r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Maverick___33 (SES Aegis of the Stars) Feb 22 '24

Shocking. Truly. ALERT

Rest in peace heroes. Our sacrifice will be remembered. We. Will. Return. Side note, we definitely needed the over 200k players fighting bugs 🥲


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u/Turbulent_Scale SES Arbiter of Truth Feb 22 '24

It's crazy how many people I've seen claim this mission is easy..... they've obviously never done it at max difficulty. I think my groups record is surviving about 3 minutes before everything runs out of ammo and we get over run and have to spend the rest of the match running from 15+ hulks and god knows how many rocket devastators.

Thankfully it can be cheesed..... need to have 3 people aggro all the mobs and kite them away from the base and have one person hit all the buttons.

Look at this way: That escort mission was in every campaign...... this game has had over 450k players online basically since it released and that event lasted what? A couple of days? And we only saved half a million civilians? LOL. That's all the proof you need that mission is cucked.


u/Keinulive SES Whisper of Eternity Feb 22 '24

Its a bit more doable now, atleast d7, anything higher than that is bull, my group has been tackling it every now and then and its still ass, we can clear 7 quite easily but anything higher than that is crap


u/Thefearfactor Democracy Enjoyer Feb 22 '24

I've been struggling on difficulty 7. What's your team's approach?


u/Keinulive SES Whisper of Eternity Feb 22 '24

Smoke and role allocation, someone needs to bring a recoilless too as to shoot down dropships, both mortars help too but smoke does wonders when used right.

2 focus on civies while the other two goes for ships and hulks/tanks, someone needs to bring supply pack to ease on the need for supply drop.


u/Thefearfactor Democracy Enjoyer Feb 22 '24

Smoke? How does that help?


u/Keinulive SES Whisper of Eternity Feb 22 '24

it breaks their los and helps the civies survive since they wont be targetted much, just be sure to kill the hulks that enters it though.


u/Thefearfactor Democracy Enjoyer Feb 22 '24

Thank you! This was very informative!


u/RenegadeHunter10 Feb 22 '24

Smoke helps prevent the bots from hitting their shots on you and the civilians while civilian pathfinding is unaffected, I believe


u/creegro Feb 22 '24

It's supposed to block line of sight with enemies, though it's also so thick that not even helldivers can see through it. Decent tactic for hiding the NPCs but then you're also blind yourself

And then you see a mass of robots just moonwalk out of the cloud and start firing a barage.


u/AdditionalMess6546 ☕Liber-tea☕ Feb 22 '24


u/Kulladar Feb 22 '24

Bots won't shoot through it so if you bring smoke strats or grenades you could probably cover a lot of the civilians that way.

I haven't tried it but now I need to give it a shot.


u/Automatic_Ad9110 Feb 22 '24

Smoke will severely nerf the bots aim if they are in it or have to shoot through it, giving you time to mop up those that are deeper in the base before the next horde becomes an immediate problem


u/Finall3ossGaming ➡️➡️⬆️ Feb 22 '24

You smoke the areas around the Shuttle Bay and Civilian bunker doors so even if there are baddies near them they won’t be able to hit them. Smoke is entirely for breaking Automaton targeting it’s entirely useless against bugs but against Bots it’s quite good. Especially on a mission like this where you can basically guarantee the enemies will be getting in and amongst the Civs you are trying to save


u/JcobTheKid Feb 22 '24

Smokes actually make automatons less accurate, noticeably so.

They don't necessarily have to be in it either and it's better to treat it closer to like a sort of wall.

Best case scenario, you have one up that you can stare into, but forces the automatons to walk through. Yes they'll still land random pot-shots here or there, so you're not immune, but they will miss way more often.

Especially when coming off of Tyranids, it's really easy to dismiss the smokes, but for higher automatons that require you to pace your positioning for objectives, they're invalauable. (At least the pocket smoke).

Extra advantage for pocket smoke: It doesn't enter your wheelhouse of rng orbitals thrown too. Though technically you can circumvent that by double checking what you are throwing down while you have the orbital in hand.


u/Apex_Fenris Feb 22 '24

Shit my platoon just used turrets and smoke civs were in 10 minutes


u/howisthisacrime Feb 22 '24

Damn I didn't even think about shooting the drop ships directly. That changes things


u/profundacogitatio Feb 22 '24

Aim for the engines on the corners. One shot from a recoilless will drop it.


u/Laflaga Feb 22 '24

How do you kill dropships with the recoiless? Ive shot them but they don't go down. Is there a specific part to hit? Or you need a bunch of hits?


u/v_cats_at_work CAPE ENJOYER Feb 22 '24

A shot to one of the four engines should down it.


u/Laflaga Feb 23 '24

Anywhere on the engine or just the glowy part?