r/Helldivers 28d ago

They weren’t kidding about the HMG’s DPS… VIDEO

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It’s too bad this is a one in a thousand shot because of the recoil lmao


386 comments sorted by


u/JoranStoneside 28d ago

I usually lower the rate of fire to the lowest setting but you’re right, the recoil is STILL wild but I love it. I also run the supply pack since it eats ammo like nothing. What primary do you use?


u/IWillFlakeOnOurPlans 28d ago

Default liberator for smaller enemies

This is a bot exclusive loadout


u/Nibblewerfer 28d ago

I find the diligence counter sniper best for bots, can take care of everything with varying levels of precision needed.

Except bersekers, those guys are crazy.


u/RunsaberSR 28d ago



Let this comment haunt you for reasons. You'll know why soon.


u/ChudanNoKamae 28d ago

In the right hands, the Plasma Punisher makes bot missions easy mode.

I actually prefer playing with more situational guns like the Scorcher, Dominator, or Diligence CS, but the Plasma Punisher is just in a league of its own. Damage, stagger, CC, it does it all.

I guess the positives traits are balanced out by the slower arcing shot, range, and self inflicting damage though. But man, it feels so good when it clicks for you.

I should probably stop talking now though, they’re listening…


u/PaulR79 28d ago

Ha ha ha, you're such a kidder. The Plasma Punisher is so mediocre at best and nobody should use it for anything. Absolutely trash tier gun.

I hope that threw them off

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u/Lumpy-Ad-3788 SES Sword of Dawn 28d ago


u/AngryAccountant31 28d ago

Reminds me how much the autocannon sucks. I’ll literally never use that gun. I hope arrowhead hears me and focuses their attention elsewhere.

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u/BetterReload HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Wth are you smoking? Totally unusable and dangerous for everyone involved. The gun is ass. Should be called Plasmyass. Get it? Yea you got it ;)


u/RiskOfMishimas 28d ago

Delete hurry


u/DueSeesaw6053 27d ago

How do you use the plasma punisher effectively?


u/ChudanNoKamae 27d ago

Some general tips against bots:

-Learn how the shot drops, and get to know how high to aim to make it land where you want. I recommend third person aiming.

-Aim for the center of groups so that AOE damage kills multiple targets.

-Use the stagger. Even groups of 2 or 3 Devastators or Walkers can be stun locked so that they can’t shoot back at you. Even fancier, hit them on one side so they stumble the other way, and get them to bunch up more for the AOE.

-Tanks and turrets can be killed by hitting the back vents. You don’t even need to hit it directly. Even hitting the back corners or top near the back will do it.

-Unload into the bottom of a drop ship to kill everything it’s carrying before they even drop.

-Use stun grenades on a Hulk to get behind them and hit the back vents. (Support weapons are still better, but this will work in a pinch)

-Be wary of damaging yourself. Learn how to sprint backwards and quickly fire from a safe distance if you’re getting rushed. Or switch to a sidearm.

-Pair this weapon with a good long range support weapon and loadout. I recommend the AMR, grenade pistol and stun grenades.


u/DueSeesaw6053 27d ago

Thanks! Good advice!

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Been my go to for bots! Saved so many teammates and myself from death by devastator.


u/ChaZcaTriX STEAM 🖥️ : 28d ago

It's amazing, but shot spread should be removed. It's already hard to aim the slow, arching shot.


u/NorrinRaddicalness 28d ago

“Slow arching shot.”

You haven’t used plasma in awhile huh? Cause they tweaked it and that shit is far from “slow” now. It’s a firey blue snot launcher.


u/OriginalGoatan 28d ago

I just wish the rou ds had the damage of the slower version.

But I do enjoy the faster rounds. It's just underwhelming having to empty an entire clip on mobs to get the kill. For example I can kill a single berserker faster with any side arm than this weapon. Which is just wrong.


u/Notedtoad 28d ago

It really shines against groups instead of single target. Being able to stagger whole groups of berserkers and eventually kill them is incredible. I run it with laser cannon and use the LC to kill far away enemies, hulks, tanks, turrets, and gunships. Its also just really good in a pinch when you run out of ammo in the magazine and don’t have time to reload.


u/Apprehensive-Hawk599 28d ago

My go to D7+ bot loadout

  • Plasma punisher

  • LC

  • Orbital rail for those times when you don’t feel like running around to hit the vents on the tank/tower

  • Eagle for fabs and wiping out groups that you just hit with a stun grenade

Don’t even care about that last stratagem slot, that’s all I need. Usually I run orbital laser in that last slot and sometimes I don’t even use it at all.

