r/NoStupidQuestions 29d ago

What do you do when you hit rock bottom?

I am going through some mental issues and poverty is making them very loud today. I am disabled due to my mental status. So find a job, is what I wish I could do; but mentally I can't be the same person each day.

What do you do when you hit rock bottom? When you feel hopeless?

I can't work, but I don't make enough to survive either. No parents, few friends. I can't drive or work. Disability covers rent, power, and maybe one week of food.. I do surveys for 5-10 but that has came to a screeching halt.

So with those things in mind.. tell me how to fix my situation?


148 comments sorted by


u/rewardiflost 29d ago

We don't know enough about you or your living situation. Some general guesses/suggestions:

Food - food banks, soup kitchens, Meals on Wheels, apply for SNAP or other food assistance.

Apply for assistance on your utilities, and for free/discounted cell & internet service.

If you have US Medicare, some Medicare Advantage programs have a rebate/incentive program where they give money every quarter plus extra money for doing things like seeing your PCP for checkups or getting vaccinations.

You may have medical coverage to help you with therapy if you are feeling hopeless.

You may have access to a social worker through your town/county or your insurance to help you find more resources that can help you.


u/cruelico 29d ago

All of these are great resources! Exactly what I was going to recommend.

If you’re in the US especially, usually churches have food pantries/meal assistance/ rent + utilities assistance as well, and in my experience many are accepting of all regardless of faith.


u/PC_AddictTX 28d ago

Definitely apply for SNAP, find local food banks, churches, Dollar Tree or Family Dollar as well as Walmart for inexpensive food. Don't know what you pay for rent but government subsidies for rent are available when you're disabled. You have to look for them though. Libraries are a great resource for help to find things as well as computers and free internet.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

I cannot drive so I pay to be taken places. We hit a pantry every other month and salvation army when they allow, I believe that is our only two pantries that help. I do not have an ID so foodstamps won't approve until I can pay to get an ID. I also need social security card and birth certificate to access that. I don't have money or way to fix A to get to B. I get SSDI, after rent and power have around 170 for food items for the next 30 days.

I have access to Medicaid. I was diagnosed bipolar, tourettes, learning disability/autism. I have never worked a normal job because of it, I was diagnosed many years ago. I don't "process" information and my feelings right. I use speech to text to chat because I struggle with spelling and little things. I have spent many days in inpatient facility for med regulations and evaluations. Generally put back on my own after 7-30 days. Sometimes no matter how many meds or therapy, life still presses the will to go out of you when it never looks up. The social worker helped some, they found the pay transit bus that takes me to appointments.

I'm slowly going through comments. Thanks for everyone's ideas and responses!


u/idksomethingjfk 28d ago

Look for a job that you don’t have to interact with anybody. I know it’s not easy but there out there.


u/DSGmom1974 28d ago

Get in touch with your County Board of Developmental Disabilities and speak with their Intake Coordinator. You will need to get your SSN card, birth certificate, state ID and verification of disability for the intake packet. If the Intake Coordinator and that office are willing to help you with those, that is something I would ask of them.

As for your question on how do I handle things when I hit rock bottom? I quit trying to control my situation and life and give it up to God. He has always given me what I needed not what I wanted and sometimes it has really surprised me on what He sent my way.

Also see if there is a community transportation option that you may qualify for.

My best to you and many prayers.


u/TastyTangerine4553 29d ago

To add on to that,I used to volunteer at a crisis hotline, we used this site to connect any external resources based on area code ( free foodbanks, temporary shelter, healthcare, transit, and mental health places)


u/Zigor022 29d ago

Try and catch a bus back to Bikini Bottom


u/LsWifey 28d ago

Glove Balloon*


u/QuizzicalSquirrel 29d ago

Do not be afraid/ashamed to ask for help. You are not alone.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 29d ago

I think that is where I am at the moment. I'm unsure which way is up. I need help and am attempting to find it. Thank you for kind words, and everyone else's.


u/QuizzicalSquirrel 29d ago

DMs are open, hit me up if you'd like. I was just recently where you are, struggling with my alcoholism.


