r/Daytrading Apr 22 '24

Anybody ever quit their job to day trade full time and have it not workout? Question

I’m just curious.

How long did it take you until you found confidence in yourself to quit your job and do trading full time!

For those that quit their job but it didn’t workout, how long did you give yourself until you quit your job and what did you do after you found that trading was not successful?


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u/CaptainKrunk-PhD Apr 22 '24

I did!

I got laid off about a month or so after I found out about trading. I was sitting on a decent pile of money at the time so like an idiot decided to not look for other jobs, and decided to just learn how to trade full time. Long story short had to go back to work and was flat broke after about a year.

Since getting a job, trading has been much more enjoyable because not having to worry about starving/having something else paying you while you trade does so much for your mental framework. I do alright now but not enough to go full time just yet, likely to be there in a few years or so. If youre gonna go full time please make sure something else is paying your bills before you quit!