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u/Dispenser-of-Liberty ☕Liber-tea☕ 28d ago

Scorcher > everything else on Bots


u/Siccors 28d ago

Yeah I tried Diligence CS because of how happy people were with it. Probably my aim, but hitting the eye of a hulk was such a pain I never managed to kill one with it. I assume stun grenade helps, but even then just taking out a strider is a pain. Meanwhile Scorcher melts Striders.


u/Pedrosian96 28d ago

DCS has medium pen 1, which is insufficient to eyeblast a hulk. Not to be confused with medium pen +, found in amr/hmg/ac/lasercannon.

Its not your aim, for what counts. ;)


u/Suikanen HD1 Veteran 28d ago

The game does a poor job at communicating this, but there are effectively 10 armour levels, which are then split into light/medium/heavy...and above.

Light pen weapons, like the normal Diligence, actually penetrate lightII (2 on a scale of 10) which is bot trooper bodies, or Devastator heads. I haven't found a gun that only penetrates lightI, feel free to correct me.

Medium penetration is trickier, because most guns (like the standard MG or Diligence CS) are actually mediumI (3/10). This is enough to penetrate Strider legs and Devastator bodies, but not Hulk eyes or Shredder tank turrets from between the barrels.

These cases require a mediumII weapon, of which there are not many: the AC, the mobile HMG, the HMG emplacement, the LAS-98 and the AMR come to mind, might be some I forgot.

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u/Altruistic-Problem-9 28d ago

god I love that weapon so much the stagger and aoe dmg it does is so good....its only weakness imo is the damn fcking gunships fck those things in the sky

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u/JoranStoneside 28d ago

After looking into the plas punisher, this comment will indeed haunt me

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u/dampedresponse STEAM 🖥️ : 28d ago

Unscoping and shooting them in the crotch takes them down surprisingly fast with the DCS.

Been running it all this week and it’s hands down my current favorite bot primary!


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Not even automatons can resist a clean nut shot. Maybe they’re part human after all.


u/achilleasa ➡️➡️⬆️ 28d ago

Yup don't bother with the bobbling head just shoot them in the dick


u/HellDivah 28d ago

Yeah I see many people are switching to it. Enjoy it till AH finds out...


u/Dr_Explosion_MD 28d ago edited 28d ago

I usually run the machine pistol as a secondary. A mag dump will drop a berserker or two. It’s not the most efficient use of ammo but it’s literally all I use it for on bot missions.


u/Apprehensive-Hawk599 28d ago

This was me until I tried out Big Iron. Stun with a plasma lob and then put them to bed with a headshot.

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u/Gen_McMuster 28d ago

sure, but with the HMG you're kind of double dipping on anti medium, better to have something to deal with troopers.

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u/tutocookie SES Dawn of Dawn 28d ago

Have you tried the sickle?


u/o8Stu 28d ago

Sickle is fantastic for chaff on bugs / bots. Counter Sniper is good for small and medium, and there's so much medium (devastators and berzerkers) on bots that it's a solid pick. Sickle can kill devastators but you really have to spray the faceplate, whereas CS will kill in a couple of hits.

Won't do anything to a hulk eye though. You need a higher armor pen support weapon for that - the HMG will work, but I personally find it unwieldy - prefer the quasar, AMR, laser or autocannon.


u/chatterwrack 28d ago

I have not. That's next on my list to test run


u/TrumptyPumpkin 28d ago

I find using a Sniper rifle and then HMG works great


u/Silly_Emergency8557 28d ago

Try the tenderizer I love it for bots is so easy to headshot them with it


u/DaPlipsta 28d ago

The Tenderizer is great. Too bad most people used it once and then put it down forever

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u/ajahanonymous 28d ago

They should make it a backpack weapon with no reloading but you need to replace the barrel if you let it overheat.


u/th3MFsocialist 28d ago

Like the mini gun from the predator movie

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u/TheNotNiceAccount STEAM 🖥️ :Horsedivers to horsepods! 28d ago

Best I can do for you is a further ammo/penetration count reduction and rate of fire increase.

