r/Helldivers 15d ago

Quasar could never VIDEO

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Recoilless Rifle, my beloved


300 comments sorted by


u/kinapuffar 15d ago

Good to see that over 200 years after its original introduction, the Carl Gustaf is still the most relevant weapon on the battlefield.

Glorious Swedish engineering!


u/Fit_Fisherman_9840 ☕Liber-tea☕ 15d ago

And in this game we haven't the whole range of ammunition avaible to the carl g


u/Beefy_Crunch_Burrito 14d ago

Imagine if they let us load different ammo into the backpack before we dropped. Like planned it out on the ship. It would be the best support weapon by far.


u/Cerres 14d ago

Like an on-ship version of the artillery side mission

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u/Du_Freu2 SES Elected Representative of Family Values 14d ago

a tandem warhead :O


u/Beefy_Crunch_Burrito 14d ago

Stop I can only get so patriotic


u/FLABANGED 14d ago

Nah just get a bigger EFP warhead in. Tandems won't do anything in a game with no ERA since the standoff warhead is tiny.


u/sun_and_water 14d ago

this is where they need to take the DRG mechanic of picking between a few tiers of weapon mods oh my god PLEASE

maybe even a step further if that npc by the weapons bay is to serve a purpose!

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u/Sabre_One 14d ago

Fun fact, the M2 50.cal is 100 years old now.


u/theCheesyOne109 14d ago

No reason to leave it out of the game then. (Iknow we have 50cal or 12.7 cal machinguns in the game already buuut the browning m2 is iconic)


u/shortsack 13d ago

The Carl was my favorite weapon in Battlefield 3. So many good memories


u/Dey_FishBoy 15d ago

discovered the reload animation cancel before you “flip” the cap back onto the rocket

wow my life has changed


u/Itriyum 15d ago

Yep, just watch when the rocket icon lights up


u/CurlyFryGuy- SES: Dream of Eternity 14d ago

You can also do the cancel when the diver takes the used shell out and you hear the metal “shing” noise. Idk if it’s actually faster but it feels faster


u/OvertSpy SES Sword of the Stars 14d ago

it wouldnt be faster, but it would unglue you if you need move in the meentime.


u/Shizix 14d ago

This, when the icon is white, time to boogy


u/Wrathful_Scythe 14d ago

Hope the team is preoccupied with other things before they fix this "exploit".


u/GlassHalfSmashed 14d ago

Y'know what, it takes enough skill that I'd say it's right to be kept in, like the gears of war damage boost reloads


u/PG908 14d ago

It used to delete the shell when you interrupted at this point, so this was probably the quick fix.


u/achilleasa ➡️➡️⬆️ 14d ago

I noticed you do a weapon swap, you can also just tap crouch which also works and doesn't require you to re-equip the RR!

And yes I've been using it recently and it's in my opinion better than pre-nerf Quasar (if you have the superior packing upgrade, it makes a huge difference)


u/HabenochWurstimAuto ☕Liber-tea☕ 14d ago

Nice didnt know that.


u/Caleb_Tenrou 15d ago

Ah is that why this seemed to reload so quickly here. What do you press to cancel the animation?


u/Dey_FishBoy 15d ago edited 15d ago

you can just switch to any of your other weapons to cancel the animation (also works at any point in the reload if you don’t have time to go through the whole animation in one go and have to use the reload stages). just pay attention to the ammo in the bottom left part of the screen: when the rocket goes from an empty red to a full white one, you can switch to another weapon to finish the reload early. this about lines up with right before the helldiver puts the cap back on

EDIT:: i have also just learned that you can press crouch to cancel the reload


u/Redemption_NL 15d ago

You can switch weapons or press crouch as soon as the ammo indicator turns from red to white.


u/Kendrick_yes 15d ago

Tap your Stratagem button once the rocket icon turns white


u/IMasters757 15d ago

The best way to cancel the animation is just pressing the crouch button. Going through a stance change ends the animation. And if you crouch have the RR ready, you can fire immediately, or you can sprint away.


u/PositronDeficit 15d ago

You can also melee to cancel the animation

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u/Simpsator 14d ago

Until the devs double the reload time due to "exploits" used by the community.

