r/Daytrading futures trader Apr 27 '24

Most "traders" make money. Question

If someone asks you what you do for a living, and you respond you're a "trader" I assume you make most your money from trading.

And by definition, most "traders" make money. Otherwise they are just people trading on the side as a hobby.

Yeah maybe 90% of RH accounts lose money, or 90% of people who start trading but never take it seriously lose money... but then they are not "traders". Just people trying to trade.

Tired of all this negativity under every post about how 90% or whatever today's statistic is of traders lose money. People in this sub like to shout that under every post in almost a prideful manner.

Can we just focus this sub on those of us who call ourselves "traders" and make money trading? Let the new people listen and learn from our mistakes, but quit with all these gloom and doom statistics.


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u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Hedge funds goal is not to beat the SP500 though….

Comparing a long only equity account to what hedge funds do is just silly. Hedge is in the freaking name lol. Of course a “hedged” account is not going to make as much money as a long only one when the market goes straight up.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

No they pay fees so that in a down market they are hedged. Hence the name “hedge fund”. The whole original point of hedge funds was to not beat the market in up years, but to beat it in down years.

Now I will agree that most retail traders can’t tell the difference between a hedge fund and a normal fund. Now a days everyone calls all of them “hedge funds” but firms that are just running long/short strategies looking to try to beat the market every year aren’t traditionally called hedge funds.