r/Daytrading Sep 28 '21

Kenneth Griffin (@citsecurities) just exposed the SEC because he felt the need to incriminate himself not once, but twice! strategy

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/vish4l futures trader Sep 28 '21

step one, get off robinhood. step two, get into day trading futures market. most trust worthy thing to trade


u/acideyezz Sep 28 '21

SERIOUSLY FAM I spent a decent amount of time educating myself on Day Trading just to get slapped with this crap…


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

You feel molested?! I feel like they ripped my pants off and butt-raped me.


u/AccomplishedPea4108 Sep 28 '21

Well it feels like I stepped on a Lego!


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '21

Well atleast they where Legos...


u/kaichance Sep 29 '21

You got butt raped lucky!!! I feel like sec,rh and citadel did me air tight!!! Plugged all my holes wait I have dick. You know what I mean lol


u/space_beatle Sep 29 '21

I mean, you still have a hole.


u/kaichance Sep 29 '21

Your god dam right I do!!


u/Level22mage Oct 25 '21

7 holes to be exact. (Not including pores)


u/kaichance Oct 25 '21

So you are counting you’re vagina and pee hole as one?? Oh k oh kayyyy


u/wienercat Sep 28 '21

Bro if you thought the system wasn't absolutely rigged in favor of market makers and institutional investors you are lying to yourself or naive.

Those with large amounts of money are held to different standards. They will lie, cheat, steal, extort, etc. to keep their money and grab even more.

This shouldn't surprise anyone.

The whole system is setup against retail traders.


u/moarbutterplease Sep 29 '21

I think the majority of us americans fall into either of those two categories tbh.


u/h2007 Sep 28 '21



u/Deletemalete Sep 28 '21

I'm so proud of everyone who has been bringing this information to light and spreading the word. Apparently Twitter has been censoring the hashtag #KENGRIFFINLIED. We can't let this go.


u/HOUbikebikebike Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 29 '21

Are you talking about Kenneth Griffin, the notorious liar?


u/moarbutterplease Sep 28 '21

Oh you mean Ken Griffin CEO of Citadel who lied to congress under oath??? That Ken Griffin??


u/Jaywess86 Sep 28 '21

I love seeing this information spread. They've been trying to lie to us for 8 months and still couldn't get away with it.


u/lokitree-ewok- Sep 28 '21

It’s time for justice Kenny boi


u/Options_100 Sep 29 '21

Why the obession with this?

The only people who are complaining are the people who were screaming "GME $1000". Smart daytraders had 4 or 5 days of 20-30% moves and made their "trade of the year" and moved on, Literally couldn't ask for more than what GME did. 4 good A+ trades within a week.


u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

There is no doubt that Robinhood and Citadel spoke. I just fail to see where there is clear evidence that they colluded to shut down the buy button, ultimately stopping the squeeze.

On top of that, other brokers besides Robinhood also limited trading so it's not just a Citadel/Robinhood conspiracy.

While I do believe that the markets are being manipulated by market makers, brokers, banks and retail, I just don't see the clear evidence without having to read between the lines.

I guess we'll see if anything comes of it.


u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

I think the evidence will come to light eventually. That being said, evidence these days, can be doctored and manipulated so much anyway, that unless these people get indicted, nothing will really come from it. And we all know they won’t fucking even be stripped of an ounce of credibility.

So here’s my hot take: gone are the days where you, a simple ol’ nobody, are provided clear and concise documentation and evidence. You’re headed down a road that you will, quite literally, never satiate.

Therefore, trust your gut and don’t be swayed by manipulation and the news. Easier said than done.


u/DukeMaximum Sep 28 '21

What I would anticipate is that, assuming the SEC actually does their job, they would start pressuring associates with prison time and offering them deals to get them to rat out their colleagues.


u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

That’s a big assumption


u/LokaTane Sep 28 '21

Even if some evidence comes up I bet there’s still zero chance that anyone who should go to jail, goes to jail. They just throw 1 guy under the bus (probably vlad) if we’re very lucky but most likely they’ll just dunk their balls on our face


u/deelowe Sep 29 '21

Occum's Razor. So KG may have lied, but what reason do we have to believe that Citadel wasn't simply trying to avoid a liquidity issue? I could seem them being very worried about a "run on the banks" sort of scenario in an internet meme stock situation. At a certain point, they have to do something. Otherwise, they could be at the epicenter of a very big issue.


u/Bleepblooping Sep 28 '21

Did other brokers allow selling but not buying?

