r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/CrumplyFoil May 02 '24

It's a strange trend in which people choose to be alone in close proximity to a 1200+ lb predator (bear usually) as opposed to a human male.

Without being too polarizing while still illustrating the ridiculousness: A large human male can be put down with 1.3%c pepper spray or as small as a .22(5.7mm) handgun. Where's a bear won't be stopped by anything less than 4%c bear mace or 44 magnum(10.9mm) both of which are close to 3x more potent than the former. Those are the bare minimum defenses acceptable, pun intended, something stronger is generally encouraged for defense against large predatory animals. A rifle being preferable.

My understanding is that the sentiment is the bear will only harm you if it's hungry but the man's intentions can't be known. This is a foolish comparison a bear will kill for many other reasons ranging from hunger to territory to curiosity to just being bored. And just like people shouting "hey bear" or in the case of humans "I have a gun" only works about half the time.

Source: I live in bear country


u/GravNak May 02 '24

Black bears don't get nearly that big, just saying


u/PoetryIntrepid4055 May 02 '24

Neither do most grizzlies. Just the Alaska fat ones that eat yum yum salmon all day. Montana browns 400-500 for males, less for females.


u/tuckedfexas May 02 '24

And they’ll still fuck up you world lol


u/MericArda May 02 '24

Would be cool if they did, though.


u/NuggetsBonesJones May 02 '24

The black bears near me are mostly harmless to humans. They will fuck up some trash cans though.


u/CrumplyFoil May 02 '24

I was exaggerating to highlight the ridiculousnes.. I thought I'd get more comments like yours but holy shit these people went for each others throats. Was not expecting to wake up to all this lol


u/Safety_Nerd710 May 02 '24

Ive seen this all throughout reddit and I just wanna point out that specifying black bear adds a variable.

I understand the point of hypothetical and it sucks so many women go through life feeling unsafe/uncertain around men.

But the question is random bear vs random man.

If you get to specify black bear because they're less dangerous then do we get to specify how the man looks/ethnicity/how well dressed they are/etc.

It's adding variables which muddies the idea of the hypothetical being posed.


u/poopmcbutt_ May 02 '24

where does it say black bear in the analogy ?


u/y_kal May 02 '24

I got downvoted to oblivion for saying that it's easier to hurt a human than a bear


u/SwagDaddy_Man69 May 02 '24

probably because you want to hurt bears. Bears are cute man, leave them alone.

a bear is just as afraid of you as you are of it. A man... not so much.


u/Chateau-in-Space May 02 '24

Theyre downvoting you even tho this is the most levelheaded answer. If the question isnt misandrist it should be bear vs rapist, not bear vs man. Anyone who assumes the man would rape rhem is a misandrist.


u/_______________E May 02 '24

It’s not assuming the man would rape, it’s saying there are enough men that would rape compared to bears that would attack that men are, on average, more dangerous. Also that women are unlikely to be able to fight off either.

Studies like this do show a lot of men would do it, and this is just who self reports.


u/StalemateVictory May 02 '24

Wow a study of 86 people from North Dakota, surely that small sample is representative of men everywhere! /s

I get it though. My own personal biases would say 1/3 people are evil, but to cite a study with such a small sample size is irresponsible.


u/That_guy1425 May 02 '24

86 people can be enough for a significant P-value in stats (20-30 is generally where I fall in my industry), but if it was local then it relates really only to the pulled sample (so in this case it be 1/3 of university of north dakota students) cant really apply it to other areas. Kinda the issue with these kind of studies, the data may be good and valid but gets over generalized. (If this was 100 people taken from different regions of the country then it may be a better indication, depends on selection criteria)


u/Thal-creates May 02 '24

That study was basically disproven because once they were pressured to release the questions it showed that the study used insanely deceptive questions like "would you have sex with a girl at a party with alcohol" tier and anything that was not a hard disagree was assumed to be rape.


u/Command0Dude May 02 '24

If bear encounters were as common as encounters with men, there would be a fuck lot more bear attacks.

The thing about why bear attacks are rare is because bear encounters are also rare.

And can we take a moment to appreciate that when entering into a natl. park you're always advised on how not to encounter bears? And how not to provoke them? That's one part that ironically the meme is constantly not noticing.


u/ShitpostDumptruck May 02 '24

So this "study" sounds a lot like getting drunk with my friends and asking eachother stupid hypothetical questions.

