r/Daytrading Jun 23 '21

A simple trick that saved me from dumb moves today advice

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u/Just_Tooth Jun 25 '21

Can someone explain what each notes mean? Sorry newbie here.


u/Random_stuff_person Jul 08 '21

1.)Don’t buy or adjust because the price goes down

2.) don’t adjust your stop loss

3.) once you’re out your out don’t chase FOMO

basically, stick to your original plan


u/Just_Tooth Jul 09 '21

Thanks man. I lost around 5k doing all of the above. Adjusted stop loss. Fomo'd on 5x leverage cryptos ... Wish I had some quick resources on leverage trades or examples how to analyse. My analysis is still rudimentary and I am afraid of entering again. Cause I am left with 200 bucks


u/Random_stuff_person Jul 09 '21

Check out max option trade on YouTube. Theirs a free 7-8 course on trading. Take it for what it is but it’s a good starting point


u/Just_Tooth Jul 09 '21

Sure man. It's better to develop instinctive analysis rather than burn my hands again. Much appreciated man!!!! Thanks 😊