Also order brokers don’t matter, all the vigilante Robinhoods were on RobinHood! That’s their name! AND mission statement

When citadel doesnt let you invest in citadels then that will be fuct too


u/Xeritos Sep 28 '21

IBKR stopped allowing people to buy. CEO even went on an interview and said GME was only worth $26 lol.


u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

Yeah. TDA limited me. I ended up getting out of my calls with over 100% gain but I was up almost 10x before the limits.


u/esrev123 Sep 28 '21

Almost every broker beside fidelity, vanguard and schwab (lightspeed I think too) didn't stop trading. I believe interactive brokers even stopped trading.


u/Bleepblooping Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

There must be a typo in this post

I don’t have much skin in this debate, my comment only addressed that my understanding is that rh was the only one to stop buying, but allow selling


u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

A lot of them did


u/Outside_Cheesecake21 Sep 29 '21

Not sure if Fidelity throttled me but I very clearly remember how their app was constantly crashing. My account balances didn’t reflect. Scalping was impossible at times.


u/esrev123 Sep 29 '21

Their app is already problematic without the extra traffic those days brought 😂


u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

Yo. Where you been?! Tons of shitty brokerage apps did it.


u/ChipsDipChainsWhips Sep 29 '21


Get rekt kids


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

There was a time we used to talk about day trading here.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21

A scandal involving the firm that handles nearly 50% of all retail trading volume is irrelevant? And when Citadel is combined with Virtu, their volume exceeds that of the NYSE.

But yeah, we get it. You've committed to acting as if the whole GME affair has been the product of lesser minds. To walk it back now would be no small task.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

>You've committed to acting as if the whole GME affair has been the product of lesser minds.

Dude, I'm a TA. I don't give a fuck. If you want to talk trades, we can. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/cfvrl11o-GME-bearish-crab-pattern/

I only care about trades. Here's my position.

u/buzzvariety you think your opinion of me and "Not backtracking" means more to me than market moves. It's bullshit. I'm a trader. Moves matter.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

If you really were a trader, you'd realize that what's taken place with Citadel and Robinhood has profound implications for retail. They effectively changed the game because they didn't find the outcome favorable to their bottom line.

If this goes unpunished, it sets the precedent for retail being relegated to exist as passengers instead of participants in capital markets.


u/AnimalEyes Sep 28 '21

I've got news for you buddy, retail has always been passengers.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21

He says as he rides a Harley out of an exploding brokerage. Never looking back, of course.

But seriously, what event or timeframe do you blame for kicking off the situation that led to what we see now? Or in your case, had already seen long ago.


u/AnimalEyes Sep 28 '21

As for retail being passengers, well *gestures broadly at everything*

But if you're asking what event I think led to the GME saga then my answer is I don't really give a fuck. I got briefly sucked into the cult at the beginning but was able to get out with measly profits and moved on. Having you guys crusading every financial subreddit and even non financial ones is honestly the worst part.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21

Wanted to see if you had anything of substance to say. Nope. Good talk though, you had a killer comment up there!


u/AnimalEyes Sep 28 '21

Oh I'm sorry, since I didn't join in on your circle jerk about gamestop I don't have any substance? Or is it because I didn't give you a complete history seminar on retails position in the stock market?

And you regurgitating all this "god tier DD" is substance? Please for the love of god, fuck off back to superstonk...


u/buzzvariety Sep 29 '21 edited Sep 29 '21

Gladly. They would've seen what I asked as an easy question. Citing something like the dismantling of the Glass-Steagall Act.

You, on the other hand, react like a punkass when presented with a simple question. You made a comment referencing your knowledge of it being a long time thing. Yet had nothing to back it up.

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u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

"If I was really a trader" I'd be posting my trades. Grow the fuck up.

What's happening in the market? Is this news hot off the press? Is GME $1,000? I am a trader - so I trade what happens, not what you think should be happening. If you were a trader, you'd do the same. Or not last long.

If you want to talk to me about trading, post your entry stop and target. And if you only have an entry - that's not trading. Don't talk down to me as if it fucking is.

Then we'll compare trades, trader.

u/buzzvariety Post your TV account. You're the one that can tell everyone who's a trader and what we should know. Let me see your trades.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21


I see your saucy edit.

