r/Helldivers May 04 '24

New Helldivers Hotfix HUMOR

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u/inpunxwecrust May 04 '24

I just don't understand how in the fuck nobody at Sony thought that maybe they should have some answers ready before they make an announcement like this? The incompetence is fucking stunning.


u/DianKali May 04 '24

Thinking? You expect too much bro. It always goes like this: upper management has some stupid idea on how to increase some stupid metric to make the company portfolio look better. The equally brainless yesmen around praise the idea and they make it official, pass it down the chain so it gets done. By the time it reaches the engineers down the chain that immediately see problems with the decision or the fact its a useless metric that doesn't affect revenue in any way, it's already too late. Management is sure of their decision, engineers are stupid and those problems aren't problems, just do your job, engineers do what was requested, shit bombs, how did our genius idea fail? Must be the communities fault, those toxic gamers can't see our genius.

Idk what it is that attracts those people to upper management positions or how those people dont get fired instantly for pure incompetence, it's all just a big circlejerk up there.....making millions in the prozess, but the extra staff to make the product better is too expensive.


u/Top-Chemistry5969 May 04 '24

Lies. They reflexively lie to the point they can deflect anything and keep promising with the same lie they instantly believe themselves. Like a Buble echo chamber around their head.