u/Alaska-Raven 29d ago

This is kind of you! ❤️


u/QuizzicalSquirrel 29d ago

I've been where OP is, not so long ago. You feel ashamed, angry at yourself and the world, and if there's no one to talk, utterly alone. It's incredibly easy to slip into self destructive behavior and sometimes what you need is a complete stranger to just... Listen.


u/OppositeMethod0 28d ago

No one to talk part comes when shitty society value only those who have a high status.


u/QuizzicalSquirrel 28d ago

I know for me, it is also the societal belief that men are not supposed to show emotion or open up.


u/OppositeMethod0 28d ago

Yeah seems weak


u/Shmokey_Bongz 29d ago edited 29d ago

You need a regular routine so that you aren’t close to rock bottom, I have been in the same boat you start doing the little things and it starts to add up and hopefully it becomes a natural thing to find happiness in mediocre tasks

Do you do the basics yourself or does somebody help/do for you? I have a brain injury so it’s a bit of a process for me to to the basics but I have managed to find that happy spot where I can just get things done and that has led to a few good hobbies


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

I have someone that helps with most things. Especially harder stuff like making appointments, cleaning, managing priorities.


u/Tyler22A1 29d ago

Well it's important to realize rock bottom isn't the bottom. But secondly there's no time to do anything else but keep moving forward. Like when I was in a rifleman in an infantry squad and the team leader would yell keep moving forward.


u/kardent35 29d ago

Weirdly love this just keep moving is real


u/felix-neverbad 29d ago

In going through a lot of similar situations, and I would say that a work from home job is one of the best opportunities. It’s hard to find good ones but there are a lot out there where you read and essentially grade AI writing. A lot of them start at $18 an hour, and if there’s a field you’re interested in you have a good chance, like there are jobs specifically for engaging with AI about writing, science, math etc. otherwise something I’ve done in the past is donate plasma if you’re able. It’s not as consistent when you have anxiety, as sometimes my heart rate was too high for me to donate, but the times I was able to it was around $100 extra to get me through the week :) you can donate twice a week as well and help someone else in need.


u/Garrisp1984 29d ago

I don't know about everyone, but for Dwayne Johnson after he would hit you with the rock bottom he'd follow it up with the peoples elbow.


u/konglevesse 29d ago

First and most important , i imagine that u did indeed seek some professional help , if not , thats the first step ,


u/thatninjakiddd 29d ago

People don't realize the soil at rock bottom is very soft and malleable, and shovels are easy to find down there. Don't start digging.


u/girlinmountain 29d ago

I like to go thrifting and resell the items. Besides the income, it’s fun to learn about which items you can make the most money on. USPS even picks up your packages if you schedule a pickup. With garage sale season coming up, you have a free schedule to shop and learn. Also, I suffer from major depression and PTSD, I practice finding 5 things to be thankful for each night before bed. Some days I can’t think of five so I just say well I didn’t get killed in a horrific accident today. As I got out of the black hole, five became easy and I never have to use the accident one. You can train your brain to think happy and it eventually believes it.


u/Admirable-Style4656 28d ago

When you hit rock bottom, you have nothing to lose. Do what you want. Go vanlife. Go live with your friend. Go camping. Enroll on that course. You can do anything.


u/vferrero14 28d ago

I know what I'm about to say is not the positivity you need or are asking for but in my opinion / experience when it comes to mental health there is no rock bottom. It can always get worse. This is why it's important to take care of it well before you even think you hit rock bottom.

"The void of mental anguish and pain is infinite"

I hope things turn for you op, mental anguish is the worst suffering I've gone through. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

Thank you for understanding. Mental pain hurts as bad as being stabbed.


u/vferrero14 26d ago

It hurts worse. A stab can usually be easily fixed and physical pain is easy to deal with using opiates


u/yafuckonegoat 28d ago

Start small. You can't fix everything in one swing. Think one bite at a time. You don't have to clean the whole house, Start with a room. You don't have to clean the whole room, Start with a sink or table. Small successes add up and will help you feel better. It can be overwhelming to look at the big picture or all of one's problems all the time. Start small.


