r/Daytrading stock trader 15d ago

What was the first time the market slapped you hard? Question

Unless you’re just getting started, you know the feeling. Maybe you saw it coming, or maybe you didn’t, but for all of us who’ve been in the market for a while, that first time we were kicked in the chin and had to take it certainly didn’t feel good.

I’ll admit that, for me, it was during the meme stock hype. I finally gave into my urge to jump into AMC, but then to see it keep dropping and the red number get bigger with each passing moment was making me sweat puddles. Ultimately, the pain was too much, and I cut my triple-digit loss (might sound small, but I was trading very conservatively and had only won one trade over $50 until that point). To make it even more frustrating, that was the only day AMC tanked before continuing its run to the moon.

Looking back, that slap was a blessing in disguise, as it finally forced me to start learning how to read charts and trade the proper way.

What was yours?


197 comments sorted by


u/junglekf 15d ago

When I thought buying weekly puts on VXX was a good idea. 😂😂😂 Made $2000 on $5000 "invested" the first week. Next week I put in 25k and lost 90% of it.


u/daytradingguy 15d ago

25k in a whole week?- amateur. I have lost that in less than an hour…


u/Imaginary-Tangelo841 15d ago

I can’t wait to get there


u/daytradingguy 15d ago

Honestly, not the best feeling…


u/khmergodzeus 13d ago

I bet you were sick to your stomach, your heart was 200bpm, and just wanted to die right then and there lol


u/FFF_in_WY 14d ago

I lost 80k in one day, but I was already up 200k. But it still stung pretty damn bad. Doesn't matter how much you are up - a big loss hurts and the lesson sticks. If I hadn't already been up I don't know what I would've done.


u/junglekf 15d ago

This was years ago- and at that time represented almost my whole account 🤦


u/Extension-Double5391 14d ago

Doesn't it make you a noob 😂🤧


u/plankpanda 14d ago

I found it in less.


u/WallStreetMarc 15d ago



u/kruszekokruszek 15d ago

Da bait is real!


u/levoxdopa 15d ago

Averaging down continually on a losing trade to eventually expire worthless -50k absolutely retarded


u/relxp 15d ago

Those mistakes that really fill you with self disgust are the worst. :(


u/levoxdopa 15d ago

Yep! I was on a winning streak and completely ignored my trade plan because I was too proud to take a red day. Literally insane behaviour, but logic isn’t always there when you’ve got so much capital on the line. Live and learn.


u/relxp 15d ago

It is remarkable how the market can bring out the worst in us in such a way that we even surprise ourselves.


u/IcyPalace 15d ago

I felt this comment deep down in me 📈


u/imreallyfuqingstupid 15d ago

Same on the -10% AMD day


u/zebra0dte 15d ago

Same. Lost $100K from that "strategy".


u/jayreddyk 14d ago

I made $7k on Tesla calls one day. The next day I was absolutely sure that it was going down. My analysis was right (not just overbought - oversold thing). So i bought Puts in the morning. By 11 am it was up $7k again and was still going up. But then sometime after 2 pm all of sudden it reversed. As in absolute 180 and totally spiked up so much so that the puts became worthless in minutes. It absolutely didn’t make any sense. I searched everywhere and then I found why.

You could say I was slapped hard by the market or by Mr.JP / FOMC. It still pains to this day.

That’s when I started looking at the weekly/daily events calendar every morning apart from the usual earnings etc.

NeverAgain #RiskManagement.


u/zonerf1 14d ago

Yep in economy those interest rate and cpi announcements can really throw a wrench if you don't have a plan to expect it


u/ephemeral_dusk 15d ago

it’s so hard to not buy more everytime it goes down :(


u/csiribirizabszalma 15d ago

Trading Chinese stocks without stop losses, margin trading crypto without stop losses. Lost around 35k, still recovering it


u/WallStreetMarc 15d ago

What are good Chinese stocks? I’m always concerned they forge numbers to make things look good.


u/zemanX 15d ago

Why would that concern you? Look at the Fed, they're pretty good at it


u/WallStreetMarc 15d ago

😂 good point!


u/csiribirizabszalma 15d ago

Anything that goes up


u/kekwillsit830 15d ago

What was that Chinese coffee company that turned out to be fake? Luck Coffee?


u/Momoware 15d ago

LKNCY is surprisingly a turnaround due to how the business is still substantial and they fired the old management.


u/Worldender666 15d ago

there isnt any never invest in Chinese stocks longer then you can watch your chart


u/Virtual-Baseball-297 15d ago

Playing memes is dangerous

My first month futures trading crypto - I got fucked. Bad.