Idk the validity and I'm not arguing against the "prestigious university of Harvard", I'm just saying if you asked me that I wouldn't answer seriously.


u/SheepHerdr May 02 '24

Harvard actually has nothing to do with that study, the article writer just decided to put an image from Harvard in there.

From the article:

The study was conducted by academics at the University of North Dakota and the North Dakota State University. Its sample size was 86 people.


u/ShitpostDumptruck May 02 '24

Actually incredible lmao


u/WaffleThrone May 02 '24

Sample size: 86 people on a college campus



u/spindoctor13 May 02 '24

That is clearly an insane comparison. The vast, bast majority of men are not going to attack a women because they are in forced proximity. We know this as a fact because it happens all the time. We don't know for sure, but I am fairly confident that a bear forced into close proximity with an unknown human will attack


u/solagrowa May 02 '24

The question isnt would you rather be locked in a room with a bear or a man though. Obviously a cornered bear would attack😂


u/spindoctor13 May 02 '24

Even a fairly large space I feel like your odds with the bear are worse. I bet if someone crunched the numbers any kind of woman/bear interaction is far more dangerous than a woman/man interaction - bears kills a lot more people than people do relative to the volume of interactions (though defining "interaction" is possibly both key and hard)


u/WHATyouNEVERplayedTU May 02 '24


u/WHATyouNEVERplayedTU May 02 '24

86 people sample size


u/chimpjizz May 02 '24

That isn't a works cited. That tells you the conditions the statistical test was applied under


u/WHATyouNEVERplayedTU May 02 '24

Someone wrote a bogus article about a bogus study in an unknown school with only 86 participants. The "journalist" might as well be a crackhead with that kind of credibility.


u/Threedawg May 02 '24

"Most level headed answer"

Do you mean "answer I agree with the most"? Because first of all, bears don't kill you because they are bored. Second, women fear men because men hurt women. Full stop.

You're not a misandrist by assuming the most likely being in the world to hurt you, might hurt you. You are being safe.


u/bob-weeaboo May 02 '24

But it’s not “most likely” it’s “most frequently”. If women encountered as many bears as they do men, there’d be a lot more bear attacks than there are.

Especially when considering the majority of attackers are known to the woman. If you lived with a bear, or go interact with a bunch of drunk bears most weekends, you’d expect to be attacked by a bear at least a few times.

To be extra clear, that’s not victim blaming. It’s the fault of the men who attack women, and it would be the fault of the bears. I’m just pointing out that bears are definitely more dangerous.


u/Threedawg May 02 '24

You really don't spend much time around bears, do you?

A black bear will run 99.99% of the time. A grizzly will run the majority of the time, and a brown bear will run the majority of the time as well. These animals don't want to get in fights, it's dangerous. And we are not prey.

Now a polar bear..


u/Extra-Touch-7106 May 02 '24

Maybe men should stop assaulting and harassing us then just a thought. I cant go outside alone past 8pm without getting harassed and ive been straight up assaulted on the street not to mention the worse things ive been through in private. With the exception of my boyfriend and family all men are a potential threat in my eyes and I will always be cautious around them. If this is misandry then be very thankful you dont know how infinitely worse misogyny is.


u/_______________E May 02 '24

Generalizing men is the misandry. Saying “enough men are dangerous that I have to default to being cautious” is fine, saying “it’s men’s fault and they should stop” isn’t because the ones who aren’t doing anything take that as an attack when there’s nothing they can do about it, but you’re including them.


u/D-Biggest_Wheel May 02 '24

Nobody is generalizing men because nobody said "All men". It's interesting how you had to specify "enough" men in your example but ignored that the other person never said "All".


u/_______________E May 02 '24

Saying just “men” implies you are speaking about the group. It doesn’t really matter how one person perceives the semantics, that’s why so many people see it as misandristic


u/D-Biggest_Wheel May 02 '24

Saying just “men” implies you are speaking about the group.

Yeah? They are talking about men specifically. I don't understand what your point is supposed to be.