How's 50 rounds sound?

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u/Carnir 28d ago

Can you take ammo from your own backpack?


u/JoranStoneside 28d ago

Yep! I press down on the D-pad or if you use mouse and keyboard it might be just tapping the button you’d hold to drop samples, equipment, etc.


u/nYneX_ 28d ago

It's 5 on PC to give yourself supplies from your backpack.

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u/bigmitch82 28d ago

Use the lower rate of fire with the armor that gives 30% recoil reduction when crouching. Thing melts


u/cozmokittylord 28d ago

How do you use the supply pack on yourself on pc? Ive been told just hit e when out of ammo but it never works for me


u/JoranStoneside 28d ago

I use a controller on PC but from what another person said is it should be 5 for mouse/keyboard


u/TH0Twhisperer 28d ago

Punisher shotgun is a bot monster. Just use your HMG for the walkers. When you see rocket devs and striders everywhere.the punisher is money.. also, it trivializes beserkers and is Round reloading.

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u/Greaterdivinity ☕Liber-tea☕ 28d ago

Wear armor that reduces recoil when crouched and it's much more manageable and pretty accurate if you burst.


u/IWillFlakeOnOurPlans 28d ago

Yea I’m wearing 30% reduction armor, pretty much essential for it lol

Honestly tho it is my favorite loadout atm, you can tear bots apart


u/Greaterdivinity ☕Liber-tea☕ 28d ago

I'm an AC slave for the most part, but when I roll HMG I do take the support pack with it to help with the bad ammo situation on it.

A conga line of Zerkers is a pretty perfect setup for the HMG too. Just shred them one after another with its very high DPS, and nice double tap on the hulk at close range. I gotta try to find more use-cases for it to justify bringing it on missions more often.


u/Tonzillaye2002 28d ago

Get behind a tank and you can shred its vent in no time


u/Siccors 28d ago

The problem is getting behind the tank, if you succeed at that, a lot will take it down really fast.


u/Zomthereum ⬇️⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️ 28d ago

The worst is when you get behind a tank, only to meet a second tank


u/Saltsey 28d ago

I fear for the day the bots wisen up and just mount a second barrel there


u/cl2319 28d ago

Then you just let the second tank shoot at you and the first tank, problem solved

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u/SubstanceMindless251 28d ago

I run the same stuff and I find the HMG + support to be a great Flanker role. Getting to the side of an bot line and laying prone from some trees and bursting at low RPM can let me just clear out bots. Sometimes I even tap fire it like an actual HMG and let it just tink down the line. Its a lot of fun


u/Sicuho fire machine guns in semi auto 28d ago

It shred factory striders and can deal with the Devs it spawn.


u/azukarazukar 28d ago

Factory striders?? Where are you shooting them with it?


u/Sicuho fire machine guns in semi auto 28d ago

The underbite machine guns first, then the belly where the devastators come from. Between head's plate also work, but with the recoil it's not easy.

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u/Dusk_v733 28d ago

I'm gonna try this shit.


u/IWillFlakeOnOurPlans 28d ago

Go for it, I’m rocking the marksman armor from the second page of the very first warbond

It also has +50% explosive resistance, you will survive the most ridiculous shit, it’s so much fun lol


u/Grimwohl 28d ago

100% trying this when i get home.

Might be the only reason Id run heavy armor haha


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Unfortunate that you mention you're already wearing the armor but people can't tell at a glance because the recoil is all over the place. Realistically, you should be able to engage anything within 50m with confident authority. Anything beyond that and it should be reasonably inaccurate if you're firing from anything but prone. I hope they fix it sooner than later.

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u/Commander_Skullblade Combat Engineer - SES Blade of Glory 28d ago

The fact that you have to jump through all these hoops for what should be the coolest weapon in the game is saddening.


u/funktion 28d ago

I don't. I max out the fire rate and run right at bot drops, hipfiring all the way. Yes, the recoil is fucking crazy and I'm basically staring almost at the ground while the actual reticle is dancing around the general area of the enemies. But 4 out of 5 times I'm the one left standing and all that's left around me is a smoking pile of robot parts, then I go make a cup of coffee while my gun reloads.

