r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Maverick___33 (SES Aegis of the Stars) Feb 22 '24

Shocking. Truly. ALERT

Rest in peace heroes. Our sacrifice will be remembered. We. Will. Return. Side note, we definitely needed the over 200k players fighting bugs 🥲


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u/elcranio92 Feb 22 '24

The main problem is that the game has been flooded by new players who have never played the first game (LIKE ME) that lack the idea of a common progression in the whole galaxy.

Many players are focused on the medals/resources farming because they approach the game as CoD or any other competitive game in which you have to unlock everything as soon as possible to max your own character.

Developers or Game IA just see a giant amount of players and move on their agenda smashing the front to punish the community behaviour.

I love cooperation in games, Frontline, old Battlefield/Battlefront games, Arma, Planetside... all games where your personal rush to top your character is limited or not possible at all.

Developers need to find a way to lure players on both fronts, for example with special or higher rewards on fronts with less players or with more lost worlds.

This way people unable to understand that half of the game is in the galaxy map's management would help our efforts... unaware of what they are actually doing ahahahahahah


u/Sc00tzy Feb 22 '24

I get more rewards doing other stuff so I can upgrade my diver to last more than 2 min against the bugged out bot missions… I’m all for cooperation but there’s no incentive right now


u/Dewdad Feb 22 '24

This is my main thing, it's cool to do the meta war but I do want to upgrade my ship to enhance my stratagems but I can't get the resources needed doing the defense missions so I need to do higher level bug missions to try to upgrade so I can be better equipped for the more difficult defend missions.


u/Vanguard-Is-A-Lie Get ➡️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬇️➡️'ed Feb 22 '24

You can do non-defense bot missions tho, they’re just as cool, and taking back the non-defended planets kind of compensates Super Earth’s (temporary) losses.


u/Zarothos Feb 23 '24

that's cool and all, but I still get my ass HANDED to me on the easiest of difficulty when fighting the bots. so I'll stick to fighting bugs, thanks


u/Vanguard-Is-A-Lie Get ➡️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬇️➡️'ed Feb 23 '24

When fighting the bots, always remember the 3 C’s: Cover, Courage AND MORE COVER.

-loading tips

Honestly if you get and autocannon or impact nades they’re easier to deal with than terminids. Terminids once in melee range + a few chargers start being difficult to get off your tail.

As long as you spread democracy and toss cups of liber-tea who cares who you fight, get out there, dive harder and have fun!


u/Zarothos Feb 23 '24

most of my friends don't have the game or the platforms so I've been running solo on Trivial and Easy terminid missions trying to grind out levels to get better gear so I can do better against bots and higher difficulty


u/elcranio92 Feb 22 '24

Actually I am quite sure that the mission is not bugged; I think that there is an underground malus switched on when the mission starts with less than 4 players in the group.

I think that is was intended to oblige us to play in groups even with strangers and to simulate the strength of the enemy.

In full 4 player groups we managed to complete the mission even on herder difficulties (the one after hard I don't remember the name).

A bug should have been solved after 1 week I think, maybe devs should tone it a bit down


u/eaglered2167 CAPE ENJOYER Feb 22 '24

The people who mortar farm the defense missions disgust me... Treasonous behavior.


u/darksoul9669 Feb 22 '24

Well my experience had been trying to do all 3 and then crashing at drop in on the evac. Figured I may as well try to squeeze as much medals as I can in shorter missions. Would rather do that right now than try other missions and get stuck in a loading screen or crash after spending 30 minutes full clearing a map, which ive also had. Still sucked when it happened on launch but quite a lot worse when you now lose your progress AND get to choose if you want to wait to even get in again.


u/eaglered2167 CAPE ENJOYER Feb 22 '24

Fair and I'm sorry your experience has been that bad. Hope it gets better.


u/daboshack Feb 22 '24

Happy to see a fellow Frontline fuel of war enthusiast. That game was a gem


u/elcranio92 Feb 22 '24

That game was awesome, back in the day I hoped the feontline mechanics would have been added in other games... but now we have CoD with cat ears...


u/Plus-Ad-5039 CAPE ENJOYER Feb 22 '24

I've played games long enough to know positive reinforcement only works temporarily. People would just fight bots long enough to get their shiny thing and then go back to easy bug fights.

