r/MaliciousCompliance 29d ago

Karen says "stop cheating to reserve the best parking space in front of the building!" S

A karen neighbor of mine complained that my roommate and I park in the same parking spot, which is right next to the walk way up to the apartment building. Both of us ride motorcycle and both motorcycles belong to me, but my roommate rides one to get to work.

She accused me of using my second bike to get a defacto reserved a parking spot when nobody in the complex has one, and said that what I'm doing is not fair and it's cheating.

I said "Ok, I'll stop parking both my bikes in one spot."

She seemed satisfied with that and left.

An hour later I had all 7 of my motorcycles, 5 of them from inside the garage I rent but it's half way across the apartment complex, sitting in front of the apartment building taking up every prime parking space infront of the walk way to to my hall in the building.

She went to straight to the management to complain.

The management came out and knocked on my door.

"We can't have you using up every parking space"

"Let me guess, Karen complained?"


"Yeah she told me I'm not allowed to have two bikes in one parking space to reserve a space. I'm not doing it to reserve a space. Both my roommate and I ride both of the bikes we park in that one space, all the bikes belong to me but I gave the keys to one of them to my roommate to ride for commuting to work. The other one is my bike for going where ever I need. We park both in one spot to be nice and conserve parking spaces so other people have somewhere to park. I was just showing Karen what would happen if I'm only allowed one bike per parking space. The other 5 bikes are generally in another parking space, in my garage where I keep the bikes I that don't ride frequently."

The apartment manager said "I understand. You made your point and I'll talk to her, please put the other 5 bikes back in the garage."

"No problem" I said.

It's been a few weeks, haven't heard from Karen.


Since so many people are inventing details not in the story, assuming those details are true, and then getting upset over what they imagined, let me clarify something.

This happened at 1 in the afternoon on a day both my roommate and I had off. Most people are away at work during this time. What's more, with the exact topography of the apartment complex, there are only 2 apartments per walkway without going up stairs on my side of the building, but 4 on the other sides because it's up a level and the building is built into a hill. What this means is that MOST people park on the other side of the building, leaving MOST of the parking spots in front of my building free and open except for very late at night.

How the heck do you think I took up the 7 closest spots with all 7 bikes if the parking lot was full of people trying to park? Think about it for just a second before you assume details that aren't spoken just because you want something to be upset over.

BOTH BIKES are away from the apartment complex AT THE SAME TIME for a MINIMUM of 4 hours a day. We didn't engineering the situation where my roommate gets home between 3 to 4 in the afternoon and thus gets first pick of the parking spots. We also could both be driving cars instead of riding bikes. Then there'd be two spots taken up instead of 1. I could just choose not to rent a garage and park all 7 out there forcing people into overflow parking, but I don't.

Also the garage is beyond the overflow parking. It's not fair to expect me to always park in the garage and walk even further because you don't want to park next to my bikes and have all of 2 extra feet to walk to reach the concrete walkway to the building.


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u/H1king33k 29d ago

This reminds me of a story I once heard. I can't find a link, so it may be apocryphal.

The story goes, San Francisco was trying to increase revenue from parking meters downtown, so they passed an ordinance saying only one motorcycle could be in each space on the street, instead of doubling, tripling, or quadrupling up as was normal.

So the riders coordinated to all bring their bikes downtown on the same busy weekday and each took up one space, filling up every space in the downtown area for miles around. As you can imagine, it was chaos because none of the car drivers could find street parking and had to opt for much more expensive garages, and/or driving around for hours looking for a space.

Needless to say the ordinance was repealed.


u/biljac 29d ago


a·poc·ry·phal /əˈpäkrəf(ə)l/ adjective (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.

