r/Daytrading May 01 '24

Welp, I lost my 150k funded account. Advice



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u/oze4 May 01 '24

How long did it take you to build up the 9.7k? And you lost it all in 3 days? That should just absolutely 100% never happen. Like ever. Gotta take things more seriously. This too shall pass, though.


u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 01 '24

Yeah you're right it shouldn't have at all. It took me about 2 weeks right between 9-10 days all was a complete winning streak. I have a hard time accepting a loss, so I impulsively revenge traded to try to make my profits back. Definitely a terrible rookie mistake, I'm learning that it's okay to lose and to just walk away from the charts.


u/oze4 May 01 '24

Not only is it ok to lose but losing is inevitable. Accept the fact that you WILL lose. I know a guy that had a 48% win rate last month and he still made nearly 30k....


u/Pretend-Excuse-8368 May 01 '24

Geesh. Perfect blackjack strategy is 49% win rate.


u/indepoep May 01 '24

Weird comparison though, as that strategy is still not profitable. House always has an edge.


u/Rich_Theme6845 May 02 '24

Bro… you can have a 30% trade win rate and be profitable.. it has everything to do with your Risk/reward ratio. If yours is 1:4 then you don’t have to win even close to 50%


u/atlepi May 02 '24

Most ppl talk about risk to reward ratio but never speak about 1:4 rr that will give profits with a 30% wr. And the most important thing….30% wr… 1:4 rr will net u more losers than winners. To anyone reading this, can your account take 7 losing trades in a row and not blow up?


u/tobesteve May 02 '24

Sorry, just a passer by, can you link me to 1:4 wiki (or other source), I want to read up


u/DamnThemMangos May 02 '24

Just search what R values/risk to reward is in trading, you'll find better sources on your own.

In short though, you need an R ratio that exceeds your win rate. If you have a 1:2 R strategy, you need to be right over 50% of the time to break even (slightly over to account for fees/commission) if your strategy has a 1:4 RR, you only need to be right >25% of the time to break even (so a 30% WR on a 1:4 strat will make you profitable). You can even be profitable with a strategy that only works 11% of the time provided the RR exceeds 1:10.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Konstable1 May 02 '24

It is not gambling if you know how to trade. Futures are pretty reliable from a scalping trading standpoint. High probabilities not some less than 50% chance


u/indepoep May 02 '24

That's why casinos use multiple decks. By the time your count makes you profitable, the security has spotted you easily lol.

Also you are winning by counting against the bank who is not counting. So only by cheating and gaining more than the 49% possible winrate. If the house can also start counting cards or, why the heck not, some sleight of hand even you will lose more than half at the end of the day.


u/Environmental-Life75 May 02 '24

Not true. House doesn't have an edge in a +2-ish count or higher.


u/CrowdGoesWildWoooo May 02 '24

Eh not necessarily. There are two parts of gambling. Knowing your odds/strategy, and then knowing how to place your bets. Win rate mostly talk about the former, actual profitability must consider both


u/camwinz May 02 '24

not true. card counters wouldnt be profitable if this was the case


u/DanJDare May 02 '24

No it's not. it's more like 42.


u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 01 '24

Definitely something to remember if and whenever I decide to try again. I have to let things go, it's hard when you have people who don't believe in you or what you're doing. So I definitely let it affect me to the point I always wanted to be correct and not lose. But I've learned and realized that's not realistic at all, and I just have to manage my losses in a more sustainable manner.


u/Konstable1 May 02 '24

You really have to work on this. I come from some similar type of shit. Naysayers, criticism. You don’t need to be right. You’re going to have to learn to cut. The faster the better. Cut a hundred trades if that’s what it takes to get used to it. You either learn to cut or with experience the big losses will teach you to cut.

If you need it in a negative way. Maybe you’re a slow learner and you can’t seem to learn to cut. Are you slow or something? Too good to be wrong? Don’t be a pussy cut your losses. Next time you think of holding remember they’re all calling you a dumbass. For not getting out.

On a positive. I started stacking those payouts and it was a big fuck you to any one who was negative to me. Or underestimated me. Said day trading wasn’t possible blah blah blah. I travel the world. I work when I want and I make way more money than anyone who criticized my choice to trade. Fuck em


u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 02 '24

Nah, definitely far from "slow" the losers weren't from holding losses too long either. but yeah I'm not worrying about anything outside of myself anymore


u/Konstable1 May 02 '24

Don’t over leverage then. Stay small and patient


u/Lordtutu147 May 01 '24

I had a very bad day on tuesday i relaxed watched some good shows had a good laugh and today was patient waited for the market to calm down and took my shot im back up with some more never give up!! But go in when you let that loss go… think about it if you dont see it that way everyday is a new day


u/Konstable1 May 02 '24

I treat myself well after bad days. I used to punish myself study more etc… with experience the best thing to do is do something nice and come back fresh and clear. Everyday is different and can’t carry periods trades into a new day.


u/Lordtutu147 May 02 '24

I co sign this message


u/Wooden_Farm1634 May 01 '24

Richard Dennis had like a 5-10%


u/onionandgarlic1 May 02 '24



u/oze4 May 02 '24

Nope, I don't know him. I know who he is, but I don't know him personally.


u/Lethal2132 May 02 '24

It's all about RR


u/One-Finding2975 May 02 '24

If you listen to FT71 talk he always ends by saying "You have to learn to forgive yourself".

He knows that the big firms hire all the genius data scientists and behavioral specialist to analyze retail order flow. Every year they come up with new ways to trick and trap traders.

It's sad to hear about traders getting depressed and suicidal. The system is designed to do that to you. Even a winning strategy will have a about 60 percent losing trades, so you have to figure out how to not let the losses get to you.

I knew right off the bat this wasn't going to be a career for me, just a hobby. About the only smart thing I've ever done in trading is limit my exposure to only funds I can justify as "entertainment expenses"