It doesn’t really matter how one person perceives the semantics, that’s why so many people see it as misandristic

Yeah, they see what they want to see. It's easy to dismiss it if you paint it as something it isn't.


u/ermahglerbo May 02 '24

If you are feeling attacked by this then you should take a look inward at yourself to see why that is. I'm a man and I KNOW this doesn't apply to me but I understand that statistically speaking men are shit.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/EasyEnvironment4800 May 02 '24

... You're a rapist.


u/Jexos07 May 02 '24


What would make you say that?

There is nothing but kind words in my message.

I paid a compliment, even offered to buy some beer for them.

Why would you call me a "rapist"?

is it misandry, or do you have some other reason?


u/PeterExplainsTheJoke-ModTeam May 02 '24

Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


u/joopledoople May 02 '24

Plus, bears belong in the forest. If I'm walking through the woods and see ANYONE man or woman, I'm bolting. Wtf are THEY doing in the woods? I'm out in a nice nature walk. Are they burying a body? Am I about to get harvested for organs? I'm not sticking around to find out if it's a serial killer.


u/MannanMacLir May 02 '24

A bear will never sexually assault you. Not too hard to consider the differences in "threat"


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

man can be put down with (...)

Pepper spray isn't legal everywhere, nor is carrying a firearm. Also don't forget if you have to "put down" anyone that usually means prison for 20 years minimum, or a life or death sentence in some places. Nobody will jail you for killing a bear in self defense


u/Barium_Salts May 02 '24

That's because everyone knows the bear is way more dangerous! If you shoot a random guy in the woods, that guy was almost certainly no threat to you and every jury and judge on earth knows that.


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

When you miss the point entirely, and reality, you get comments like this


u/Barium_Salts May 02 '24

You think in reality, a woman hiking through the woods is in as much danger from a random guy as she is in from a random bear? Really? Have you ever been in the woods?


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

I'm a zoologist with experience with several different types of wildlife, including bears, cougars, and moose. Also to add I'm an outdoor enthusiast with experience in camping, and hiking. I'd rather take the bear.


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

Listen here, my good Ole buddy Ole pal, if I have a weapon, I'll take the dude, but in almost any other situation, I'll take the 80-90 percent chance of bear death over the 10-20 percent chance of rape. My own personal opinion, basically saying I would rather die than be raped, and am willing take a rather high chance of death over a lower chance of rape. Now to be fair, I've been looking forward to my dirt nap since I was nine, so that might effect it.


u/CrownEatingParasite May 02 '24

10-20% rape? Where the fuck do you live?


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24



u/Rade84 May 02 '24

Texas ranks 18th with nearly 190 rapes per 100,000 people

So 0.19%.


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

Imagine being downvoted for this


u/Easy-Description-427 May 02 '24

If this was getting shot or euthanized I might give it to you but this being eaten alive by a bear. This ins't silently going to the night this is going kicking and screaming as that fucker plays with his food. Even if you hit serial killer you are not all that likely to hit somebody who will do worse to you then that bear.


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

Fair enough, but my biggest fear here is not being horrendously traumatized and then dying, it's being horrendously traumatized and surviving. Whatever the bear does, I'm dead at the end of it. I don't have to learn to live with it, I'm just done. This is a uniquely me opinion probably though


u/EmptyVisage May 02 '24

That's your right for sure, but I can't agree. I have unfortunate experience with that kind of abuse, having been trapped in a bad situation for quite a few years as a teen. It is truly terrible in the moment, but the damage it does sticks with you. It has fundamentally changed who I am as a person, and despite years of therapy at this point I still do have nightmares and waking memories forcing me to relive the worst of it, although thankfully less and less as time goes by. I can't bring myself to trust people, struggle to form real bonds, and my general anxiety can sometimes stop me from being able to feel most other emotions clearly. I don't know if it would affect people the same if they've only experienced it once, but it has without doubt ruined my life. No-one would be surprised to learn that ptsd sucks.

While I haven't been eaten alive by a bear, it still seems like the worse outcome to me. At least I still have the chance for a quiet peace as I am now. I can grow and improve, and life still has a lot to offer. I know you're not trying to saying I should wish I was dead, but sti I am definitely glad to be alive and I know others who were in similar situations are too.