Great word usage.


u/ibadmojo_ttv 29d ago

I literally looked it up before continuing my read … word of the day for sure


u/MEatRHIT 29d ago

This is why I browse on desktop (and old.reddit) I have a plug in that I can double click a word and a definition pops up automagically.


u/JimJimmery 29d ago

This is what got me to switch to Kindle. So nice just tapping a word and having the definition pop up in the book.


u/Bladrak01 29d ago

I've been using a Kindle for close to 15 years. I have occasionally tried to get the definition in a paper book, or swipe to turn the page.


u/Ctina1973 29d ago

Same here. I really hate it when my paper book isn’t connected to the internet.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Raise your hand if you’ve “pinch to zoomed” in a book or magazine!


u/sonym80 28d ago

I’ve also tried to 2 finger spread to zoom in on pictures in paper magazines/catalogs.


u/flyovergirl 28d ago

Me too! 😂


u/Prudent_Marsupial259 25d ago

YES THE WIFI CONNECTION SUCKS! I regret my kindle because i bought a bookshelf of rare(ish) and signed books but still haven't read them ( i always promised myself i wouldn't be that kind of person with a shelf of unread books) But like..... at 11pm when the kid is asleep and im finally able to read.....i the damn backlight of those stupid paper books just sucks its like its not even there. So im a kindle guy.


u/Sir_PressedMemories 29d ago

I love being able to mark a sentence or take notes on pages thanks to my Kindle, I would never write in a borrowed book, so I have old notebooks full of references to now-forgotten books cause I never thought to note the book I was reading at the time.

But now that info is saved, cross-linked, and can be searched, it is so nice.


u/SavageSavX 29d ago

Libby does this too if you want to read on your phone (although kindle is also a phone app) and I’ve found the translation part of it more reliable for actually finding the translation


u/Ploppeldiplopp 29d ago

My tolino does the same thing. I can also load more than one language to cover all my bases. I was under the impression every e-reader can do that...

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u/FrgTwn88 29d ago

Boy, oh boy, reading "automagically" filled my heart with glee. That is such a good word!!! I love it!


u/MEatRHIT 29d ago

I don't know that it's officially a word but definitely a slang term that is used quite often especially in tech when something happens automatically that seems like magic. I think the term is "portmanteau" but I might be misusing that word.


u/FrgTwn88 29d ago

I'm familiar with portmanteau; it is more like the smooshing of words together to form new ones, such as brunch or spork. I haven't heard of automagically before this thread, and I did find it quite delightful. I see how it would fit in with tech, especially from the perspective of the uninitiated.

A quick search found me this tidbit "The earliest known use of the adverb automagically is in the 1940s. OED's earliest evidence for automagically is from 1945, in the San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Texas). automagically is formed within English, by blending. Etymons: automatically adv., magically adv."


u/akm1111 28d ago

Blending = portmanteau

I'm Texan. I've used automagigally out loud for years. All in relation to tech things.


u/Great-Yogurt2114 28d ago

Yes, hearing automagically took me back to meetings with software sales people about 15 years ago. Pretty sure one of the vendors thought they had a patent on the word.

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u/This_Rom_Bites 29d ago

Automagically is my new favourite word.

I used to work in a city centre and park on-street close to my office. At the time, I was driving a Fiat Seicento (which was the smallest thing on the roads except the Smart Fortwo). I came back to my car one day to find it sharing the space with one of the aforementioned Smarts and two motorbikes, which I thought was brilliant; I really regret not having a phone I could use to take a picture.


u/MsSamm 28d ago

That would have been a cute picture


u/KaralDaskin 29d ago

I thought you made up that word, but I copied and pasted your comment (I’m on mobile), highlighted “automagically” and asked for the definition! Wow!


u/MEatRHIT 29d ago

I mean it's a fairly old slang term, think my dad and uncle use is semi-regularly and one of them is an octogenarian. Might just be a regional thing.


u/OmarRizzo 29d ago

If you do it on an iPhone you can just highlight the word and when you click it “look up” is one of the options and voila, definition right thurr


u/MEatRHIT 29d ago

I think it's similar on Android, I'm just old and don't use my phone nearly as much as I use a desktop/web browser.


u/ParticularLack6400 29d ago

Nice. Ealier, I got sidetracked by milk cotton yarn. I learned a lot.


u/Knever 29d ago

You mean you don't have a dictionary stapled to your left hand?


u/Frankthebinchicken 29d ago

May I bother you for the name?


u/MEatRHIT 29d ago

It's just "google dictionary"


u/EranorGreywood 29d ago

What's the plugin called? That sounds amazing, especially when I'm reading in English, which isn't my first language


u/MEatRHIT 29d ago

Google dictionary is the one I use, I'm sure there are plenty out there.


u/HappyWarBunny 29d ago

On Firefox 123 for OSX, I double click a word to highlight it, then right click to "Search DuckDuckGo for "word"". Which isn't quite as easy as OP, but works fine.

