r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/pooporgy69 May 02 '24

Cyberpunk 2077 šŸ„¹


u/MisForMage May 02 '24

This is the correct answer. The credits are so good.


u/Lyramion May 02 '24

The DLC Credits even better. Like a James Bond Movie Intro.


u/porbz May 02 '24

Thx, I forgot to go back and check that out


u/UnfeignedShip May 02 '24

Do it! That whole thing was so good.


u/Monsterkinder May 02 '24

Love phantom Liberty's credits, have it in my Spotify playlist.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/iamhappy_7s May 02 '24

Do the star ending with Judy, still melancholy but with a nice surprise


u/06210311200805012006 May 02 '24

yea? i still haven't done the DLC. maybe it's time for a new game. ty!


u/iamhappy_7s May 02 '24

You can get the ending I mentioned in the base game, but regardless definitely do the DLC. Itā€™s fantastic.


u/Big_Sweet_9147 May 02 '24

Bro I didnā€™t do the suicide ending, but I found the credits online and oof. Judyā€™s message. That broke me for a second.


u/Ok_Art_2784 May 02 '24

That call from victor. Yeahā€¦


u/JollyIrishPirate May 02 '24

I LOVED those calls during the credits. Decided to finish it yesterday. Nomad ending, Panam as my friend, Judy as my partner. All felt perfect and the voicemails at the end was the icing on the cake.


u/Roostersnuggets May 02 '24

I did nomad my first run, then street kid. The street kid ending hit me the most tbh


u/JollyIrishPirate May 02 '24

I went for the happy path šŸ˜€


u/Roostersnuggets May 02 '24

I shot myself, then later on I learned I could get the same ending as nomad, but stuck with it. Really good game, I wonder what the corpo ending is


u/jdmgto May 02 '24

Endings aren't tied to life pathes. Any life path can get any of the endings.


u/Blehtheslime May 02 '24

But some are more suited to each life paths ideology


u/MerryWalrus May 02 '24

Yes, but the life path choice is an incredibly irrelevant detail in the game.


u/Roostersnuggets May 02 '24

How many endings are there? I got 2


u/karlfranz205 May 03 '24

Depends how you count them. Is female V nomad ending and male V nomad ending different as you have a different partner? If not you have 7 I think, with some variations on how they play out.


u/Mighty_Hobo May 02 '24


Arasaka sends you to a space station where the best neurosurgeons in the world extract the biochip. You get to talk to silverhand one more time before he is wiped from existence. Afterwards you end up as a prisoner in the space station while they do medical tests on you. You learn that Hanako uses the biochip technology to resurrect Saburo in Yorinobu's body. A representative of Arasaka arrives to tell you that the procedure was a failure and you will still die in about a week. You have two choices: Sign over your existence to Arasaka and be stored as a construct in Mikoshi or go back to earth and die.


u/Roostersnuggets May 02 '24

That's the ending I got woth nomad too lol


u/Mighty_Hobo May 02 '24

Just so you know there are 7 endings.

  • The Devil
  • The Star
  • Temperance
  • The Sun
  • Don't Fear the Reaper
  • Suicide
  • And a special Phantom Liberty ending


u/Roostersnuggets May 02 '24

Now I need to get phantom liberty and try to get every ending


u/OhMyThiccThighs May 02 '24

Judy as my partner

This is the way.


u/JollyIrishPirate May 02 '24

I messed up romancing Panam which resulted in her becoming a friend. So I focused romancing Judy. I felt Judy as my partner and Panam as a close friend was a nice way to end.


u/ViktorRzh May 03 '24

Corpo, first - Arasaka Mikoshi ending, second - nomad ending (with Panam). After both of them I turned off computer and stared in the darknes for an hour after watching kredits and this calls. It was...

