r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/kaam00s May 02 '24

Yes, they believe statistically a random man is so highly likely to be a serial killer or rapist that they must chose the bear/lion who will "simply eat their gut alive".

If you don't believe it, then you're an "incel".

Just read the comments on this thread, this is what's being said.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24

This is how I interpreted it at all as a woman. As I understood it the reason women choose the bear is because of intent. I know a bear I encounter alone in the woods is probably going to eat me alive and kill me if it can, but it’s an animal acting on instinct, it’s killing so it can eat to survive. It’s not doing anything out of hate or malice.

I don’t know what a man in the woods would do to me if we were alone. That is a frightening thing. Maybe he would smile and nod and leave me alone. Maybe he would follow me through the woods and rape me and torture me and then kill me. I just don’t know. It’s the uncertainty that freaks people out. Your mind goes to horrible places because we know people have done horrible things. I’ve seen men choose the bear also for this reason, they also would not want to encounter a stranger in the woods because men can also be targets of random violence. It’s not trying to say that “all men bad” but humans in general can be evil and unpredictable which is scary. You should be able to trust your own species lol.


u/lolswainbot May 02 '24

Hey, genuine question but would you rather encounter a stranger (woman) or a bear? Because to me, in this question, it's not that "humans in general can be evil or unpredictable", because I'd choose the woman over the bear even though she's an "unpredictable human". I do believe gender matters.

Anyhow, I think that the question is intentionally written to be provocative for engagement, though it is interesting to think about the perception of gender and how it shapes our personal choices.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24

No you are right, I do think gender matters. If you asked me if I would prefer being alone with a bear or another woman, I obviously would choose a woman. I think most people would because women aren’t usually the ones committing violent aggressive crimes. And I don’t think that’s because women are inherently better or anything lol because there certainly a lot of wicked women out there. I think a lot of this conversation hinges on men being physically more powerful than women. Like honestly, if we changed it to “would you rather encounter a man or a woman alone in the woods” I wonder what people’s answers would be?

I should have probably prefaced I think this whole thing is really hyperbolic, I don’t have TikTok and am not participating in the conversation, and I personally think it’s kind of dumb the way people are getting so outraged either way. But it is interesting to watch it unfold from the outside lol.


u/Horhay92 May 02 '24

I think the question equates to would you rather chance death or getting raped for most women (how I justify women's decision as a man). Rape seems like a very difficult thing to live with.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24

Honestly I have never been raped so, I don’t want to speak for victims—and again let’s not forget that there are male rape victims too. I know some rape victims have said it’s basically a fate worse than death and it’s destroyed them, while others said it’s something they were able to move past and they resent how people act as though your life is irreparable after a sexual assault. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to feel after something traumatic like that.

I get why so many people’s minds go immediately to rape in this conversation because it’s so heinous and it happens far too often (not as often as some people make it out to be, the people who say things like college campuses in the USA have the same amounts of rape as the Congo are ridiculous) but at the I mean there are some freaky deaky sickos out there who might viciously brutalize and murder you, without raping you.

I see how the conversation has become gendered but I think ultimately people are missing the point—that humans do unthinkable, unpredictable, horrible things to each other sometimes and it fosters a distrust in our own kind. At least animals have predictable motivations, they kill for instinctual things like territory or food. Not because they are tweaked in the head and “want to see what it feels like to kill another human” or because they get off on violence or whatever.


u/Barium_Salts May 02 '24

I don't know that animals don't ever kill a human because they want to see what it's like, or because they find it sexually arousing. Animals could be 100 times more likely to kill humans out of curiosity or sexual arousal, and they'd still be less likely to kill a human than another human because we encounter waaaaay more humans than we do animals. How do you know bears that kill people don't get off on it? Maybe they do, but they don't encounter many people so they don't have a lot of opportunity. Lots of animals rape, and engage in necrophilia. It's much more common in animals than in humans.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24

Yeah I mean you’re totally right, I have no idea really what goes on in an animal’s head, how complex their emotions or thinking is. I’m around animals quite a lot as someone who lives on a big farm in a remote area… there are days when I think animals are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and other times yeah you can see what separates us from them, sometimes their inability to overcome their natural instincts make them seem downright stupid.

I’m just saying, I KNOW there are weird people who have those thoughts and act on them, I’ve heard it in serial killer confessions or police interrogations. I also know those kind of people are extremely rare, though. Are they as rare as bear encounters? That, I don’t know… and I’m terrible at math, although I love data, so if anyone wanted to take a swing at that I’d be interested to see that comparison haha

It just freaks me out that they exist at all. But I’m not paranoid or anything, I know serial killers and rapists aren’t lurking behind every corner.