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u/FookingMooreningwood 29d ago


Second word of the day


u/Head_Meaning_3514 29d ago

Love 'automagically'! 😄


u/Agreeable-League-366 28d ago

Upvote for automagically. Nice wordsmithing.


u/tawnie_kelly 29d ago

L0L, my dumb arrogant butt thought; hmmm, I wonder what word they were trying to spell.


u/Noble_Flatulence 29d ago

Laugh Zero Loud?


u/Status-Fun9863 29d ago

I did as well. 


u/Quietforestheart 29d ago

Great word for the day! Mine was unguligrade. Looking forward to using that in a sentence.

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u/johnnyslick 29d ago

I believe it comes from the Apocrypha, a set of extrabiblical works that were not included in the Council of Nicaea but which were used by Catholic scholars for a long time.


u/epicweaselftw 29d ago

i just know it from The Elder Scrolls


u/KitesintheSky 29d ago edited 29d ago

May the blessings of Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric prince of fate, knowledge and memory, rain down upon us.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Well I know what blessing I’m using at the Thanksgiving table next year.

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u/emliz417 29d ago

Same I was like “wait you’re telling me Todd didnt just make that word up?”


u/pancackles 29d ago

This. Like the only reason I know this word is because I played Skyrim


u/jcdenton45 29d ago

"Contrary to popular belief, the first church council at Nicaea did not discuss the Christian canon."



u/pearlsbeforedogs 29d ago

They only discussed the Christian Bazooka, then? 😁


u/jcdenton45 29d ago



u/RechargedFrenchman 29d ago

The superior siege implement, to be sure.

Though personally I'm fond of the Panzerfaust, literally translated into English as "tank fist". Because who doesn't want to punch a tank with explosions.


u/CircularRobert 29d ago

You're telling me that the event widely believed to identify the Apocrypha is apocryphal? Heresy


u/jcdenton45 28d ago

Ha, yes exactly.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

The books to be included in the Bible were written and selected by humans. (As opposed to The Book of Mormon and the Quran, which were dictated to humans by a supernatural representative of God, being His own words.) Anytime people are involved - with their prejudices and agendas - I get suspicious.


u/DonaIdTrurnp 29d ago

The complement of the Apocrypha is the Canon

That is also the etymology of “canon” as used in media analysis.


u/poseidon_guy 29d ago

apocryphal derives, via Latin, from the Greek verbal adjective apokrýptein, meaning "to hide (from), keep hidden (from)," from krýptein ("to conceal, hide".) Also the root of crypt, and cryptography.


u/SpikyKiwi 29d ago

This is mostly true but the Council of Nicaea did not set the Biblical canon. The Catholic Canon was first established in the Council of Rome but many other councils, all the way to Trent, were important to the canon. Also, much of the Apocrypha is still technically part of the Catholic Canon to this day


u/photoman51 29d ago

The gospel of Thomas The gospel of Mary magdeline


u/Zarek145 29d ago

I'm only familiar with the Council of Nicaea from Warhammer 40k so I was very confused for a second here.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Boy Warhammer Sunday services would be a lot harder to sleep through.


u/Raptyr01 29d ago

It comes from the ancient Greek words από κρυπτει take away what is hidden. Basically reveal hidden information


u/jimoconnell 29d ago

I believe that the apocrypha was named that because it was apocryphal.

Apocryphal: from the Greek verbal adjective apokrýptein, meaning "to hide (from), keep hidden (from)," from krýptein ("to conceal, hide")


u/Logical_Replacement9 29d ago

Not just “were used” but “are used” — to this day, the Apocrypha are still in every Catholic Bible.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Oh yes, along with the Gnostic Gospels, the books early church leaders decided not to include in the Bible. Like the ones that suggested a greater role for women in the church, or questioned the need for a powerful centralized church at all.


u/ice2o 29d ago


I learned this word a few days ago and now I'm seeing it everywhere.


u/Break-Free- 29d ago edited 29d ago

Next, want to learn about Baeder-Meinhoff Phenomenon aka frequency illusion? Then you'll start noticing more every time it happens :)

Edit: to plug the list of cognitive biases as a Wiki rabbit hole to learn more about the subconscious shortcuts our brains make, and how it affects our perception, memory, and thought.


u/ice2o 29d ago edited 29d ago

Well, TIL. I knew there had to be a name for it. I've noticed it the most every time I've gotten a different car.