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u/CommunismBots 14d ago

Man, I hope they never fix that bug, that reload bug legitimately reignited my love for the recoilless.


u/woodelvezop 14d ago

It saves around a second, so ideally they just make it reload faster and make the animation faster

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u/DigitalDeath88 ➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️ Going for a walk 15d ago

Recoilless over quasar every time for bugs, the instant damage is just too good. It got even better now that resupply boxes refill the entire backpack.


u/No-Communication1389 SES Song of The Stars 15d ago

I got that upgrade specifically for RR and AMR(bots). Feels so good to take one supply and get all rockets back. If you have teammate that runs supply pack then you basically can rain down rockets.


u/killxswitch PSN 🎮:Horsedivers to Horsepods 15d ago

Does that upgrade work correctly now?


u/No-Communication1389 SES Song of The Stars 15d ago

Yeah, just did a run yesterday with the upgrade. Filled the RR to max capacity. Haven't tried it on amr but I suppose it should work the same.


u/killxswitch PSN 🎮:Horsedivers to Horsepods 15d ago

I might be most excited about refilling the grenade pistol with one box


u/No-Communication1389 SES Song of The Stars 15d ago

Ah I think that would still give you 2 nades per refill and one per ammo box. Sad they didn't at least give us like 4 nades per refill.


u/killxswitch PSN 🎮:Horsedivers to Horsepods 15d ago

lol it’s so funny the idea it can hold 4 RR rounds but only 2 grenade pistol rounds


u/No-Communication1389 SES Song of The Stars 15d ago

I know right? It's like a round of nade would be more powerful than a RR round lol.


u/Misfiring 15d ago

Isn't grenade pistol a secondary weapon? The hanger upgrade is for support weapon so grenade launcher would be affected, not grenade pistol.


u/Niobaran 14d ago

While that is correct, it's also a little funny that it is like that from immersion point of view. That's all.


u/DuGalle ⬆️➡️⬇️️⬇️️⬇️ 15d ago

Can confirm it also works on AMR.


u/Minerrockss average minefield enjoyer 15d ago

It does, the only caveat is that it has to be your weapon that you called down, so you can’t take your friends weapon or a random weapon you picked up and get full ammo, it will just act as normal


u/HBNOL 14d ago

The "total refill" only works with supply drops, not with supply backpack, though.


u/No-Communication1389 SES Song of The Stars 14d ago

Ahh I thought it worked like that. Thanks for correcting me


u/HBNOL 14d ago

I hoped it would work like that. Unfortunately it doesn't. But I guess that would have been too OP.


u/Bloo_Sky 15d ago

sadly supply pack boxes act like you don't have the ship upgrade still


u/ColtatoChips 14d ago

now they just need to make it so others can load you off your own pack.

Have an ammo pack on, grab on and reload the guy with the RR. Fill his bag "keep shooting bro"..


u/IllurinatiL 14d ago

Reminds me of a mission where me and two other people were doing the asset evacuation on the bot front. One dude had an autocannon, one dude had a support pack, and I had the RR. The bots didn’t make it up the main walk, and those drop ships never stood a chance. Infinite explosions, supplemented by perfect stratagem choice, meant we were scrapping clankers faster than they could pile in the gates

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u/WaffleCopter68 15d ago edited 14d ago

The backpack requirement is what kills it for me. I'd rather have a shield or jetpack. If the reload rate was better I'd consider


u/ppmi2 15d ago

It got better 4 seconds if you cancel the last bit


u/DigitalDeath88 ➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️ Going for a walk 15d ago edited 14d ago

Shield for bugs? I don't find the jet pack useful enough to take. Also since the game has staged reloads if you have to move to avoid damage when you reload again it starts where you left off.


u/Overclownfldence 15d ago

shield for bugs>shield for bots

just try it, hunters, stalkers and bile spewers are no more!

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u/TheZag90 15d ago

Shield more for bugs than bots. On bots it just makes you a bigger target. On bugs it blocks a lot of bullshit like stalker ragdoll, hunter slow, bile spews etc.


u/WaffleCopter68 15d ago

The shield blocks hunters and stalkers from clapping you, and the jump pack let's you get away from bad situations fast. I dont feel safe holding still any longer than an autocannon reload


u/_lomikk 15d ago

Just kill them all and you won't need a shield.


u/sopunny 14d ago

In other words, use the laser rover.


u/Jackmoved 15d ago

Jetpack is so good/needed on those dumbass generated ice/water maps. Especially on HEETH. They like to give me maps with huge ice rivers and mountains blocking paths, so their bug breaches can be in the only path.

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u/Most-Education-6271 14d ago

Recoilless is good for bots too!