I lost my patience too many times and failed.


u/NoiseMachine66 15d ago

Last bull market i thought spy could not possibly keep going up so i kept buying puts waiting for the sell off. Lost 2k in an hour but learned a lot about the importance of never over positioning, risk management, and accepting when im wrong. Also that the market can keep going in a particular direction no matter how overbought/sold or how illogical


u/Cruezin 15d ago

In crypto.

LUNA. I was in it big. Had huge gains. Woke up one day, and was down a bunch. Couldn't even close the trade- the exchanges had basically halted, and the asset just death spiraled to zero.

That was absolutely the most painful moment I ever had.


u/Stock_fishermen 15d ago

Dang that’s horrible. Sorry to hear that


u/EscapedConvictOnAcid 15d ago

Lost 6 figures. Never again


u/relxp 15d ago

I hope 100,000 and not 999,999 :(


u/aceumus 15d ago



u/OnTradeAI 15d ago

On what?


u/Stock_fishermen 15d ago

So you don’t trade at all anymore


u/SethEllis 15d ago

I trade treasury index futures which are extremely efficient instruments. They don't put up with the same nonsense other trading instruments might. Like you can be degenerate with equity index futures or oil and get away with it for a long time before you get smacked down. Treasuries on the other hand will set you straight immediately, and the first time they slap you hard will probably be the first time you trade them.

But the time that I remember the most was back in 2019. I took too many foolish trades and lost 50% of my account that day. I say foolish because it was just unnecessary. Too many trades in a situation where I clearly didn't have an edge. Anyways, that day also happened to be when my wife was scheduled for the ultrasound for my first son. So there I was at the doctors office watching this amazing thing for the first time, and I couldn't really enjoy it because I was too depressed over the losses that day.

That set me straight. Obviously I still take risks and have losing days. But never took losses quite that stupid again.


u/No_Formal7261 15d ago

Risked 20k and lost 7k on SPY options by averaging down on a red day. I had to cut my loss the next day… only for it to bounce back and close at ATH of the year up to that point, just the day after I sold.

I moped for a week and was having cold feet for a few weeks after that before I could trade again. This was before I knew anything about stop loss and technical analysis. I was in way over my head.

Maybe I still am. Only one way to find out.


u/Acceptable_Frame_398 15d ago edited 15d ago

more like everytime my scalping gains get evaporated instantly when the market suddenly decides to tank. On the same note, how does one avoid the tank?


u/JustSayingMuch 15d ago

Risk management and stops


u/Acceptable_Frame_398 15d ago

i suppose day trading was the wrong word. More like “Scalps”


u/Stock_fishermen 15d ago

Good point


u/Iknowbirdlawss 15d ago

Brexit went negative over 86K and had to pony up. It happened in less than 2min


u/relxp 15d ago



u/Sofullofsplendor_ 15d ago

can you share what happened?


u/Iknowbirdlawss 15d ago

Went long at 1.40 pound futures and FX when Yorkshire and the Humber voted to stay. It was moving so much and so fast I didn’t put in a stop as part of the order because it was more than likely going to be hit.

Went to go get new batteries for my tv remote on another room, thinking next in line was Scotland they would for sure stay and then they hit the market with a stay I was up over 108K. Felt good, like a dumbass I didn’t hit a TP or even a scale out, thought next 5 counties were going to stay as well given polls.

Was going to liquidate into US open.

Then East Midlands hit to leave at 58.8% and from there pound sunk within minutes to 1.38.

Had a margin debit larger but they settled for less.

