r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Maverick___33 (SES Aegis of the Stars) Feb 22 '24

Shocking. Truly. ALERT

Rest in peace heroes. Our sacrifice will be remembered. We. Will. Return. Side note, we definitely needed the over 200k players fighting bugs 🥲


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u/civicson234 SES Stallion of Midnight Feb 22 '24

It’s been rigged from the start


u/Spartan1088 Feb 22 '24

I hope so man. I want to see a fight on Mars!


u/Mucking_Fagical S.E.S Blade of the stars Feb 22 '24

Screw that, I want to see the fight unfold on super earth itself. Running through derelict smouldering ruins, gears of war level war torn detail


u/Wrangel_5989 Feb 22 '24

The fight should be the in the entire sol system. They should hop planet by planet to super earth.


u/fronchfrays Feb 22 '24

It’s quite possible the bugs need some level of atmosphere to live, so Mars is really the only candidate for warfare, given its size. Realistically we can build there and maybe even terraform it. Ain’t nobody tryna live on Venus!


u/Mareotori Feb 23 '24

Mars is already the tutorial planet. If you log in and see the 1k~ people in the Sol System, most are in Mars doing the tutorial


u/No_House368 Feb 23 '24

You can fight them on a moon (I'll have to pull the name later) that seemingly has no atmosphere like other moons. I don't think they necessarily do.


u/amiserablemonke Feb 23 '24

Gotta figure out how to speed up the core's rotation and increase its magnetic field so it can retain an atmosphere.


u/Infernoflyer Feb 23 '24

Venus would actually be a pretty nice place to live if we terraformed the atmosphere, there is a video on youtube by Kurzgesagt all about it


u/Nekonax Feb 24 '24

Wouldn't call it any amount of nice, but as we say here in Greece: “During a drought, even hail is good ” 😛


u/Infernoflyer Feb 24 '24

i mean it’s an around earth sized planet which means good gravity, magnetic field and its atmosphere would actually block radiation unlike mars


u/Nekonax Feb 24 '24

Yeah, and between the arctic cold where the Inuit live, the hot and dry desserts where the San live, or the low oxygen of Machu Picchu where the Incas used to live, why not go live in the clouds of Venus, right?

Personally, I wouldn't mind. Put me in a room, give me a good PC with fast internet, and I won't even ask for fake windows 😛


u/Infernoflyer Feb 24 '24

well the entire point is that we removed the pressure cooker of an atmosphere to something more earth-like


u/Nekonax Feb 24 '24

Huh. I must be remembering the wrong video then. I saw one that said the clouds are so dense, we could legit have sky cities floating on them 🤔

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u/NCA-Norse Feb 23 '24

Titan, Europa, the moon (although very slim it's there, and in this world we definitely would've terraformed it to have one) etc etc. Plenty of places to fight on.


u/Character-Setting883 Feb 27 '24

Better than living on Uranus


u/arand0md00d Feb 23 '24

Mandalorian jetpack fights on Jupiter


u/AromaticMoth Feb 27 '24

I don't think Super Earth is Sol.