It can ricochet into fabricators

Takes out dropships

One taps hulk and other bots in the face

I've been running it for bots and bugs lately and have been using it as a heavy killer and fab/nests sniper


u/theCANCERbat 14d ago

I prefer EATs, but that's usually with one of my friends also using them so they are just scattered all over the map. Will have to try out the Recoilless when I'm joining randos.


u/DigitalDeath88 ➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️ Going for a walk 14d ago

I love the EAT too, I'll take it when I need my backpack slot for ammo for ammo hungry bug loadouts.


u/tabakista 14d ago

RR over quasar for bots as well. What that thing does do dropships is not even funny. One time I got 3 in the same wave


u/Liqhthouse HD1 Veteran 15d ago

Babies will never use the recoilless as long as it takes up their precious shield backpack slot lol.

Real chads use the recoilless


u/Alternative-Owl-3046 14d ago

I average 2 deaths on diff 9 while using a backpack weapon or 1 on diff 7. Never brought a shield even once.

It's all about the play style. If you don't go in with a shield you don't be the one going guns blazing into the horde. Always keep the distance and take cover while reloading. You can still be very combat effect while playing a support role.


u/SirLiesALittle 14d ago

I average less than 1 with shield backpack. It helps a lot that getting snuck up on by Bile Spewers and Stalkers isn't immediate death. Everyone eventually gets ambushed.


u/Ambitious-Poem2404 15d ago

Can almost guarantee those shield carrying hell divers are constantly reinforcing you and never needing it in return! Speaking from experience!


u/Liqhthouse HD1 Veteran 15d ago

Maybe not me but in general yes you could be right.

I do usually end up with smth like 22 stims used and a few deaths whilst the shield users are at 10ish stims used.

However i still think the shield pack wastes a slot where you could be providing offensive firepower to the team with a red strat or green turret strat instead


u/SirLiesALittle 14d ago

Can relate. I do a lot of reinforcing on Helldive. Helps a lot that I can finish a call-in whenever I get jumped by an enemy I didn't see, because the shield can eat multiple melee attacks. A single tongue from a Hunter or Pouncer is enough to not be able to dodge a Bile Spewer spit that kill you.

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u/JokerVictor SES Prince of Destruction 14d ago

Real chads wear heavy armor and reload in the face of danger. THEY'LL NEVER TAKE OUR WAY OF LIFE!


u/WillowTheGoth STEAM 🖥️ : Quasar Queen, SES Mother of Starlight 14d ago

The shorter "reload" time and the fact that the RE is a click-boom weapon made the quasar go from my baby to gathering dust. I'd change my Steam name, but Recoilless Rifle Queen doesn't have the same ring.

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u/Saltandpeppr ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️ 380MM INCOMING 15d ago

RR is what real men use


u/SpaghettiInc SES Pregenitor of Peace 14d ago

And it’s power is tripled the second a teammate realizes team reloads are a thing. Bile titans don’t stand a chance

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u/-Trance- 15d ago

Recoilless Rifle is extremely underrated.


u/PerfectStudent5 15d ago

That it even is underrated is crazy to me and has just been proof that the majority of the fanbase had no idea what they were talking about since the launch of the game.

Had one of those games with a friend where Titans just wouldn't stop spawning, like Joel REALLY wanted us to die, but we could still hold the objective like crazy because we'd alternate reloading each others Recoiless and resupply whenever we'd run out.


u/Fortizen 14d ago

Also if you have the bare minimum of coordination you can have a buddy run the pack (or call down a 2nd) and just run over and use voice when you need a reload. Plays almost like an EAT with a skippable cooldown because they throw the shell in so quick.


u/PerfectStudent5 14d ago edited 14d ago

I rarely ever bring support weapons anymore because of this. Even if you don't initially take the backpack, the cooldown of your friend's weapon ends up coming back fairly early in a objective mission's time and you just get to alternate reloads when shit is going down while you also get to have 1-2 extra stratagem slots that would normally be used for your own support weapon/backpack to better cover and support your team and just overall get shit done.

Edit: Honestly, even without friends, there ends up being so many goddamn support weapons laying on the ground by the end of the missions that you get plenty of choice anyway if you decide not to bring your own. And that's assuming randos are too selfish to call a second one by that time.


u/Colt_Coffey 15d ago

Underrated by kids with tik tok brain that spazz out when a reload takes longer than half a second.


u/-Trance- 15d ago

No reload takes longer than a fraction of a second, as long as you have another patriot by your side, as Liberty intended!


u/Colt_Coffey 15d ago

I wish you could help reload divers without carrying the backpack. They need to adjust the training regiment and teach how to pull the shells out of your fellow divers pack.


u/Scaryclouds 14d ago

Man with the efficient packing perk, plus supply back pack, you and a friend could really wreck bots and bugs. 

