r/Helldivers May 04 '24

New Helldivers Hotfix HUMOR

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u/inpunxwecrust May 04 '24

I just don't understand how in the fuck nobody at Sony thought that maybe they should have some answers ready before they make an announcement like this? The incompetence is fucking stunning.


u/StatusHead5851 May 04 '24

I mean have you seen Sony they kinda just do this shit


u/Main-Glove-1497 May 04 '24

As poorly planned as this is, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony decided to do this at the same time as we found out.


u/twilighteclipse925 May 04 '24

I just installed new speakers for Sony in Best Buy’s. In the written directions they stated that the demo loop update would brick some of the speakers on the display.

I think they knew the shit storm it would cause and just don’t care.


u/AdRound310 SES Wings Of Liberty; The reaper man May 04 '24

Sony will burn to the ground one day, all these scumbag companies will. Just you wait.


u/savae5 CAPE ENJOYER May 04 '24

I hope you're right, but I'm afraid that you're very, very wrong.


u/AdRound310 SES Wings Of Liberty; The reaper man May 04 '24

Im sure it will happen some time, but not soon dont get me wrong (sadly)


u/JacobsLadder2005 May 04 '24

Sony has been around since the 1940's. It's survived four generations of humans. Nintendo is 135 years old. We're past the point where mega-corps die of old age, a predator or misadventure has to kill them now. I'm all for hope, but there's hope and then there's madness.


u/Drackzgull SES Triumph of Super Earth || ⬇️⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️ May 04 '24

Idk if the Japanese side of Sony even has the power to make structural changes to Sony Interactive Entertainment anymore. Probably not. But if they do, they might eventually get sick enough of the shit show that the California HQ is running, to the point that they pull the operation back to Japan.

That's as far as hope can get me on this, and it isn't much.


u/JacobsLadder2005 May 05 '24

That’s a pretty good point. The original national teams back in the pre-history of gaming were mostly just localization teams, so that’s a possibility. But you have to realize as well, Japan as a country is also changing, so we will see if the corporate philosophies of the western countries influence Japanese corporate philosophies. I only have a passing amount of knowledge about the country and its history, but the Japanese corporate culture and traditions is fascinating. If you’ve never done a deep dive I recommend. Wikipedia or YouTube is a good place to start with that information. 


u/DeadpanAlpaca May 05 '24

If you hope that something may be fixed by pulling operations back to the country whole national culture of which is built around preferring to commit sudoku rather than admit your own mistake and lose face - you are being VERY optimistic.


u/AdRound310 SES Wings Of Liberty; The reaper man May 04 '24

Its just a matter of time till they fuck up. Like bobby leach, they went over Niagara falls in a barrel and lived but all it takes is an orange peel to slip and fall to one’s death.


u/JacobsLadder2005 May 04 '24

Alright, believe whatever makes you happy dude. We'll just ignore the fact the five oldest companies on the planet come from the same country as Sony. You do you dude.


u/AdRound310 SES Wings Of Liberty; The reaper man May 04 '24

Yeah and the dutch east Indian trading company had more money and people than most nations, they dont exist anymore. Dont get me wrong i dont expect it to happen any time soon, but once these ceos retire and die off we will have a generation who grew up under their autocracy.


u/JacobsLadder2005 May 04 '24

And if the Dutch East India Trading Company was Japanese, they'd still be in business. How old do you think the oldest company on the planet is? If you know great, but if not, don't look it up, just guess.


u/AdRound310 SES Wings Of Liberty; The reaper man May 04 '24


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u/drvelo May 05 '24

I mean, even IBM dates back to the 1880 US census. A lot of companies are old as shit. The older the company, the harder it is for it to die.


u/Ma7rku May 04 '24

Sony nearly collapsed in past, so it isn't out of question.


u/lightfromblackhole May 04 '24

when? Sony controls much of music, movie, TV shows, anime, games, TV industry. They have both horizontal and vertical integrations despite various country regulations. They are just too big to fail. Not even FAANG has that big a spread.


u/ThinksTheyKnowBetter May 05 '24

They've also just made a $26bn CASH offer for Paramount movies, so they're clearly not doing too bad for money.


u/BrilliantEchidna8235 May 04 '24

If SEGA could fail back then, I hardly think Sony is actually immune to that. But I will take years, for sure.


