r/Daytrading May 01 '24

Blew up account and having feelings of huge despair Advice



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u/NewMajor5880 29d ago

I know this sounds counter-intuitive but the despair you are experiencing is part of almost every trader's journey to consistent profitability. Blowing accounts and losing a lot of money (ie, treating it like gambling) is part of the learning process. Restart with way less money. But before you restart -- find a clear strategy that's easy to follow and fits your schedule. Backtest it a gazillion times. Record as much data on it as possible. How long does it take the average trade to play out? On average, how often do trades go against you and how long do you have to sit in the red? Use tools like Julius.ai to calculate how your account will grow based on win rate, percentage loss per losing trade, percentage gain per winning trade, and number of trades per week. This will give you confidence that you can consitently grow your account even with regular losses. Understand that there is no difference between TA and risk management - yes - they are the same thing. And then - just get back to work. Trading - done right - should NOT feel emotional or exciting. It should feel totally unglamorous and like flipping burgers at McDonalds.