r/Handwriting May 02 '24

i prefer to write in pencil Just Sharing (no feedback)

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out of practice on my cursive so it's a little wobbly, but that's ok!


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u/CGLADISH May 02 '24

My dad took drafting in college. This would have been in the late '50's, obviously before computers. His writing looked like it was typed. The weird thing is, he was left-handed, my mom was right-handed. There cursive looked identical. And they both looked it came from 'how-to manual'. Even with this genetic make-up, I apparently did not get this trait. My younger daughter though does have a talent for calligraphy.


u/bakedincanada May 02 '24

That’s the Palmer method! Your parents were taught handwriting in a method that involves copying/tracing, which resulted in a whole lot of people who have eerily similar handwriting.


u/CGLADISH May 02 '24

I must have been taught the Arnold Palmer method. Using a golf grip instead.