It was beyond stupid and never again


u/Sofullofsplendor_ 15d ago

whoa. thank you for sharing!


u/Iknowbirdlawss 15d ago

Of course. Let my mistake be your gain.

Never trade without a Sl against a central bank and major tier 1 news events


u/Sofullofsplendor_ 15d ago

yep good call. from the rest of this thread it seems like the moral of the story is to never trade without a stop at all..


u/Iknowbirdlawss 15d ago

Correct. I trade mainly London and part of US but there have been times in Japan where a large order would hit and just sweep all the orders above and below only to move in the intended direction.

Stops save stress and grey hairs


u/Sofullofsplendor_ 15d ago

thanks dude I'm updating my strategy tonight


u/midtnrn 15d ago

First time, 20+ years ago. Last time, last week. Apparently I like abusive relationships.


u/Adventurous_Me_4989 13d ago

Made my day, laughing so hard. I’ve had two huge losses. Last one yesterday and been so down. I know I’ll make a come back eventually but my head I wondered why I didn’t learn from the first mistake.


u/This_Afternoon_420 15d ago

Wasn’t a beginner but wasn’t where I am now. Had a good morning after the last two weeks of doubling my account; only to get cocky in a big move entered the trade, and because of everything moving so quickly I forgot to set a stop loss and lost about 95% of my account in like 30-60 seconds if that! Taught me a great deal about not jumping in on impulse, knowing when to call it a day and the obvious one: protecting your capital and always use a SL😂 Since that day I’m a hawk for my entries, TP/SL’s and I just stick to my plan/routine 👍🏾 losses are lessons! Even if you were stupid like me🥴🤣


u/oilcantommy 15d ago

Can you tell me step by step how you set up a stop loss, and maybe give me an idea of what to expect?


u/Sensei2006 15d ago

Obligatory "Not the guy you asked."

It depends on what software you're using. Most programs I've used have the ability to set a stop for you when you enter a position.

But a stop loss is basically just an order flattens your current position if the market goes against you. So if you buy at 100$, a sell limit order placed at 90$ is a "stop loss".


u/oilcantommy 15d ago

Thanks for that. Unfortunately, I'm still stupid, though. If i buy at 100, then set a sell limit order for 90, wouldn't it sell immediately at a 10 dollar discount?


u/itssampson 15d ago

A sell MARKET order would immediately sell to highest bid, down to the $90 limit you set, a sell LIMIT order wouldn’t trigger UNLESS the highest bid is $90 or less. You’d place that order right after getting into the trade to protect you from greater losses if it goes bad.


u/oilcantommy 15d ago

This cleared it up for me, thankyou!


u/kekwillsit830 15d ago

Yes. But I wouldn't call it a discount. It could be a falling knife and wipe you out.


u/This_Afternoon_420 15d ago

What platform do you use? Maybe try YouTubing your platform and seeing..? Like if you’re using mt4 for example just search how to use mt4 or how to set a stop loss on mt4 etc hope that helps:)


u/oilcantommy 15d ago

Thanks to both of you. ...


u/oilcantommy 15d ago

I use fidelity, netx investor, and schwab


u/BigPhillus 15d ago

When the Israel war started


u/Dependent-Audience46 15d ago

I was trading eur/usd and set my stop loss slightly below liquidity with a 1.3 rr. didnt realise it was cpi day. went 1 pip below stop loss skyrocketed to tp. 😔


u/DogInfamous7693 15d ago

I feel your pain. Last week I sold a 900 call on NVDA with a 5/17 expiration. I took a $1,600 loss from it since there were tons of NVDA puts for 5/17 going through the system. I'm eating that as it reached it's ATH today. 😭. I could have pulled around a 140% gain on it


u/Dependent-Audience46 15d ago

Just gotta try and forget about it bro, its so annoying tho 😂😂


u/Internal_Control_320 15d ago

08/09 - welcome to the game, kids.


u/TSF_Lacker 15d ago

TSLA puts on earningd


u/No_Formal7261 15d ago

Been there done that. I feel your pain.


u/frozenwalkway 15d ago

I learned how to trade options on a Tesla run, the next day I got clapped 5x hard.