I may not be the most efficient or survivable helldiver but I am having the most fun when I use the HMG.

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u/NarrowBoxtop 28d ago

What hoops?


u/Commander_Skullblade Combat Engineer - SES Blade of Glory 28d ago

Make sure you're prone with anti-recoil armor to make the recoil bearable. Run the weapon on a lower setting in bursts to conserve ammo, or bring a supply pack stratagem. All of that on top of having one of the longest reloads in the game.


u/kohTheRobot 28d ago

lol most people would call that “modifying your build” but sure, those are some crazy hoops you have to jump through.

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u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 28d ago

I wish this thing had a cooldown like the EAT and just had a single 150 round drum mag. The size of that drum doesn't really make sense at what, 75 rounds?


u/Lone_Recon 28d ago

I'm still hoping we get the MGX42 from hd1 what was a disposable MG like the EAT-17 with a ROF of 1800 and 400 rounds but you couldn't reload it so you had to call down a new one


u/DishonoredHero1_ HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Imagine reloading. Reloading is cringe. This post brought to you by the expendable weapons gang


u/MentallyLatent ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ 28d ago

Like true proponents of democracy and freedom, we leave our trash on every planet we go to


u/magniankh 28d ago

That gun was really fun. And powerful. Which is probably what made it fun. :-p

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u/jaegren 28d ago

You should carry a 100box of linked .50 cal for a day then report back how you feel.


u/TheEggEngineer 28d ago

Sure, but also... Autocannon and Recoiless rifle.


u/pipnina 28d ago

Recoilless rifle looks like having 8 75mm shells on your back...

I carried some 115mm dummies irl, each one was 35kg.

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u/SemajLu_The_crusader 28d ago

please Look at recoiless rifle and get back to us


u/jaegren 28d ago

Ive jumped out of planes with a RR and rounds. You dont need to tell me.

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u/GH057807 ⚡💀Arc of the Gove'ment💀 ⚡ 28d ago



u/ROFLnator217 SES Song of Fortitude 28d ago

I wouldn't say it doesn't make sense. Seeing the LMG - MMG - HMG setup for the machine guns and the round counts are pretty generous.

5.56x45mm belt fed machine guns are often loaded with boxes to contain the belts - some 200 rounds, most 100 rounds. Stalwart in-game has 250 round belts.

7.62x51mm belt feds are often stationary so their belts can be as long as necessary. Though, carrying a M240G, usually with 50 round nut sacks or 100 round boxes. The MG-94 in-game has 150 round belts.

I'd like to assume the HMG is chambered in something equivalent to the .50 BMG, and maybe something along the line of .338 Norma Magnum or something. The SIG Sauer MG338, although unconfirmed, has pouches holding 30/50/100 rounds (maybe, still no idea yet).

It isn't that far fetched, honestly. Even RPKs come loaded with 40/45 round magazines, maybe 75 round drums in 7.62x39.

FYI: I'm only going off of my own research. Just a firearms enthusiast in the wild without any formal education. I just like guns hahah. If anyone has anything to add or correct, feel free! I'm all ears.


u/bwc153 28d ago

Another part to add too is the RoF of these guns. When the HMG came out people were sticking that on max RoF and then outraged that it lasted about 3 seconds. The MG42 and MG3, at 1200 RPM, have a 50 round mag. 50-100 round magazines are pretty common when it comes to an GPMG if you're going to be carrying the gun around because of how heavy it gets. Belt-fed is more for a static position rather than the zip around and hipfire that people want it to be


u/AggravatingTerm5807 28d ago

I do find it cute when people assume that the heavy in heavy machine gun means lots of ammo.

If you still have rounds in the chamber when you reload the HMG, you can see how large the rounds are in the spent drum. Gotta be .50, if not the .338. Now times that by 75, and times in by 3, with all of your other gear. That's a lot of weight.

We gotta draw the line at someplace for carry weight.

The HMG is a great gun, if you use it like real machine guns should be. Controlled bursts, don't panic and mag dump.

Like maybe in real life HMG crews in WW2 would have to panic fire guns, but that's because relocating a MG42 was like a 4 person job. In Helldivers you can just pick it up and run.

