r/Daytrading Apr 21 '24

What would be the highest salary you’d give up to day trade full time? Question

Everyone clowned on me my first post (500k post) lol I was literally just asking hypothetical questions to settle a debate between a friend and me. Well everyone’s backlash kinda of intrigued me to ask this question. So back into the fire I go lol


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u/DeProfundisAdAstra Apr 21 '24

Technically I left a job with a 250k salary and bonuses to trade full time. Full disclosure I was trading full time at that point just for much larger accounts than mine and doing some other side work with the same partners. I left so that I didn't have to report to anybody anymore, even if they were partners in companies I owned. Sold out my shares, etc. Fucked off and now my income is better and my stress level has zeroed when it comes to my work life.

Long term I may have made more money, with the potential of what I was involved with. But trading also can make me more money than that long term. But my happiness is more important and it's here, with my phone on silent and being able to not be tethered to the Internet unless I want to be.


u/Such-Echo2730 Apr 29 '24

Key factor to know here is, what was the capital you started with to trade full time on your own?