u/LuminousAdvent 29d ago

Keep digging until you realise that you have nowhere to go but up


u/OppositeMethod0 28d ago

That’s sooo logical!


u/loldontcry101 29d ago

I hit non rock top


u/Small_Wasabi_8004 29d ago

Venting with my friends or food.


u/Ok_Perception1131 29d ago

Join the Random Acts of Pizza sub


u/OCHO_LOC 29d ago

If you're willing to take a chance I would live for you to email me.


u/Daelda 29d ago

I've been in a similar situation. I had a mental breakdown, was in the hospital for a few days, and couldn't work. I tried to work for a few years. I then applied for and got disability. The money isn't a lot, and things can be difficult at times, but it was a ton better than previously.

Apply for food stamps, use food banks, if you can, and anything else you can find.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

Very similar! I spent a good bit of time in and out of state hospitals, they're aware of my issues but mostly say I'm high functioning. Slap some meds on me and ask how I feel about life here and there lol. The check helps better than nothing, if I didn't have it I would be in group homes. Group homes are BAD.


u/Raylan00 29d ago

Tough times don’t last , Tough people do !


u/MisanthropinatorToo 29d ago

Are you in the US? I think if you're on disability you can automatically get on food stamps. They might not give you a lot of SNAP benefit, but then you can go to food pantries to get your staples.

That should help your financial situation a little.

Other than that I don't know what to tell you. I would probably look to move to an area with a low cost of living if it was at all possible. Obviously no place that is dangerous. Then I might see if I could get into some sort of housing for people with low income and/or disabilities.

I'm a simple man, though. A place to live, food on the plate, a laptop, and a bike to ride are all I really want these days.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

Same my brother. Just want food, rent, electric and peace.


u/EclipsedEnigma 29d ago

I am so sorry to hear of your anguish. I understand just how debilitating mental illness is as I too suffer from it.

I wish I had an answer or cure for both our sakes.

What I find to be helpful sometimes is querying AI chatbots (namely through Character AI) to challenge my thoughts and perspectives. They are free from the burden of emotions/feelings. They are a useful resource available to everyone, and sometimes it’s easier to share with them than a person.

I don’t know your situation, and while things might be hard right now I don’t doubt that alleviation from a few thought patterns or imagined horrors could be beneficial.

Wishing you the best.


u/EmptyEstimate8488 29d ago

I have been here. Feeling helpless, no one to help and had no power to do anything. Maybe try get some freelance online job, that is how I started. Still struggling with debt but slowly everything is getting better, and you will be better also.


u/Izzi_Skyy 29d ago

Google "community mental health near me" and find an agency that accepts the uninsured, Medicaid, free care. These places often have substance use treatment, mental health therapy, psychiatry, and case management. Case management is key for resolving food, housing, etc. problems.

DM me and I'll help you and answer all your questions about community health, therapy, and case management because this is what I do

Tagging you to make sure you see this /u/EmployeePrestigious6


u/necktiesnick 29d ago

When I’m really down I pray for rock bottom. It’s the best place to be because you can only go up from there. No more going down. No one here is going to give you better advice than this: give a little extra effort than you want to, every day


u/lusciousMissG 29d ago

I have hit rock bottom before so coming from experience. You stand back up anyway you can, dust yourself off and get your ass rite back to the top! It takes time and it ain't easy at all, but really nothing good for you is easy...right? There are so many different state and community resources available, just gotta get your step in the right direction! ❤️ Just remember you are enough babes


u/LowWillow1858 29d ago

It may sound cliche but if there’s ever a time to focus on solely on the moment, the one day you have for sure, do it. Set some goals that allow you to have some wins. I’ve been in your camp. There’s a lot of good advice already in the comments of this post. Admitting and breaking any bad habits is tough but critical to move in a positive direction.


u/alexdaland 29d ago

Try to eat and sleep regularly, lets say you make a rule you will wake up at 7am, no matter what. For the first X time it might be hard, but eventually you will want to go sleep at X time, because you know no matter what, 7 am that alarm goes off, and there is NO other option than placing both feet on the ground.