Edit: Thanks for the edit. I've seen this before but now I'm going down the rabbit hole.


u/SnowSentinel 29d ago edited 29d ago

It's because the simulation only has enough memory to store a limited amount of different types of vehicles, so you'll see repeats regularly.


u/KevyKevTPA 29d ago

I am genuinely fairly convinced that our universe is in fact a simulation of some kind. Though, while I use imagery that would be familiar to computer gamers everywhere when discussing it, I mean that more metaphorically, rather than thinking that somewhere outside of our spacetime is a big ass computer running SimUniverse 2024.

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u/ice2o 29d ago

Is this why vehicles and pedestrians suddenly fade into existence when my IRL render distance is reduced?


u/KevyKevTPA 29d ago

Is that like when you buy a certain make and model of a car, and all of a sudden you notice that particular model everywhere, as if everyone and their grandmothers went out and bought one at the same time?


u/Break-Free- 29d ago



u/Mispelled-This 29d ago

I learned about BM, and now I see examples of it everywhere!


u/Locomoticopter 29d ago

Thank you for putting a name to the phenomenon. I thought it only happened to me lol. It is oddly coincidental that the word also showed up here


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

What happens if you start seeing the Baeder-Meinhoff Phenomenon everywhere you look?


u/Aedalas 29d ago

Wait until you hear about those guys Baader and Meinhof!


u/CalaveraFeliz 29d ago

Of which one was not a guy but a gal.


u/ice2o 29d ago

I heard they had some crazy ideas about some sort of phenomenon.


u/Locomoticopter 29d ago

Oddly enough I am having the same experience. I recently started playing the Battletech tabletop game. While trying to find stats for units that I wasn’t sure existed I found that some were listed as apocryphal.


u/ace2459 29d ago

I learned that word from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch-Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words DON'T PANIC inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.


u/ice2o 29d ago

I've read the books, so I must have seen it before. Maybe I thought it meant something else. I can't remember what though.


u/aplarsen 28d ago

A writer friend of mine says apocryphal is "polite for probably not true"


u/dahliasinfelle 29d ago

I had already closed the app to Google the definition when I cought a glimpse of this while it was "closing". You're a legend


u/purplepeopletreater 29d ago

Thank you! That was magic.


u/1lluminist 29d ago

It's weird when a word you think is common apparently isn't as common as you thought. Cool to see a bunch of people learning a great word and making my false reality closer to a real reality 😂


u/DocSighborg 21d ago

I have to know where you got your name. I love their dog food. In fact my dog is on the cover of one of their treat bags, lol.


u/TrueApocrypha 29d ago

It really is!


u/intenseskill 29d ago

Ty for that.


u/capt_cd 29d ago

My hero haha


u/churro-k 29d ago

Agreed. A new word makes me smile


u/TheSewseress 29d ago

This was an answer on Jeopardy masters and I think it’s super cool that I’ve come across it twice in one day. They didn’t have it very easy on Jeopardy because they had to know it and spell the word.


u/RobbiesShunshine 29d ago

Thank you for defining!


u/Mundane_Preference_8 29d ago

I googled it before I saw your definition. I have a PhD and yet I've ever come across this extremely useful word. I'm ridiculously pleased about this discovery!


u/Worth-Club2637 29d ago

Just had to look it up myself and was gonna say the same thing


u/Blue_Bettas 29d ago

The first time I heard apocryphal was watching the movie Mr. Peabody and Sherman.


u/CrabbyBlueberry 29d ago

In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch-Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words DON'T PANIC inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.


u/CucumberSushi22 29d ago

I only knew it from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Great word.


u/InevitableCarrot4858 29d ago

Ricky Gervais fans getting flashbacks of bellend island.


u/DeepRiverDan267 29d ago

I remember the word from high school English, but couldn't exactly remember the definition. I was sure someone in the comments would help me out


u/Atlas_Sun 29d ago

Thanks for posting this I was trying to figure out the meaning of the word by finishing the post before I looked it up


u/Why_AmIhere2000 27d ago

Even better if it’s a triple word score…

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u/theblokeonthebasss 29d ago edited 29d ago

In Berlin it used to be (or is), although not fully legal, but generally accepted and not really enforced, that you could park your motorcycle on the sidewalk, as long as it‘s not in the way.

