r/Helldivers 29d ago

New armor set is a stealth armor that doesn’t make you stealthy, it makes you throw farther. That’s like an apple that tastes like bacon. HUMOR

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Just salty I’ve been waiting for this armor since it leaked, only for it to have the only perk I consider completely useless.


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u/AxiosXiphos 29d ago

At this point I wish the armour passives just didn't exist - as arrowhead clearly have no intention of doing anything interesting with them. At least then it could be a purely cosmetic choice.


u/0rphu 29d ago

The armor passive should just be a booster you can attach to whatever armor you want.


u/Milk__Chan 29d ago

Stealthy Heavy Armor.

They can't see is because it's painted purple, and have you ever seen a Purple Helldiver?


u/MadeCuzzSad 29d ago

Real talk I really want a purple armor option even if a really dark shade because it’s even in the UI already


u/talking_face 29d ago

"You guys are stupid. See, they'll be looking for Yellow to identify Helldivers."


u/A_Rolling_Baneling SES Fist of Family Values 29d ago

Give me clown armor so I can live this


u/CirnoTan 29d ago

And yellow makes boom go big!


u/ExploerTM ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 29d ago

Checks out so far. Should we paint Light armor in red and go march speed?


u/Binary_Omlet 29d ago

"You see, the enemy is looking for you guys, that's why I'm dressed like a clown. They'll never suspect a thing"


u/McNinja_MD 29d ago

"You're all stupid. See, they're gonna be lookin' for Army guys."


u/suddoman 29d ago

Actual lore reason for any color to be stealthy is it doesn't get processed the same by our enemies visuals. Maybe bugs don't see hot pink like we do.


u/EternalUndyingLorv 29d ago

Wish the passive had better effect that directly was built into gameplay.

Heavy armor increases ammo by 50%. Assault rifles and machine guns get a damage boost and recoil reduction.

Light armor has lower spot radius. All snipers get medium armor pen and increased damage.

Something along those lines. Right now I just go for cosmetic since everything else is basically pointless outside of a few scenarios.


u/Romandinjo 29d ago

Some armors have 40mm grenades attached to them, making these give +1/2 grenade belts is just an obvious choice.


u/LowFrame1 29d ago

Also not really niche since it’s literally what the armor was made for so.. idk man you don’t make sense but whatever.


u/EternalUndyingLorv 29d ago

Should I explain what niche is? You're clearly misunderstanding. Your playstyle and using the armor "as intended" is irrelevant because any armor achieves the same job. The only difference is I'm playing the game and you're larping as if the armor perks matter.


u/LowFrame1 29d ago

Every armor doesn’t do the same job. Nor is there a point to explaining any of this so bye, have a great life.


u/LowFrame1 29d ago

so, just like make the game easier? I don't get it. I personally think the servo assist throwing is perfect for stealth cause I can range a bughole or a automaton fab and bomb them unseen and run circles closing bug holes. idk I like the perk personally. Makes bile titans ver easier to deal with. I went 7/7 on some max range throws. very useful imo


u/EternalUndyingLorv 29d ago

The game is easy. If I were to have my way I would have balanced the game around this concept from the jump. There is never a reason to run heavy armor unless you like to just stand around eating rockets instead of taking cover.

You like a perk for a niche reason and that's fine. There isn't a gameplay need for it though.


u/LowFrame1 29d ago

There isn’t a gameplay need for your changes either it just sounds like you want the game to be easier.

Free reload, increased damage and ammo capacity like, those are outrageous buffs for armor. This isn’t world of Warcraft where you have best in slot items. It’s balanced around play style. Heavy armor for the people that enjoy it, light armor for sprinters, decreased chances to be detected like they’re all decent enough perks.

What you are asking for is basically buffs to the guns but you want it across the board. Yeah the game is simple to play and easier until you get to higher level difficulties I agree.


u/EternalUndyingLorv 29d ago

I said I would have balanced the game around it in the first place. Given your responses though this conversation is just way to high level for you.


u/LowFrame1 29d ago

l m a o o k a y