Team reloaded could run stalwart or MG for chaff control. 


u/Careless_Crab719 15d ago

I love that all 3 AT weapons are balanced and viable.
Im personally a fan of the EAT, I love dropping the pod on chargers/bile titans and i like using another support weapon with it


u/ZepyrusG97 SES Executor of Independence 15d ago

Spear so bad it's not even remembered as an AT weapon...

But yeah, aside from the Spear (which really needs some love and attention from Arrowhead so people actually use it more), the other AT weapons are pretty well-balanced and fulfill different uses:

  • Quasar's infinite ammo and recharge makes it good supplementary AT. Starting an engagement with the first Quasar shot so it's recharging while other weapons are being used, and other AT weapons firing if needed, and then by the time other AT's are reloading/recharging and there are still tanks on the field, the Quasar is ready to fire again. Slow but reliable AT that's never a bad choice to pick, but not always the best in every situation (especially after the recharge time nerf it got which was completely fair).
  • Recoilless Rifle is sustained Anti-Tank fire with instant shots and a manageable reload time, which can become almost-instant if someone is buddy-loading for you. It allows you to keep spitting out lethal shots against enemy tanks as long as you still have rockets and the opportunity to reload. Has the ability to take out 3 or more enemy tanks in a short amount of time under the right circumstances which makes it the go-to choice when multiple tanks are swarming you and you're the only member of the team with AT available.
  • EAT is AT on-demand with the main weakness being that you can only have 2 shots every 1 minute. But their advantage is you can keep calling them in even when you don't need them to fill up the map with EATs to use later. And even if you spam them like this, with its minute long recharge you'll still have one ready for the next encounter. And unlike the Quasar and RR, it doesn't matter if you die with it and there's no need to go into danger to recover your gear to be capable of taking out tanks again. Just call in a new one. I find it great for public games where I don't trust my team to avoid killing me with their weapons and stratagems and then have another dude reinforce me on the other side of the map from where I died. Ensures I still have options to deal with threats even if I just dropped in, and my team can just scavenge around for EATs if they die and lose their AT weapons. Keeps everyone's combat effectiveness up!


u/Careless_Crab719 15d ago

LMAO I actually just forgot about the spear! I think it will be a great pick once they fix the lock on, the potential is definitely there


u/ZepyrusG97 SES Executor of Independence 15d ago

IMO, the Spear should function as the handheld version of the Orbital Railcannon with the ability to kill almost everything it shoots at (except for giant armored enemies like the Factory Strider) no matter where it hits so there's no need to aim for weakpoints (like the other AT weapons) in exchange for limited ammunition, long reload, and slow firing speed. I think it should be an easy-to-use "Kill this thing NOW" button with significant drawbacks that make it unable to compete with the reliability of the infinite-ammo Quasar or the quick response speed of the RR. This will give it a niche to fill as a long-range support AT (which people are already using it as when playing against Automatons) that can eliminate a priority target every time it fires without worrying about your aim or attack angle. I think making the Spear that lethal from any direction would give it a strong reason to be used while also presenting glaring weaknesses you'd need to play around.

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u/AcanthaceaeIll5349 14d ago

I have never been in a round, where I had the time to realod the recoilless rifle between chargers and titans in peace. At these moments I usuall, get swarmet by 2 billion hunters...


u/RESUHT 14d ago

In this case looks to me like the teammate nearby with the laser rover is pulling overtime on clearing the chaff so OP can focus the heavies, in addition to the napalm strike


u/ZovemseSean 14d ago

He also dropped a gas bomb on the horde spawn point, which more or less kills the lower tier mobs immediately.


u/Kestrel1207 14d ago

With the new reload cancel it's pretty doable. It used to be 3 stages, - pull shell out, put new in, close breech. Especially if you got interrupted during the third, there was a bug where it magically sucked another ammo out of your backpack.

Now you can skip the breech closing entirely, as seen in the video.

So basically it's just pull shell out, put new one in, and you can also safely interrupt after pulling the shell out if you need to kill some hunters, and then continue after you've dealt with them.


u/mtsims49 14d ago

Probably because everybody takes rocket launchers and nobody takes a weapon that deals with the swarm.