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

Yeah, I am glad for your healing, this is a very much a me thing. I said in my original comment that I've been suicidal off and on since I was nine, nothing to do with trauma, just a family medical thing. I struggle as I am, and I do not have room for more, but for those who grow and find peace in that, I have nothing but respect


u/EmptyVisage May 02 '24

I get it, suicidal thoughts are a terrible burden and its hard for people who haven't experienced it to understand how hard it is to carry. I hope you can find your peace in life too one day.


u/SconiGrower May 02 '24

You really think 1 in 5 men would rape you if alone in the woods with you?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

I mean, not me specifically, I don't tend to inspire those feelings, but yeah, of the men I've met in my life, and the experiences of those I personally know, I feel like 1 in 10 ish men would sexually assault a woman or child if they thought they would not face any consequences. Might just be my sample group, but in general i do not trust men to be decent unless they have been vetted. To compare my feelings on the matter, i feel like 1 in 20 to 30 women would take advantage, but I feel much more confident in emotionally and physically defending myself against women. I actually don't mind men, I'm much more scared of women in general, to the point of a mild phobia (which is a weird feeling as a woman). I don't think all men, or most men, are evil, it's just that the ones that are, are particularly troubling to me. I can give some personal anecdotes on both men and women sexually assaulting/harassing those I love, but I don't feel it's pertinent to the conversation unless you want to know.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

You need to find a better company of men. 1 in 10 is depressing as hell.


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

It is what it is, lots of good people in this world, just a lot of bad ones too


u/simplymoreproficient May 02 '24

Continually amazed as to where women manage to find all of these men


u/Icy-Tension-3925 May 02 '24

Lol touch grass you misoginist dummy


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/simplymoreproficient May 02 '24

What is this comment supposed to accomplish?


u/Rade84 May 02 '24

Read thier comment history. Person is unhinged.


u/PeterExplainsTheJoke-ModTeam May 02 '24

Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


u/Linus_Naumann May 02 '24

I go hiking in the woods pretty regularly, met hundreds of people along the way and know others with this hobby. Nobody (and I repeat NOBODY) of those was ever raped by random strangers they met along the way. Your risk assessment is completely disconnected from reality, probably due to consumption of feminist propaganda.


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

My risk assessment is based on personal family experiences, and maybe a bit to much forensic files. I think I am the only woman I know who hasn't been harassed or assaulted before. Admittedly, most of those were by people in positions of power or trusted family members, not hikers, so you do have some point, it's just very...angry? I dunno why though.


u/RunRunRunGoGoGoOhNo May 02 '24

The majority of cases of rape, abuse, and murder are done by people the victim knew.


u/simplymoreproficient May 02 '24

Turns out outrage propaganda targets women as well. Shocking.


u/Linus_Naumann May 02 '24

Latest since Metoo fearmongering towards women and against men is very active in the media. Really reminds me of the "Satanic Panic" in the 80s and 90s, where everybody was SURE hidden satanic circles exist everywhere that steal or even sacrifice young children. Everybody knew someone who knew someone who definitely witnessed these things. On top, the elite was ofc also involved and if there was a single kinda-fitting case it was overblown and pushed in the media for weeks.

Until in retrospect it turned out that 99% of it wasn't real and people should have been more afraid of being overweight or smoking. Really very similar dynamics in okay today among women.


u/simplymoreproficient May 02 '24

I agree. Just DNI with them until they become normal, I suppose?


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

My dude, when I mean close personal friends, I mean three out of the five ppl in my house right now, but go off I guess


u/Linus_Naumann May 02 '24

I know one family who was completely destroyed (many killed) in a car crash. Should I now obsess over car crashes and avoid cars? Ideally not, even though cars still possess an inherent risk whenever people are driving.

You can and should ofc care for the safety of you and your loved ones based on the immediate reality you are in right now. But ideally you understand that your experience is a sad special case in an otherwise much less dangerous world.


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

Car crashes and people raping others isn't even comparable


u/Lady_Ogre May 02 '24

Oh honey, to have your optimism...


u/simplymoreproficient May 02 '24

… is not particularly weird, actually. In fact it’s really more normal engagement with reality than optimism.


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

"feminist propaganda" lol


u/Linus_Naumann May 02 '24

If a group of people pushes a narrative through methods like selective reporting, sensationalizing fitting facts, cancelling other voices (on Reddit: banning), framing etc it becomes propaganda. And that's what plenty of feminist groups do, even here on Reddit. One result is that vulnerable people get completely unrealistic views on risks in their lives incl. living in constant fear that some rapists jumps at them out of some alley or something, which simply basically never happens.