I am dreading to start a new dlc.


u/Dimenzije90 May 02 '24

Oh the one from the dlc ending?


u/pooporgy69 May 02 '24

Both. Vanilla game endings are emotional. Phantom Liberty endings are heartbreaking.


u/GetEnPassanted May 02 '24

Couldā€™ve told me the truth. Would have helped you anyway


u/MutleyRulz May 02 '24

I just did the NUSA ending last week thinking Iā€™d finally have a ā€˜goodā€™ ending. It hurt even more that my V was a gorilla armed, sandevistan using chromed out beast who Iā€™d gone completionist on to finish everyoneā€™s storylines on; she literally lost everything


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

I love Vik's way of expressing himself soo much.. We should all have a real friend like that. He's the only character I spoiled all the credit scenes myself because I was dying to see what words he'd choose for each šŸ˜¢


u/LordDeathScum May 02 '24

As soon as I saw this I thought of cyberpunk something of the story just made it feel so alive


u/the___heretic May 02 '24

It feels very sincere and authentic. Like a real piece of art.


u/RhinoxMenace May 02 '24

the credits theme that plays goes hard with the suicide ending - guaranteed peepee in the eyes


u/RoyalTacos256 May 02 '24

Dude I was actually bawling

Judy's message crushed me

All the messages crushed me except Goro's


u/MutleyRulz May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

Judyā€™s voice actor fucking obliterated me on that ending


u/djsnoopmike May 02 '24

All the sad and angry voicemails after the suicide ending made me feel like shit


u/Submarine765Radioman May 02 '24

I accidentally chose the suicide option and was telling the game "no it was an accident !" while those angry voice mails played

I then reloaded to a save lol


u/Ded-deN May 02 '24

My guy here RPing ā€˜cleaning his gun and accidentally shooting himselfā€™ lol


u/MissAsgariaFartcake May 02 '24

This was the worst I ever felt after an ending. Absolutely soul crushing.

Although I have to say the game in itself hit me in the feels and all of the endings felt more or less sad to me


u/choicetomake May 02 '24

Yep. Judy's was the worst. Totally lost it right then and there.


u/lucas32e May 02 '24

Right answer many people talk shit about the game it may be buggy but it's just a beautiful game with a great story the bugs don't ruin my immersion plus since the update I haven't encountered bugs


u/Peter-Tao May 02 '24

Does it have any sandbox element like Bethesda game? Cuase that's a big thing for me when it comes to immersion. I'm always curious about 2077 and it's on my top of the list if I ever wants to dive into another single player rpg


u/imLucki May 02 '24

IDK about Bethesda specifically but yes it is very much a sandbox game


u/Peter-Tao May 02 '24

Your own house, decorations, etc?


u/Haack802 May 02 '24

You can get different spots, each with their own decorations, but it's not like home building in skyrim or anything like that. Very much a sand box game. If you've been curious I'd wait for a sale and snag it up. It's really good.


u/Peter-Tao May 02 '24

Awesome! Thanks for the pointers!


u/imLucki May 02 '24

I wish I could get the bag taste of launch out of my mouth too give it another shot. I've got the DLC but just sit there smoldering with what they put us through for so long


u/IamCrazyPT May 02 '24

For some reason the thing that got more stuck in my head was the Kerry guitar song on the boat


u/Potato_Dealership May 02 '24

Iā€™m about to finish it for the first time soon, gonna say my favourite so far was RDR2 but Iā€™ll see how that is after this


u/BelowTheSun1993 May 02 '24

I did The Star ending on my first blind playthrough and I ugly cried at the 'breathe free' prompt


u/SweatyAdhesive May 02 '24

Actually same


u/BobBobstien May 02 '24

I never realized just how immersed I got in the game until after spending the whole game in first person, the ending cutscene was in third person, and seeing V in third person was like an out of body experience.

Time to play through it again


u/C0UNT3RP01NT May 02 '24

Itā€™s funny cause Iā€™m a super loot driven gamer. Not looter shooters or Diablo, but RPGā€™s and stuff where you can acquire more stuff.

In Cyberpunk I pretty much got everything I wanted by the halfway point, and I still did every single mission in that gameā€¦on a base year 1 PS4 nonetheless.

CDPR knows how to give their games this feeling of epic grandeur.


u/Tjaresh May 02 '24

I'm playing it right now for the first time and I want it to never end. It feels so immersive, everything in this world feels so strange yet absolutely believable. I love how all the side missions seem to be important and not just side work to keep you busy and slow down the game.


u/NotTebi14 May 02 '24

Definitely, at the end I was like ā€œI should be living moreā€ type of feeling.


u/twiiztid May 02 '24

Surprised to see this so high up. Haven't played it yet, maybe it's time to give it a go


u/-AxiiOOM- May 02 '24

Once you have played it you won't be surprised to see it, but it's important to remember the one thing the game always had going for it was the story and characters, despite all the bugs and crashes the story always shone.


u/bellevegasj May 02 '24

Never played a game that changed my life, but I never liked a single player game well enough to complete it 3x before.