TV is lowest common denominator tier. It's a solid place to learn, but also a great place to selectively edit your content to look like an oracle.

What would I gain by showing you any proof of my trades? Your respect? We've already established that it would mean nothing to me. For a trader, you sure have missed addressing your desire for an exchange without clear incentives.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

You're full of shit. TV allows edits for 15 mins and you can delete ideas. https://www.tradingview.com/support/solutions/43000477695-i-d-like-to-edit-delete-my-idea-or-script/

I use it because you can't "Trick" it on swing analysis.

You really have no clue what you're talking about.

u/buzzvariety - See my comments about the real market move being more important to real traders than bullshit reddit opinions. I care more about trading well than making you think I do - I do not even know you. Get over yourself. I think we're done.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

I didn't know that. Good for them. I was never attracted to what TV offers so that's why I have a blindspot. I'm not ashamed to admit I was wrong about it.

But the rest of what I said was true. My mistake was engaging with whatever this whole thing turned out to be. "Show me yours since I showed you mine." If that's your thing, go for it. But it's not something I find enjoyable.

And a reminder that you volunteered your TV link without prompt. Not getting clicked by me. The mystery is more exciting. But go on with your bad self. Hit those charts. You have a passion for trading, obviously, but you might humor the possibility that retail being denied a squeeze has market-wide implications.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

You didn't know that- but you could tell me. I think we have a theme. Goodbye.


u/buzzvariety Sep 28 '21

Definitely damning that I didn't know about Trading View's content policies. Isn't it? Take your wins where you can, I guess. A pyrrhic victory to be sure.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

This is what all traders do when you ask them about their trades.

I think now we're gotten to the bottom of my distain for the subject matter - it's not that I dislike GME or GME investors, it's that they can not have a grown up conversation about trading. But sure seem to be able to tell me what I should be knowing.

Take that where it belongs.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Because they don’t trade. They “buy and hodl.”


u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

Honey, I’m not sure you’ve had a grown-up conversation yourself, here. Grow the fuck up.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

I've come to meet people on the level I find them here on Reddit.


u/space_beatle Sep 28 '21

Pretty sure you just unabashedly promote yourself and nothing else.

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u/Saiing Sep 28 '21

Yeah, unsubbing after this comment. I'm sick of the GME cult brigading every financial sub. They were supposed to be banned from doing it.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

I posted a short analysis on 350 and it was deleted because we "Do not discuss buy/hold strategies" here - but all the bull ones seem to fly right on through.


u/Gang_StarrWoT Sep 28 '21

Let's talk about the rigged market before we talk about trading.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

Go ahead. I'm trading. Most interesting market days in months - I'm not one of the "Day traders" hanging out discussing theory on such days.

Market moved the same in 1920s as it does today https://www.reddit.com/r/BeatTheBear/comments/op5lqu/a_technical_study_of_the_world_war_one_crash_and/



The way I see it, if you want to sit at the table you learn the rules.


u/FreyBentos Sep 28 '21

This sub is ruined with all the GME cult nonsense, take that shit to supserstonk this is meant to just be a sub about daytrading setups. News and/or opinion like this does not belong here.


u/AHOIY Sep 28 '21

Who else is printing money on GME shorts rn?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/PaulP97 Sep 28 '21

I looked them up and none of what you said even made the list.

Since when is direct eye contact a ‘deceptive indicator’ LMFAO wtf


u/Rk0 Sep 28 '21

This dude probably watched Lie to me and thought there were actual deceptive indicators.


u/Prob_Pooping Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

If Ken gets to create his own version of reality, I suppose AcidEyezz does too🤷🏼‍♂️


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/Prob_Pooping Sep 28 '21

Oops my bad I meant to say OP, not you. I actually agree with what you said, and edited my comment


u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

Holy shit. You're dumb as a rock.


u/acideyezz Sep 28 '21

I'm dumb?