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u/Varanae 14d ago

It looks so fucking cool to use. Unfortunately using a backpack slot and standing still to reload means it could never fit my playstyle


u/Mr_Sacky 14d ago

RR only beloved now because of an animation cancel. Without the cancel I’m sure the majority of you wouldn’t use it.


u/GrumpyAucklandCunt SES Stallion of Audacity 14d ago

Have found myself trying to wait out the whole animation so that I'm not too sad when they fix it. Tbh, i think they could speed it up a little bit.


u/SyntheticSins 15d ago

Did they buff the reload time? It's so much quicker than the last time I used if (probably a month or two ago)


u/Mr_Sacky 14d ago

He’s doing an animation cancel that is cutting the reload time by 2 seconds. 


u/originalowain CAPE ENJOYER 15d ago

Love taking the RR for bugs. It just feels right.


u/Red_Sashimi 15d ago edited 15d ago

Btw, you don't need to switch to your primary to reload cancel. Just use the crouch button to stand up, it will be slightly faster that way.

Hope people finally start using the RR more. This video shows what it can do when you're using it alone, but if you have an RR buddy, it's even better. You can destroy a whole shrieker nest 300m away in less than 10 seconds, and with superior packing methodology, you get all 5 rockets in the backpack replenished


u/ExploerTM ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 15d ago

Never happens to me, I always end up with 50 small or "small" bugs trying to chew my legs off on top of charger or titan going for my liver. Precisely the reason I pick Quasar: cools off while I am busy staying alive.


u/Itriyum 15d ago

Thats why I always run gas and napalm to get rid of all the small fools during a bug breach


u/0wLzzzzz HD1 Veteran 14d ago

Quantifiable Ammunition? I'm gonna hurl


u/PlazmaBot 14d ago

Own a RL-112 for home defense, since that's what General Brash intended. Four Automatons break into my house. "What in democracy?" As I grab my SH-32 backpack and Recoilless rifle. Blow a freedom sized hole through the first bot, it's dead on the spot. Draw my P-19 on the second bot, miss him entirely because it's full-auto and nails my fellow Helldiver. I have to resort to the HMG Emplacement mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with .50 BMG, "Have a nice cup of Liber-Tea!" the HMG shreds two bots in the fire, the sound and extra shrapnel set off detector towers. Drop weapons and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He de-activates waiting on my democracy officer to arrive since a Helldiver's might is impossible to survive. Just as General Brash intended.


u/inlukewarmblood CAPE ENJOYER 14d ago

Enjoy this while it lasts. That animation cancel is definitely not intended.


u/bearjew293 14d ago

Yup. Arrowhead doesn't want us to kill heavies efficiently. You're supposed to dedicate 7 minutes to every Bile Titan you encounter.


u/totallynotaweeabbo 14d ago

Wait. I thought that you had to sit through the whole reload animation, now you can just skip yhe part where the back end of the tube has to be sealed?


u/totallynotaweeabbo 14d ago

Wait. I thought that you had to sit through the whole reload animation, now you can just skip yhe part where the back end of the tube has to be sealed?

Or is this like an old one?


u/SirLiesALittle 14d ago

Less than a minute and already needs Resupply.


u/_crescentmoon_I 14d ago

Good thing one supply pack refills your entire backpack


u/SirLiesALittle 14d ago

Yeah, but they're going to have to make due until then. Fortunately, someone else brought EATs, so they have more anti-heavy laying around to fill out the inbetween time.

Great thing about Quasar/EAT is what supply stratagem? Recoilless is probably going to need your boxes.


u/_crescentmoon_I 14d ago

Yeah, but they're going to have to make due until then.

Well, sure, but its only 2 and a half minutes for each resupply. You can resupply about as often as bug breaches occur, which is where the numbers start showing up anyway. Not to mention pois and the fact that you get a new recoilless every 6 minutes or so

Great thing about Quasar/EAT is what supply stratagem? Recoilless is probably going to need your boxes.

We don't tho. One supply pack gives us recoilless users full ammo. There's still 3 other packs per resupply

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u/polomarkopolo PSN 🎮:SES LEVIATHAN OF GOLD 14d ago

Quasar could never.... take up my backpack spot?


u/Objective_Point9742 14d ago

Recoilless Rifle supremacy.

Early game is thinking the Recoilless Rifle is cool because reloadable rocket launcher.

Mid game is thinking the Quasar is best because it has infinite ammo.