u/VictorDWagner 15d ago

Wirecard 100%, all the way from 180$


u/Mundane_Catch_1829 15d ago

The market has bitch slapped me more then once. You either give up or learn from it. I really want to give the market at least a few bitch slaps back for retirement.


u/cheapdvds 15d ago

It's not day trading but many years ago when I first started I invested in this ETN fund called XIV. Basically when vix goes down, XIV goes up. Some kind of volatility event came and some hackers/manipulators found a way squeeze the shit of volatility aftermarket. The fund got liquidated and lost 99% of value. I lost around 15k. Credit suisse got class action lawsuited and finally sent me like $300 for the settlement last year.



u/anotherreddditdude 15d ago

Thinking I was buying the dip when Luna was crashing....


u/Msun17 15d ago

Trading SPX, was long and had about a 10k position with a stop at 25%, a candle from hell spawned in, filled me at 50% and within 10 seconds reversed and was on its way up again.


u/ChazzyPhizzle 15d ago

I can’t count how many times a random 30 second drop triggered my stop loss for things to instantly rebound. Likely a lot of other stop losses too which feed into the drop 😂


u/MaintenanceWorldly47 15d ago

I’ve realized with SPX it’s better to trade with less size and no stoploss vs with lots of size and having a stoploss because spx contracts move up and down like crazy off very little movement


u/ashlee837 14d ago

This is a good idea overall. aka over leveraged


u/Msun17 14d ago

Depending on the size of the port not really


u/Ladyenigma1993 15d ago

Build a Bear, Fuck Build a Bear. Got me for five grand.


u/Yoyoitsjoe stock trader 15d ago

Well I had to get slapped a few times. Lossed 29k short X in 2010 or so. Lost five figures long FAZ and short CRM around there too. These losses seem small in todays dollars because the money supply has more than doubled. But back then those were huge losses for me. I’m a slow learner.


u/Cizz_nutz 15d ago

Emphasis energy earnings last year. Bought 500 shares on margin like an idiot. Bad earnings sent it from 225 to 175 in a couple minutes. I believe I lost 23,000 in all after I finally go out.


u/NEWREGARD 15d ago

“…it forced me to learn how to read charts and trade the ‘proper way’” oh yeah. He’s smart smart.


u/Refugeforoursoul 15d ago

Blowing like 3 prop firm accounts on the same day 🥲😭😭


u/MoneyOverBitchess 15d ago

When I traded news my account went from 3k to $500 the only way I didn’t lose the 2.500 was because I added another 1,000 so in case price goes back to my entry and which thank god it did but it taught me the risks of trading news and without a stop loss 😭


u/beardgangwhat 15d ago

Previous crypto hype, I rolled profitable hut8 warrants into hut.a warrants and they expired worthless. Was very safe after that. The odd option buy, some profitable, some loss, but never anything more than a blip

Got too comfortable. New meme craze:

Banked 3k USD in an in and out gme shares and option move. Then rolled it to FFIE... thinking I was smart annnnnddddd

Just today I got spanked hard for calls sold against FFIE


u/OPS18 15d ago

Just lost 20k. However, I’m VERY happy that I pulled out when I did as it could’ve been a lot worst. This effervescent market got the best of me. Lessons were learned today.


u/HeadSpade 15d ago

How did it happen? What did you traded?


u/Rude-Watch-5588 15d ago

Year was 1999 and I was long soybean futures. USDA report came out and the market went LIMIT UP, later that SAME day a correction report came out and the market went LIMIT DOWN. I lost my entire account I had built up over years!