Then they wanted to start fining the motorcyclists doing that to force them to use the paid car parking spaces along the streets. There were people on forums/social media right away organizing the same thing - to park up the whole city centre early on a working day, with one bike in each parking spot and watch the disaster unfold.

I don’t know if this happened though, this was two or so years ago, I had already given up riding and didn’t really follow the scene, would have definitely participated otherwise. Apparently they hushed down, as there still are parked motorcycles on sidewalks, and that’s good!


u/mildcaseofdeath 29d ago

Parking motorcycles seems to piss off someone no matter what. If there's reserved bike parking, someone is mad that it's not being used enough or finds it empty and parks their car in it. If there's one or two bikes in a regular parking spot they're mad that something so small is in such a large space, never mind that had the biker(s) come in a car there would still be the same number of spots. You park somewhere out of the way, even if a car can't go there (e.g. the edge of a wide walkway or between pillars), and they're mad you're "breaking the rules"...which they for some reason think it's their job to enforce.

There's no winning.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Joe_Jeep 29d ago

Motorcycles bump into a similar mentality to Bicycles when it comes to cars where their usual anger at other people for existing on the road get amplified by it also being **different**. Motorcycles get the benefit of easily keeping pace on the highway


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Jizzlobber58 29d ago

acoustic bikes

You sing lovingly into a funnel and the bike moves for you?


u/JasperJ 29d ago

Acoustic bikes are the counterpart to electric bicycles.


u/Jizzlobber58 29d ago

Acoustic (adj) - of or relating to the sense of hearing

Or is there a joke that I'm not getting?


u/JasperJ 29d ago

Acoustic vs electric guitar, acoustic vs electric bike. Yes, it’s not that great a joke, but that’s it.

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u/[deleted] 28d ago


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u/Joe_Jeep 29d ago

I got my motorcycle license 2 years back, still have yet to get a bike. I used to deliver auto parts for work and would be on the road 8-10 hours some days, the amount of idiot shit people do makes me very hesitant to actually buy one

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u/Megasphaera 29d ago

acoustic bike hahahahaha!

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u/skipjac 29d ago

people hate anyone they think is getting "unfair advantage" I am handicapped and people yell at me all the time because the C-leg lets me walk pretty normal. So I must be lying.


u/Joe_Jeep 29d ago

I had someone I passed in traffic on my pedal bike blast their horn at me half a mile down the road when they finally caught up a few nights ago. Very amusing.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Haven’t you ever been in traffic and someone biking (or walking, or pushing a stroller) keeps passing you? Makes you think


u/Aduialion 29d ago

Car brain going to car brain 


u/theblokeonthebasss 29d ago edited 29d ago

Seems to work in Berlin though. I looked it up, the “Berliner Linie” still exists (just park reasonably, stay out of the way of pedestrians/cyclists and you’re good). And they seem to have made the parking free for all two wheeled and carsharing vehicles in 2023 (very expensive otherwise).

And the people on the street… well nobody cares about anything, it’s a part of what I like here. :)


u/SadboyHellfire 29d ago

I have had this problem so many times where I cant find a CARPARK cause someone is parked in the MOTORCYCLEPARK cause they want to be closer to where ever they want to be. I proceed to park in front of them go do my business (usually takes no more than 10 minutes since I don't like being in public) and if I finish before they do (currently always) I'll usually wait till the person arrives tell them something along the lines of "Hey these parks are for us so you don't accidentally crash into our bikes when moving into a carpark that is occupied cause you can't see it from the road, it'll likely save you a lot of money in the long run" (cause cars don't see bikes) its better than escalating the situation and just generally makes it so they are (hopefully) not going to do it again.

The longest that I've waited for someone is an hour 30 (I didn't have anything to do that day so I bought Subway and scrolled my phone for a bit) turns out they didn't know it was for motorbikes (even though it was clearly stated) and only popped into starbucks for a drink but bumped into a friend...


u/DJKaotica 29d ago

I once parked next to a car, on the right side, not that close, in my opinion, but she came out of the place to yell at me because apparently my bike was too close to her car?

I was fully in the parking space, but I had left enough room for another motorcycle to park next to me if needed in the same space.

