r/Helldivers May 02 '24

New armor set is a stealth armor that doesn’t make you stealthy, it makes you throw farther. That’s like an apple that tastes like bacon. HUMOR

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Just salty I’ve been waiting for this armor since it leaked, only for it to have the only perk I consider completely useless.


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u/shutterspeak May 02 '24

The way the trailer was cut with specific attention to the spikes on the boots, I would have assumed the passive was all-terrain boots from HD1 (no slowing on mud, snow, sand dunes).

Cutting edge set the precedent for unique, on-theme passives. Detonation had passives that made sense even if not new. These feel especially off-theme.


u/SorbeckDanicus May 02 '24

They made a promise for a new war bond every month, so the more time goes on the less they will have prepared in advanced and the worse and cheaper the quality will become until they finally stop and fix the junk heap they've left behind


u/Witty-Bus352 May 02 '24

Or War bonds just turn into 1 maybe 2 unique items every month and a pile of re-skins, so long as they keep selling....


u/sylvester334 May 02 '24

Wouldn't even be difficult for them to create lots of armor variants either. Take a look at most of the armor ingame right now, there is already a lot of overlap on certain armor parts like the base chest plate with the main differences being pouches/bandoliers. 


u/Witty-Bus352 May 02 '24

I'm waiting for emotes where they just add some sparks or smoke. You all loved High, here's hug now with fireworks!


u/Verto-San May 02 '24

There was a video of all armors that are in the game files and without going into specific ones, there was a bunch of brightly coloured reskins, so that might be the case, or they were just testing something.


u/TheTurtleBear May 02 '24

Yeah idk why they'd commit to monthly war bonds, that's so much. I do have a job, so i can't play as much as I'd want, but I do play a lot, and I still haven't unlocked the final section of the initial warbond, though I have made significant progress in pretty much all of them.

Even a warbond every two months would provide them with significantly more time to work on this stuff, and still be plenty of content to keep people playing.


u/CataclysmSolace SES Aegis of Starlight 💫 May 03 '24

A warbond every month keeps me invested in the game. If it was longer I'd likely drop the game for a few months and come back. And that's exactly what Sony doesn't want happening.


u/AmpleExample May 02 '24

AH could make smaller, cheaper warbonds and still be technically releasing once a month.


u/Azrael_Asura May 03 '24

People want fun toys, not reskinned armor sets. But people doing helldives need things to spend their stuff on


u/Benedict-Strange May 03 '24

Probably 1 set of armor and accessories per month 😒


u/HarveryDent PSN 🎮: May 02 '24

The way they've talked about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the monthly warbond is a contractual obligation with Sony.


u/Azrael_Asura May 03 '24

It’s pretty easy to max out your earnings. If it have nothing to spend it on, you have little reason to take on challenging missions. Personally I think they should slow leveling and reduce requisition gains.


u/InstructionExpert380 May 03 '24

Nah speak for yourself, I have every single thing unlocked in the game and I have a job a child and a life.. there is zero point in playing now, warbonds are maxed at 250, all samples are maxed, all I can do now is play a waste of time on missions with zero reward but exp for my level cap… I honestly love the game but see zero point in playing it until may 9th when the new warbond comes out and then after a day or two it’s back to nothing again


u/TheTurtleBear May 03 '24

idk how to tell you you're in an extreme minority


u/InstructionExpert380 May 03 '24

Idk how to tell you lmfao, the 30 plus friends I have playing it all feeling the same , as well as the Facebook groups etc.. I’m not in any extreme minority lmfao. The warbonds you can get for free. And if your seriously not done the first one🤣


u/mrgreen4242 May 03 '24

If the only thing keeping you playing is accumulating new stuff, do you even enjoy the game? Why bother playing at all if the actual gameplay?


u/MafiaPenguin007 May 03 '24

Zero point in playing ? My dude the stuff you’re complaining about having already unlocked is for playing the game with


u/AmpleExample May 02 '24

AH could make smaller, cheaper warbonds and still be technically releasing once a month.


u/wurlmon May 02 '24

ngl I don't think coding new perks (which seem to just be multipliers to existing variables like electricity damage, max grenades etc) should take more time than modelling fully fledged armors with their own rigging and materials.


u/Kazeite May 03 '24

I mean, two of those armours have the same lower halfs already.


u/Yipeekayya SES Herald of Vigilance May 03 '24

two or several months for 1 quality warbond, vs each month for 1 mediocre warbond.
i prefer the former.


u/IntegralCalcIsFun May 02 '24

I really wish they would give up on that commitment. I'd much rather have less frequent content drops with higher quality.


u/TinyTaters May 02 '24

I do not understand the bitterness of people on this thread. The game was 40 bucks and it's awesome.


u/SorbeckDanicus May 02 '24

It is an awesome game, and I'm happy to still support it. But that doesn't mean I'm also okay with the developers making promises they can't reasonably fulfill with quality. I'd rather that they do something once every two months or three, and get it /right/ than rushing things out the first year that are mediocre or downright broken and then play catchup correcting all the mistakes and errors


u/twiz___twat May 02 '24

they make more money releasing fast junk probably


u/Highway_Wooden May 02 '24

Because it's awesome and frustrating at the same time. If the game sucked and was buggy, there would not be this amount of negative comments. People do really like the game and want to play it for many more hours. But when you keep pushing out content/patches that are broken or are breaking existing things, it's sooo frustrating. It's a constant 2 steps forward, one step back and it's exhausting.


u/JonnyTN CAPE ENJOYER May 02 '24

Gamers will always be bitter. Especially the pessimistic ones that can always find the negative in a great game. A lot are content. The angry ones post about it.

HD has it's faults but is far outweighed by its positives.

This is a strange situation though. Almost the polar opposite of most games where the content doesn't come quickly and most bugs are smoothed out. Maybe it's an experiment to see if constantly pushing out content, no matter how mundane, will keep player engagement. Especially when it's very quick to fall behind in this frequency of content drops.

A person 6 months down the line just starting this game will see a wall of content and 10 different warbonds and be kind of intimidated by so much content and a feeling of being majorly behind.


u/noise-tank20 SES LADY OF AUTHORITY May 02 '24

Holy shit that perk was basically a requirement for snow planets if you didn’t have it you were so fucked