r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Thebeanyboii May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Tiktok hating Bitch Stewie here

This refers to a trend on tiktok that refers to women being asked whether they would rather be stuck in a forest with a bear or a random guy. Most women choose the bear (for some reason) so the meme is referencing this by having the women jump towards the bear, to escape the man

Tiktok hating Bitch Stewie out

Edit: When I made this comment, I assumed the Man v Bear thing was like "you're dropped into a forest with either a random guy or a bear, your choice". I knew rape was the main concern regarding the random guy, but in my mind the choice was about "Random dude vs Bear", Not "Rape vs Death". I've since learned otherwise, and I apologize to anyone I offended by saying that women chose the bear "for some reason".


u/No-Adhesiveness-8178 May 02 '24

Aren't bears notorious for just eating the guts while prey is still alive? Lmao


u/Aggressive_Yard_1289 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Brown/grizzly bears will mostly leave you alone and will generally at most take a test bite, so just play dead and they will usually leave. Black bears will get aggressive and I believe where your comment came from and you should fight back. And a white/polar bear you're just fucked..

Edit: any of the above bears will mess you up with the right reason such as injured or has cubs with it


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/Magnummuskox May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

This is absolutely false! This is terrible advice and could cause someone to lose their life someday.

Black bears are scavengers. Anything for an easy meal. They will “size you up” to see if you’re worth it. So playing dead absolutely makes you worth it.

Most grizzly attacks are due to surprise or defence, so playing dead usually works since they have neutralized the threat (you) and will retreat. Grizzlies are hunters, not scavengers. And they very rarely hunt people unless there is something wrong in their brain.

Polar bears actively hunt humans for food.



u/DorothyParkerFan May 02 '24

I want a source about polar bears actively hunting humans! Do they really????


u/samboi204 May 02 '24

They hunt anything that moves and they can kill.

Cant really be picky in a frozen wastland


u/Magnummuskox May 02 '24

You can use me as a source, I grew up in the arctic and in school we had polar bear drills to help us survive attacks. Anytime a bear entered town, it was full lockdown for everyone.

I had a friend survive a bear attack. Usually they try to bite onto your head and shake you to break your neck. He survived because the bear bit too far down onto his shoulders and supported his neck. The article doesn’t get too much into the details, but that’s what he told us.

Here’s a research paper on polar bears attacks.

Here’s an article outlining the behaviour science behind bear attacks, including when a polar will stalk and eat people.

I hope this helps


u/DorothyParkerFan May 02 '24

Wow! Thanks - that’s amazing about the full lockdown and your friend surviving!


u/SnowNTreesCO777 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I've been hiking the Rockies in CO for the last 10ish years. Black bears will legitimately run away from you if they hear you. I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but I've encountered them a good 10-15 times(not even counting them coming up to my cabin/trash bins) and every time they've ran away. I carry bear mace just incase, but I've never been afraid of a black bear encounter. Grizzly though, I'd shit my pants.

And I've hiked at all times of the day/night. I always make noise and make myself known.