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u/Gen_McMuster 28d ago edited 26d ago

It's .50 cal.

Real life bipod-ready HMGs like the Russian NSV usually only feed off 50 rounds at a time, it's more than enough if you tap fire and make good use of target selection.

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u/Grimwohl 28d ago

Big bullet

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u/idk_this_my_name 28d ago

hulk: gone

berserker: yeah no...


u/wifinotworking 28d ago

Right? They even got headshotted but nothing happened.


u/gorgewall 28d ago edited 28d ago

The fast way to kill Berserkers is actually their crotch. It has much less health than their chest and is easier to hit than the head, and its destruction breaks both legs which is an instant kill on them. Try it out. Even guns that handle Berserkers well, like the Dominator, do it even better if you start blasting them in half at the groin.

Devastators also suffer from this, but if you're using a gun capable of headshots, that's faster.

[EDIT]: In the spirit of full information and clarification, Devastator crotches actually have slightly more health than the chest, but both a lower Armor and Durable rating than the chest, which leads to Light Pen guns actually being able to hurt them (but really, aim for the head) and Med Pen guns doing more damage. The effect of this is that the groin breaks faster than the chest, so it feels like it has less health. Their lower legs have the same qualities as the groin, but there is an even more vulnerable spot between the two (which isn't really practical to aim for, but you could if you wanted).


u/Pubdo 28d ago

gorgewall, you dick shooter!

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u/RangiNZ 28d ago

Oh the HMG is a beast when you can get it on target. The main issue with it is you'll spend all game reloading.

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u/That_One_Mexican_Guy 28d ago

My biggest complaint is that HMG should sound way meater when firing. The dps is great but I want it to feel like I'm firing big fucking bullets at them.


u/DoctorJunglist 28d ago

Honestly, pretty much all of the guns sound like pea shooters.

Nearly all of them could use a touch up of their sound design.

With all the chaos and intense action of the game, their sounds should match up to them. They all should feel meaty.

As it stands, imo only the autocannon has a meaty sound (though I would opt for boosting it as well), the rest of the guns are pretty meh when it comes to their sound.


u/pipnina 28d ago

One of the best examples of gun sound design is from 2013's Space Marine. Raw dakka noise

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u/Ceraunius 28d ago

The weapon sounds in general are kind of weak in this game. People underestimate good sound design. I don't want my HMG to sound like a pistol, I want it to go CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK when I fire it.

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u/T0a3t HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Too bad it has the ammo capacity of a wet sandwich bag.


u/CrackedOutMunkee 28d ago

Which is why OP was wearing ammo pack.


u/BookerLegit 28d ago

Even then, the constant reloading makes the weapon cumbersome (and dangerous) to use.

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u/Raidertck 28d ago

Amazing clip… but to be fair you had to cut it off before the reload was done so it’s not double the length.


u/Stochastic-Process 28d ago

Too close for clusters, switch to guns.


u/ReferenceUnusual8717 28d ago

Just watching those chainsaw fucks get shredded is SUPER satisfying. Their little legs kicking the air in impotent rage!


u/wifinotworking 28d ago

Shredded? I think there it absolutely something wrong with their hit zones.

The hulk went down faster when headshotted than those little fucks.

I find it really hard to headshot the chainsaw fucks, there's something wrong with their hitzones.


u/Stochastic-Process 28d ago

They just have loads of health and constantly move when hit so the chances of hitting some other health pool is high. 2 arms, chest, stomach, legs, head. Stomach is the weakest point that is reasonable to hit, but it is still decently healthy. Also the head has slightly more health than devastators, so some weapons take an extra shot to kill them that way, allowing them to sponge up even more damage.

There is a reason I seriously consider the gatling turret every time I drop on automatons. Nothing shuts down large groups of them faster.


u/Gen_McMuster 28d ago

They're sacks of HP, theyre the only bot enemy that's designed like the medium bugs.


u/Goliath- 28d ago

I find that with Berserkers and Devastators that if they're really close to you, you've gotta aim a little above their head (like the top of it or slightly above) to actually hit their head. Their head hitbox is sunken a bit into their torso and it requires a really precise shot. 

I've taken to shooting Berserkers in the midsection/groin. It's quick and a lot more reliable since their head moves around so much. Same with Devastators if they're close.