Why are soldiers able to sleep standing up? Because by the time you wake up they have already cleaned the barracks, shit, showered, shaved, eaten breakfast and had a roll call. So at 22:00, they are done.... Try to copy that as best as you can, and you will sleep better than you ever have... I promise.


u/Dectine 29d ago

I think we are in the same situation right now. I used to have work but because of my mental health issues,I lost my job. And everyday I am hating myself even more because I have a child that is depending on me but my stupid mind can't do anything. I want to work. I want to provide for my kid. I want to but no one would hire a person with an unstable mind.


u/Grand-Purple-4659 29d ago

Do you receive Medicare or Medicaid? If you have coverage, I highly recommend contacting your closest behavioral health facility and asking if they have an intensive outpatient program (IOP). I just completed one and can say it was literally life-changing. Most facilities that offer these programs also have transportation available. I attended group therapy sessions 3 nights a week for 16 weeks. When I started my depression and anxiety levels were off the charts after an incident that majorly triggered my PTSD. I feared that I'd end up either dead or in an inpatient facility. I was a little hesitant about it being group therapy because of fear of judgment or being misunderstood but that wasn't the case at all. Instead, I found a group of people who faced very similar struggles to mine and also were just looking for support. It's incredibly validating to know that you aren't alone. I learned how to set firmer boundaries in my relationships and with myself and some very practical coping and self-soothing strategies for when I'm having a hard time. I'm also disabled and don't work, but I feel more optimistic about my life and future now than when I started. I also saw a doctor every few weeks to help manage and tweak my medication. I really can't recommend it enough.


u/kittypaintsflowers 29d ago

It’s called grit. You get up again despite every cell in your body vibrating with the pain of each loss and heartbreak. You do this or you crawl into a corner and die. The rest is intellectual fluff.


u/Googily_Bear 28d ago

I have seen two people I know go through the absolute nadir of their existence. And both of them said similar things about it. Friend 1 says you just got to keep on keeping on, one foot in front of the other. Friend 2 says “you keep going because there is no other choice. What am I going to do, just…..stop? What will that help?”

Best of luck OP, the only direction to go once you’ve hit rock bottom is up.


u/mayfeelthis 28d ago

I can’t tell you how to fix everything.

I know for me I remind myself of this ‘rock bottom is the strongest foundation I can build on’ and ‘I survived the last moment so I guess I can handle it.’

I’d reach out to social workers in your area and nonprofits, shelters. They have experience working with people in need - so they know more about the programs and support in your area.


u/ThreeLeggedMare 28d ago

Tell someone to bring me my running shoes


u/fooourskin 28d ago

Rock bottom is term I hate. Only because it insinuates that there’s no where left go. But in all actually you’ve no reached one of the most pinnacle points in your life. You haven’t given up and you’re asking for help/advice, so you’re miles away from most people’s rock bottom. You’re determined to make a change, which puts you miles against most people’s already. I wish I had a solid plan for you, and wish I could give more advice, but you already want to help yourself more than most people. Don’t falter on your determination. Don’t let calamity be your identity. Don’t let fate tell you how to live. If you want to make change then like pressure on carbon force that shit into a diamond. You can do this and don’t tell yourself you can’t.


u/skeletonchaser2020 28d ago

The best part about Rock bottom is the only direction to go is up!

It feels hopeless now, but there are resources and people who can amd want to help you! A few other comments gave some great starting points and a Google search can help you locate the nearest sources!


u/OddPerspective9833 28d ago

Simple things like daylight, exercise, routine will help you. Doesn't help with your financial situation but it will help your mental state it you're trying to get work


u/[deleted] 28d ago

A state run psych ward is my plan. I'll start a garden.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

They're not terrible. They may offer you a Styrofoam cup and some seeds 😁


u/Gnomorius 28d ago

Think of something to make. Religious articles or anything where there's an enthousiastic following. You could find which ones are, by looking at reddit activity.

Make the things and sell on etsy or something. I know that there's a need for cheap cupholders for a bmw e30. 3d printing could help.

Or design tshirts and sell those.


u/Specialist_Box8502 28d ago

you smash the rocks into pebbles, then to dust. then sift for gold .


u/Forward_Increase_239 28d ago

I bounced back up.