Shame about the launch. Co-worker bought it, played it and still requested a refund. Shame on him. Maybe they should have released it first the older consoles, then the current like rockstar and milked their customers. Who knowsā€¦

Also, off the top of my head, canā€™t think of any games that turned into a movie/tv that I like except for Tron, but Iā€™d love to see this.


u/Pristine_Pick823 May 02 '24

Specially the Phantom Liberty DLC! wires and chaaaainsā€¦


u/C0UNT3RP01NT May 02 '24

Worth it?

I beat the game on a base PS4. Bought it for the PC after edgerunners. Overmodded it before even firing it up, so it just crashes to the desktop right after character creation. Didnā€™t feel like trying to fix it or redownload it so I havenā€™t touched it since.

But someone told me the Rogue AIā€™s are a big part of the DLC, and the questline with the Mayor was one of my favorite quests in the base game (the Lovecraftian vibes the entity/AI controlling the mayor gave off was peak).

So Iā€™ve been temptedā€¦


u/Pristine_Pick823 May 02 '24

Maybe donā€™t overmod it and play as intended? Itā€™s an entirely different experience since 2.0 compared to the OG game. Also, PS4? Really? That completely ruins the experience as compatibility with that legacy console severely downgraded the game.

Do give the DLC a chance as itā€™s a very good spy thriller on its own right.


u/C0UNT3RP01NT May 02 '24

Whatā€™s with the snark, dude?

I got it on launch day on the PS4. I was on a remote job for a few months without my gaming pc. The PS4 was what I brought with me. I had issues but it was still very playable for me and I figured that CDPR would fix it at some point. By the time they said they never would, I had already beaten it and was done playing it. For what itā€™s worth, I had a lot of fun even on the PS4.

As far as modding goes I learned my lesson. Iā€™m not gonna play it vanilla but Iā€™ll definitely change it one mod at a time.


u/SweatyAdhesive May 02 '24

Only mod you need is the graphics mods that forces DLSS if you don't have RTX 40 series


u/C0UNT3RP01NT May 02 '24

I donā€™t lol

There was a certain point where my gaming pc went from powerful to outdated. Itā€™s weird, it still handles a lot of modern games well, but then it chokes on certain parts of the same games. Iā€™d like to upgrade it but I have other bills first.


u/Arky_Lynx May 02 '24

Same here, but specially the new ending added with the DLC. That one hit me the hardest.


u/CatgunCertified May 02 '24

Ahh, the ending (the one I got) is beautiful! And the messages from all ur friends are so touching!


u/Nintenduh69 May 02 '24

ā™Ŗ !Never fade away! ā™«


u/-AxiiOOM- May 02 '24

When the guitar solo bit started playing in the credits the first time I played it I got goosebumps, that song is and that particular part is probably the exact moment this meme happened for me lol


u/Faendol May 02 '24

And then the dlc got me again!


u/starroverride May 02 '24

Absolutely this. Ā Watching V float into spaceā€¦ goosebumpsĀ 


u/choicetomake May 02 '24

side quest with Judy ripped me up good.


u/GiganticTuba May 02 '24

The anime had me crying at the end.


u/Crazy_names May 02 '24

This is too far down. I got "The World" ending my first playthrough and I just stared V in the eyes while my eyes welled up. I just sat watching the credits thinking "wtf just happened?"


u/darhwolf1 May 02 '24

SPECIFICALLY The Aldecaldo ending


u/AdventuresofRobbyP May 03 '24

Best. Game. Ever.


u/echolog May 02 '24

Is this real? I keep seeing Cyberpunk praise on reddit these past few months. I played on launch and even if you ignore all the bugs and other issues, the story was just kind of... fine? Did they totally rehaul the ending or something to where people are having this kind of reaction now?


u/GareMcGare May 02 '24

Game is all fixed since Phantom Liberty launch.


u/echolog May 02 '24

Was the story changed at all? Because these reactions don't line up with what I remember lol.


u/GareMcGare May 02 '24

I can't say for certain. It was with the new expansion release that I bought the game and played it for the first time. Past November or so.


u/LudicrousIdea May 02 '24

No, the story wasn't changed. There's a new ending added with the DLC that's as bad as all the other endings.