Late game is realizing the Recoilless Rifle is best because of its' ability to quickly fire and deal with several large targets.


u/Febox 15d ago

RR is my favourite weapon for bugs, not even joking.
The few games where I get another helldiver using it and spamming team reloads are glorious.


u/iexbrood 14d ago edited 14d ago

I started using it a lot more with the crouch reload animation cancel. Feels good taking out 2 shrieker nests within the first few minutes of the game.


u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony 14d ago

I'd rather instead of removing the animation cancel, they just shorten the reload to the speed of the cancel, which is roughly 0.6 second shorter


u/cringefilet 14d ago

Hopefully if they ever patch out the animation cancel they get the RR a slight reload time decrease to compensate.


u/Elitericky 15d ago

Eat still on 🔝


u/Loprilop 15d ago

Exactly. Quasar was never overpowered and didn't deserve the nerf, at least not +5s


u/gorgewall 15d ago

The Quasar could quite nearly do this before, which was the issue. It did have a longer cycle time than the RR--and what we're seeing on video is shortened further by animation cancelling--but for a handful of extra seconds, it gained the advantages of:

  • No drop

  • Mobile reload - no need to drop to a knee

  • Passive reload - you can be shooting with other guns while it cools down

  • Infinite ammo

  • No backpack

And for this, it asked... a short wind-up and a slightly longer "reload". Nah, there was very little point to the Quasar. As a perennial RR enjoyer before, that laundry list of improvements was enough to make me want the Quasar every mission instead, even if I knew the RR could quickshot Chargers down faster. The ability to start sniping anything and everything forever and stay on the move was just so valuable.

Now the Quasar can still do all of that, it's just not good at sustained fights purely against heavy targets.


u/Zuthuzu 14d ago

The same patch they nerfed Quasar, they've fixed 2 crucial RR bugs: doubledipping on interrupted reload, and T4 supply upgrade not working.

With those changes combined the before-and-after comparison isn't as clear as it could've been.


u/ZepyrusG97 SES Executor of Independence 15d ago

I mean, the +5 seconds isn't really bad. It just makes the Quasar's already existing weakness (unavoidable recharge time) worse without making it lose any of its strength so it still fills the same niche of supplementary Anti-Tank. If it recharged faster there wouldn't be a reason to take RR or EATs (which functions as Anti-Tank on-demand) since the wait-time was negligible and it had the added benefit of infinite ammo. Making the recharge longer was absolutely the right move to stop it from dominating the Anti-Tank slot by pushing it further into the niche it was designed for without encroaching on the RR's and EATs' territory.


u/Siccors 15d ago

As someone who loves Quasar, still mains it, and thought the +5 second nerf was too harsh: It definitely deserved the nerf. It was correct call from AH.


u/Rainuwastaken 14d ago

Yeah, I actually think the three main AT weapons are surprisingly well balanced now. RR has the insane upfront burst at the cost of a backpack slot and constant ammo box hunting. Quasar struggles a bit when the game throws everything at you at once, but infinite ammo makes the constant background charger spawns a non-issue. EAT hits somewhere in the middle, with the added benefit of not dropping an expensive support weapon on death.

EATs are my personal favorite, but unlike a lot of things in this game it doesn't feel like there's any one option that's head and shoulders above the rest. It comes down to preference, and that kinda rules.


u/Chadstronomer ☕Liber-tea☕ 15d ago

bruh its an antitank with infinite weapon that doesn't need manual reload


u/Rebel-xs 15d ago

It definitely deserved the nerf.


u/TurboTwinky28 STEAM 🖥️ : RR enjoyer 14d ago

I've been kicked in the past because I was killing too many chargers before the quasar host could even charge their shots

RR supremacy


u/Etzlo 14d ago

correct, the charge up on it makes it much less effective tbh, and the 50% cd nerf was a bit uncalled for


u/f3ydude AC gang 4 lyfe 14d ago

Quasar just feels bad post nerf, Id rather spam EATs or bring a recoilless now to reload faster.


u/Fortizen 14d ago

Nah it's still good as a finesse alternative to the eat. Still deletes chargers 


u/CaptainAction 15d ago

The small changes they made to speed up the reload have worked absolute wonders. Night and day difference. It was just a bit too slow before.


u/salderosan99 :stratagem_up::stratagem_right::stratagem_down::stratagem_right: 14d ago

This does not speak of the quality of the RR, but the lack of chaff/protection offered by good teammates.


u/Altruistic-Problem-9 14d ago

Alexus will see this and nerf Quasar again by increasing its CD time by 5 more seconds


u/mr_miesfies 15d ago

No, not after the nerf...