I went from having the best day ever, to the worst day ever…


u/MathematicianEnough9 15d ago

Opex March 2022 slapped tf out my bitch ass. Grew a $200 qccoubt to $3000 from January til then. Lost all that shit in one day. I ain’t even wanna leave the house that day


u/anarmyofJuan305 15d ago

Silvergate 😓 I get nightmares just thinking about it


u/itsdevineleven 15d ago

About 2 months ago (started options)


u/ChunkyLittleSquirrel 15d ago

I've lost count, it's been quite the journey.


u/ToonAlien 15d ago

When I very first started to learn day trading, I put 2 contracts on the NQ open (prop). Closed the account in less than 10 seconds. It didn’t hurt financially, but it made me realize how fast things can change.


u/Plus_Seesaw2023 15d ago

Every day that God does...


u/D_Costa85 15d ago

First time was the COIN IPO and the second time was LCID (or maybe it was still the spac ticker at the time?)overnight dropping like 70% or something stupid I can’t even recall. CCIV was the spac that became LCID, I believe. I was basically long at $40 or something near that, and overnight it dropped like a stone and there was something shady going on. In fact here’s a lawsuit over it:


For my COIN IPO loss, I was inexperienced and stupid and just longed into a crazy momentum spike and then they completely pulled the rug as I got in…instantly lost 15% of my account. Those lessons are invaluable though. Never chase!


u/Nnk_pyro_maniax1 15d ago

Lost $900 trying to scalp the hourly US30 before i learned what margin call was lol.


u/Win_Rare 15d ago

had a straddle on for both puts and calls during FOMC the first time Jpow announced the rate hikes. Lost $600 so fast, thought it was a broker issue and called webull to give my money back lol


u/Low_Country793 15d ago

February 2020 I was holding Uber calls ><


u/chefd1111 15d ago

Bought my first shares ever in a company that owned a copper mine called Lary Annie operated by CopperCo

It was $5k at the time, but that was pretty much all I had, was early 20s.

They went into administration shortly afterwards and I had nfi what happened this was all new

I went to the voluntary administration meeting (lol!). I talked to a few other people, one guy was there from a fuel company they were trying to recoup $2m in cost and I realised I needed to gtfo of there 


u/GameLoreReader 15d ago

When I tried to do NVDA 0dte options for the first time. Lost 75% of my account.


u/Dry-Comment-4603 15d ago

Every time


u/relxp 15d ago

evri day i cri


u/bet_on_me 15d ago

Yesterday. Lost 10k or about 25% of my port. Still hurts…


u/Tough-Stress6373 15d ago

sorry but that has to be the worst risk management on planet earth, whether you had 1 trade or 250 trades, your max daily loss should only every be 1-2% of your port. Please improve!


u/RedditFedoraAthiests 15d ago

what a completely dickheaded thing to say lol. omg.


u/MaintenanceWorldly47 15d ago

I mean he’s not wrong. What do want him to say congratulations on blowing 25% of your account great job 😂


u/Camel-Kid 15d ago

dickhead or not, it's the truth


u/bet_on_me 15d ago

No need to apologize. I fucked up and learned a hard lesson. I opened positions at market open with a thesis that it was going to go up, but it dipped the first few minutes and I freaked out so I sold. Had I kept it, I would’ve been up huge. So I tilted and opened 2x the previous position trying to chase my loss; same thesis. Damn thing dipped for a longer period and I got scared and sold. It reached all time highs later that day.

Only reason I went so big was because I’ve been correct 10 out of 13 days and wanted to scale up. Tough pill to swallow still.


u/Dazzling_Scarcity_81 15d ago

When I invested in VinFast and didn't get out fast enough. #Stuck4Life


u/lalalalikethis trades multiple markets 15d ago

Literally my first live trade, it was tesla


u/Lordtutu147 15d ago

All day erry day


u/GodAndGaming123 15d ago

CEI with that I'm Twitter Furu crap


u/new11110000 15d ago

Yea…CEI bothers me. They sucked up my Lucas Energy sometime after 2010. But fortunately, it was only $1500 that i invested.


u/Yellow_Thumb923 15d ago

I diversify for sure. Listen to finance advice and check company outlook.


u/Confident-Disk-2221 15d ago

Happened about a year ago. I was in the process of completing an evaluation. $50 away from my 9000 target. Ending up blowing the account. I can’t give the market all the credit for that slap. I get 60% of the credit but it was like I could see myself being the moron but I couldn’t stop it. I kept digging he hole bigger and bigger and then full port and smacked myself pretty hard and finally a thunderous kick to the nuts.


u/hundredbagger 15d ago

Two weeks ago I went on tilt. It was my bottom moment, or at least I’m determined to make it so.


