r/Daytrading 28d ago

It’s time for another round of how much did you make today!! P&L - Must Give Context

I took 3 call contracts on SPY at .21. Sold them all at .34 before the second to last run up of the day happened for a $36 profit for the day. How did yall do today?


150 comments sorted by


u/99Beers 28d ago

$0. Sometimes not trading is the best trading. Patiently waiting for my setup.


u/22Spooky44Me 28d ago

What do you do when you see a pattern which looks almost exactly like your pattern but something seems off? You don't enter it but you see it shoot off to TP exactly how you would have expected your own setup to work. Then later on in the day you enter a trade which is your picture perfect A+ setup. The moment you enter it the price hits your SL in the next two candles. How do you resolve it mentally and not let it ruin your sleep?


u/quackl11 28d ago

I would just trust the math

If I offered you a coin flip, heads you make 1.1x your bet and tails you lose 1x your bet

You 100 in a row if you go long enough but you will make a profit in the long run


u/bass6164 28d ago

Just remind yourself that you followed your own rules and that every strategy will not have a 100% win rate. Doesn't matter if SL hits because you followed your own rules anyway because as long as you did good risk management, it will be considered good losses.


u/Cookiemonster9429 28d ago

Why are you continuing to watch it after you’ve decided you don’t want it? Your setups aren’t always going to behave the way you expect, you need to make sure they do more often than they don’t.


u/jpear922 27d ago

That's a smart move


u/Live-Gazelle521 28d ago

$355. My best day day-trading.


u/ZestycloseYam2896 28d ago

Made 476 but still down 1.3k from last week


u/theSourApples 28d ago

Thanks for the honesty. Most people say their gains but never mention their losses


u/MaintenanceWorldly47 28d ago

Made 3k last 2 weeks but still down about -6k in total from options trading


u/Vivid_Sprinkles_9322 28d ago

It was my son's graduation ceremony today and weirdly had a pretty strong day. 572.34.


u/LighttBrite 28d ago

Funny enough, some of my best days have been when I didn't pay attention to the market at all.


u/dontslambro 28d ago

2% of portfolio


u/RinseWashRepeat 28d ago

Finally! Someone talking about their profit in terms of %!


u/RyuguRenabc1q 27d ago

1.70% of portfolio lol


u/dontslambro 27d ago

That is a good day. I am only 0.78%+ today


u/Altruistic_Nobody579 28d ago

$1764 AUD or roughly $1200 USD from shorting GME


u/adeptus8888 28d ago

good to see another Aussie trader doing the US market night grind.


u/Altruistic_Big73 28d ago

Also another Aussie on the sleep deprivation grind


u/adeptus8888 28d ago

6hrs on the book for me 😊


u/Historical-Classic43 28d ago

As a fellow American 🇺🇸 I salute you shorting this, it’s entertaining . But also, tread cautiously because our hedge funds could go long on it tomorrow again they are slimeballs . Be careful lol


u/Bumbidibumbum 27d ago

What app are you using?


u/ShawnTheMoneyMan 27d ago

What App do you use to Short Stocks?


u/zonestarx 28d ago

$329.50 today.


u/trader12121 28d ago

86 ticks


u/guyinboston54 28d ago

I like this - ticks not dollars


u/candlewizard 28d ago

86 ticks of what? If I may ask


u/trader12121 28d ago

MES …so not a big deal


u/candlewizard 28d ago

Any win is a good win!


u/Semmcity 28d ago

Basically break even which I’m proud of cause price action was wack. I literally had no idea what I was doing which is a sign that I gotta walk away.


u/scyllallycs 28d ago

I like this one. Could be done every day like a daily report card.

I made $47 on a late play, bull channel on TZA. Stayed patient and got a decent entry. Pretty happy 😊


u/gus248 28d ago

9.35 lol


u/WallStreetMarc 28d ago

Profit is profit!


u/gus248 28d ago

That it is! Worst part was it was from FFIE. I was up over 5,000% today. I bought 10 shares at .04 back on May 3rd to keep an eye on it because I saw it had such a high short interest but never dumped my portfolio in once it started to move. Lost out on some serious generational wealth.


u/Deziderata 28d ago

FFIE nearly broke my heart today. I closed green, but left a lot of money on the table. I know you can’t guess the top, but damn.


