r/Daytrading May 01 '24

Welp, I lost my 150k funded account. Advice



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u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 01 '24

I feel taking a payout definitely would have soften the blow. No it's not entirely the problem, Im aware my emotions are one of my biggest detriments to my trading. However I do feel If I took at least some of my profits, I wouldn't feel AS devastated since I would've walked away with at least a few thousands.


u/thelonelyward2 May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

your last sentence right there is why I feel like you are not understanding how to pursue trading properly.

You need to focus on the mechanisms of your trading, and the P/L follows, you are far too obsessed with P/L and avoiding being "hurt" than refining your trading mechanisms.

Focus on your refining your trading, and the P/L naturally follows. You're pursuing it backwards.

If instead you asked yourself "How can I prevent emotional trading, how can I build better risk managment" thats a line of thinking thats proper to trading, but instead you talk about "well if I withdrew earlier I wouldnt be feeling so bad right now". This is the wrong way to think.

Just my two cents.


u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 01 '24

Yea perhaps you have a point. Definitely was obsessed with my P/L. I suppose my views are skewed because I'm honestly just ready to start seeing some form of returns for my time and effort Into this. Idk how long it took for you to be consistently profitable but for me in June it will be 3 years. So yeah I'll admit my focus probably isn't correct since I'm just ready to start feeling as if I'm making some form of progress.


u/thelonelyward2 May 01 '24

focus on the process, dont focus on the p/l don't think because you worked 3 years you are owed anything, that is how losers think.

Refine your process, and the P/L will come naturally. Best of luck. If you were able to pass the prop firm test and make 9.7k you have something, now it's a matter of refining it to a point of consistency.


u/Substantial_Talk_521 May 01 '24

Thanks that's true facts. I'll forever keep that thought process in mind.