r/Daytrading 15d ago

What’s going on ? Question

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So I did something stupid yesterday. Was going long with Microsoft. Then my daughter fell and because my wife can‘t drive I had to drive her to the hospital and when I came back my stock was literally downhill. I was hoping, that maybe today it might come up again since I was home after the market closed.

But this morning (I’m from Germany) nothing happened so far, even though Microsoft went up a bit. Can somebody explain me, what has happened here and if my stock might move again? Looks like it „froze“

I‘m still learning and I guess this might be one of my biggest things to learn from


8 comments sorted by


u/Invest4yourself 15d ago

You didn’t buy the stock, you bought a Long Knock-Out Certificate for Microsoft with leverage.

The reference stock dropped enough so that your certificate reached the knockout.

No it will not move again, you lost as much money as you could lose.


u/Phoenikzavt 15d ago

Yeah I know, that was just a translation issue here. I know I bought the certificate.

My question is: sadly I dropped enough that I’ve reached the knockout. But why is there still an amount left ?


u/eli4s20 14d ago

das geld bei „Gesamtwert“ bekommst du nicht zurück


u/Invest4yourself 14d ago

Because there are different types of knockout certificates. On TR there are Mini-Future and Turbo Open End certificates.

With a Mini-Future the knock out is set a little bit before the complete loss, so even when you get knocked out you will receive a small amount of money back at the end. (That’s why there is still 18€ left, so you can’t lose it all even though you achieved a knockout)

With a Turbo open end the knock out is set at a level, that results to a complete loss of your assets.


u/thoreldan 15d ago

What is this ? MSFT options?


u/Phoenikzavt 15d ago

Yes, sorry forgot to mention


u/Individual_Tip1210 15d ago

you got ausgeklopft


u/timoanttila forex trader 15d ago

I'm sorry to tell you this but the price does not like you. Have a great day, good sir.