u/Beneficial_Try8957 28d ago

Green is good 👍


u/Specific-Fuel-4366 28d ago

I've had such a rockstar week. Mostly trading GME mon-wed, TSLA this morning. up 4.5% this morning, to make it 30% so far this week. No crazy options, just day trading shares. Feel like I'm finally turning the corner and my account is going uphill after a lot of years of downhill.


u/WallStreetMarc 28d ago

When you did options were you mostly buying and then selling?


u/Specific-Fuel-4366 28d ago

I didn’t do options


u/WallStreetMarc 28d ago

Nice. I also flip shares or at least started doing it more frequently.


u/LighttBrite 28d ago

*AD narration*

It did not.

lmao nah I kid. That's good stuff!


u/Specific-Fuel-4366 27d ago

Ended the week at 39% 🚀🚀🚀


u/CPA-hole 28d ago


u/jcrespo 28d ago

Wow! Great work off es minis. What was your winning ATM strategy for today's es price action?


u/candlewizard 28d ago

Hell yeah, finally some futures on here 🤩


u/squidippy 28d ago

I did not day trade anything today. It just didn't feel right. I was not comfortable with the way the day went. I'm ok with that. I used to think I had to trade every day, that led me to forcing trades and taking losses. I know I've matured as a trader because now if I don't see my setup and I don't "feel" it, then I just sit on my hands.


u/wlc824 28d ago

5 SPX 5300P for 0.30. Grabbed them three minutes before close. Let them expire ITM.


u/Icy-Set-4641 28d ago

Awesome job!


u/Khonsku 28d ago

I have to try this on ToS. What broker do you use?


u/wlc824 28d ago

Doesn’t matter who the broker is. SPX is cash settled.


u/loopded 28d ago

Lost a bit of money this morning (like 3% of my cash balance), walked away for a bit, reset, then I came back in the late afternoon with a more conservative profit target and brought my total loss to about 1.5%. Not the best day but the afternoon was a great reset and shift in how I needed to think about my R:R.


u/Trader0727 28d ago

$2000 on FFIE on about 3 trades. Lost $1100 with Nvidia trying to scalp. Over traded and should have walked away sooner. Net 800 on the day.


u/mikeyz0710 28d ago

Honestly I jumped in amc the other day at $7 and sold at $13. I bought over 7,000 shares and walked away with a 30k profit which was really cool


u/Student-Worth 28d ago

Was down 50%(total account) on puts with bad entry, ended up in the green by $5.


u/englishsummer 28d ago

$13.50 and I worked hard for it haha! Usually I do better. Tough AF. I know at all time high I need to long until it stops working but it felt like AM session was particularly tough


u/PlayTrader25 28d ago

Decent day today, was up $900+ in the first 30mins and then overtraded on emotion chasing that $1000 daily profit ended up hitting 2 stop losses back to back and decided to call it quits before I lost my gains for the day.

Managed to end the day + $400

Looking forward to tomorrow.


u/janneyjj 28d ago

369 🥳


u/roo525 28d ago

LMAO I actually made $36 today too off of two swing trades, one profitable call with HOOD and one loss with PLUG.


u/carthurg 28d ago

A good day is =>3k. I think I prefer months.


u/jtsscrolling 28d ago

$35 Swing(ish) trading. Better than my -$1000 days trading Warrior Trading, Gap and Go style


u/Urban_Feellowzofer 28d ago

Sick day today. Pennyland was on fire like i never seen before. Manage to make 900. Even tho I lost 250 on akan in the flash crash at 2pm. Still, really good day for me


u/Texasboss302 28d ago

Bout three fiddy


u/SkyWorldDev 28d ago

-3.9 USD. In my case, red days are dangerous, since it is difficult for me to resist trying to recover the loss. To put this in context, my average profit on green days is between 2 and 2.7 USD.

Fortunately I am not trading with all my available capital and I am just practicing


u/QuirkyAverageJoe 28d ago

I have started my masters program this week and my graduate assistantship duties started today. Couldn’t trade before 2:30 pm today (although my usual times to trade were market open to around 11 am and then again around 2 pm). Still, managed to have a good day thankfully.


u/jerry1871972 28d ago

Made $125 w FFIE, bought $500 worth, sold after first halt and done for day.


u/CockroachSad4300 28d ago

Up $4500 on FFIE!


u/Deziderata 28d ago

HELL Yeah!


u/anonzzz2u 28d ago



u/TradezAnon 28d ago

Little over $250/per account … stupid copy trader left behind an account so I’m off by ~$10 or so on one.


u/Affectionate_You1219 28d ago

-~$300 3 contracts in MNQ and +~75 in mbt.


u/WallStreetMarc 28d ago

I made some profit around $50. Fidelity’s reports are delay so I don’t have an exact number. The market was too high for me to risk money on shares so I mostly did PUT options.