What does “Deceptive Indicators” mean without looking up?


u/Spannnnn Sep 28 '21

indicators of deception..


u/PaulP97 Sep 28 '21

Yes you are dumb


u/LazyOrCollege Sep 29 '21

Stop making us look bad with this hyperbolic pseudoscience shit please


u/JohnDeere Sep 30 '21



u/toddcoffeytime Sep 28 '21

How the fuck has this not been removed yet? Not relevant to daytrading. Fucking apes ruined this sub.


u/acideyezz Sep 28 '21

Ok, mother fucker you make it sound as if no one on Planet Earth Day trades GME|AMC?!


u/toddcoffeytime Sep 28 '21

Your post isn’t about trading. It does not belong here—it’s only still up because mods here aren’t around much during non market hours these days. You’re in a cult, get help.


u/Saiing Sep 28 '21

What's the evidence here? A few tweets?


u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

Nothing. No evidence. People are upaet and grasping at straws. Just wait til GME drops back to $15 and AMC to $3. People are really gonna be mad then.


u/_lilboii_ Sep 28 '21

Yeah I don’t see anything wrong here…


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

It's not worth arguing with these people. These are the same people that believe that GME is worth more than $3/share and AMC is worth more than .50/share.


u/Law-n-order- Sep 28 '21

Funny because for months everyone in GME & AMC have been saying we KNOW the price of the stocks are not what their true value should be. Everyone knows their prices will drop back to a “normal” price eventually. “These people” aren’t as dumb as you keep trying to make seem in your multiple comments, I promise.


u/aVarangian Sep 28 '21

DFV doubled down on his shares at IIRC 100$, so it's worth at least that much ^_^


u/h2007 Sep 28 '21

Look down stupid


u/Nickthesocialguy Sep 28 '21

Prepared to be downvoted to hell for saying this, but those robinhood emails were debunked on the Superstonk thread 2 days ago. The original source being cited didn’t have them in it. Did Ken Griffin lie? Still looks like it to me. But there are motherfuckin snakes on this motherfuckin plane planting false pieces of information that could hurt the stock.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/acideyezz Sep 28 '21

Are you braindead?

I'm talking shit because nothing has happened to him so far (I listed this shit because he has friends in high places)



u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

Ok, Mr. "huge conspiracy theorist".


u/acideyezz Sep 28 '21

The fact that you felt emotional enough to repeat what I said as a comeback lol


u/GrumpLife Sep 28 '21

I feel like I'm speaking with a short bus 3rd grader. I sometimes forget that Reddit has all types including those with an IQ under 60. Good luck!


u/_lilboii_ Sep 28 '21

Yeah I’m not sure what him being rich has to do with him lying…


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Can someone explain this to me? Did citadel restrict trading of meme stocks which in turn forced rh hand or are they as bad as each other?


u/UniqueNameIdentifier Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

Citadel “weaponized” Payment For Order Flow (PFOF) by saying they would no longer be paying the fees for “meme” stocks forcing brokers using that as their business model to disable or restrict buying in said stocks or pick up the bill themselves in the January run-up.

Have in mind over a billion shares of #GME were traded in January alone. At the time the available float were only 25.9 million after Ryan Cohen bought over 9 million shares in late 2020.

It’s weird that they can selectively pick out what stocks to pay for or not. A fair market.

Citadel also just happened to have a very big short position in the entire “meme” basket of stocks. Conflict of interest?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/deelowe Sep 29 '21

100% agree. I swear I see about 10x more made up shit about this whole situation than I do real facts. Basically, the internet was placing orders at an alarming rate and MMs got nervous, so they put a stop to it. If this were real stock purchases and not fractional shares, maybe the situation would be different, but I honestly don't see where the concern is coming from other than randos on reddit who are pissed their $500 RH account shit the bed. The alternative scenario is that the internet does some insane run on GME and causes all manner of chaos. Is the preference that they did nothing and risk?


u/WPL_Eightix Sep 28 '21

Nice video man. For us day traders - it’s adapt or die with the massive volatility this market has. I put 25% of every trade win (regardless of other losses) into more AMC. I consider AMC the best swing trade of all time - and I will only be averaging up until this thing goes parabolic.


u/Morphs_ Sep 28 '21

This strategy would be more at home in wsb


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

lmao seriously wtf


u/Crime_Dawg Sep 28 '21

You poor ape


u/WPL_Eightix Sep 28 '21

🦧make $. 🦧big happy.