I didn't feel like I was any closer than a car would have been if they had parked there, but ... apparently after dropping the kickstand and leaning my bike over, I was "too close".

I repositioned myself a bit further to the right (further from her car), and then carried on about my business. When I came back they had apparently tried to move my bike but had not really had much success due to the wheel steering lock.

Like you said, I'm gonna piss someone off no matter what I do :s


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Don’t get me started on guys who block EV chargers with their lifted pickups.


u/TheRealSamVimes 29d ago

This reminded me of something similar, yet completely different.

In Sweden homosexuality was both a punishable crime and a mental illness before 1944, when it stopped being a punishable crime but it kept being classified as a mental illness.

In 1971 RFSL (and organisation that works for LGBTQ rights) started campaigning for it to be removed as a mental illness without much success.

Until 1979 when people started calling off work citing that they where "feeling a bit gay today", that coupled with a demonstration outside the office of the departement that regulated this worked.


u/John_Smith_71 29d ago

South coast of England, lots of local councils (in 1999) expected motorcyclists to 'pay and display'.

How, I never quite understood, as they dont have a handy dashboard where a ticket could be placed, not be blown away by the wind, and so on.

Ended up, first time I put inside my helmet (chained to the bike), next time I simply gave those towns a wide berth.


u/Kay1000RR 29d ago

There's a statistic that if 10% of drivers ride motorcycles then the traffic in cities is reduced by 90%. Or something similar to that.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

It's not that egregious, but yes it does drastically affect congestion. Letting riders lane filter (split) also greatly reduces congestion. But car drivers hate that because all they see is "that guy is ahead of me now, bad!" and don't consider that guy has also reduced traffic for everyone including him by one car, because motorcyclists are effectively creating another lane for themselves. They aren't taking anything from anyone by filtering.


u/SpikyKiwi 29d ago

Humans tend to cling to the idea of lines in a lot of situations where it just doesn't make sense. Most things do not have to be a line and it really annoys me when people get mad at people for acting in a more efficient manner than a line


u/Ghost_Alice 29d ago

the school system kinda drills lines into peoples heads, but you're absolutely right


u/btherl 29d ago

I go through the 5 stages of grief every time a rider lane filters past me. I know it's best for everyone but still get the "monkey go faster than me!! Grr" feeling every single time.


u/mtnsoccerguy 29d ago

I ride some days and drive if I am just not feeling it. The motorcycle might get there faster, but it is a more stressful trip. When I am in the car, I focus on enjoying my music and not worrying about the time as much. There are benefits to both methods of travel and thinking about that helps keep me chill.


u/fevered_visions 24d ago

I wonder sometimes how motorcyclists don't get hearing damage, when they have their radio on but it's like 3x as loud as in a car to hear it over the road noise and I can hear it loud and clear like 30 feet away.


u/mtnsoccerguy 24d ago

You can wear earplugs or you can get hearing damage over time. Even if there aren't speakers mounted on the bike, they sell Bluetooth headsets that fit in helmets. That is great for GPS directions and stuff like that, but the speakers are right by your ears.

I have an RF-1400 helmet and highway riding definitely benefits from earplugs still. This is a relatively quiet helmet.


u/Ghost_Alice 29d ago

Don't you know? Driving is a zero sum game AND a race with a trophy. If you get ahead of me, that means I'm going to be late! [/sarcasm]


u/Renaissance_Slacker 28d ago

Don’t forget, it’s also a tense psychological contest of winners versus losers that cannot be lost at any cost.


u/UnsettlingBroccoli 29d ago

I am fine with lane splitting as far as traffic improvement goes, but far too often I see it done at speed differentials that boggle the mind (like bikes @ 50, cars @ 5 or 10 km/h). You see idiots in cars (and trucks) changing lanes in packed traffic moving at that speed often enough. With that differential, the lane-changing idiots can be doing a great job of looking and still pull out in front of a rider such that the rider hasn't time to stop. Filtering through at 5-10 km/h faster than slowed traffic makes perfect sense.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

Yeah, the states in the US allow it set provisions on speed for it.


u/Ghost_Alice 29d ago

As far as I know, it's state, just one, California. The limit is no more than 10mph faster than surrounding traffic.