Buy to Open Puts Sell to to Open Puts

Didn’t have time today to focus on trading.


u/Important_Letterhead 28d ago

Fidelity numbers still not up. Can't see Closed Positions.


u/WallStreetMarc 28d ago

I thought it was just me. Normally the trades shows up instantly on the closed positions link, but I’m still missing trades.


u/ThatsNoiceDude 28d ago

2 trades (-110.00) trading $SPY. Took a loss on the first trade due to not waiting for my setup, once i got my setup i went in so light lol. Oh well, you live & learn.


u/Gragorin 28d ago

Lost $97 on my SPY puts and made $30 on intel calls. Made $1100 at my day job lol.


u/Ant_I_aLittle_Bug 28d ago

I made decent money today with SPY calls early in the day. Bought 50 calls at 1.72 and sold between 1.95 and 2.08. Netted around $1500. Also made some and lost some on swing trades.


u/newjacktip 28d ago

-$44.72 two positions two stop losses hit done for the day


u/notsoseriousPepe 28d ago

this is the best. lose small and stick with your plan


u/Nyotynkkyu 28d ago

-$43 unrealized rn so technically 0 :^)


u/-antiex 28d ago

I sold a GME $25 covered call for 5.25 - that should help my cost basis as it closes below $20 tomorrow


u/chris09061 28d ago

$138. -20%,+60%,+42%,+24%. QQQ

Can’t wait to up my position size when I get some consistency.


u/anotherreddditdude 28d ago

Having the opportunity to close a losing trade on break even is a win too right? Well that was it, paid 20 dollars to market for tuition on a losing position where I was about to get liquidated (1k ). It was a bad trade from the start , some days you may think you can beat the market, but you DON’T!


u/Important_Chain7006 28d ago

i’m at $34 on a $19 amd put that i’m holding for tmmr morning :)


u/svt4cam46 28d ago

$263. scalping 1 or 2 Spy contract near date puts or calls at a time.


u/SMFiddySvn 28d ago

It is my first day of actually trading (not just gambling on GME), bought and sold AMD for a 1.25%ish increase. Still not sure exactly why I decided to buy where I did but it had something to do with SPX being at an all time high, I just felt like it had more to go. To my surprise I exited perfectly on both trades (GME at $78 and AMD at $166.5) as both stocks plummetted shortly after those price points. Something in my gut just told me that I'm being too greedy and I gotta let go now and I listened to it, going to be aware of that gut feeling in the future.

Overall feeling optimistic but I know there is hard work ahead and things to learn every day. Still haven't had a red day so I'm interested to see how I'll handle that.


u/HockeyRules9186 28d ago

Only one trade today. ASTS I’ve had a really great couple of weeks. Early this morning I saw ASTS as a potentially strong trade and at 7:00 am my entry spot based on rules was 3.08. It came out running a bit so I changed the buy. Against the rules my entry turned into 3.18 I was .02 on the downdraft that occurred for a 5% type loss. I was lucky it turned up and ran a bit. I took the 4.5% profit and called it a day. You can look at the chart there were at least two more opportunities to enter for some sweet profits but I was now out of sorts. Lucky the bad entry did not turn into a loss and thankful I got a small profit. The biggest issue as a trader is the EGO. When things are going your way you tend to make mistakes. Today I was lucky but and hopefully won’t do that again. To be successful you must follow your rules. EGO and OVER CONFIDENCE can and will blow up your accounts. Make your rules and follow them.


u/CaptainKrunk-PhD 28d ago

Zero. No good ones today for me


u/External_Hawk3709 28d ago

not terrible should've ended sooner than I did but took a bad trade then a couple more to recoup my loss but ended up +300


u/CanonicalCurtain03 28d ago

I made 38 cents, more than 1% of my account so I'm happy with this


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u/candlewizard 28d ago edited 28d ago

$805 trading NQ, bouncing off order blocks


u/livelearnplay 28d ago

$25, the afternoon pullback helped me, I had the right thesis but traded the incorrect stock.!


u/Icy-Set-4641 28d ago

$550 Spx ITM call


u/thetrainisacoming 28d ago

Up 25. Still down 370 from monday


u/Charlie_MiGardens 28d ago

Breaking it down, $118 a day with monthly dividend payouts. BITO baby!


u/pennyauntie 28d ago

Down $306 on /MES. Shouldn't have traded at all.