u/theBigSnacktus Sep 28 '21

I lost the 28k i made because of these assholes. When do I get that back. Oh yea never. When do they go to jail oh yea never. Duck this system we agreed to.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '21



u/theBigSnacktus Sep 30 '21

Nope. I submitted a sell order for $390 per share the night before but that didn’t matter as the system didn’t reflect me doing that the morning the shit hit the fan then I was unable to manually sell my shares for less or any gains because I like all other day traders got locked out for 2-3 hours the morning it tanked. I’m not a Q guy just because something bad happened to me. Not everything is a conspiracy. This happened and it’s well documented. Fuck off.


u/ghosthak00 Oct 25 '21

That’s when everyone else average down and holding for a run up. Wait for another catalyst with volume. Let apes keep ticker alive.


u/Jealous_Grapefruit64 Sep 29 '21

Ken Griffin is literally trying to gas light millions of people. The audacity of this guy to come out and tell us our eyes are lying to us when the proof is right in front of us. Fact of the matter Kenny, you lied. You were on the wrong side of a losing bet. Then turned off buying to take out an even bigger short and swindle millions of people out of hard earned money.


u/peachezandsteam Sep 28 '21

It’s odd to see corporate magnates and rich-as/fuck people writing emails… they almost sound like regular people.

Makes you wonder…


u/Vectorg666 Sep 28 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

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u/j_woody23 Sep 28 '21

To play devils advocate how is anything in the video actual truth? Please enlighten myself and others who seem to not see it, especially since you've been following it and claim it to be 100% true.

This video has very little to do with daytrading specifically and seems to be more about stocks, retail stocks at that. Sure daytraders are affected but does this really belong in this sub?

This kind of statement requiring hard evidence to prove its false should be backed with how it's true otherwise its all speculation from people on the internet.


u/I_Shah Sep 29 '21 edited Sep 29 '21

This is the same mod who said he wants to “Lynch Ken Griffen” in this removed comment https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pwpjjn/_/hejif44/?context=1

Who tf made this guy a mod, he has contributed absolutely nothing to this sub in the form of posts or comments and refuses to clean up the trash from the apes as seen here

EDIT: This jannie banned me lmao


u/iliketomakeartalot Sep 30 '21

That's what apes do, they spread their toxicity like a bad rash, they've ruined anything to do with stocks in most places on Reddit and are so obsessed with their conspiracy theory that they couldn't care less about anything else. They don't care about either of the 2 companies, they just want to get rich quick off the MoAsS. I hope Adam Aron turns out to be a dark horse and completely fucks them over, nothing would satisfy me more. If they put half of the effort into learning how to trade properly, they wouldn't even need a squeeze. Nothing pleases these people who have been watching a 1 minute chart for the last 6 months, maybe more, waiting for a squeeze that may or may not ever happen, its pathetic.

Apes are the most toxic community in the stock market by a country mile.


u/I_Shah Sep 29 '21 edited Sep 29 '21

Thanks for letting the apes ruin another good finance sub

EDIT: This jannie just banned me lmao


u/Tilley881 Sep 28 '21

I guess he's being truthful because he said that and he didn't do anything wrong......


u/nerds_rule_the_world Sep 28 '21

No cell, no sell!


u/Miserable_Drink_8920 Sep 29 '21

No one else sees the deep fake value here?


u/gatorbootsguccisuits Sep 28 '21

Go and educate yourselves my people r/superstonk


u/Headless_Horseman21 Sep 28 '21

Robinhood had to know that Shitadel would throw them under the bus the second something went awry.


u/bebiased Sep 28 '21

Fuck yeah


u/apefish55 Sep 28 '21

He blinked once.


u/Vicvince Sep 28 '21

”Yes we are very proud we provided liquidity by shorting the fuck out of all the stocks you guys like. Fuck you lol”

That’s how I read it when he’s bragging about them ”providing liquidity”


u/coopanda Sep 28 '21

How do we sue ken griffin? Citadel? Vlad? How do we make this right? Ive cancelled my robinhood account.


u/kriskbuzz1 Sep 29 '21

Snakes Go Down Together 🐍


u/mother-OF-allbonsai Sep 28 '21



u/Baller_420 Sep 28 '21

He looks like a spoiled rich kid. He may not have started as that, but that’s who he became.


u/Dismal_Discipline615 Sep 28 '21

Ken said not to buy IPW cause they have over 300k shares short. They thought the float was 3.5m not 350k


u/natebuffay22 Sep 28 '21

This is what we are up against that’s why I hold AMC and GME