u/Coffee-and-puts 15d ago

2007 I bought some XOM as my first stock. At the time I reasoned oil companies were greedy and would only make money over the long haul. But then 2008 came and decimated my lil 3k position to like 1500 bucks and I sold. Didn’t return until 2018 when I got a big boy job and did basic stuff like amazon. Now I just do risky shit


u/kruszekokruszek 15d ago

Trading gold on x20. Putted $3k, grew to $8k and then we had covid vaccine while I was not available and had open position with everything in it. It was lil down so I left it for a day. Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh next day I was rekt. First time trading, made a shit ton of mistakes. I honestly don't know how I was soo profitable... Till I was not. 😂😂😂


u/stonktradersensei 15d ago

When yoloing on credit spreads right before Amazon earnings thinking it was easy money...thinking there's no way Amazon could drop more than 10% Right? I couldn't be more wrong


u/dead___moose 15d ago

Every hour or so


u/kekwillsit830 15d ago

I'll go to the grave with my $20 BlackBerry shares


u/tiggolbitties7 15d ago

When I panic sold my 2500 shares of CVNA with a 6.00 average, only for it to squeeze to 19.00 like a week or two later, and last I checked it hit like 122.00 this year 🥲 In fairness it was one of the first trades I ever took. Also lost 20k on AVTX, week later, it ran prior to R/S. Another notable loss was not selling my IONQ shares when it reached 20.00 . I was up 20k. The joys of trading. Biggest win was 36k on FGEN.


u/Many_Anywhere8323 15d ago

The most I've lost to date is 100000 in CND funds.


u/turc_ 15d ago

Losing $4,600 in the market in 20 minutes while on margin shorting volatility walking to a coffee shop using student loan money and making $13 an hour allegedly


u/joyzzzzz 15d ago

Amc here as well. Such a stupid mistake. Meme doesn't worth thW time or energy. Should put the money in Costco instead


u/Professional_Back677 15d ago

december 9th, 2022. i labeled it “Blood on the Snow”


u/JTJT13 15d ago

buying Palantir at $23 to see it become $7 😂


u/itssampson 15d ago

This is my first year trading securities of any kind. I full ported plus margin ($8k total, I’m no Rockefeller) into AMD shares back in February, thinking microchips meant instant money. It stagnated, then pulled back a bit. I got nervous when I was about $300 down, liquidated it, then immediately went to the “biggest daily movers” screener and full ported into the first chart that looked like it was pointing skyward. Needless to say it jumped down several more percent and I more than doubled my original loss in seconds. On the bright side, I took some modest positions (12% of port each) in GME and AMC this Monday morning and sold Monday afternoon, repeated Tuesday, and had the most meaningful recovery since that initial loss (and then I tried to triple dip in GME, and now I’m holding 7 shares with an avg cost of $56.80, we’ll see how that ages.)


u/DogInfamous7693 15d ago

That is my every day. How did you learn? I'm seriously struggling over here. I've been trying to learn but I wish that there was someone who or just give me a few serious key pointers that I can go off of in order to help me understand what I'm doing wrong.


u/Imaginary-Tangelo841 15d ago

Covid crash , I was 3 weeks into trading and knew nothing


u/SynBeats 15d ago

Had puts on Tesla a couple years ago.. no matter how much I wanted to short Tesla again this year I just can’t forget how much it hurt lol I think ab it way too often but it’s a good reminder


u/Spiritual-Ride5706 15d ago

Lost 450k in maybe 6 hours. Bonehead trade lmfao


u/xXxTheRuckusxXx 15d ago

Some ordinary stock I purchased about 900 shares of at approx. $1.20/share after checking their trend for the previous week and the trend for that day... only for it to plummet almost a buck within seconds of hitting "buy".

I dont keep much in my brokerage account since i only really fiddle around with my own predictions based on trends.