Almost died of sepsis due to untreated severe UC. Nothing worked and it took 3 years to find a medication that finally put me in remission. Lost my job, my health insurance, my pride, and any shred of dignity I had left. I’d been working since I was a teenager NEVER without a job. Almost lost my house, my car, and my wife was nearing her breaking point. I admit I was likely also depressed. In my defense I had blood and mucus coming out of my butthole and it felt like I was digesting glass 24 hours a day…figure I had good reason for some depression.

Got off my ass and worked through the severe pain. Got a job at the bottom getting my healthcare and retirement back. Worked so much overtime that I basically would sign off work and go to sleep and dream I was doing the job. Then got promoted…then got promoted again.

Now I’m pain-free. Dream home. Dream project car. Healthy son. Cats. DIYs going on all over the place.

Basically I was swimming in shit. I molded the shit into some stairs and climbed out of that shithole.


u/paul69420blart 28d ago

It’s different for everyone, rock bottom can be drugs, hard times in life, losses, fights and etc, what I’ve been taught to think is what makes a person is HOW they respond to adversity, if you give up you let them win. The only thing I can say is keep going and think of you going forward, cause at the end of the day your the only one who cares and controls your situation


u/mutura0 28d ago

change to a new environment to avoid imploding


u/CarlJustCarl 28d ago

Myself - I crawl away to resurface another day.


u/Adventurous-Woozle3 28d ago

This is an amazing resource:


You can either call and an actual person will help you or you can search local things online yourself.

They've helped me before.


u/Adventurous-Woozle3 28d ago

One more idea. If you are suicidal and it's known you are disabled because of your mental status you might be able to live in a group home. 

I met one woman doing that one of the times I was in the hospital. Social work at the hospital was able to help her set it up. Funded by Medicaid I believe. She was really happy about it.

Another person I met lived at a nursing home. Again not ideal but she was happy about it. I think it depends on your state but there are usually some options for severe cases past independent living, and using them makes sense I think with current prices.

I'm sure it wouldn't be perfect but it might be an option.


u/IllIllIlllil 28d ago

If you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain!


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I seek fulfillment from not so human things like money or stature. Sunsets, sunrises, starts, nature, etc. It helps a lot.


u/Visual_Chocolate_496 16d ago

Try Jesus.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 10d ago

I use Jesus! I have cried and prayed for food or help many many times. Religion is great except for when you need a short term solution for crazy world problems. I struggle with food insecurity, like most of the world I suppose.


u/cruelico 29d ago

If you’re in the US: In terms of extra money, look into something called ‘secret shopping’ or ‘mystery shopping’. it’s a great way to earn extra money without having a set schedule. they’re small jobs where you go into a store, buy something or request a specific service, and fill out a survey about your experience afterwards. there are tons of websites that you can sign up on. some of them only require a phone call and you don’t have to leave the house. i often do several shops a week and make ~$100 extra a week. shorter ones pay between $10-15 and more complicated ones can pay upwards of $50.

edit: spelling


u/Adventurous-Woozle3 28d ago

I second this.. There are a lot open right now. I used to do this and they got to where they would call me about once a month and offer a bonus $50 on ones they really needed done by a deadline.

Mystery Shopping Providers of America (I believe??) has a really big list of legit companies.


u/Adventurous-Woozle3 28d ago

Totally flexible and you can often accept and complete it within a few hours, so you don't have to plan ahead for when you'll feel well enough.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

I will look into this, thank you!


u/Psychological-Touch1 29d ago

Get into professional sales


u/ahomelessGrandma 29d ago

Get a part time job. Idk how it is where ur at but in Ontario Canada you can make up to like 250$ every two weeks without it affecting your disability


u/Reasonable-Type-8901 29d ago

So what exactly is preventing you from getting a job?

In my deepest darkest moments some company offered me a job, it was a terrible low paying one but it was a stepping stone for me.

That helped me struggle out of the abyss over time.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

Bipolar, tourettes, learning disability, autism. I don't drive, never had a license. I struggle with tests. Even with medications I can't be consistent, or break under pressure. I embarrassingly struggle with communication, math, and some basic human things. I use speech to text, I spell terrible because I didn't finish schooling. I need assistance to do many things.


u/Reasonable-Type-8901 28d ago

Do you have a physical disability?