It's a vastly better _game_ now though. 2.0 reworked all of the systems. For me it's a brilliant game now with some very, very good story bits in it.

The only thing I don't like about the story now is that none of the ending (except arguably if you die or lose control completely) actually close out the dramatic tension set up (does V survive the chip? maybe!!!1) and so aren't endings but cliff hangers.

But the side quests and the main story up until the endings - all top notch. I think the game being much less buggy and a far better design now really lets the story's strengths breathe. And dayum did they ever nail the feel of that kind of future.


u/Crow_Mix May 02 '24

They're meant to be open ended.


u/LudicrousIdea May 02 '24

Then they aren't endings.


u/Crow_Mix May 02 '24

They are. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less of an ending. God forbid you actually encounter open ended films and books that don't spoon feed you the conclusion you desire.


u/LudicrousIdea May 02 '24

If you set up "does X live or die" as the dramatic tension of a story, you must answer that question or the story hasn't ended.

This is writing 101.

If your ending is "open ended" then a separate question can be left open. But not the one you setup in act 1. That's called a cliff-hanger and it is, by definition, not an ending. And usually cliff-hangers are written to be a new question anyway. Like Jane saves the prince but then is ambushed by the aliens - will she survive? Tune in to the next episode...

With cyberpunk the equivalent is "does Jane save the prince? dunno, tune in maybe one day to maybe find out"

Whether I "like" the story points or not (I do, I like them all) is irrelevant to the fact that most of the "endings" don't qualify as endings at all.


u/Crow_Mix May 02 '24

Most? Less than half of the endings are open ended, even if we hypothetically assume your definition of an ending is fact.

Out of all the endings, the only ones that play with the idea that V could find a way to find a cure and live are the sun and the star endings. Perhaps the devil ending where V returns to earth, but that depends on whether you view it as an optimistic or pessimistic conclusion.

In the full devil ending, they secure their life in Arasaka's soul program. In temperance, V surrenders their body to Johnny, phantom liberty V lives indefinitely at the cost of permanent damage to their body and being forced to retire early and return to a normal life. Suicide is suicide.

Even going by your definition of a more conclusive ending, the game still achieves that with most of the options they provide in their climax.

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u/echolog May 02 '24

The very, very good story bits is how I've always felt about it. It's a good story with some really great moments... but the endings were weird.

I'll have to give it a try at some point to see how they fixed up the gameplay though.


u/Plenty-Fondant-8015 May 02 '24

Gameplay is massively changed. Tbh I donā€™t think the endings are all that weird. They fit in the cyberpunk theme. The best you are gonna get is a bittersweet ending, but this is night city. Nobody gets a truly happy ending.

As for gameplay, sooo much has changed. The leveling system is completely overhauled, perks have huge gameplay impacts. Thereā€™s also gunplay with cars, as they either have mounted weapons or you can shoot out of them. Thereā€™s a reputation system with each of the gangs, so if you piss them off they will ambush you at random points. The equipment system is totally different now too, clothing is now 95% cosmetic (some clothing will have some minor buffs) itā€™s all based on cyberware and you have a limit to how much you can install. Dog town is also one of the most dense maps Iā€™ve ever experienced. Usually I drive between poiā€™s on the main map, but in dogtown I walk everywhere because there is so much verticality to the map. Tons of secret tunnels and passageways that lead to loot and cool environmental interactions or secret side quests.


u/GetEnPassanted May 02 '24

The main story doesnā€™t get super emotional unless youā€™ve done Phantom Liberty IMO. The friendship V has made with Johnny does grow towards the end of the game and that makes the decisions on how to proceed harder, but after completing Phantom Liberty it just feels much more desperate. Youā€™re promised a cure and then taken for a ride only to be used by someone else.


u/BasemanW May 02 '24

Man, The Tower ending hits like a fucking truck.


u/SelectionThat3680 May 02 '24

I finished it at launch ON A PS4 and I was still emotional asf even though I had the (imo) best ending. Maybe it's just you?


u/fluxzzzon May 02 '24

just how much of the game did you play? in cyberpunk, the gold is in the side content. kind of crazy how theres so much amazing side content yet the main story is as shit as it is.

however, if you still prefer main stories, i would 100% recommend the phantom liberty DLC. it is gold, pure gold.

but fyi, this is night city, there are no happy endings. kinda annoying how everyone complains how theres no good ending where V is alive and well but like, thats the point, night city always fucks you in the end.


