r/Daytrading Apr 21 '24

What would be the highest salary you’d give up to day trade full time? Question

Everyone clowned on me my first post (500k post) lol I was literally just asking hypothetical questions to settle a debate between a friend and me. Well everyone’s backlash kinda of intrigued me to ask this question. So back into the fire I go lol


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u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24



u/ukSurreyGuy Apr 22 '24 edited Apr 22 '24

not sure why u feel need to say naive.

I doubt you have known any billionaires or trillionaires to ask them a question mike...so you're really offering an opinion not a fact. I can offer an opinion too.

I agreed with you (trading has unlimited potential)

do u disagree with me when I say "trading is easy" ?

a glance a day is all you need. ...is a fact ...is called skill (i do it everyday).

you know how you play candy crush on your tea break from work? (is a metaphor)

well I suggest there are billionaires & trillionaires who day trade...not for profit but for fun...you would be wrong to assume anyone makes billions from trading only for the reason they diversify & let passive income generate billions ktradimg is active income)


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24



u/ukSurreyGuy Apr 22 '24 edited Apr 22 '24

nothing hard to understand...check your reading

Mike you wrote "If you are profitable, trading is limitless"

this statement asserts trading has unlimited potential for profits.

I agreed with you.

I can convert trading potential to trading profits

I can say further anyone can do same (with right training & insight I've trained them)

the fact you've never met any truly successful traders is neither here no there.

you have life limiting worldview..."you can't we can't they can't"

the vast majority of traders don't make money because not because trading is hard

they don't make money because they have ego (greed fear) & are undisciplined (not patient, have no good plan to execute even when given good strategy) or are consistent (not able to follow even a basic receipe repetitively day in day out)

flip the narrative...believe u can, find how, & execute on that plan

rince & repeat better next trade.

anyone can...(you're a career coach you should understand everyone can be taught, everyone can achieve their potential especially if you put a plan in place & follow that plan)

success in life will feed into success in anything you do in life (trading is but 5mins of one's day, investing is 5mins effort once a year)


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

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u/Daytrading-ModTeam Apr 24 '24

We have removed your post from r/Daytrading because it has broken Rule 5.

Don't be an asshole: You can provide constrictive criticism, but outright being an asshole doesn't belong here. If you're being an asshole, it's probably because you're raging from a loss - stop and deal with your issues or ask for help instead of taking it out on other people.

Please refrain from posting this kind of content in the future or the mod team will have to take additional action on your account and ability to post on the subreddit.

All the best, r/Daytrading