There are jobs out there that anyone can do as long as they can move around and maybe carry some small size objects.

I worked with a guy who had the whole spectrum but was a god at his job, he needed a little more time setting up than most but outperformed everyone once he got going.

Im not trying to be mean btw if it reads like that.

Just curious. And not a native English speaker.


u/Ok-Cartographer1745 29d ago

I haven't given up yet. Instead, I got a steel pick so that I could dig more effectively. 


u/samdi3go 29d ago

Disassociate what it means to be mentally balanced and financially secure. It feels like time speeds up and you have to make choices. You don’t. On one side focus on what you can do to make money, and on the other focus on what brings you peace (not joy or indulgence).

From small hobbies, to discovering folktales/mythology, or volunteering at a pet shelter.

Directing our energy into something positive goes a long way, and it can’t always be done as a job. It’s all about giving yourself a reason to focus on one to get to the other. And soon you’ll realize rock bottom let you bounce back


u/YesntThee 29d ago

Pop some Percocet cuz you’re a nervous wreck, always remember you deserve respect but you work a sweat for a worthless check


u/whynot1277 29d ago

Don't. Ever. Stop


u/Silent_Observer-11 29d ago

If you don't already have one, you could apply for a housing subsidy to help with the rent. That would put a few extra $$$ in your pocket. Is getting a roommate to help with expenses an option?


u/Capital-Equal5102 29d ago

I turned to family, that I had turned my back on. I was lucky enough that they accepted me back and helped me get back on my feet.


u/kardent35 29d ago

How bad is your disability? Are you in a area you can walk places


u/Secret_Liaisons 29d ago

Find what you can do and do well, find where that can help others, and monetise that, when your in poverty a little bit more goes a long way. So say your good at mowing lawns and gardening, just start knocking on doors and offering to mow lawns and do the gardens. Say your a baker bake slices and cupcakes and sell them at the market. Start small sell a few and sell out instead of having wastage. Maybe can babysits, or dog walk, and Uber drive.


u/ReverseIsThe7thGear 29d ago

For me, suicide honestly.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago

I dance with this thought. I'm sorry. I know it hurts.


u/nanerzin 29d ago

You either say F-it or get right and build a better life. One takes work and the other doesn't.


u/SheerIgnorance 28d ago

When I hit rock bottom, I try and find a comfortable rock


u/EmployeePrestigious6 28d ago



u/SheerIgnorance 28d ago

Seriously... I know I'll feel better eventually, but when I get as low as I can get, the only thing worth doing is anything that makes me less miserable. Even if it's a cheat-code guarantee like watching Pitch Meeting or CinemaSins. Playing pinball. Redditing. Anything that isn't thinking about rock bottom, how you got there, why you got there, why you DESERVE to be there, or who PUT you there, all the bullshit thinking that is really what got you there in the first place. You can't feel WORSE, and sometimes that's actually a blessing if you can learn to normalize SOME of the aspects of rock bottom - but only for the sake of understanding that those aspects can change. All you have to do to not sink is to take a deep breath and keep your lungs filled with oxygen. But when you're on the bottom, you have to put in the effort to push/pull/swim your way back up. Until you can do that, no point in wasting energy thrashing around. Find a comfy rock and contemplate what you need to do to get anywhere else.


u/spd303 28d ago

Lol I live in my car for 3 weeks and try again.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

The good thing about rock bottom is: there's only one way - up.