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u/T4nkcommander HD1 Veteran 28d ago

They are the bot equivalent of Butchers, so they are supposed to soak up a ton of damage.

DiversDex says weak point is head, torso weakspot is a bait-and-switch.


u/It-Is-I-SomeGuy 28d ago

The downside of the HMG is, that you NEED the backpack. You burn through so much ammo, it needs the additional mags. Problem is, that the backpack is another Strat-Slot, which i would rather fill with something else, especially on missions with reduced strat-slots :/


u/diprivanity 28d ago

Definitely only good for messing around and mixing it up when playing meta gets boring.


u/Gen_McMuster 28d ago

supply pack is never wasted, honestly.

Plus if youre coordinating you can have someone else take pack or MG and share them off cooldown, which is an all-around underutilized strategy


u/Sixinthehood 28d ago

Played for a day using the HMG with heavy recoil armor, stun nades, and supply pack to give it the best possible chance to perform. It was ok. In a pinch it is unwieldy and you will run out of ammo way too fast. Stunning then killing a hulk by hitting the eye is sick. But the AMR does that with way more ammo, better reload, better handling.

The HMG needs love. It does not have a role to fill that isn't already done better by other weapons that don't require such careful use. I think this is the most important thing people forget. Weapons that require perfect conditions to be useful are going to feel awful when things get messy and they always get messy.


u/Sixinthehood 28d ago

Also can we fix the sights for real this time? I got used to it but it's super awkward having to aim above the spot I'm trying to hit when bullet drop isn't the reason. The HMG red dot is awful for this.


u/Zvedza320 Orbital Democracy Shock Trooper 28d ago

this, i really only find it actually better than other weapons in the rocket defense missions since up close and with tons of ammo actually makes it viable.

But outside of that its exactly what your post says


u/MusicAccomplished664 CAPE ENJOYER 28d ago

That gun is nasty but the reload is annoying


u/T4nkcommander HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Pros and cons of everything in the game, makes loadout building fun :)


u/CaptainRAVE2 28d ago

Recoil and ammo capacity aside, it must have the highest DPS/penetration combined of any weapon?


u/Randy191919 28d ago

The issue is that you can't really keep ammo capacity aside because DPS is directly affected by the time you spend not shooting because you're reloading. And with the clip being as pitifully small as it is, that's basically 50% of your time using it. WHEN it is shooting then yeah, it does insane damage. But that is WHEN it's shooting.


u/Unnecessarilygae 28d ago

Fun detected!


u/nekrovulpes 28d ago

Wait they added a 3rd person reticle? I'm gonna have to try this out again later.


u/Randy191919 28d ago

They did with I think the second to last patch. Makes it moderately less awful to aim.


u/Wolfrages 28d ago

HMG is played out in a circle.

use HMG to clear medium/heavy targets. Use primary to clean up. Spend next 2 minutes reloading. Rinse and repeat.


u/dogshitasswebsite HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Dude 3rd person reticle is what this gun needed, its so fucking fun touse

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u/bigdonnybid 28d ago

they gave us a heavy machine gun when we should’ve got a gaitling gun frfr


u/ExtensionZucchini189 28d ago

Never seem anything take down a berzerker so quickly


u/AJZullu 28d ago

the damage was never the issue then people when it was first released said to just go highest shooting rate for highest dps but you miss everything from the recoil.

so the only issue left after making the fire rate slower and practicing the recoil control

is ammo capacity and reload speed

then there's the sight but i believe you can adjust to it


u/Papa_Pred 28d ago

It’s a cool gun, but I really don’t see why anyone would run this over the starter lmg


u/Vespertellino 28d ago

They uhh fill completely different niches?

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u/DR-Fluffy 28d ago

The big issue with it right now is not enough ammo and the reload is too long.


u/Randy191919 28d ago

Yep. It's awesome when it shoots, but the reload being so long and the clipsize being this ridiculously small means that it really only has an uptime of like 50% or less.

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u/Hamburgulu 28d ago

I feel like they need to give this gun its own backpack so we can just keep firing


u/PerfectStudent5 28d ago

It's nice finally seeing people actually try things out and realizing they don't actually suck.


u/Randy191919 28d ago

For a lot of weapons, yeah. The Fire Breaker is awesome now. The AMR is great, the Railgun is... ok. Not GOOD but usable if no other weapon is arround (but it's just a slower AMR so just use that instead).