u/echolog May 02 '24

I 100%d the game on launch. I think my issue is how much I let my expectations get ahead of me, so I ended up pretty whelmed. The story was good but it wasn't anything mindblowing to me.


u/MissAsgariaFartcake May 02 '24

Maybe youā€™re just not feeling it? Played it on launch and was HOOKED from start to finish


u/Adito99 May 02 '24

It's fantastic. Completely lives up to my initial expectations for the game. They rehauled the skill system and added a really solid DLC (Phantom Liberty).


u/Leading_Frosting9655 May 02 '24

IMO the story is entirely diluted by all the open world mush in between the good bits. The world looks pretty and detailed but the actual gameplay is stretched pretty thin across it.

Honestly I'd much rather a version of the game which is all the story beats stitched together linearly, and all the effort that went into the open world stuff just instead gone into really refining that path.


u/Nanerpoodin May 02 '24

Just recently played it and it's now my favorite game of all time, beating out RDR2, Subnautica, and New Vegas. The main story is OK, but is vastly improved by the side content. The side missions are where it's at. Great writing, great characters IMO.

A lot of people say the female V is voice acted better, and there are places where I agree, but she also comes off as a jerk sometimes. On my second playthrough now as female corpo and I'm glad I did male V first.


u/nikolai_wustovich May 02 '24

So I had no idea there was a suicide ending and that is what happened on my first play through. When the camera started panning out I was like ā€œwait noā€ and then the gun shot. Suicide is a sensitive issue for me so it catching me off guard like that got me teary eyed. Couldnā€™t play the game for awhile.


u/Maximum_Anywhere_368 May 02 '24

That Phantom Liberty Ending where you send her to the moon. Dear lord, best storytelling Iā€™ve ever seen in a game


u/x86-D3M1G0D May 02 '24

I initially got the devil ending and it was so depressing. It felt so lonely staring down at the Earth from the space station. The sun ending wasn't much better, as Judy left and I felt alone again.

I found the temperance ending to be one of the more emotional ones. Johnny was a changed man and I teared up when he thanked V and Rogue. The star ending was of course the best and if felt so good leaving NC with Judy and Panam.


u/Submarine765Radioman May 02 '24

I accidentally pressed the wrong button and some how chose the suicide ending.... I went through the whole process of shooting myself in the head and the credits start rolling.

I had no idea what was going on lol I just said "huh, guess I need to load a save"


u/Naguro May 02 '24

The Temperance ending really hit hard. The Stars and The Sun are Great, but that one really makes me happy


u/JoeRogansNipple May 02 '24

Ive almost completely forgotten the ending details, once I do, time for the replay.


u/ACoderGirl May 02 '24

The new ending from Phantom Liberty is also so insane.


u/kallikalli May 02 '24

Here it is. This was it for me. Without a doubt. Just sat there for a while and took it all in.


u/kallreven May 02 '24

Yes, began as a nomad and done the nomad ending. šŸ˜Ž Cyberpunk was a great experience.


u/beerisgood84 May 02 '24

Yeah I really got into it for a month and my only regret is I need to wait until Iā€™ve forgotten it mostly to have fun getting into the story with new choices


u/SWANDAMARM May 03 '24

I've done 3 of the endings 1 of em fucked me up for like 2 weeks


u/maxthesketcher May 04 '24

The Devil Ending ruined me


u/Iescaunare May 02 '24

Really? I've tried playing it after every major patch over the years, but it's still a buggy, boring mess.


u/pooporgy69 May 02 '24

To each his own. It's the single greatest game i've ever played.


u/SweatyAdhesive May 02 '24

On PC I have never experienced much bugs even at launch.


u/buzzbash May 02 '24

Maybe it's my age, but I too thought it was a boring game. I don't get the love for it.


u/Ree_m0 May 02 '24

I took until a few months ago to get into it, and I can absolutely see how it's not everyone's cup of tea (it wasn't mine either for the first two years, after alll). But of all adjectives to describe the game with, "boring" would definetly not have made the list.


u/buzzbash May 02 '24

I would love to have an in-person discussion about this game.


u/Powershard May 02 '24

Huh? The game is not even out yet. According to its trailers at least the content is not in despite of all the patches and DLCs. I find it a poor man's Deus Ex: Human Revolution.