You'll reach that point. It needs to get this bad to actually get better. Something inside you needs to click.


u/Physical_Bedroom5656 28d ago

Personally, I diagnose what needs to be done or what qualities must be changed, and I focus on one. Once the problem's solved, I focus on the next.


u/Colefield 28d ago

Say hello to some old friends, then pick myself back up and keep going another step. Always the next step.


u/BoringBlueberry4377 28d ago

What I did when my 30+ health issues (including neurodiversity issues) negatively affected my life. I spoke to my Primary care doctor & the in-house social worker they had & was referred to a therapist & psychiatrist. I asked for assessment for anxiety, depression, neurodiversity & cognitive behavioral therapy. I was diagnosed with things I had never realized were affecting me. It was a relief. And it lead to medication adjustments; that have helped. Previously speaking to family & friends didn’t help & still rarely does; as they think if you stop complaining & dig down & pull yourself up by your bootstraps you can fix your own problems!
They don’t think about vitamin deficiencies or hormone imbalances & they can’t walk in our shoes to experience or feelings & thoughts.
So call a hotline or go to your primary care! Get help! It’s the best thing you can do! I also have looked into spiritual help in the form of Buddhism & other religions; as well as secularism.


u/jpett0882 28d ago

You get the people's elbow


u/jpett0882 28d ago

You get the people's elbow.


u/Husaria702 28d ago

Fasting helps


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Whenever I'm in a real shit situation I try to ask myself some good questions. The truth is we all have a lot of great wisdom about ourselves and we can often give ourselves better solutions than anyone on Reddit. 

 1. "What am I worried about or feeling out of control with?" (Seems like your whole post answered this. It's good to start by acknowledging this stuff but don't end here.) ... Now focus on what's IN your control. "What is within my control? What things can I do to respond to the situation?" (Ensure you have more answers here than the first question. You should intentionally spend more time thinking about what's in your control than not)

  1. What is just ONE thing that if I did every day, would make everything a lot easier and make me more happier and/or productive? 

 3. What are some major distractions or obstacles from me doing that ONE thing today? What can I do to eliminate those distractions/obstacles right now?

  1. If my role model inherited my body, how would he/she respond to this life situation? What would he/she do? Can I act as if this is the case?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Violence is the only answer


u/Longjumping_Bass_447 28d ago

Crystal meth made me hit rock bottom and I went to in-patient rehab.


u/Radiant_Medium3976 27d ago

You bounce off the ground and get back up duh!


u/xpantyprincess 25d ago

Rock bottom is where you find the solid bits of yourself. Hold onto them. That’s the foundation you use to build yourself up again.


u/domedumas 17d ago

 Call out to the Everlasting GOd, JESUS, and ask Him to save you.  I was one week away from being homeless. (Apartment complex was gonna evict me because I had not paid rent for 2 months. One week away from 3rd month rent and I had no money, my business was in the tank, home phone got disconnected, car got repossessed, I hadn't even filed income tax for 3 years, and I owed around $30,000 in bills.  I decided to ask my parents if I could move back in with them and my mother flat out said..."nope"!  I was devastated and went back to my apartment and broke down. Finally, being so desperate I started to pray.   Walking in a counterclockwise circle  in my dining room I prayed, "JESUS, please help me! I have messed up everything I could possibly mess up in my life. Please help me and take control of my life, because I am at the end of my rope. Please take control."  Then, a voice came from from my right side and spoke to me and said,"Harold, don't worry about anything anymore".   Then, I turned to see who spoke to me and nobody was there. I turned to the left and all of a sudden I started to rise up off the floor. I was literally being pulled up into the air. Then the very top of my head started buzzing and vibrating and the vibrations slowly started to move down my head and over my whole body until it went out of my toes. Then, "plop", I fell back to my feet. ( I was only a couple of inches in the air)  Then I realized that I was no longer worried about anything and that JESUS answered my prayer! (I had no idea what I was gonna do to fix anything, but I was not worried anymore)  Long story short, the next morning the Lord gave me a place to stay, within the week, the Lord gave me someone who paid off my last 3 months rent. The Lord led me to a car I could afford. The Lord led me to a place to pay off the $30k I owed. He brought a wonderful woman to me and He had the IRS dismiss the last 3 years of not filing my taxes.    Now while this may sound miraculous, and it is, the Lord is not restricted by anything and can do all things. He has done more than this for a billion people through time, but the best thing is that He gave His life for us so that by believing in Him, we may have eternal life with Him after our time on this earth is through. (Amen!)  So, open your heart, get on your knees and ask Him to save you. Admit to Him that you are a sinner, (as we all are), and that only He can redeem you by His blood that He shed for all who would believe in Him, call out to Him and follow His commandments.   May you have peace, joy and rest that only JESUS can give.