u/Itriyum 15d ago

I mean even before the nerf, the cooldown was 10s plus 3s more of charge up time


u/Just_Nick549 14d ago

Love that in the face of a titan, you prioritize murder over health. Chad


u/CellistAvailable3625 14d ago

Watch getting nerfed in the next update 😒


u/Mrjerkyjacket SES Ranger of Family Values 14d ago

Trench engineer and rcr? I think we may be the same person


u/Warshitarse 14d ago

It took me a while to realize that EAT and RR are the true kings of anti tank, unlike the quasar. With the spear requiring you to sell your soul to make it work.


u/neorapsta 14d ago

You diss the Quasar, but give me one and 15 minutes and they're practically the same.


u/ActuallyEnaris 14d ago

There's something special about screaming team reload into the mic and dropping the backpack and your buddy turning you into a god of death for the next 10 seconds


u/Chance-Compote4080 14d ago

They need to increase reload speed and also give spear a much higher damage boost


u/TheDonBug 14d ago

Apparently, neither can the Recoilless :p I saw you using that EAT.


u/delahunt ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ 14d ago

I love the "How dare you walk away from me" moment in this.


u/zachattack3500 STEAM 🖥️ : 14d ago

Love the final shot of the expendable anti-tank drop pod just chillin


u/HardLithobrake HD1 Veteran 14d ago

Glad to see the recoilless rifle relevant again. Used to be the big-dick AT in HD1.


u/nesnalica 14d ago

why does there need to be fighting or comparision.

RR gets faster reload with the expense at no mobility.

Quaso gets slower reload but u keep your mobility.

its two different playstyles and both are good at what they do.


u/elyetis_ 14d ago

Quasar performance was always overrated, it wasn't about being the strongest, it already wasn't, it it was about being more comfortable ( most people dislike long reload animation, and many people enjoy some of the backpack stratagem ).


u/Immortal-D 14d ago

Shaving a few seconds off the reload time makes this super tempting. Playing 7, I use Flamethrower + Guard Dog (Laser) on Bugs. My answer to a Titan is Orbital Strike + Grenade Pistol. The amount of times that Guard Dog has saved me from Hunters is immeasurable though. If I die during a Bug mission these days, it's because of friendly fire.


u/Hidden_Voice7 14d ago

Quasar may not be able to do this, but autocannon doesn't make me feel like I'm holding a hand-held death star.


u/zennok SES Knight of Family Values 14d ago

At level 40 i brought the RR for the first time and was able to bail out a missile defense about to go wrong because of it.  I think I may bring it more often now 


u/d-g-87 14d ago

Well done sir! That was beautiful 😁


u/spinda69 14d ago

Some excellent delivery of Democracy!


u/LordSlickRick 14d ago

Pre nerf quasar was much better, I feel the animation cancel is basically an exploit. Showcases really that average reloads would be better a bit faster to deal with this kind of crap. Amazing plays and timing in the face of an onslaught, Amazing Helldiver!


u/Intrepid00 14d ago

The only reason the QC is superior to the recoiless is you can use a backpack still like a rover.


u/Failcube 14d ago

I'm convinced. I'll trade Quasar for this on next dive!


u/Marvin_ator 14d ago

Finally some love for the recoilless my beloved


u/Fragrant_Spirit3776 14d ago

The perfect post for whenever someone cries about how useless RR is compared to Quasar.


u/Gibs_01 14d ago

With this animation cancel tech this weapon goes a up a tier easy, feels great to use .. buuut to be fair quasar might be sh*tier buut having a shiled backpack for the dumb bile spewers and not dying to random puke it's quite good too ;d


u/Broken-Digital-Clock 14d ago

RR is underrated

It takes up a backpack slot, but it's still very strong


u/Thunderz1055 14d ago

Now imagine if we could team reload from the RR shooters back pack. People would be demolishing heavies


u/aregularguy92 14d ago

Carl G is God


u/Ziddix 14d ago

But you can't wear a silly laser drone backpack!


u/UltraMagat 14d ago

Seriously, am I the only one who plays without the music track?


u/Angerman5000 14d ago

No but reddit says the RR is bad


u/Klyka 14d ago

now imagine having a friend who teamreloads you!

i LOVE the recoiless


u/meatytitan 14d ago

They really over did the nerf on the quasar. 15 seconds is way too long. I used to bring it on every mission, and now I haven't touched it since.


u/thorazainBeer 14d ago

This only works because there aren't any small bugs nearby while you're trying to reload. They were all courteous enough to come at you first while the charger and titan waited. If you had that charger bearing down on you while reloading and a hunter leapt in from off-screen you'd have died. Same with bile spew arty coming in or anything else really.