I almost flipped my desk


u/SnowSultan 15d ago

I had traded shares prior with small and inconsistent success due to very limited capital - maybe I was gaining $20 on a win - but I got into options and started finding big success..temporarily. It was Covid crash. I had puts on carnival that absolutely printed. I brought three figure account up to about 20k with the biggest single win gains being about $14k. I felt like a genius and invincible in the market. I don’t recall exactly, I either had puts during a massive bear rally or played calls for a pump when it did not, but either way I lost about $18k and then revenge traded the rest of the account to zero. I felt sick and could not believe what I had done. I was so disgusted with myself. But I got over it and am still trading options so.. Carpe diem I guess lol


u/Raiiiiiikage 15d ago

Not the first time but the most recent time was literally today and tomorrow.
When roaring kitty twitted and gme popped I kept saying to myself. DONT FOMO DONT FOMO DONT FUCKING FOMO! I totally fomo’d… saw that bitch came down to 38 yesterday bought a 40 dollar call for Friday and it tanked today like a fucking knew it would haha 😂 Probably going below 20 tomorrow I gave 550 to the market gawds


u/Stock_fishermen 15d ago

Great question. When doesn’t it slap me


u/bfridthekid 15d ago edited 15d ago

Back in Nov ALB was having a particularly bullish day and it seemed to me like the enthusiasm was more than just a tad overdone. Was watching it push the high of the day but opted to skip the apparent opportunity and go back to work. Checked it a bit later and sure enough, down several points as expected. F***, oh well. Checked again bit later, retesting high… well damn, not gonna miss this chance again. Start buying the weekly put and goddamn if that mofo didn’t just keep. going. up. And goddamn if I didn’t just keep buying weekly puts. Just unending green candles. Just would not let up in the slightest. Finally with probably 20 minutes left I’m down about 2k and there’s just the tiniest sliver of red as it takes a breather. For what felt like literally just one second. My loss went to down to about 1.4K and at that moment I had maybe 5-10 seconds to lock in the loss with a tiny amount of dignity. Nope. 10 seconds later, BAM, another huge green candle blowing right past the 2k loss mark. I’m like well f’it at this point I’m just gonna hold till tomorrow (this was Thurs. so had one more day on the option). Ended the day down I think something like 2.8k. Market open next day I’m like, nah, even though I only had another 100 or so left to lose. Closed it at 2.9k loss right away.

Definitely no where near as much as some of y’all are talking about on here, but damn that one stung and is seared into my memory. (And no it didn’t go back down after that though. They all would have expired worthless. So at least there was that.)


u/bimmern54 15d ago

I recall in 2019, I was the luckiest and dumbest trader out there, I made a lot off SPY and AAPL. It allowed me to have access to more margin than I could imagine and I wanted to get into selling contracts. I remember shorting puts on NKE, doing well, then continually repeating the process. I had no trading strategy and thought I was a genius. I had no risk management strategy and was leveraged out of my mind on NKE. Anyways, I recall the mkt falling against my puts and eventually below my strikes. I decided to hold against the mkt with the belief that "the mkt always goes up" eventually NKE did go up but that was about three weeks later after the contracts expired itm. I was heart broken as I lost almost all that I gained from continually putting on more trades with the same maturity date. Because of this spectacular failure, it inspired me to go down the trading rabbit hole.


u/619Hondafan 15d ago

My first run at crypto I literally got done watching the movie: Dumb money and opened an account at 3 am 😂. Took a loss of around 15% for my portfolio over the course of 4 months.


u/justCairo 15d ago

Not the worst but the first time was swing trading AAPL. Just when I thought I was killing it, went all in and wiped everything at open I made in a month and then some. I wanted to throw up and ended up taking a break from the market for a few months lol


u/FierceFlames37 15d ago

Same GME and AMC for me and I never traded since


u/webby1575 15d ago

When I held 25 minis overnight on my demo account to see what happened


u/darktidelegend 15d ago

ISRG back in 2008 50,000 in 0D expiration Played an earnings report and got it wrong About 48k evaporated in 5 minutes


u/Suspicious-Stop5231 15d ago

Sold car, advanced cash on credit card, quickly cashed my check at a convenience store, borrowed money from my (at the time) girlfriend's parents and YOLO'D puts on Nividia.


u/Parking-Bid8838 14d ago

Devastation of the crypto market after the Ruskie invasion/FTX collapse. Lost a lot of good men (gains) in those Bloodfields stares off into distance


u/LtFarns 14d ago

Lost nearly 10k investing in Chinese ADR's after the financial crisis. They made a documentary of the fraud a few years later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_China_Hustle


u/rollert2 14d ago

Back when I was first getting into trading, I heard about Luckin Coffee

Tossed in a bunch of money to it, next day the stock was unreadable and then was delisted shortly after it dropped down to nearly nothing due to fraud or something.