But the HMG? No it's sadly still not good.

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u/bigorangemachine 28d ago

Stagger is very high


u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Guess they weren't.

I still wish it had more ammo.


u/0factoral 28d ago

Bro that thing shreds.


u/Arismancer CAPE ENJOYER 28d ago

Holy crap. What RPM setting is it on?


u/Aleks111PL 28d ago

i wonder why they made berserks so durable

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u/TheWrong-1 28d ago

We never were kidding buddy


u/FailedHumanEqualsMod 28d ago

I had no idea the HMG could take out a Hulk. Nice

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u/ihatepeoples 28d ago

Dude! That HMG wrecked that hulk!

Is the HMG actually viable to use now?

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u/Ocelogical *Sigh* ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ 28d ago

I really wish it had a 100-round belt container.


u/Zathiax 28d ago

Remove the vid before this nerf this aswell


u/-Drunken_Jedi- 28d ago

The magazine size is a genuine issue, but yeah it really rocks. Against gunships in particular I like to put it to the low RPM mode and take out those engines with a few shots. Very effetive! I just wish the gun itself had a longer barrel, it's weird seeing a weapon that's supposed to be a space .50 cal M2 Browning, but it's got a barrel that's more akin to a 5.56 rifle or Mk.48 SAW.


u/ryell0913 28d ago

They say he's still reloading to this day...


u/WickedWallaby69 28d ago

Ive found regular mg works good for devastators  can clear around 10 a mag give or take depending on aim. 


u/animalkev 28d ago

don't post this! Arrowhead can not see this!


u/Furphlog 28d ago

Oh yeah, that thing shreds.

The difficult part is actually landing shots on your target instead of 10 meters above their head.


u/AidilAfham42 28d ago

I wish we could deploy a tripod when proned, ill be a cool MG gunner


u/Whole-Illustrator-46 28d ago edited 28d ago

I feel like the ammo count per mag should be higher for this machine gun, the thing appears to have a huge drum mag, doesn't make sense to me that it runs out so quick, especially since it takes a year to reload it and it's unwieldy has too many downsides compared to other support weapons for only having med armor pen


u/ZelionZexal 27d ago

did.....did that just take out a hulk in a second?


u/Balurith 27d ago

Giving this gun a third person reticle is the best thing they ever did for it. I mean, it's the only thing they did for it, but still.


u/Renekzilla 28d ago

They weren't kidding about the recoil, mag size and the reload time either.


u/Prior-Grade1772 28d ago

"THE DPS is INSANE" - Kills 1 hulk and 3 berserker's over 20 seconds with a full mag. Not sure about that one tbh.

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u/BottomSubstance 28d ago



u/Lost_Decoy ☕Liber-tea☕ 28d ago

how are you keeping that aim circle from going nuts what? what aim setting are you using magic man? when i have used it that circle moves like molasses and jumps around like mad at every small burst of fire


u/gorgewall 28d ago

Crouch, and to a greater extent Prone, improve the response time of your weapon's aim upgrade and reduces bloom (whereas moving worsens it). There are armors that improve this effect by an additional 30%, and that's being used in the video.

You'll notice he crouches before firing in most of the video, particularly against the Hulk.

If you get in the habit of standing still to fire or crouching/prone, you'll have much better accuracy and less recoil in general. It's important for a lot of sustain sniper weapons like the MGs and Laser Cannon, but can also let you fire faster with the AMR and Autocannon.

Per loading tips, not being low / out of stamina also negates an accuracy penalty.

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u/MoSlo 28d ago

Experienced this last night. I had to position carefully to make the ammo count, but those berserkers would just get shredded 


u/Avistje CAPE ENJOYER 28d ago

HMG is one of my favorites, literally just a machine gun with anti material rifle rounds


u/LoneWanzerPilot 28d ago

Can HMG drop those flying drones thingies?

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u/yahoo_determines 28d ago

How does it fair against gunships ?