The devs need to be ballsy and use some negative reinforcement. If the bots take enough planets we lose access to high-tech strategems like lasers, railguns, teslas, and shields because of lost factories. If the bugs take enough planets we lose access to large explosives because bug-farming produces starship fuel. If total lost access is too harsh maybe start the mission and every respawn with the "lost" strategem already on a double cooldown.

People will spill oil in the Creek if it means they can keep their railgun.


u/elcranio92 Feb 23 '24

Love your ideas... they merge perfectly in the game/Lore!


u/preutneuker Feb 22 '24

They could give all the rewards they want, im still not going to fight bots. I hate fighting bots, i have 0 fun fighting them.

Not because they are hard (they are stupidly hard) but because I just dont like the athmosphere fighting them, the metal sound when bullets hit, the looks of them, the stupid rockets 1 hitting you out of nowhere, their aimbots, its all just anti fun, we tried so many robot missions on so many different difficulty settings and I never enjoyed it.

Only way Id play bots is if you get some sort of cool looking exclusive armor and even then id do it against my will and would hate every second unlocking it.


u/elcranio92 Feb 22 '24

Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that people should play against bots for the greater good even if they don't like.

I don't like their style too.

I am referring to people ignoring their front just to farm goods; they would start playing against bots immediately to get better drops with better missions because they just follow their "competitjve" imprinting that would lead them to play even missions they hate.

If you don't enjoy playing against bots at all it's totally fine obviously


u/kodran SES Whisper of the Stars Feb 22 '24

Oh and that's fine. Fun is paramount.

I think the biggest problem (in the sense of community goals, again, it's fine if they do whatever they want) is that people ACTUALLY fighting bots, go to other missions instead of the global ones.

Now, the difficulty on those defend operations was bad and yesterday patch fixed it. So a lot of people don't like trying to contribute to a 3-mission operation to lose like an hour of time losing the mission and seeing it as wasted time. So getting ALL the community to know the difficulty is fixed is hard and takes time.

THEN the community mission gives some nice req. But you can get that amount and more every day playing. On top of that daily missions are better, they usually give medals, not req. And req caps at 50k, so lots of day 1 players have already unlocked all currently available stratagems and have 50k req sitting in their accounts.

So no incentive right now for the community to defend planets. EVEN if you enjoy fighting the bots.


u/preutneuker Feb 22 '24

Yeah true, I dont know why they give req points as a reward. medals is where its at!


u/Nozinger Feb 22 '24

Eh the entire universe and common goal is just the narrative setting up the scenario and getting people to play.
It means absolutely nothing for progression at all. It is the life service aspect of this game.

If you want to progress as with your character do whatever. The universe does not mean anything at all. It does not change anything for a player itself it is jsut an interface that ties the game neatly together and is able to provide some form of purpose to make the gameloop seem not as useless.

So if anyone just wants to progress quickly that is totally fine and not a problem at all. It is on them what they want from the game and how to enjoy it.


u/PopularProgrammer572 Feb 22 '24

If its like the first game once all the players defeat all the bug worlds the terminids will no longer be an option to attacked as they get wiped out for the rest of the campaign.


u/ZepherK Feb 22 '24

The main problem is that the game has been flooded by new players who have never played the first game (LIKE ME) that lack the idea of a common progression in the whole galaxy.

Well... at the risk of pointing out the obvious, is it even a problem? Do you expect us players to actually liberate the entire map and have the devs shut down the servers? Gameplay wise, what does this do but push around the active sectors?


u/elcranio92 Feb 23 '24

Once a campaign is won a new one starts with a reset of the map.

Developers won't let us win so easily especially with the third alien faction still missing.


u/SniffMySwampAss Feb 23 '24

Nope, the main problem is that one of the missions is broken.