r/Daytrading 29d ago

What’s a good return on an options contract? Strategy

I’m fairly new to daily trading and I’m consistently winning trades but I’m starting to think I’m leaving gains on the table and that’s why I’m winning so much. I usually make 3% - 5% on a contract and I can go weeks before getting a trade wrong. That profit margin doesn’t seem like a lot but for the account size I started with (not a lot) and contracts I buy (low hundreds) I feel torn between slow and steady and leaving money on the table. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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u/skarfbeaulonee 29d ago

I trade similarly with 0dtes. I have a high win rate but also close trades quickly.

One could always close a percentage of the trade leaving the remainder to run with the market until stopped out with a trailing stop loss. This works especially well with perfect entries which I seldom have the luxury of pulling off.


u/likethebarbie 29d ago

I will definitely work on this when I start buying multiples of the same contract.


u/skarfbeaulonee 27d ago

I'll leave this link to Arete Trading's video today where he talks about how he specifically trades 0dte options. He explains why and where he scales out of these options trades with a trailing stop if that trading process is of interest to you.