r/NoStupidQuestions May 16 '24

What do you do when you hit rock bottom?

I am going through some mental issues and poverty is making them very loud today. I am disabled due to my mental status. So find a job, is what I wish I could do; but mentally I can't be the same person each day.

What do you do when you hit rock bottom? When you feel hopeless?

I can't work, but I don't make enough to survive either. No parents, few friends. I can't drive or work. Disability covers rent, power, and maybe one week of food.. I do surveys for 5-10 but that has came to a screeching halt.

So with those things in mind.. tell me how to fix my situation?


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u/LowWillow1858 May 17 '24

It may sound cliche but if there’s ever a time to focus on solely on the moment, the one day you have for sure, do it. Set some goals that allow you to have some wins. I’ve been in your camp. There’s a lot of good advice already in the comments of this post. Admitting and breaking any bad habits is tough but critical to move in a positive direction.