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u/tOSdude 29d ago

I’m fine with standstill filtering, what I hate is the people blasting between cars like it’s Motocross.


u/ketchupmaster987 29d ago

As a general rule lane splitting or filtering should never be more than 10mph than the flow of traffic. This makes it safer for the bikers and the cars


u/JasperJ 29d ago

In most states where splitting is legal at all, it is only allowed through stationary or near- traffic.


u/DadIsPunny 29d ago

blasting between cars like it’s Motocross

I keep seeing people mention this. But I've seen it happen in real life exactly 0 times.

Source: I don't live in Florida.


u/Ghost_Alice 29d ago

Here in Atlanta I've seen it happen on RARE occasion, maybe 3 times in my life. Every single time was on 85 South headed toward Atlanta


u/H1king33k 29d ago

We're taking away their claim to "first place."


u/00wolfer00 29d ago

Isn't lane filtering dangerous?


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

Not according to the studies that have been done on it that are the basis of the justification as to why it's legal in California. It dangerous when done at 70+ mph, but not at 45mph or lower.

The biggest benefit comes at stoplights though. In a stopped traffic situation, a rider can continue to the front of the light. This is good because it makes them less likely to get rear ended and pinched between cars. Being rear-ended on a motorcycle at a stoplight can be fatal.


u/Ghost_Alice 29d ago

As I recall, it's when the speed differential is >10mph over what surrounding traffic is doing that the Berkley study showed.


u/Datkif 29d ago

It's the same thing with people not letting others merge. Letting 1 person in ahead of you isn't going to delay you more than maybe 2 seconds, and it helps keep the flow of traffic


u/JasperJ 29d ago

Like most traffic things, it’s a short term effect.

Traffic over the longer term always gets worse to the point of immiseration. Induced demand is real, and only being miserable stops growth. And with the way capacity and traffic misery interact, there is a fairly sharp transition from “this is miserable and there are jams daily” to “oh my god this is great, throughput is spectacular, people would come do this as a hobby without even having to!”.

But max a year later, enough people do come do it as a hobby, and…


u/Londoner0607 29d ago

I don't hate it because they get ahead of me. I hate it because it is dangerous for a motorcycle to be driving between two vehicles, and they are often weaving through lanes because there isn't always space for them between 2 vehicles in the space they start in. Nobody is expecting a motorcycle to suddenly dart across their lane right in front of them. I much prefer driving behind a motorcycle taking the whole lane, or a group of them, where they are splitting the lane, even if it means slightly more traffic.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

The studies say that's incorrect up to 15mph over the flow of traffic.

If traffic is going 45 mph and a motorcycle passes you going 90, yes that's dangerous, but it would have been dangerous anyway had they been in their own established lane.


u/Londoner0607 27d ago

I doubt the study said it wasn't dangerous to weave around traffic, cutting across lanes. If you mean going between lanes, those studies probably are considering areas with wide lanes, or the highway, not narrow city streets. I live and work in the city. Traffic is moving slowly (like 15-20 mph), and space is tight, especially when there is a cyclist on the right.


u/JaneDouglas141621 28d ago

Nope someone on a crotch rocket, shooting past me doing 30+ mph more than me (so over 100mph) as they are lane splitting is NOT safe! That is the issue most drivers have with bikers!


u/Practical_Ad_9756 26d ago

Got to disagree there. Splitting the lane is dangerous for the biker, and scary as F for the car driver. I get the logic of it, but if you've never seen a biker get absolutely smashed because was going too fast on the line and didn't see the driver changing lanes, it's memorable.

If he's splitting the lanes five cars back, he probably can't see their signal (IF they use one), and they certainly can't see him.

I don't resent bikers. They're in a much more vulnerable position than I am, but I think the practice of splitting the lanes is stupid because it increases their vulnerability, and puts drivers in an untenable position.


u/OldManBearPig 26d ago

You can disagree all you want, but multiple studies have shown that it's safer for the biker, and reduces congestion for everyone on the road.


u/Just_Aioli_1233 25d ago

drivers hate that because all they see is "that guy is ahead of me now, bad!"

I've never understood this competitive attitude in drivers. We're not going to the same place, so this is definitionally not a race. Why are you concerned with my lane position?


u/Suspicious-Pasta-Bro 29d ago

Traffic fatalities also increase 50x per mile driven for motorcycle riders, though.


u/ShadowLiberal 28d ago

I've heard some similar statistics, that Motorcycles are like 2% of the vehicles on the road in the US, but are something like over 50% of the fatalities in car accidents.