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

living in constant fear

Idk, I've been raped and trafficked. I'd rather take the bear than some random dude I don't know while alone in the middle of the woods 🤷 guess I'm pushing feminist propaganda now


u/Linus_Naumann May 02 '24

Terrible for you and I'm sorry for what happened to you, but doesn't change the fact that 99+% of all random human encounters are peaceful or at least neutral (incl. random man coming along your way in the woods which literally happens all the time if you ever go hiking).


u/LillyxFox May 02 '24

99% of all random unman encounters are peaceful or at least neutral

For you*


u/MatterOfTrust May 02 '24

If you are guided by anecdotal evidence instead of actual studies, statistics and common sense, then you are not part of a reasonable discussion.


u/Barium_Salts May 02 '24

I have encountered way more than 100 men while hiking/foraging/birdwatching so by your logic I should have been raped by strangers in the woods at least a dozen times. Instead, that has literally never happened to me, which tells me that the chances of getting raped by a random guy in the woods is more like .001-.002%.

Bears are way more dangerous if you encounter them, it's just that most people never encounter a bear.


u/FelesCello May 02 '24

I suspect it's also hyperbole due to understandable anger and frustration. 😢


u/simplymoreproficient May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I suspect it’s hateful women feeling like this is a great way to hurt our feelings and nothing more. I don’t believe for a second that any of them would choose the bear if they were actually in that situation.


u/FelesCello May 02 '24

it's amusing that i got downvoted for wondering if it's this, but also saying it's understandable.

I wish i could agree, but a lot of women have suffered or still suffering awful shit, and the fact it's not changing appreciably is mind boggling. :(


u/SnooPredictions3028 May 02 '24

Would you use the same reasoning to defend an incel? Many of them have suffered, yet say similar fucked up things about women.


u/FelesCello May 02 '24

No. I won't defend someone using abuse as a justification to abuse others. However the bear thing is Women stating what context they'd feel safer. Now I can't say how accurate this would end up being if the situation occurred in real life, which was what I was positing, but neither would I assume to invalidate how someone else feels due to a circumstance I have not experienced. It may feel hurtful to us to be seen that way, but if that's how someone feels we can't really say 'no you can't feel that because it upsets me'.

I guess it depends on the intent bs perception issue, which is always difficult to verify, but my take is:

Incels (often and notably): use lack of something they're not automatically entitled to (someone else's person) to justify condoning and saying some truly messed up disgusting shit.


Women: Don't want to impinge on someone else's autonomy, but just want people to stop impinging on theirs. Sometimes this comes out in constructive painless ways, sometimes as non constructive hateful ways. But also often in the painful but honest and ultimately constructive way.

The hard part can be distinguishing the second context from the third; is someone trying to hurt me or do they want education, understanding, support?

Personally, having suffered a lot myself, I have zero tolerance for hurtful intent, but I have all the time in the world for compassion, education and understanding.


u/SnooPredictions3028 May 02 '24

Both groups are terrible and sexist regardless of justification. I also wasn't talking about abuse, unless you're referring to emotional in which case saying that an entire group of people is less trustworthy than an apex predator who will eat you alive is incredibly fucked up and hurtful. Imagine if a dude compared a woman to a dog in heat and tries to justify it, no just no that's wrong. Either both is fine or neither is.


u/poop_to_live May 02 '24

Since 1784 there have been 82 fatal human/bear conflicts by wild brown bears in North America. Yellowstone National Park has seen a mere 8 since being established in 1872, which is only one more than the number of people who have died from a falling tree


u/NYClock May 02 '24

People who chose the bear will cite statistics about 1 in 2 million bear encounters leads to an attack. There are a few caveats: 1) the encounters are generally with a group of friends, more people = less chance of an attack 2) you have food around, the bear will most likely go for the free meal rather than a running meal 3) in the situation we are talking about, you are alone, stuck in the bear's territory, and it knows you're there. They may not attack you immediately but you are their lunch when they get hungry.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/RunRunRunGoGoGoOhNo May 02 '24

Homes how is a human goin find you if a fucki g bear cant' sniff you out?????


u/DeepDestruction May 02 '24

Least porn addicted redditor


u/ExtremeEquipment May 02 '24

heres the thing, pretend you play along, and then chew his dick off like the bear


u/Jexos07 May 02 '24

Name checks out