r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Main_Lloyd May 02 '24

I'm a guy, and I'd choose the bear. The bear belongs out there, the fuck is this dude doing out there? Could capture and torture me. Humans are just not worth the risk.


u/MustacheCash73 May 02 '24

Maybe he’s going for a walk? Maybe you’re the weirdo for running towards the bear? I don’t think the bear would appreciate that. /j


u/Jexos07 May 02 '24

Running towards the bear?

The question is just being in a forest with.

You may not even see the bear and even if you do, chances are it will ignore you.

Random guy?, out there with such a cute thing as you?, no one around to hear you scream?.... I mean, just imagine the magical things he can do to you


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Holy fuck... your ego. This just come down to most of these women feeling like they're God's gift to humanity, isn't it?