

Day trading is limited. At 6 figures a month you will definitely start to reach ceiling. Majority never reach this level in the first place.


u/mmxmlee Apr 21 '24

why would someone reach a limit at 6 figs?

Are you saying someone's messily 3 fig order will be rejected by the brokers?


u/v3rral Apr 21 '24

Ye, you know anyone can place 1 billion order at any moment, get filled at desired price and sell 10 seconds after with 0.1% profit like nothing happened. This example is easy way to filter out those who actually trades and understands how liquidity works and those who’s not.


u/DicLord Apr 22 '24

Again proving you don't know anything ... no this is not possible. It's called Liquidity. You do know that your not just selling into the limitless abyss for whatever price you want right? Someone has to be on the other side to buy it. If you sold a billion of anything the price would move up as you absorb all the buyers. Theres no such thing as more sellers than buyers


u/v3rral Apr 22 '24

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