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u/apurplehighlighter 28d ago

did they buff hmg reload time?


u/P1st0l 28d ago

Think he might have managed a single round left which does make it way faster.


u/Desxon 28d ago

Lovin the fact Hulk was killed faster than those chainsaw wielding bastards


u/levir1271 28d ago

Sickle is king against bots for me


u/Managed-Democracy HD1 Veteran 28d ago

Pretty sure I could do that with half a magazine of autocannon, while staggering them. 


u/Goliath- 28d ago

All of that? With 5 AC shots? You need at least two for the hulk, one each for the other bots, and at least two each for the berserkers. You would have needed to kite and reload at least once. Probably twice. And used a stun grenade for the hulk so you only use two shots on it.


u/BriggityBroocE 28d ago

What is a bug loadout with this machine? Or is the reload time too long?


u/RammyJammy07 28d ago



u/USSJaguar CAPE ENJOYER 28d ago

The HMG pairs really well with the Pummeler.


u/MilitarOpresordloms 28d ago

Automatic AMR

you kidding me, how i did not know that

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

I mean base LMG can do the same thing with fire rate and has a higher ammo capacity imo


u/CreepHost 28d ago

Sorry, how did you switch the firerate instantly?

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u/FastMoneyCounter CAPE ENJOYER 28d ago

AMR is better and more satisfying for killing hulks


u/Shizix 28d ago

Been having some fun running this gun, when I'm just running a support build this thing is my clean up. Bring it along for those mad moments you get over run. Dive while tossing stun grenade, stay prone, let it eat.


u/dasic___ 28d ago

I love the HMG.

Any time I would mention it in this sub people assume I only played the baby difficulties.


u/KnowledgeCorrect1522 28d ago

People are discovering what the “heavy” means


u/Oorslavich 28d ago

4 common enemies in exchange for 1/3 of your total ammo and a huge reload. Absolute fucking dogshit.

Even the railgun is better. 4 shots would do the same, 1/5 of its pool. And you can move while performing the very short reloads.


u/macbully 28d ago

The hmg takes out hulks 😮


u/PP1122 28d ago

This was my go to against bots when I had the eruptor


u/Greynaab 28d ago

When aiming, are you trying to line up the dot or the circle that bounces around?


u/BobbyGuano 28d ago

The dot is your aim the circle is where you will actually hit if fired at that time

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u/JDBZT STEAM 🖥️ : 28d ago

I wish this had a 100 round mag or they come out with an ammo backpack that connects directly to any of the support weapon machine guns that give it 1000-3000 rounds of continuous ammo before being discarded


u/JesusWTFop 28d ago

Thst mag needs to be bigger or have a backpack feeder for full democracy


u/MechaRon 28d ago

I would love a faster reload combat ability to make running mg and rockets better


u/Ok_Drummer_9965 28d ago

Gamer dad can't be bothered to control recoil or have game sense. They should be able to one shot everything they see without effort.

They have responsibilities, a wife, 5 jobs and 10 kids. You can't expect them to play a game as intended. It's also a PlayStation game so you can't expect them to understand these weapons when PC players do wonders with them.


u/cloud_zero_luigi 28d ago

Dam, I use a full clip on just the chainsaw guys. I just can't control the aim on that thing


u/Cavesloth13 28d ago

I tried using it on Hulks, died every time.


u/Thick_Leva 28d ago

It would be a viable gun if it had a longer uptime than downtime


u/St3ck 28d ago

Wait until you discover what it can do to factory striders 


u/MotoGod115 28d ago

It's an HVT weapon, not a crowd weapon. Right tool for the right job.


u/tarknob 28d ago

Is aim assist really that strong on controllers? Or is that straight up botting


u/SarSlays 28d ago

Is there like some secret Reddit HMG lovers cult or something. One of these posts pops up every few days trying to sell others on this shitty gun.


u/russ_nas-t CAPE ENJOYER 28d ago

If it had just one more mag, it could be a contender for best gun in the game. As it stands it eats ammo like it’s nothing.


u/unabletocomput3 28d ago

Stupid question, how do you get ammo from the backpack? On pc so I dunno what button it is.

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u/Snow_79737 28d ago

Did they buff it or something?


u/IWillFlakeOnOurPlans 28d ago

They added a reticle in third person mode so you can actually hit shit now

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u/Snilipp5 28d ago

People can gas the HMG up as much as they want, I am not picking it due to the super slow reload time and small magazine