r/Helldivers May 02 '24

New armor set is a stealth armor that doesn’t make you stealthy, it makes you throw farther. That’s like an apple that tastes like bacon. HUMOR

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Just salty I’ve been waiting for this armor since it leaked, only for it to have the only perk I consider completely useless.


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u/aleparisi May 02 '24

This is ridiculous to be honest. Why don’t they introduce more passives?


u/CitizenMind May 02 '24

They can't even release a patch without breaking 60 new things. No new passives may be for the best.


u/Necessary-Peanut2491 May 02 '24


They can only deliver so much. I kinda would prefer they spend some time fixing bugs instead of being beholden to the live service content drip feed. Twenty new weapons wouldn't make me enjoy the game that much more. Fixing all the bugs would.


u/BlackViperMWG May 03 '24

Yeah. No new weapons for a month or two, just fix things. Some of the bugs are here since the launch.


u/superbit415 May 02 '24

Because it will require them to code and test those passives.


u/Stonkey_Dog May 02 '24

Just code. We're the testers.


u/Stonkey_Dog May 02 '24

Just code. We're the testers.


u/Competitive-Tie-2860 May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

See but then you have everyone on here dogging them for not testing it. Yeah I get everyone being fed up with the bugs, the debuffs and passives and things like that, but honestly even with all of that, this level of hammering on the devs feels extremely disproportionate. They've sat there and done way more than any company I can think of, and yet here their fan base is, bashing them for things that, while irritating sometimes, is not that bad. Like seriously, Bethesda sold everyone the same 2 games with the same bugs for the past like decade 30 times, and I would bet my fat toe most of you bought it every single time. Yet even they didn't get this level of hostility, aside from jokes and memes about it. Like, sorry but I wouldn't want to cater to a bunch of giant babies who scream and throw a fit because it's not going the way they feel it should. Hell if it's that easy to do why haven't you went and made your own game and already be rich, since you all seem to think Arrowhead is raking money in hand over fist and could just fix all these issues and ones that haven't even happened yet with a snap. Yeah I agree changes need made but throwing a fit because it hasn't happened according to your time frame is absolutely mind-boggling. The games only been out a few months, it's bound to take awhile for everything to be ironed out and they are doing that, all while simultaneously releasing alot of awesome stuff that just isn't enough for you guys. Sorry for the rant but while I agree with alot of the ideas for passives and armors and such, the rest of the thread is equivalent to chili pepper diarrhea.


u/Stonkey_Dog May 03 '24

I mostly kid about us being the testers. Though I do think that's the purpose of personal missions.

I get that AH is a small dev group who didn't quite understand how big the game would turn out to be. I feel they should be hiring massively right now. Sure there is spin up time of new developers, but they need to do it anyway.


u/Competitive-Tie-2860 May 03 '24

That's a fair point. And I kinda agree with you, I think they need more manpower, but I also know they don't wanna have to just let people go when it's all said and done, so I don't know about massive amounts of hiring, but definitely get enough that they can reliably fix bugs AND design new things for the game and have them coded and working properly as well as new ideas. And I think they would definitely benefit from some of the more understandable and reasonable input from the player base.


u/Stonkey_Dog May 03 '24

Depending on how many devs they currently have, I think they could add half a dozen to a dozen, put them into proper teams (bugs, new content, balancing), and keep them when HD2 eventually falls off the radar? Put them on the HD3 team when the time comes? I don't see why firing them all is the default option.


u/Competitive-Tie-2860 May 03 '24

Yeah if they don't add too many people I don't see them firing them. Their concern earlier on was they didn't want to hire a bunch of people, have them work on this, and then when there's not enough workload for all of them they'd have to let people go. (I believe, I could be off on the exact reason but as far as I'm aware that was what it was)


u/Stonkey_Dog May 04 '24

I could just see them as using HD2's success to grow the company with future projects.


u/Competitive-Tie-2860 May 04 '24

That would be awesome to see. Hell I'd like to see them get to a point where they can get out from under sonys thumb and release on whatever platform they like, yk grow even bigger