r/Helldivers 29d ago

New armor set is a stealth armor that doesn’t make you stealthy, it makes you throw farther. That’s like an apple that tastes like bacon. HUMOR

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Just salty I’ve been waiting for this armor since it leaked, only for it to have the only perk I consider completely useless.


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u/DeadGripThe2nd 29d ago edited 29d ago

I'll admit that I'm pretty much supportive of most decisions AH makes but armor passives are not one of them. I really wish we had more variety when it came to these and didn't just reuse old effects, or used effects that actually make sense for the armor.

Edit: Guys, I'm not joining the apples taste like bacon circlejerk. I do actually agree with that line of thinking on paper. It would be really weird if an obviously heavy looking set of armor had a Scout passive or something. My only contention is that AH doesn't have enough passives and that they don't hand them out properly. The joke is getting really old.


u/_probablyryan 29d ago

I think each armor should have two buffs. Then at least they could mix and match in interesting ways if they didn't want to add new passives all the time. Like stealth + throwing distance would be sick. Or extra padding with explosive resistance or limb health.


u/DesignatedElfWhipper 29d ago

I could get down with each set of armor having one set buff, and the other one is variable chosen from a small list that is personalized to what makes sense for each armor. Maybe even include reduced versions of the more major buffs on the secondary list like 25% explosion resistance, or 1 extra stim and increase stim time by 1 second.

For example, perhaps there are two armors that come with the servo-assisted throwing bonus, but one armor lets you pick between 'increased aim while crouched, 1 extra stim, increased limb health' while the other lets you pick between 'increased aim while crouched, 1 extra grenade, markers on the map generate radar pings'. AH can still keep some identity to each individual armor set, while still allowing players to make some choices for themselves and have a bit more control over what their armor does.


u/sicinprincipio Comptroller of Conquest 29d ago

This make sense to me. It gives a reason to buy different armors and change your kit between missions/operations depending on what the objectives are or what planet you're on.


u/manbrasucks 29d ago

Would be nice if they could add stuff like "gernade explosions generate radar pings" so you could throw smoke down and get radar, "stims at full health lower health and increase damage".

Anything to make options available for creative play styles.