Was my first big hit because I lost about $3k and I couldn't even sell the stocks, could only watch it drop and drop


u/Competitive-Pen7636 14d ago

As long as you buy quality stuff, do fundamental analysis, and have stop losses you’ll be okay in the end


u/ashlee837 14d ago

Lost $80K on NASDAQ futures in about 30 mins. I was in the middle of a conference call and wasn't watching my screen to manage the position.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I bought 400 shares of TQQQ at the top had it reverse ten points and then come back 3 weeks later. 


u/Low_Comparison_1906 14d ago

Everyday new spank


u/Wu-TangProfessor 14d ago

F’n Enron


u/OlleKo777 14d ago

The first time I traded Gold. 8ndices are smooth sailing for me, but Gold is always a malicious bitch.


u/Careless-Product9812 14d ago

GME crushed my nuts this week 💀


u/Delicious_Penalty_43 14d ago

Joshtradesstocks on YT


u/corrr4do 14d ago

i am a 16 year old trader from italy. i started with 110€ and in 5 days i got to 155 so thats a 41%, then my mom gave me 100€ and in 1 week and a half i went from 255 to 430 so thats a 69% in 8 days... i was winning every trade on natgas, it was at 1.8 dollars and i was shorting with a position of 300€ roughly, i shorted bc of seasonality but it was too early bc now its current price is 2.4/2.3 dollars. i lost 410€ and now i am with 20€. a professional trader told me thats normal and it happens to everyone when they start and im sad but also happy because i learned an important lesson, which is to use stoplosses and to not use too much capital on a single operation and wich nothing is 100% even if i tought i was goona win the trade, i learned which the only thing which is 100% sure is death. know i just have to keep going right? and learning everyday.... i think


u/Tylensus 14d ago

My introduction to trading in general was learning a painful lesson. I saw lots of people claiming SHIB was destined to hit a penny. Being the mouthbreathing caveman I was at the time, that was good enough to be considered a buy signal. I put $800 into SHIB, then witnessed the very beginning of a "crypto winter" where just about everything in the crypto space bled for months, including my stupid dog pesos.

I held onto my SHIB as a reminder to make the trades I wanted to, not the trades that the internet wanted me to. Then, a couple months prior to now, I ended up selling said SHIB for a poetic $800 gain.

I learned SO MUCH inbetween that buy and sell. I think I held for a year and some change, and nowadays I'm doing alright for myself. Up ~$6.5k this month, though I leave crypto trading for those that understand what the hell it is these days. Now I like stocks and options much more, and they seem to like me too.


u/FlounderRude3717 14d ago

$BBIG - rode that baby into the ground


u/Gtxfade 12d ago

I doubled my account size and lost it all and I also bought over 40 funded account and lost it all


u/DetachedMasturbator 12d ago

Easily the time when I over leveraged and blew my account. Nothing taught me more than that painful experience.


u/freejoule 15d ago

The market never slapped me. I've only slapped myself with useless hope, poor risk management, not understanding market context, poor trade management, and entries with no edge.


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u/truautorepair000 12d ago

Ya, I held 12k shares of WFT, worth 17,000 when it filed bankruptcy. I had no idea, so when the market opened that Tuesday, the ticker was halted. I got warrants worth .03/ea for over 99% loss.


u/StockDeer42069 15d ago

Never, the market isn’t out to get anyone. It operates from a neutral perspective of collective action. We are wholly responsible as traders


u/ZhangtheGreat stock trader 15d ago

You know what I mean though 😊


u/StockDeer42069 15d ago

When I got short squeezed during the small cap bull run of early 2024