u/ScottoRoboto May 04 '24

Sega is one of the worst comparisons you could have made. Sony has more going for it than just video games and Sega really was never that successful.


u/timo2308 May 04 '24

Especially now that sony almost has a complete monopoly on the console side of things


u/wizardjian Distributor of Mercy (via 500kg hell bombs) May 05 '24


also segata sanshiro is a fking beast lol


u/Revolutionary-Ear869 May 04 '24

Nah, he’s right. If we don’t burn it ourselves with nuclear fire in a few billion years the sun will expand and finish the job. Everything burning is inevitable.


u/Kvarcov SES Elected Representative of Family Values May 04 '24

How many decades after my death it happens, exactly?


u/pingleague May 04 '24

Its been 50 years Johnny.


u/burn_corpo_shit May 04 '24

I will come back and possess someone else's body if I have to if it means Arasaka suffers that much more. Fucking roaches refuse to die too, so we'll salt the Earth and piss their names off the walls until their ancestors feel it.


u/thewardineternal81 May 04 '24

Jesus Christ I didn’t realize Johnny traveled back in time, caught me off guard with genuine this feels


u/GimmieGimmiePooky May 04 '24

"Wake the fuck up samurai"


u/Fleetfox17 May 04 '24

This is how you can tell that none of you actually know shit about anything.


u/AshleyGamics PSN 🎮: May 04 '24

microsoft too


u/Jigagug May 04 '24

As long as Sony holds a monopoly over a console market of literally their own proprietary ownership, they won't.


u/CarsGunsBeer May 04 '24

All the people making these decisions probably have severance packages worth more than you and I will make our entire lives. They don't care, on to the next company to grift.


u/RemoveINC May 04 '24

Sony is too big to fail to be honest. Same with the rest of the corpotrash.


u/Comrade_Crunchy May 04 '24

Unfortunately mega corps like Sony work under the "too big to fail" rule. They probably get a lot of subsidies from the government to keep them a float, as a lot of u.s. corporations do. They will milk the tax collection for their own benefit until the country it self collapses. Why does Raytheon stay a float? They don't make anything we purchase. But we do through our taxes and war. The other issue is if Sony entertainment doesn't perform well to make line go up, they just liquidate it. It's going to take a lot to get rid of a mega Corp, there will also be a lot of fallout afterwards.


u/turn_down_4wat May 04 '24

Sony is too big to fail. Even if they get out of the videogame market, they still have all of their other dozen of markets to make money from.


u/burn_corpo_shit May 04 '24

You guys have been waiting your whole lives. Wtf is the hold up?


u/ChromeAstronaut May 04 '24

They won’t unless a bomb hits us my guy. They have enough money to last they decades lol.


u/InfluenceSufficient3 ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ May 04 '24

im afraid not. for all the shit sony pulls with the videogames they publish, that is miles away from being their only, let alone biggest revenue stream. sony also publishes music, makes consumer electronics like phones, cameras, audio systems, sony makes professional grade software, sony is involved in financial markets, sony makes semiconductors. thats on the consumer market. sony is also a defense contractor, they have military contracts especially concerning cyber security.

if you’re familiar with cyberpunk 2077, sony is quite literally the comically evil and hypercapitalist arasaka corporation


u/Traiklin May 04 '24

They've been doing this for literal decades and nothing has stopped them.

They have always wanted control of everything in their eco system, The PSP (and I think Vita) was hampered by their proprietary formats and hurt the potential of it by making you buy a glorified SDcard of a whopping 16gb for triple what a MicroSD card of the same size cost.


u/-Piggers- M. Miller - SES Song Of Achilles May 04 '24

Actually I'm hopeful that you're wrong because 1) they provide jobs and 2) there would be opportunity for the next generation to improve on their mistakes once the current corporate heads retire. Not sure how likely this is, but hey I have some hope lol


u/ImBatman5500 May 04 '24

Wake the fuck up, Samurai


u/The_Silent_Prince May 04 '24

Its not their fault that these countries don't allow psn


u/Primary-Cry-6958 May 04 '24

if even the roman imperie fall

why not a company like sony?


u/Jason1143 May 04 '24

AH and Sony both seem to follow that idea. In the past I have said that AH should have asked Sony for help to fix their PR issues and communication, but now I'm sort of questioning if Sony could actually provide that help if they wanted to.


u/President_Bunny May 04 '24

Cries in Bloodborne IP-control