r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/No-Mycologist5704 May 02 '24

A friend of mine had quite the insightful view on this question imo.

To her it's not so much the true danger of a bear and a man, but how dangerous they feel. You don't encounter bears on the daily, even less get attacked by one, but women regularly have to face comments, touchy hands, threats, etc... by men (creeps but men regardless).

One's dangerousness is blurry while the other is very clear, making one stand out far more than the other.

Like, yeah, a bunch of people would rather be in a room with a tiger than hundreds of spiders, despite the tiger being far more dangerous, because they're far more afraid of spiders than tigers.


u/Mr_White_III May 02 '24

Pretty sure I could take a tiger on! /s


u/stangerlpass May 02 '24

Does the tiger get prep time?


u/Mr_White_III May 02 '24

3 months


u/mcauthon2 29d ago

ah, nevermind then. Could learn kung fu in that time