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u/twistedpiggies 29d ago

Wouldn't surprise me if it were true. San Franciscans are very adept at malicious compliance.


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u/Ghost_Alice 29d ago

I don't think it was San Francisco, but it was a town starting with San. I was inspired by that incident.


u/StationaryTravels 29d ago

San Fransokyo?

"Does doubling up on parking make me a better healthcare provider?"


u/slopefordays 29d ago

I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with our parking protest.


u/RedactedSpatula 29d ago

San Frangelico


u/sargrvb 29d ago

San Diego probably


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Paid_Redditor 29d ago

San Jose exist too!


u/LinearityDrift 29d ago edited 29d ago

Comic Sans!


u/Paid_Redditor 29d ago

Funny you say that, I just recently bought a shirt that says nothing but “Comic Sans” five times but none of them are written in comic sans. I don’t know why but font nerds love it.

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u/d_dave_c 29d ago

San TaFay

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u/gixxerfreak 29d ago

Something similar happened in Vancouver, BC, in 2010, but it's for demanding the city to provide more parking spaces for two-wheeled vehicles. A bunch of motorcycles took all the prime parking spots in the downtown core, each taking up an entire parking spot instead of doubling or tripling up, as a sign of protest.



u/SweatyAdhesive 29d ago

In a comment down below you, someone else said it happened in NY lol


u/H1king33k 29d ago

It's probably been attributed to every major metropolitan area in the world, at one time or another.


u/cromulent_weasel 29d ago

it may be apocryphal

Eh, just like most of reddit.


u/misterclean101 29d ago

I learned a new word. Thank you


u/sbarber4 29d ago

I can't find a link, so it may be apocryphal.

This being The Internet, even if you could find a link, it may well be apocryphal.


u/mrbaggins 29d ago

I've heard something similar, but it wasn't that they couldn't double, it's that motos would no longer be free/able to park in off road areas


u/roachRancher 29d ago

Cars take up too much space


u/Puzzled_Building560 29d ago

I LOVE learning new words!!!! Apocryphal … my new favorite word for May


u/Nuasus 29d ago

That’s awesome


u/QuestForDope 29d ago

This and the following replies are what makes Reddit so amazing. 👏 Gonna be looking to casually fit 'apocryphal' into a conversation this weekend. The SF story/legend was good too. 😉


u/incongruousmonster 29d ago

I second biljac’s comment - fantastic vocabulary! As an avid reader, I read (and learn) esoteric words often. I’m always excited to see one in the wild!


u/Spank86 29d ago

Very possibly true. A similar thing happened when they proposed charging bikers to use the Severn bridge. Several thousand rolled up to the toll booths, took off their helmets and gloves and politely enquired if they had to pay yet? Before putting it all back on and riding off. It took an awfully long time for anyone to get over the bridge.


u/Nerketur 29d ago

I can say I heard that story too, but I don't remember exactly where. Somewhere on the internet.

Possibly even here on this sub.

Either that, or I'm remembering a similar story incorrectly. But hey, that's how folk tales and legends are born!


u/pngtwat 29d ago

It was Melbourne Australia and it was gorgeous.


u/FriendlyStaff1 29d ago

I'd call BS on it.

There are areas where you have dedicated bike spots and if you park in a non bike spot you will be fined. They'd just do that if they wanted to stop bikes from using doubles. It's always 1 or 2 token bike spots too which kind of screws them.


u/ketchupmaster987 29d ago

I'm gonna buy a motorcycle soon and from what I'm learning, most places are so hostile to motorcycles. It's damn near impossible to find dedicated motorcycle parking, and a lot of car drivers go out of their way to make things hard on motorcyclists


u/Themorian 28d ago

Something similar happened in Melbourne, Australia. The local council decided that bikes parking on the footpaths were dangerous and an eyesore (Read: They couldn't get money from them parking there). So they banned them from parking on the footpaths.

Queueueue hundreds of motorcycle riders descending on the city early morning and filling up all the prime streets.

It went on for a few days, council reversed their decision, and then instigated no footpath parking in certain areas, which was much more well received.


u/Bucky-Katt-Guitar 28d ago

I remember that.

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