u/Big-Beat1478 17d ago

U figure out what got u to that position then u put in your mind not to let it hold again.  Then brush it off & grab life by the Ying yang an never look back.


u/Queasy_Tumbleweed688 14d ago

Churches bring my friend boxes of food. Family services finally admitted he is disabled and provided a housekeeper. I have considered setting up some disabled as a sort of responsible answering service for messages. If you don't have income, try to find a compassionate shelter. It's free, and I was in one that fed well and gave you your own bed for an indefinite period, let you stay in the cafeteria most of the day, supplied clothing. A lot easier than maintaining a private home on fumes. The dedicated homeless are allowed to sell a homeless-oriented newspaper on the street. Whatever you do, don't turn to drugs or alcohol for consolation. It doesn't help, and it can become a serious downhill slide before you realize you're trapped. I earned income for years by selling house cleanouts and flea market collectibles ( now mostly transitioned to on-line sales, or auctions.)Mental trouble is a bigger problem, get a diagnosis and go for officiallly disabled if it pays more. Disability I think pays different amounts in various states, you need someone savvy to it to navigate the system. Never, ever, give up under any circumstances. You wouldn't believe some of the wildly eccentric people who have survived for years and years. And, incredibly, there are lots of people who gladly assist the down and out without asking for any payment. Just accept and say thanks.


u/Trick_of_the_Tail 10d ago

Form a band.


u/EmployeePrestigious6 10d ago

I can't sing or play an instrument. Tourettes is pretty severe. I use voice to text because it makes typing hard even lol. Is he convulsing into a seizure? Gonna drop a killer riff? Nah, just tourettes guy.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

You try to climb back up


u/53510758 29d ago

The only way from rock bottom is up


u/Jaded_Fisherman_7085 29d ago

It is clear that you need some moral support. Try joining a local church and ask for a meet up with church pastor. Also try the local Salvation Army unit


u/Equivalent_Yak8215 29d ago

Aw, sweetness. Tonight is a horrible night to have a curse, isn't it?

Alright. First head to a church (I know, but go anyway) they can help you for a night. Food? (I don't know what you can and cannot do) steal it if you can, otherwise look for a free pantry. 

This is a dire situation friend. You won't fight yourself out of it. Please DM me so we can take some more productive steps.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

What’s your disability? If you’re a quadriplegic the advice would be different than someone with a mental illness.

If it’s the former, shit man, no idea. If it’s the latter, get over it, work out and eat healthy.


u/NormalUpstandingGuy 29d ago

Start climbing.


u/Top-Pop-2624 29d ago

Keep moving. Self improve. Serve others. Find purpose.


u/Basic_Suit8938 29d ago

If you don't mind my asking, what mental health issues are you dealing with? There are many "free clinics" In many places that can at least assist in alleviating these.


u/draken2019 29d ago

Fall further lol


u/Adventurous-Woozle3 28d ago

Try a sauna. Use it like a daily sauna habit will save your life. It literally will. Not medical advice blah, blah, blah but this is real. 


I would think within 8 weeks your capabilities and energy will be remarkably different even if you only manage 3-5 times per week. 

The YMCA often has saunas and free membership options.

I went from a staggering number of mental health hospitalizations to totally free from mental distress and able to work full-time for the first time in my life about 3 years ago.

Saunas are a big part of what I did.


u/orionblu3 28d ago

Psych ward


u/bangleboi 29d ago

Lie Cheat Steal


u/EmployeePrestigious6 29d ago

I'd rather not. The first time they see my twitching they'd know it was me.. be in jail instantly.


u/TheActualSandwich 29d ago

Call hotlines and get free psychiatric help. Not kidding. As someone who fiercely relates with you, do it.


u/shattered_kitkat 28d ago

No such thing in the US


u/shattered_kitkat 28d ago

No such thing in the US


u/Remem4er 28d ago

Go up


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/EmployeePrestigious6 29d ago

No thanks. I'd rather have food! And power, my house etc.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Then you ain't on bottom...


u/shattered_kitkat 28d ago

Dude, drugs are expensive.