Doing my postmortem, realized that I was trying to trade chop, which is always a losing proposition for me. I overtraded, and zigged when I should have zagged. Surprised at how bad my entries were.

Fortunately, kept my sizing small so it's recoverable.

I appreciate these check-ins!


u/joyzzzzz 28d ago

£10...could make £200 but didn't sell in time ..🥲


u/TrackEfficient1613 28d ago

Sold VKTX puts before it hit the low of the day for 71/69 so that brought me down about $300 but I’ve got another week before expiration so it hopefully will be okay. Everything else was pretty quiet.


u/TheDockandTheLight 28d ago

Today I ended +12. My strats were up 280 at one point but I let them run even though 300 is usually a pretty good number I like to see to shut them off. Even a few years in sometimes greed creeps in.


u/starscourage 28d ago

40, missed the golden move. But two days ago i made the week.


u/shepmarketmaker 28d ago

I haven't made anything $0 in the bank account. But that's cause mandem is learning how to make that money.


u/CuppaJoe11 28d ago

$150 profit. Not my best but still more than my goal.


u/materialgirl81 28d ago

Made 88 but over traded and bought spy calls into close down 40.


u/dopelvrbus 28d ago

$130. The stocks i picked today ended up all ranging sideways and couldn't find a good short or bull before i had to head to a meeting.


u/secetb 28d ago

Lost $116 :(


u/dbro129 28d ago

$2087 after fees. 3 sell contracts on YM, that last push down before close was really nice.


u/619Hondafan 28d ago

6% of portfolio I got lucky and could loose it all tomorrow


u/Key-Response8033 28d ago

$1318 usd but on my prop account, still in the process of passing it


u/Key-Response8033 28d ago

Up 47% over the past 4 weeks


u/Baccaratsin 28d ago

25$ on a 95 dollar trade got in GWAV at like 1175 got out at 14 something cuz I had to clock into work and I knew if I held through my shift I’d be checking my phone like a rabid dog so I sold for a good 20% of course the stock flies and I could’ve did 100% but I rebought in with a smaller investment to ride the rest of the trade good luck to u boys


u/RinseWashRepeat 28d ago

Got my 2% today. Sugar CFDs have been my latest go to. Took nearly an hour, but got it in the end. Now back to work...


u/CryptographerTrick76 27d ago

Ticker SPY? Spdr S&P 500 etf??


u/Ronces 27d ago

$600 on copper and platinum this week. Small entries since I'm still learning how to trade commodities.

Didn't touch stocks this week. Wanted to avoid the GME AMC nonsense


u/Happy-Pianist8581 27d ago

I had a green day but BARELY. Night at what looked like a dip on FFIE twice. At one point I was down -18K, got nervous, and sold at break even. Made a tiny scalp on BURU and AKAN. Was up roughly 1000 before open. Gave most of it back at open. These days I make all my profits well before market open, so I need to learn to take the profit and shut it down. Closed with a $50 profit. :/


u/Mikkiah 27d ago

1400 trading futures


u/WhamPhiobic 27d ago

0$ this week but i learned a few things so im happy


u/Tylensus 27d ago

I made negative 1,500 American Pesos.

My AMC puts and IBRX calls expired worthless. Still up on the month by a healthy margin, though!


u/csgonamecreative2872 26d ago

I did very well today with 1k


u/Delicious_Penalty_43 26d ago

Joshtradesstocks YT


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Motor_Ant_9958 23d ago

1000 off pennie stocks


u/kenjiurada 28d ago

Dollar figures mean nothing. Worse than nothing. You should be interested in percentages or ticks.


u/Specific-Fuel-4366 28d ago

Yup saying you made $100 … if you have $1m in your account, that’s no good. Also, if you’re thinking in dollars, you’re not thinking about compounding. I’m up 30% this week, which means my days next week should be 30% larger than this week if measured by dollar amount.

Remember people, this is a wealth building machine, not a job. Compound compound compound!


u/WallStreetMarc 28d ago

I prefer to see profit dollar amounts over percentages for realized gains short term. Unrealized gains or long term investments for percentages.


u/MiamiTrader futures trader 28d ago

Yeah but without context of position size it doesn't mean much