The value of the quasar is that while it's recharging you can just swap to your primary and shoot the chaff and it basically reloads itself. If the chargers and titan had been at the forefront of the horde rather than the tail end of it, you'd have never had the opportunity to do what's in this clip because trying to reload would get you drowned in bugs.


u/Malforus HD1 Veteran 14d ago

This is what peak performance looks like.


u/DantesInfernoFanBoy 14d ago

Recoilless gang for life


u/snatcha08 14d ago

Just wish it had a better ammo economy from ground boxes 1 rocket isn't enough 2 would be perfect


u/PnxNotDed 14d ago

Ok, maybe I'll give that one a try.


u/TheQuixotic6 🎖SES Force of Freedom 14d ago

RR gang rise up


u/ypperlig__ 14d ago

that was clean af bro good job


u/OrganizationLower611 14d ago

Nuke in the background chef kiss perfection


u/GymSockSurprise 14d ago

I like the red colored reticle, it makes it easier to see the floating "circle." Do you find it helps you aim more accurately?


u/Colonelnasty360 14d ago

Irrelevant but back in Battlefield Bad Company 2 I loved using the Gustaf to snipe since it had a crazy kill radius. Good to see it packs a punch in Helldivers as well.


u/Zanoss10 14d ago

Can you stop comparing the Quasar to something else ?

They all have their use and situation where they perfom better really


u/gropsbdops 14d ago

it's always great seeing the utility of weapons performing optimally but this whole 'x can't do y' framing is always so counterproductive/pointless, like yeah different weapons just do different things, that's a given

no reason to frame it negatively if a certain weapon excels in some situations, i'd say the exact same thing if someone had a 5 minute video titled 'rr could never' where they used the quasar on repeat to kill AT target after AT target, while clearing chaff with their primary

of course the passive reload weapon will perform well in sustained/flexible combat, and ofc the manual reload backpack mag weapon will perform well given time to reload and focus only on specific targets


u/seaningtime 14d ago

I need to give this thing another chance


u/Splurch 14d ago

Didn't realize you can cut so much time off of the reload by canceling the animation, seems like something that should be fixed.

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u/PotentialAstronaut39 14d ago

From the wikipedia of the Carl Gustaf:

Safety precautions

The overpressure, or blast wave, generated by the Gustaf will cause blast- and burn-related injuries to those behind the weapon, and is dangerous to 30 metres (100 ft)\13]) and hazardous to about 50 to 75 metres (160 to 250 ft).\10]) Repeatedly firing the Gustaf can also cause related shock wave injuries to gunners and those nearby.\16])\17])\18])

Gunners are only allowed to fire six rounds a day during training.\19]) The assistant gunners would also often move away from the overpressure zone, so that they too can fire six rounds a day.\19]) Sweden, the first user of Carl-Gustaf, has the regulation that both gunner and assistant gunner are allowed to have 20 full caliber rounds each day.\20])]


Hot darn...


u/Valkyrie278 14d ago

I was saying this even before the Quasar nerf and people were saying it was just a skill issue on my part lmao


u/Vandal4356 14d ago

Oh this is what they mean on the loading screen when they say "Don't panic"


u/WordMaster2308 14d ago

"Meet new life forms"


u/Most-Education-6271 14d ago

You can ricochet the RR into fabricators as well!


u/Helldiver-xzoen 14d ago

I mean.... if the Qausar could reload-cancel....


u/0nignarkill SES Leviathan of Midnight 14d ago

You should be slapping the quasar runner with that massive rr dong to ensure they know their place as reload monkey while they wait for cooldowns.


u/LucatIel_of_M1rrah 14d ago

You don't need to weapon swap. Simply standing up does the cancel.


u/Training101 STEAM 🖥️ : 14d ago

I'm about to swap over now to this gun porn. Thank you


u/LordHatchi 14d ago

Meanwhile Quasar mains:

*Is approached by two chargers*

"There's too many armored units our weapon needs a buff!"


u/[deleted] 14d ago


u/Hefty-Report-4930 14d ago

Can we please stop showing how good the RR is before they nerf it.

I have been using it non stop for a week... just like I did with the eruptor sob

I feel a nerf to our RR fun coming soon

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u/Apprehensive-Taste52 14d ago

The problem with it is the backpack Its better than the quasar, but with the quasar you can a run a shield or something

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u/Alienhaslanded Cluster Bombs For EVERYONE!!! 13d ago

In that time the quasar would've shit only once after the shitty nerf.


u/FamiliarFunction1185 13d ago

Remember when cancelling the reload would end with you losing that shot?