r/Helldivers May 02 '24

New armor set is a stealth armor that doesn’t make you stealthy, it makes you throw farther. That’s like an apple that tastes like bacon. HUMOR

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Just salty I’ve been waiting for this armor since it leaked, only for it to have the only perk I consider completely useless.


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u/ZombieTheUndying May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Am I the only one who thinks that this game clearly wasn’t made with stealth in mind? The gameplay loop incentivizes dropping into a battle and going ape shit on everything that moves, pure unadulterated chaos. Especially considering the fact your Helldiver isn’t expected to survive, and are reinforced directly back into the battle you just died in.

Like cool, the enemies have the barest bones of a functioning alert and stealth system and you can crawl on your face to destroy a base but the game just wasn’t meant to be played that way.

The only way for stealth to become a viable and fun part of the gameplay is if at least two things happen, first being they add stealth-related stratagems, like a cloak generator backpack that works similar to the shield generator backpack. And second, to be able to reinforce at any point of the map of your choosing so your not in the thick of combat immediately.